Tony Daniel

Here’s a tale with a number of twists, with an alien who didn’t think she was evil or malevolent, though her preteen prisoner had a different take on the matter. And maybe the alien shouldn’t have assumed that kidnapping an adolescent girl was the best and easiest way to bring a specimen back to her home system. Too bad the alien wasn’t familiar with human fairytales, and what happened to evil stepmothers in them . . .

Tony Daniel is the author of five science fiction books, the latest of which is Guardian of Night, as well as an award-winning short story collection, the Robot’s Twilight Companion. He also collaborated with David Drake on the novel The Heretic, and its forthcoming sequel, The Savior, new novels in the popular military science fiction series, The General. His story “Life on the Moon,” was a Hugo finalist and also won the Asimov’s Reader’s Choice Award. Daniel’s short fiction has been much anthologized and has been collected in multiple year’s best anthologies. Daniel has also co-written screen plays for SyFy Channel horror movies, and during the early 2000s was the writer and director of numerous audio dramas for critically-acclaimed SCIFICOM’s Seeing Ear theater. Born in Alabama, Daniel has lived in St. Louis, Los Angeles, Seattle, Prague, and New York City. He is now an editor at Baen Books and lives in Wake Forest, North Carolina with his wife and two children.
