Chapter Six

Sam walked down the corridor heading for the cafeteria after having completed

her therapy. She was hot, tired, and sweaty; Tony had worked her hard. She'd

been out of the hospital for two weeks and happy to finally ditch the crutches,

she tried to use the cane he'd provided as little as possible. Frank and Cheryl

had left the previous Sunday to return to San Francisco so she'd been driving

herself to her therapy appointments all week. Jess and Kim had also spent the

weekend in San Diego then driven Frank and Cheryl to the airport on their way

back to Los Angeles. She had tried several times over the weekend to corner

Kim to find out what had gone on the previous weekend but the blond had

managed to avoid being alone with her. After seeing another meeting of Frank

and Jess in the hall, she'd tried to ask Jess about it but she conveniently

changed the subject. Sam had finally given up figuring they'd tell her when they

were ready. She appreciated everything her siblings had done for her but was

happy to have her space again. She still wasn't sleeping well and the well

meaning but constant hovering by her brother and his wife had been getting on

her nerves. She was still plagued with recurring dreams of Riley and couldn't

seem to get the beautiful redhead out of her thoughts no matter how hard she

tried. Just forget it Sam, she doesn't want anything to do with you. She reminded



Riley had just completed an extensive surgery on a car accident victim. She was

tired and sweaty and just wanted something cold to drink. The machine upstairs

was out of order so she headed for the cafeteria. The last two weeks had taken

an emotional toll on her. She couldn't get thoughts of Sam out of her head and

had come to the realization she'd made a terrible mistake. She had been

miserable the last two weeks knowing she'd thrown something precious aside

using the excuse of not getting involved with a patient. The truth was Sam

McKenna scared her, she stirred feelings in her she didn't know she was

capable of feeling. She dreamed repeatedly of the beautiful cop and woke each

time soaked and incredibly aroused. She'd always considered herself to have an

almost non-existent sex drive until Sam entered her life. It wasn't just about the

sexual thoughts either; she missed the woman something fierce. She hadn't

realized how much she'd looked forward to and enjoyed their conversations.

Just being around the woman had made her feel good. She'd gone as far as

going down to patient affairs and pulling Sam's admission records to get her

phone number and address. She hadn't been able to convince herself to call and

still carried the piece of paper with the information in her lab coat pocket. Riley

still couldn't believe the way she'd acted practically throwing herself at Sam then

insisting they couldn't be involved and running away. She knew it was unlikely

the woman would even speak to her if she ever managed to work up the nerve

to call her.


As she entered the cafeteria the hair on the back of her neck suddenly stood up.

She turned and her jaw dropped in shock. As if conjured by her thought there

stood Sam McKenna in the cafeteria line. Riley's eyes skimmed over her profile

taking in every detail. She was wearing sweats pants and a sweat stained t-shirt

with her damp black hair pushed back off her face. Riley sighed if anything she

was even more beautiful than she'd remembered. She didn't know what to do.

Should she approach her? Before she could make up her mind Sam suddenly

stiffened then turned to look directly at her, their eyes locked. Riley felt the

breath catch in her throat. She stood as if her feet were glued to the floor. She

deflated when Sam turned away again turning her back on her. Riley blinked

trying to stop the tears that had formed behind her eyes from falling. She

couldn't blame Sam for her reaction. She was the one who'd kissed and groped

her then insisted they couldn't be involved. Riley started to walk away then

stopped. Damn it, she muttered to herself, this might be the only chance you

get. Get your ass over there, apologize, and pray she'll listen to you. She ordered herself sternly.

Sam didn't know how but she knew before she turned that Riley was standing

there. All the hurt and anger she had been trying to overcome come boiling to

the surface at her first sight of the beautiful redhead in her rumpled scrubs. She

wanted to rush over and shake her until she came to her senses. At the same

time, the deep hurt Riley had caused kept her standing in place. She bitterly

reminded herself that Riley had made it clear she didn't want to be involved with

her. So she turned back to her place in the line wanting to just leave but

unwilling to risk walking past Riley.

Sam paid for the lunch she no longer wanted and headed for the nearest

trashcan her eyes never leaving her tray. She started when a soft hand grasped

her forearm. Sam knew who it was before she even looked down. She met the

violet eyes that haunted her dreams. She wasn't sure how long they stood and

simply stared at each other. Finally hearing someone loudly clear their throat,

she realized she was blocking the trashcan. She stepped aside never breaking

Riley's gaze.

Riley was speechless with one look into those amazing blue eyes. She could

clearly see the anger and hurt and knew it was up to her to make the first move.

She mentally shook herself trying to clear her thoughts.

"We need to talk," she said softly.

"I don't think we have anything to say to each other Dr. Connolly. You made that

perfectly clear the last time we spoke." Sam responded angrily. That wasn't what

Sam had wanted to say but her anger got the better of her. She cared for Riley

more than she had any woman she'd ever met and Riley had tossed her aside

without even giving her a chance.

Riley felt the tears break free and run down her cheeks. She knew she should

just walk away. She was making a public spectacle of herself. She didn't care

though; she had to convince Sam to listen to her... to give her a chance.

Riley reached out softly stroking Sam's arm. She couldn't help herself she

needed to touch her. When Sam didn't pull away, she felt her first spark of hope.

"Please Sam, I'm begging you. I made a mistake. Please!" Riley's voice was

getting louder.

Sam wanted to pull away from her touch but couldn't force herself to do it. She

looked around and saw they were starting to attract attention. When the tears

started pouring down Riley's cheeks her resolve broke.

"Okay, but not here." Sam finally acquiesced.

Before Sam could say anything else, Riley grabbed the tray out of her hand.

"Follow me please." She requested before heading for the door.

Sam followed docilely behind her enjoying the gentle sway of her hips as she

walked imagining what she'd look like without the clothes. She mentally slapped

herself. Don't even go there.

Riley led them to a small courtyard with several tables. She put the tray down on

the table and sat on one of the benches motioning Sam to sit next to her. Sam

looked longingly at the bench and then purposely walked over and sat at the

bench on the other side of the table opposite Riley. Riley looked at her with a

hurt expression but Sam hardened her heart. She didn't trust herself sitting so

close to Riley.

"So what did you want to talk about Dr. Connolly?" Sam asked trying hard to

keep her face expressionless. She wanted nothing more than to sweep Riley up

in her arms and kiss her senseless.

Riley cleared her throat before speaking. This was the only chance she would

get to convince Sam she'd made a mistake and ask her forgiveness. She knew

there was a very good chance Sam would choose to walk away. She'd hurt her

with her actions and she needed to take responsibility for that. It was time to lay

her cards on the table no matter what the cost.

"I made a terrible mistake Sam. The last two weeks have been the most

miserable of my life. I couldn't stop thinking about you and what I might have

thrown away. At first, I really did feel I couldn't be involved with a patient. Then

later when I found myself caring about you way beyond what a doctor feels for a

patient it scared me. You stirred something in me I'd never felt before and it

terrified me. I know I acted horribly and gave you mixed signals. I can't tell you

how sorry I am I hurt you."

Riley looked into Sam's eyes hoping to get some kind of reaction. Her eyes were

flat emotionless silver and impossible to read. Riley was getting desperate.

"Please believe me Sam I never meant to hurt you. I care about you deeply.

Please I'm begging you, give me another chance." Riley swiped away the tears

that had started to fall.

Sam wanted to believe Riley. It was taking everything she had to present an

emotionless demeanor to her. She just didn't know if she could do it. If Riley

changed her mind again Sam didn't think she could take it. She sighed heavily.

She was just kidding herself. She cared too deeply already not to give them a

chance no matter what the risks.

'I'm still your ex-patient." Sam reminded her.

"I don't care!" Riley stated emphatically.

"So where do we go from here?" Sam asked allowing her gaze to soften.

Riley almost swooned in relief.

"Have lunch with me?"

Sam smiled. "That's a start."

"Okay, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Riley walked several steps way and turned back. "You won't leave right? You'll wait for me?"

Sam felt her heart soften further. Riley looked so nervous and scared she was

almost pleading.

"No Riley I won't leave. I promise. I'll be here when you get back." Sam assured


Riley flashed a brilliant smile before heading back to the cafeteria almost running

in her haste to get back to Sam.


Sam smiled as Riley escorted her out to her car. They had spent over two hours

in the courtyard talking. It had been awkward and uncomfortable at first but as

time went on both women relaxed. Riley had apologized several more times for

the way she'd treated her. Sam had finally assured her she was willing to let the

past go and start again. They caught up with the past two weeks. Riley

questioned her extensively on her recovery and therapy. She couldn't help

noticing and mentioned that Sam appeared to have lost weight and looked tired.

Not wanting Riley to feel any guiltier than she already did Sam passed it off as

nothing. She could tell Riley didn't believe her but was glad when she let it drop.

They stopped next to Sam's car suddenly awkward with each other again.

Neither knew what to say nor where to go from here. After several moments of

simply staring at each other Sam couldn't help laughing to herself. This is

ridiculous. I've dreamed about this woman for weeks. All I wanted was a chance

to see if anything would come of what seems so strong between us. Now I've

got it and we're standing here staring at each other like dummies. She shook her

head before reaching out for Riley's hand.

"How about dinner tonight?"

Riley immediately looked stricken and Sam stiffened and attempted to pull her

hand away. She's going to do it to you again! Her mind screamed.

Riley tightened her grip on Sam's hand not allowing her to pull away. "I'm sorry

Sam I can't."

Here it comes, Sam's little voice supplied.

"I'm on in-house call tonight. How about tomorrow night?"

Sam was so caught up listening to her little voice tell her what a fool she was

she missed the rest of what Riley said.

"Okay fine, no problem." She pulled away and opened the car door.

Riley grabbed her arm pulling her back around to face her. Sam's face had gone

blank when she'd said she was sorry.

"Wait, okay fine what? Dinner tomorrow?"


"I'm on in-house call tonight. How about dinner tomorrow?" Riley repeated.

Sam looked confused. "You are? You want to go to dinner tomorrow?" Her smile


Riley sighed in relief. "Yes Sam I'd love to go to dinner with you tomorrow."

Sam didn't know what had just happened. One minute she was sure Riley was

turning her down and the next she had a dinner date with her. She couldn't help

the grin that broke out on her face.

Sam thought quickly. "How about that Italian place? I forget the name... on Third

in Hillcrest." Sam suggested.

"I've never been there but I like Italian." Riley said.

"They have great food. I'll pick you up, say about 6pm."

"It's a date!" Riley said smiling brilliantly at Sam. She gave Sam directions to her condo in Del Mar and the code to the security gate.

The two women stood grinning at each other neither one wanting to say

goodbye. Riley's pager shrilled ending the standoff.

Riley pulled it off her belt and checked the display. "I have to go. It's the ER."

Before she could stop herself, she quickly stepped forward and put her hand on

the back of Sam's neck pulling her down. Sam didn't resist she remembered well

the sweet taste of Riley's lips. Their lips met in a brief kiss. It was just as Riley

remembered and her arousal soared. She went back for a second taste. Sam

pulled her into a tight embrace as the kiss deepened. She licked Sam's lips

begging entrance that Sam eagerly granted. Just as her tongue slipped into

Sam's mouth and began to explore her pager shrilled again.

She pulled away with a groan her heart pounding. "I have to go. I'll see you

tomorrow at 6." She hurried across the parking lot. It wasn't until she was almost

to the ER that she realized she'd been locked in a passionate kiss with Sam in

the middle of the parking lot where anyone could've seem them. I guess that's

one way to come out, she laughed to herself. She wondered if anyone had seen

them then decided she didn't give a damn she felt too wonderful to care.

Sam stood leaning against her car watching Riley rush across the parking lot.

She glanced up and noticed an older man dressed in a lab coat glaring at her.

She wondered what his problem was then it dawned on her. He'd seen her

kissing Riley. She resisted the urge to flip him off. She felt too damn good to

care about some homophobe.


Sam stood nervously outside the security gate leading to Riley's condo complex.

She'd parked in the visitor lot and was now looking for Riley's condo number.

She pulled the slip of paper out of her pocket that Riley had written the security

code on. As she punched in the number another couple came up behind her.

"Hi." She greeted.

They just looked at her their eyes lingering on her cane before carefully skirting

her and walking away. Sam shrugged her shoulders and looked around. The

complex was beautiful with incredible landscaping, not a leaf out of place. She

finally spotted Riley's condo. She checked her appearance one last time before

ringing the bell. Her black jeans fit well but not tight, as her incision was still

tender, the blue polo shirt was just the right shade to bring out the color of her

eyes and her engineer boots shined. She glanced down at the mixed flower

bouquet in her hand wondering if Riley even liked flowers. Knowing she was just

stalling she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and rang the bell.

It seemed like forever before the door opened but in truth, it was less than a

minute. Riley greeted her with a bright smile. Sam allowed her eyes to skim the

length of Riley. She was wearing stone faded jeans with an emerald green long

sleeve shirt open in the front showing a white tank top underneath. It was the

first time that Sam had seen her in anything but scrubs. God she'd

beautiful. When she finally made it up to Riley's eyes their gaze locked and they

simply stared at each other for several moments neither one quite able to


"Hi." Sam finally greeted then kicked herself mentally. Hi that was the best you could do after standing there ogling her. She suddenly remembered the flowers.

She held the flowers out to Riley. So far, Riley hadn't said a word.

Riley was busy trying to force her mouth to work. Her brain was too busy

drooling over Sam to form a coherent sentence. She had only seen her in a

hospital gown or sweats. Being that gorgeous should be illegal! was Riley's first

thought. She finally noticed the flowers Sam was holding out and blushed. She

reached out to take them and their fingers brushed. She jerked back slightly

when an electric tingle ran up her arm.

"Come on in Sam, it's good to see you." Riley said kick starting her brain back in gear.

Riley led Sam into the living room. "Make yourself at home. I'll be right back. I

want to put these in some water."

Sam looked around the living room. It appeared like something out of a

magazine. The stark white leather couch and pale rose side chair sat on thick

beige carpeting. The end table and coffee table were glass with metal bases.

The coffee table was bare and the end table held only a lamp. The walls were

white and several impressionist paintings adorned the walls. A small mahogany

entertainment center that was closed up sat off to the side. It looked like a model

where no one lived. Sam felt incredibly out of place. She sat gingerly on the

edge of the sofa waiting Riley's return.

Riley breezed back into the room carrying a crystal vase filled with the flowers

Sam brought. She set them down in the middle of the coffee table then flopped

into the chair next to the couch.

"Thank you for the flowers they're beautiful."

"You're welcome."

The two women looked at each other unsure of what to say next. Riley finally

broke the silence.

"Would you like a tour?"

"Sure lead on." Sam said rising carefully from the sofa.

They headed into the kitchen first. It was just as stark as the living room. The

countertops were bare not even sporting your typical coffeemaker. The cabinets

were white with black accents; the counters were black marble. All the

appliances were stainless steel. There was a breakfast nook in the corner that

showed the only sign of life in the form of a small plant in the center of the table.

They headed upstairs next. There was a full bath off the hall again; it could have

come straight out of the pages of a magazine. The towels were perfectly

matched and the counter held a small basket with shaped soaps that appeared

to have never been used.

"I use the second bedroom as an office. Come on I'll show you." She offered.

The office matched the rest of the house. Everything was picture perfect there

wasn't even a pen or piece of paper on the ordered computer desk. The

bookshelves lining the room had the books neatly arranged by size. Sam

couldn't help comparing the room to her cluttered second bedroom that acted as

a guest room and housed her computer on a small desk tucked in the corner.

She was lucky if she could even find the desk under all the disks and CD's not to

mention all the papers. That's when it stuck her how little she actually knew

about Riley. She had only known the charismatic doctor in the hospital setting as

she breezed in and out of her room. This was a Riley she didn't know and she

began to wonder how the obviously upscale surgeon would view her decidedly

middle class life. Sam shook away the gloomy thoughts and followed Riley down

the hall. Riley stopped outside the last room at the end of the hall but didn't


"This is my bedroom," she said shyly.

Sam glanced in the door. It was the first room that looked like someone lived

there. There was a brass bed against the far wall unmade with clothes thrown all

over it. The dresser sitting on the wall near the window had keys, pens and

various paraphernalia strewn across the top. There were several prints that

looked to be by Ansel Adams. Riley pulled the door shut before Sam could get a

better look. She glanced at Riley and noticed her embarrassed flush.

"Excuse the mess, I didn't get home 'til late and my bedroom is the one place

the cleaning lady doesn't do." Riley explained.

"No problem, you should see mine." Sam said trying to ease Riley's obvious

embarrassment. Riley smiled gratefully before turning to walk back down the


A cleaning lady huh, well that explains the spotless rooms. It was just one more

thing emphasizing the differences in their lives.

They made their way back to the living room. Sam sat on the couch and Riley

sat in the chair next to it. They make mindless small talk for a few minutes

before the stilted conversation finally trailed off. Riley could see Sam was

uncomfortable but couldn't figure out why.

"So how long have you lived here?" Sam asked. Maybe she just moved in and

that's why everything is so sterile. She hasn't had time to add her own flair to things.

"Oh I've been here three years. My aunt and uncle pick the place out when I

started my Fellowship here."

Sam tried hard to hide her shock. Deciding it was time to change the subject she

glanced at her watch. "We need to leave if we're going to make our

reservations." She told Riley.

They head for the door and Sam breathed a sigh of relief as they left the condo.

She'd been very uncomfortable and felt incredibly out of place.


As they walk toward Sam's car Riley was having second thoughts. This wasn't

turning out the way she expected. She stopped just as they reach the security


"You want me to follow you? That way you won't have to drive all the way back

up here after dinner."

Sam frowned. Doesn't she want to ride with me? She wondered. She couldn't

quite read the look on Riley's face so decided to take a chance. "It would be my

pleasure to drive you to the restaurant then escort you home." Riley's reaction

was a bright smile. "Come your chariot awaits." Sam said smiling naturally for

the first time since entering the condo complex. She gallantly offered her arm to


Riley took the offered arm squeezing it in response. She'd thought Sam was

regretting asking her out and was trying to give her a way out in case things

didn't improve.

Sam led Riley to her 98' Thunderbird opening the door for her. Sam couldn't help

noticing her car was the oldest one in the sparsely populated visitor's lot. As she

slid into the driver's seat, she felt a need to defend the car.

"I've never found another car with this much leg room. I was bummed when Ford

stopped making them."

Riley looked over to see Sam's long legs stretched out under the wheel. "I can

see that, I hope the seat isn't stuck in that position. I couldn't even reach the

pedals to drive."

Sam grinned; pleased Riley would even consider driving her car. "Don't worry we

could always get you those little blocks made for the pedals," she teased.

Sam burst out laughing at the look of outrage on Riley's face. Riley leaned over

the console lifting up slightly until she was next to Sam's ear.

"Watch it." She growled. "I'm a doctor and know just where to really hurt you."

Sam shivered at the sensation of Riley's hot breath in her ear. It caused a spark

of arousal to shoot through her body. Riley noticed Sam's sudden shiver.

"You should be afraid." She said with a satisfied smirk before sliding back into

her seat.

Sam grinned at her. If you only knew doc, she thought to herself. Sam reached

over and patted Riley's thigh. "I'll be good. No more vertically challenged jokes."

Riley looked over at Sam's grinning face, her eyes sparkling. Here was the

woman she'd come to know in the hospital. Her face was alight with mischief.

She relaxed back into the seat as the tight band across her chest let go. She

hadn't realized how tense she'd been.

Sam saw Riley sink into the seat and her whole body appeared to relax. She felt

the knot in her stomach disappear. They laughed and joked with each other all

the way down to the restaurant.


Riley looked around with interest as they waited to be seated. The restaurant

consisted of one large room decorated with a variety of item from maps of

Europe to photographs of Italy. The tables were covered with checkerboard table

clothes. She started noticing the clientele. She had never seen so many same-

sex couples in one place before. There were a few heterosexual couples but

they were in the minority. The hostess came over to seat them.

"Hey Sam, long time no see." The hostess said hugging Sam. "How are you

doing? I heard about the shooting. Are you alright?" She asked glancing down at

Sam's cane.

"Hey Mary, I'm good. Going to physical therapy. I'll be back on the job soon. I'd

like you to meet my friend Riley."

"Hello Riley," Mary greeted politely. She checked the other woman out noting

how close she stood to Sam. I wonder just how close friends they are?

Mary led them over to a small table.

"How about one of the booths?" Sam asked. Mary glanced over at Riley to see

her reaction. She appeared clueless. Sam only asked for a booth when she

brought a hot date.

"Sure Sam, if you're positive that's what you want?" Mary glanced over at Riley

again; she just didn't seem Sam's type. She usually didn't go for the quiet shy


Sam grinned. "Oh yeah, I'm sure."

Riley wasn't sure what was going on. It felt like she was missing half the


Mary led them to a small booth. Sam slid in first then moved over next to Riley

once she sat down. Their thighs pressed together under the table. Sam's arm

rested on the back of the booth above Riley's shoulders. It was very cozy.

"Bring you a bottle of the house wine?" Mary asked.

Sam turned to Riley. "Is that okay with you?"

"You go ahead Sam; I'm on backup call tonight so I'll have to pass." As she

spoke, Riley unconsciously laid her hand on Sam's arm.

"We'll pass Mary. Bring us both an ice tea please." She glanced over at Riley to

see if that met her approval. Riley nodded her thanks.

All the tension from the condo seemed to have dissipated. They laughed and

talked easily during dinner. Sam told stories of her experiences as a police

officer and of growing up with Jess and Frank. The plates were cleared away

and they sat having coffee.

"So you've met my sister and brother. What about you do you have any

siblings?" Sam asked.

"No I'm an only child." Riley said looking sad.

"That must have been lonely growing up. Even with all we fought, I love my

sister and brother like crazy. Our folks always accused us of prematurely aging

them with our antics. Guess your folks never accused you of that huh?" Sam


Sam sobered when she noticed Riley's stricken look.

"What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

Riley was fighting to control her emotions. She swallowed hard before turning to

face Sam.

"My folks died when I was a kid, my aunt and uncle raised me."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Sam felt terrible that she'd brought up such a painful subject.

"It's Okay. There's no way you could've known." Riley assured. "I don't get a chance to talk about them much. I still miss them terribly."

Sam's heart went out to Riley, she could feel the pain radiating off of her.

She was never sure later what prompted her to ask. She met Riley's eyes. "Tell

me about them."

Riley looked hesitant for a moment but saw the honest interest in Sam's eyes.

Her aunt and uncle never wanted her to talk about her folks. She hoarded her

memories of them; it was all she had left. She found herself wanting to share

something so precious to her with Sam.

"My dad grew up in LA. My grandfather was a lawyer. He met my Mom in high

school. They were high school sweethearts and married not long after

graduation. My grandfather wanted my Dad to follow in his older brother's

footsteps and become a surgeon. My Dad refused, he had always dreamed of

owning his own garage to repair and restore classic cars. They moved to San

Diego and my Dad worked at a local Ford dealer, restoring cars at night and on

weekends. He made a name for himself and finally convinced my grandfather to

help him buy his own shop. It was a booming success. He had people bringing

classic cars to him from all over California to repair and restore. My Mom worked

as the receptionist and bookkeeper for the garage. They'd been trying for years

to have a child and had pretty much given up; then when my Mom was thirty,

she got pregnant with me. It was a hard pregnancy and the doctors told her she

would never have any more children. My Mom always told me she didn't care;

she had me and that I was a special gift from God." Riley got a little choked up

and stopped to drink some of her coffee. She looked at the table not making eye

contact with Sam.

Sam put her finger under Riley's chin bringing her head up until their eyes met.

"They obviously loved you very much."

Riley smiled even as several tears leaked out. She took a deep breath before


"I was very close to both my folks but I was a real daddy's girl. I went

everywhere with him. He always said 'Any where I go my girl can go' I even went

to the barbershop with him. My mom had a real fit one time when I convinced

him to let the barber cut my hair real short. We used to work on cars and go to

all the ball games together. I was a real tomboy back then." Riley's voice trailed

off it was obvious her emotions were getting the best of her.

"Tell me the rest." Sam quietly encouraged.

"When I was 10 I begged my folks for weeks to let me spend the night at my

friend's house. It was so cool. There were six siblings spaced two years apart.

I'd never been exposed to anything like that before. They finally gave in and let

me spend the night. They decided to drive up the coast for a romantic dinner

and some time together. Coming back it was very foggy. A semi-truck hit a car

and over turned. It caused a multiple car pile up on I-5." Riley's voice started to

hitch as the tears poured down her face. Sam had to struggle to understand her.

"My folks were killed instantly when a second semi couldn't stop and ran over

their car."

Sam gathered the now sobbing Riley in her arms. Several people in the

restaurant glanced over to see what was wrong but quickly turned back to their

meals when Sam glared at them.

Riley savored the comfort of Sam's arms as she struggled to get her emotions

under control. She looked up and happened to catch a glimpse of another patron

watching them. She stiffened slightly suddenly remembering they are in the

middle of a restaurant. She could hear her aunt's scolding voice. 'You're making

a spectacle of yourself in public Riley'.

She reluctantly pulled away from Sam. Her face flushed with crying and

embarrassment. She couldn't meet her eyes.

"I'm so sorry. Here I am pouring out my life story and making a spectacle of

myself. I didn't mean to embarrass you." She kept her eyes firmly on the table

not wanting to see the disapproving light in Sam's eyes. "I'm sorry." She


"Riley look at me." Sam waited. Riley still wouldn't look up. She gently lifted her chin looking into sad violet eyes. Riley was amazed by what she saw in Sam's

eyes all the caring and compassion. It made her start to choke up again.

"I'm glad you told me. I'm not embarrassed by honest emotion. You lost

something very precious to you when your folks died. Never be embarrassed by

what you felt for them."

Riley couldn't believe it. Sam wasn't angry with her for crying in public. Riley

could still vividly remember one of her first experience with her aunt and uncle.

They'd gone out to a fancy restaurant not long after the funeral. Riley had seen a

little girl hugging her dad and become upset. She missed her parents and her

aunt and uncle were very unaffectionate people. When Riley had started to cry

her aunt had jerked her into the bathroom and scolded her for crying in public

and embarrassing them. They had left the restaurant without eating and her

uncle had sat her down and lectured her on the appropriate behavior in public.

Mary chose that moment to interrupt. "Is everything all right here?" She asked


"Yeah we're fine. How about bringing us another cup of coffee? Does that sound

good to you Riley? She asked.

Riley glanced up shyly at Sam then over to Mary. There was no censure on her

face only honest concern. Mary smiled gently at Riley. Riley smiled back before

leaning back to rest against Sam.

"Yes, that sounds good."

"Thank you." Riley told Sam when Mary walked away.

"For what?" Sam inquired.

"For not being angry with me or embarrassed that I broke down in public. I am

sorry I've done that to you twice now."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for. I'm pleased you trusted me enough to

share that with me. There is no shame in tears Riley, you didn't embarrass me."

"Wel now that I bored you wit

my life story I guess it's time to go." Riley said

"You could never bore me Riley." Sam's expression was serious. She gently

stroked Riley's cheek. "But if you're tired we should head back."

"I'm on backup call and suddenly I do feel kind of drained." Riley smiled

sheepishly. "I do want to thank you. It's been a long time since I was able to talk

about my folks. It felt good."

"Any time. I enjoyed our dinner and I want to know more about you." Sam

assured her.

Riley laughed. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into with a request

like that."

Sam smiled in return. "I look forward to it. Come on let's head back to Del Mar

so you can get some sleep."


The drive back to Del Mar was pleasant. Riley shared with Sam some of her

childhood memories of her parents. She had all these memories bottled up

inside and no one to share them. Sam was more than happy to learn everything

she could about Riley. She did notice that Riley made no mention at all of her life

with her aunt and uncle.

Sam walked Riley back to the steps just outside her condo.

"Would you like to come in for a bit?" Riley invited.

Sam felt her earlier discomfort returning and didn't want to go back into the

sterile condo.

"I should be getting back and you need your rest." Sam hedged.

Riley looked disappointed but acquiesced. They turned to go up the steps to

Riley's door. She cursed under her breath... "Damn."

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to turn the porch light on. The doorways are in an archway and very


"Come on I'll walk you up." Sam offered.

They stood on the last step before the dark archway in the glow of the security


"Well goodnight." Sam leaned down to kiss Riley goodnight. Riley had a sudden

flashback to the night Keith confronted her kissing another date. She stiffened

and pulled back glancing around nervously. Sam couldn't help feeling hurt she

wondered if Riley was really serious about being involved.

"Well good night then, thanks for a pleasant evening." Sam said as she turned to

walk away.

Riley grasped hold of her forearm. "Wait!" She stepped up into the darkened

archway and pulled Sam with her. As soon as they were out of the light, she

reached up and tried to pull Sam's head down. Sam resisted until Riley pressed

her body into her. Sam gave in with a groan her lips met Riley's in a passionate

kiss. Riley escalated the kiss pressing her tongue into Sam's mouth. She

wrapped her arms tightly around Sam then her hands slid down to grab Sam's

butt and squeeze. Sam's arousal soared. She dueled with Riley's tongue before

chasing it back into her mouth. Riley kneading her ass was making her crazy,

she pushed Riley back against the door and brought her hands up to caress her

breasts through her shirt. Riley moaned and pressed closer to Sam her body

pulsing with incredible feelings. Sam was rapidly loosing control. She parted

Riley's thighs with her knee then thrust her leg hard between hers. She gasped

in pain as she pressed into Riley's center. In the heat of the moment, she'd

forgotten her leg. The shooting pain down her thigh rapidly reminded her. She

pulled away from Riley trying to gain control of herself. The sudden jolt of pain

helped clear her head. She couldn't believe how far things had gone. Much

longer and she would've taken Riley right here in the archway. It scared Sam to

realize how out of control she'd been. No one had ever made her forget her

surrounds so completely. Riley whimpered when she pulled away. She wasn't

aware of what had happened. Her body was caught up in the whirlwind of

sensations. She finally realized Sam was no longer kissing her and stood

rubbing her leg. Concern for Sam instantly cooled her libido.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Riley asked with concern.

Sam tried to laugh but it came out a croak. Her arousal was acute despite the

pain. "My leg just decided to remind me of its presence. I'm fine."

"Come inside let me look at it and make sure you're okay."

Sam had a brief flash of Riley kneeling between her legs looking at her incision.

The surge of arousal the image caused was painful.

"No really I'm fine." Sam insisted. There was NO way she could let Riley

examine her. She knew she'd never be able to control herself. She reminded

herself this was all new to Riley. She needed to make sure she was serious

about being involved with her. She knew how she was feeling about the little

doctor and knew that if they made love there would be no turning back. Sam's

little voice chose that moment to speak up. Yeah sure like it isn't way too late

already! Shut up, Sam told the voice.

Riley wasn't convinced she was fine but knew that stubborn look on Sam's face.

Riley stepped back into Sam's arms and gently wrapped her arms around her

waist. She looked up at Sam her expression soft and inviting.

"When can I see you again?" Riley asked.

It took all of Sam's willpower not to accept the invitation on Riley's face and kiss

her senseless. She cleared her throat before answering.

"Tomorrow's Sunday, are you working?"

"Nope!" Riley smiled. "I have the whole day off. Not even on call."

"Could I interest you in a baseball game? The team I usually play for has their

last game of the season tomorrow. I can't play but I want to go out and support

them. After the game we could go out for dinner."

Riley grinned happily she hadn't been to a baseball game since she was a kid.

"Sure I'd love to go. What time should I meet you?"

"Why don't you come to my place about noon? We can go from there." Sam told

Riley where she lived. "Do you know where that is?"

"Yes I'm familiar with that area it's near where I grew up!"

Sam couldn't resist any longer she leaned down and gently kissed Riley. She

pulled back before things could get out of hand again.

"I'll see you tomorrow at noon then. Sleep well." She reluctantly pulled away and stepped way from Riley.

"Good night Sam. Thank you for a wonderful evening."

"My pleasure," Sam responded before turning and slowly walking away.

Riley stood in the doorway watching until she couldn't see Sam any longer. She

leaned back against her front door her body still thrumming with arousal. She

played back in her mind the feel of Sam pressing her against the door her leg

pressing between her thighs. I would've let her take me right here. She admitted

to herself shaking her head in disbelief. That woman is dangerous. Riley

chuckled to herself realizing surprisingly she wasn't the least bit upset with what

had happened. She turned and made her way into the condo a big smile on her

