Monster of the Deep
Down in the dark something had moved. A giant shape was almost directly below them and rising fast.
“There!” Shakespeare cried.
“Paddle!” Nate shouted. But he only stroked twice before the canoe gave a violent lurch and lifted half a foot out of the water. Grabbing the sides, he clung on as the canoe smacked back down with a loud whomp, and water splashed in.
The creature promptly disappeared.
“Did you see him?” Shakespeare said, laughing in delight. “Did you see the size of him?”
Nate had seen little beyond the suggestion of great bulk. “We need to get out of here.”
“No! It might come back.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Nate peered down, and sure enough, the bulk was rising toward them again. “It’s going to hit us!”