"Justin," Robin whispered, "I don't understand."
Gray shook his head with a slow smile. "Then you're a lot dumber than I thought."
"Why would you save me, save both of us, if amp;?"
"If I'm still the baddest of the original badass bad boys? Think about it, Doc. Exercise that college-educated brain."
Her gaze flicked to Meg, huddled by her side on the landing.
Gray nodded. "You win the prize," he said cheerfully. "See, I wanted to find your darling daughter. Couldn't do it alone. But if we worked together, we had a shot. You helped lead me to Brand, and now you've brought me here."
Meg looked up at Robin. "You brought him?"
"I thought amp; he could be trusted," Robin said, her voice hollow.
She had thought so, yes. And she had wanted to think so. Wolper had been right about that. She had wanted to believe.
Meg straightened, defying Gray with her glare. "Why do you want me?"
"Shit, I been wanting you ever since you done sassed me outside your mom's office. I don't like sass in a sweet young thing. I mean to teach you not to disrespect Justin Hanover Gray."
"Go to hell," Meg whispered.
Robin pulled her close. "Quiet, Meg."
"Yeah," Gray said. "Pipe down; mind your mommy. You need to save your voice anyhow. You got a lot of screaming to do."
There had to be a way out of this. A way to escapeor summon help.
She thought of the phone in her purse. Carefully she slipped one hand inside.
"Was it amp; Was this your plan all along?" she asked.
He chuckled. "Fuck, no. I never planned to do no harm to you and yours. Figured I'd be too busy making the great escape. Things just happened, is all. I got set up, and that got me pissed royal, so I went on safari for the guys that done it."
She found the phone, but she couldn't dial it blind. Her fingers fumbled at the keypad until she found the large re-dial button. She pressed it.
"Somewhere along the line," Gray was saying, "it hit me how I could take care of two items of business at once. Teach those scumbag cops a lesson and get reacquainted with your daughter. Wasn't no grand plan. Just kind of came together for me."
She was fairly sure the call would go throughbut who would she reach? She couldn't remember the last number she'd dialed.
"Got something on your mind, Doc?" Gray was staring at her.
"I just want to know what amp; what you intend to do with us."
"Like it's a big mystery? Gonna kill the both of you." He said it with a shrug. "But not till after I have myself some serious fun. A little mommy-daughter action is a whole new wrinkle for me. You know, I never did the nasty with them girls I snatched. Was always too looped to get it up. Ain't looped now."
Maybe hitting redial had been a bad idea. She still couldn't remember the last number she'd dialed. Was it Mrs.
Grandy? Or was it her own number at the condo, when she spoke to the SID technician?
No, that wasn't it. She'd used the phone once morein the arcade. When she called Brand.
Perfect, just perfect. She'd placed a call to a dead man.
She had to try a different number. Hit O for the operator, maybe. She touched the clasp of her purse again.
"What're you reaching for, Doc?"
Gray had seen her this time.
"Nothing," she said.
"Gimme the handbag. Right now." He reached for the purse, and without pausing to think or to calculate the risks, she whipped it by the strap, smacking him hard in the face. He stumbled, and for a moment she was sure he would topple down the cellar stairs, but somehow he kept his footing and tore the purse out of her grasp. He pitched it away into the darkness beyond the flashlight's glow.
He was breathing hard. "Jesus, you're a pain in the ass."
The gun targeted her chest. She knew he was debating whether or not to fire.
"I'm sorry, Justin."
"No, you ain't. You're not sorry for nothing you did to me."
"I was always trying to help you. I wanted to make you better."
His face twisted. "I don't want to be better. When did you ever hear me complain about what I am? I been straight with you, Doc. I told you I like the silence 'n' violence. I like putting this old world into a world of hurt. You hear me? I made myself what I am. My parents didn't make me. Society didn't make me. I made me. I made Justin Hanover Gray. That's who the fuck I am. You never listened 'cause you didn't want to. You got your own motherfuckin' agenda. Wanna neuter me like a stray puppy? Declaw this cat? Ain't never gonna happen. I am the bad seed, Doc Robin. Deal with it."
"I never understood," she whispered, speaking only to herself.
There was no hope of reaching him. There never had been.