
Copyright © 2018 by Maria Stepanova

Translation copyright © 2021 by Sasha Dugdale

All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in a newspaper, magazine, radio, television, or website review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.

Originally published in Russian by Novoe Izdatelstvo as Памяти памяти. Published in arrangement with Suhrkamp Verlag.

Manufactured in the United States of America

First published as a New Directions Paperbook (ndp1489) in 2021

Design by Erik Rieselbach

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Stepanova, Maria, author. | Dugdale, Sasha, translator.

Title: In memory of memory : a romance / by Maria Stepanova ; translated by Sasha Dugdale.

Other titles: Pamiati pamiati. English

Description: First edition. | New York: New Directions Publishing, [2021]

Identifiers: LCCN 2020042654 | ISBN 9780811228831 (paperback) | ISBN 9780811228848 (ebook)

Classification: LCC PG3488.T4755 P3613 2021 | DDC 891.73/5—dc23

LC record available at

New Directions Books are published for James Laughlin

by New Directions Publishing Corporation

80 Eighth Avenue, New York 10011
