Chapter 10

The Faire was in full swing when we returned, the center aisle positively crammed with people. I could hear gasps of awe and applause coming from the main tent as Peter or Kurt and Karl did their magic acts.

“I suppose I should find Imogen and see if there’s been any word on my Vikingahärta.”

“She will no doubt be busy reading rune stones.”

“True. I suppose it’ll have to wait until later.” I stopped next to my mother’s stall, worry suddenly consuming me.

Ben, holding my hand, knew what I was thinking. His fingers tightened around mine now, offering comfort just by his touch. “Your mother is not only a woman not to be trifled with—she’s also a powerful Wiccan. I know you are worried about Loki, but I can’t see him wishing to engage in a battle with her for no reason other than to harm her.”

“Imogen said the same thing.”

“That is because Loki has no reason to harm Miranda, and every motivation to keep her safe so that he may use her to barter for the Vikingahärta.”

“That’s the only reason I could figure he’d be interested in seducing her. I mean, she’s not really his type. But what if he already has it? What if it was he who stole it?”

Ben looked thoughtful for a moment, rubbing his chin as he mulled that idea over. Such an action never failed to make my legs go wobbly. “It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that a god could control a lich, but I’ve never heard of it being done. To my mind, the lich indicates that there’s someone else involved who wanted the valknut. Just who remains unclear. Regardless, I don’t believe your mother is in physical danger.”

Despite a tiny remaining worry, I agreed with what he said. I had a feeling I’d know if something truly horrible had happened to my mother. I had known when I was little and in school and her appendix burst. Surely I would know now if she was being tortured or worse?

Ben held tightly to me as he forged a path through the dense mass of bodies. As he came up to a booth painted in black and red, he dropped my hand.

I’m going to stop in a few feet. Please slap me when I do so.

I beg your pardon?

Slap me. If I am to convince Naomi that you have some sort of a hold over me, we must give her a show.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m more than happy to slap you, but what on earth will that prove other than I’m pissed at you?

Just follow my lead. You’re hurt and angry with me, but you aren’t ready to walk away yet. All right?

I kept the thought to myself that it wouldn’t take much, if any, acting to depict those emotions, following Ben as he stalked through the crowd, his jaw set.

Yell at me.

“Will you wait for me, you great big wart on the bottom of a slug?” I shouted, running after him.

He spun around and glowered at me. I noticed from the corner of my eye that he had stopped right in front of Naomi’s booth, and that she, holding a tattoo gun, was watching us with a calculating glare. “I will not be spoken to in such a manner as that!”

I slapped him hard enough for him to feel it. He emphasized the slap by snapping his head to the side before slowly turning back to regard me with fiery eyes. “You will regret that.”

“In your dreams!” I snarled, and shoved past him to storm my way through the crowds toward the trailers.

I assumed he would return to Naomi to make the most of the scene, but was surprised to feel his presence behind me as I stomped my way to my mother’s trailer.

Uh . . . should you be here?

Probably not, but unless you order me to leave, it would take a monumental effort to remove me from your side tonight.

Heat swept up from my chest as I realized just what he was implying. I’d all but given him the go-ahead to jump into bed with me, but he really was going to do it? Excitement fluttered in my stomach. Naomi won’t like it.

He thought something extremely rude about her that made me smile. I entered the trailer, waiting for him to close the door behind himself before I looked at him.

“I’ve wanted to have you alone for a long time,” I said, every bit of me tingling at the nearness of him.

“Even when you thought I was trying to control your life?” he asked, one side of his mouth going up in a smile.

“Well . . . I won’t say there weren’t some fantasies about decking you with a two-by-four mixed in there, but for the most part, even then. Ben, I know I sound like an inarticulate, confused twit—”

“No, you don’t.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Perhaps you sound a little confused,” he admitted with a grin. “But I understand that this is of vital importance to you. Which is why I’m prepared to give you the space you need should you require more of it.”

“I appreciate that.” I bit my lip, trying to figure out how best to get his clothes off him without looking like that’s all I could think of. Which it was, but he didn’t have to know that.

“Are you sure you wish for me to be here tonight, Francesca?” he asked, and the meaning behind his words was extremely clear.

“I’m sure of that. But, I’m . . . uh . . . it seems a little crude of me to just tell you to strip, and then pounce on you. Although right now, that really does sound good.”

He laughed and gently pulled me into his arms. “We will do this slowly, all right? If you wish for me to stop at any time, I will.”

“You will? Really?” I gazed up into his eyes, those beautiful eyes now the color of gold-bespecked honey oak. “What if we had been going at it for a bit, and you were about to”—I waved one hand around in a vague gesture—“blast off?”

He grimaced. “Then I would stop. I’d probably die in the process of stopping, but it would be a noble sacrifice to know that I gave my life making you happy.”

“I never realized just what a big ham you are,” I said and giggled, nipping his lower lip. “Oh, Ben. Even when I didn’t want to be bound to you, I still couldn’t stop thinking about you. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”

I know exactly how long, because I’ve endured each second of it wanting you, as well. And now, seeing you as a woman—my woman—so near to me, has almost pushed me beyond all bearing. His mouth was as hot as a furnace as he took charge of the kiss, making me squirm against him as his tongue twined around mine. I pulled off his shirt, my mind giddy with the sight and feel and taste of his bare chest.

I wrapped my arms around him, pressing little kisses to his bare shoulder. You don’t think I’m . . . um . . . You don’t think I’m wrong for wanting to have sex with you, but not Join with you, do you? It’s not against some sort of vampire code, is it? Because I haven’t made up my mind yet about the Joining, and if this is going to be taken as a tacit acceptance of the idea that I’m your Beloved—

If you do not wish for it to be an acceptance, then it will not be. His mouth moved on my skin, his hot breath making me shiver with pleasure as he pulled off my own top, his hands busy with my breasts.

It wasn’t exactly the words I wanted to hear, but it was enough.

I shivered when he nibbled on my shoulder, his hands stroking my breasts, the satin of my bra rubbing sensuously against my nipples. “You know, if we’d done this all those years ago—oh, yes, please!” My fingers clutched the thick muscles of his shoulders as he dipped his head and licked the valley between my breasts.

He chuckled into my mind as my bra fell to the floor, his mouth instantly claiming one of the aching nipples that were waiting just for that touch. I arched my back, stroking and clutching and pulling his shoulders as little spirals of pleasure and heat sank low in my secret parts.

There is a reason we did not, Francesca. You were too young to understand what a physical commitment would mean. Imogen urged me to give you time. She wanted me to show you that you mattered beyond my own base needs, and it didn’t take me long to realize that she was right. I wanted you to come to me without coercion. I wanted to know you were truly mine, and I was content to wait for that.

You think I was that much of a pushover, huh? I was a bit indignant about that. Until he kissed a path over to my other breast, his fingers and mouth working to bring me to a frenzy.

Right. I was. Thank god for your presence of mind. My nipple feels abandoned and unloved, could you please . . . Words flew out of my mind, replaced only by the sensation of Ben’s mouth on my breast, nibbling, licking, and teasing me, my sensations mingling with the ones he was feeling.

I knew that you were ripe for seduction, yes. But that wouldn’t have been what was best for you. You were simply too young, as I quickly realized.

I hope to the stars that you are over such a protective attitude, because it’s very irritating. Would you like me to reciprocate?

Reciprocate making decisions for my welfare?

“No, do you want me to nibble on your nipples? I’ve heard that some men are into that, and others aren’t. Are you go or no go in that respect?”

He lifted his head from where he was nuzzling the underside of my breast. “I’ve never been stimulated that way, no.”

“Ah.” I looked at his chest. “Maybe I should just give it a try and we’ll verify that.”

“If you wish, although I don’t want you to be disappointed when I don’t—” He froze when I gently, ever so gently, bit his nearer nipple.

His eyes rolled back into his head when I stroked one hand down his chest, to his crotch, feeling the hardness beneath the fly of his jeans.

He stopped breathing when I let him feel just how much enjoyment I was receiving from tasting him, kissing his chest, stroking his back, and running my thumb up and down his growing proof of arousal.

“Oh, no, you’re not finding this stimulating at all,” I cooed into his other nipple, licking it until Ben grabbed my shoulders and groaned with unadulterated pleasure. “I really like the taste of you, Ben. I had no idea men could taste . . . well, manly. Without being sweaty or musky or anything unpleasant like that. You taste kind of hot, kind of smoky, like you’ve been out by a camp-fire. You smell . . .” I took a deep breath, relishing the way his scent seemed to quicken my blood. “You smell wonderful.”

He nuzzled my neck as I moved up to kiss his shoulder, silent for a few seconds. Are you sure, Francesca? Absolutely sure? If we do all those things you are thinking of doing, assuming I survive them, and I may not because you have evidently become quite inventive during our five years apart, if we do them, it will mean we are just one step away from Joining.

I gently bit the tendon of his neck, causing him to rear back with a startled flash in his eyes.

“I’m certain. Only . . . it sounds trite to say be gentle, but I’m new to all this, so I’d appreciate any pointers on what you give a green light to, and what leaves you cold.”

“You had no trouble finding several new things I give the green light to,” he said, his body trembling a little as I stroked down the front of his fly again.

“I didn’t say I was naive, just new to—”

The door to the trailer opened. Imogen, out of breath and looking very worried, dashed in. “Fran? Are you here? When you disappeared, I was worried, but then I heard from Desdemona that you and Ben had the most appalling scene, and I knew you must be all—oh. You’re here.” Her eyes took in the fact that neither of us wore shirts. “I . . . uh . . .”

“Are de trop? Yes, you are. That was a scene put on for Naomi’s sake,” Ben answered, handing me my shirt, which I quickly slipped on. “And Francesca is just fine.”

Her brilliant smile lit up the room. “I’m so glad. I worried . . . but I see I was worrying amiss.”

I studied her for a moment. She didn’t look any different, and yet . . . my gaze went from her to Ben, and seeing them together, I suddenly realized what it was. Although Imogen was older than Ben, suddenly she looked younger. The Ben I remembered appeared to be about nineteen or twenty; this Ben looked ten years older.

How did you do that?

He cocked the other eyebrow at me. Do what?

You look older. Which is good, I guess, because I wouldn’t want to spend eternity bound to a guy who looks nineteen. But now you look more mature.

You aged , so I altered my appearance to what was appropriate for you.

You can change your appearance like that?

“I will leave so you two can . . . I will leave. Good night, Benedikt. Good night, Fran.”

I’ll explain the concept of Dark One aging to you later.

“Night, Imogen.” I’ll hold you to that. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

She hesitated at the door. “I just knew things would work out, and now they have, and I’m so happy for you both. But, Fran, where’s your ring?”

She turned inquisitive eyes to her brother.

“Here.” Ben pulled the ring from his pocket, taking my left hand, placing the ring first over my thumb, then forefinger, then middle finger, where he left it. I smiled.

Sorry I threw it at you.

There is no need for you to apologize. He pulled my hand to his mouth, placing a kiss on my palm. I shivered at the touch.

“There, you see? I just knew you couldn’t have abandoned dear Fran,” Imogen said, tears of happiness glittering in her blue eyes. “And now I really will leave.”

As she opened the door, a whirlwind entered the trailer, or at least that’s what it seemed like. The door was flung open and three large men charged in, all of them yelling at the same time. Ben turned to block my view, but the whirlwind didn’t end until Imogen said one word.

“Finnvid!” she gasped, her expression mingling delight with chagrin.

One-third of the whirlwind stopped, staring at her in surprise for a second before he whooped and scooped her up, spinning her around. “Imogen!”

Ben said something that sounded remarkably like swearing, his eyes narrowed on the Vikings as Eirik and Isleif stopped in front of me. “What the hell are they doing here?”

“Didn’t I mention they were here?” I asked with a lame smile before turning on the three men. “I thought you guys were going to spend the night in town?”

“Finnvid, I wasn’t . . . I had no idea . . . Fran never said . . . ,” Imogen sputtered, trying to slip out of Finnvid’s hold, but not succeeding.

Eirik moved so he was between Ben and me, his frown matching Ben’s as the two men glared at each other. “Do you think we would leave you unprotected, virgin goddess?”

Virgin goddess? Ben asked.

Don’t even go there.

“You are ours to protect, and we hear how this Dark One abused you a little while ago. We have come to save you from him. Shall we cleave him in two?”

“I’d like to see you try,” Ben said in a low, dangerous voice that had my eyes opening wide.

“Finnvid, you must set me down. Things have changed since I saw you last.”

Eirik stood toe-to-toe with Ben, the Viking’s eyes narrowed as he snarled, “I will be happy to meet you, Dark One.”

“Break it up, boys,” I said in a tone that I realized sounded just like my mother when she was annoyed. I cleared my throat and added, “Eirik, stop baiting Ben. He’s not going to tolerate—”

Eirik flew past me, slamming against the wall.

“—that.” I sighed and raised my hand when Isleif leaped forward, flinging himself on Ben. I spent a moment offering thanks that they hadn’t found bullets for their guns, but as Finnvid, catching sight of the fight that was going on, unceremoniously dumped Imogen and joined the fray, I kind of wished I had a ladies’ small beheading ax. I knew three Vikings who I’d use it on.

Eirik, recovering from being knocked silly against the wall, ran past me and leaped onto Ben, who was currently engaged in beating the crap out of Isleif and Finnvid. I was about to demand they stop fighting when Imogen put her hand on my arm. “Oh, let them, Fran.”

“You can’t seriously mean you want me to let the Vikings beat up Ben? I might not be ready to be his Beloved, but I really would prefer he not be hurt. I have plans for him tonight.”

She smiled and tugged me a few feet away from where the three Vikings were pounding the bummocks out of Ben. “Does he look like he’s being harmed?”

I stood on my tiptoes and tried to peer through the mass of whirling, punching, and swearing bodies. For one moment, I caught a glimpse of Ben. He didn’t look any worse for wear—in fact, there was a remarkable look of satisfaction on his face as he landed a punch on Isleif that sent the much bigger man staggering backward.

“I swear I will never understand men,” I said, sighing. “He’s enjoying himself, isn’t he?”

“Yes, he is. You don’t know, but he’s been keeping all of his emotions bottled up inside him ever since you left, and I knew he was aching for a good brawl to release some of the frustrations. Although I will say I hope he doesn’t harm Finnvid too much.”

I raised my eyebrows at her.

She smiled. “Well, Günter hasn’t returned, and . . . I’m sure you understand.”

“I do, and I am happy to have one less Viking underfoot.” I looked at my watch. “How long do you think we should let them go at it?”

“Oh, I think it’s been long enough for Benedikt to work through the worst of his anger.”

I put my fingers to my mouth and let out a whistle that was effectively piercing in the closed confines of the trailer. “Vikings! Stop beating up Ben!”

Reluctantly, they did as I bid, Isleif stepping back rather than throwing himself onto the pig pile on Ben. Finnvid, with an elbow to Ben’s nose, managed to rise and move off him. Eirik tried to get one last shot in, but Ben nailed him with a punch to the gut that left the Viking doubled over. Ben got to his feet, his breathing hard, a cut over his left eyebrow bleeding sluggishly, and a slight swelling on one side of his jaw. He flexed his fingers, absently rubbing them.

Are you okay?

Of course. Did you think I could be harmed by three ghosts? Arrogance was rich in his voice.

I kept my smile to myself. I was a bit worried at first, but then I could see you were holding your own. Imogen says it was good for you, that you were holding in all sorts of emotions that needed to be released, and that only a good brawl could do that.

Imogen doesn’t know everything.

“Well, now that that’s done, perhaps you can go back to town for the night,” I said, giving each of the Vikings a good long look. “I have plans, and I’m sure you’ll understand if I say they don’t include you guys.”

“But . . . that is the Dark One!” Finnvid said, pointing at Ben. “The one who has betrayed you!”

“Appearances can sometimes be deceiving,” I said simply. “I’m fine. Thanks for the rescue attempt, but I don’t need it. I’m sure Ben will understand that you were just doing what you thought best.”

Isleif helped Eirik onto the couch. Both men were bleeding. Finnvid escaped being bloodied, but he did walk with a distinct limp as he moved over to his buddies, his eyes wary as he looked from Ben to Imogen to me.

“I will not apologize to the Dark One,” Eirik said when he could talk without wheezing. “The goddess Freya sent us to protect you, and we will do so until we are called back to Valhalla.”

“Yes, well, the goddess Freya probably doesn’t understand that we have a very complicated relationship, and Ben is my . . .” I paused and turned to him. “Is there some Dark One word for what you are to me? Boyfriend seems so lame.”

He took the tissue Imogen handed him and wiped the blood off his forehead. The cut was already closing. “Yes. Dark One.”

“No, I meant . . . oh, never mind.” I faced the Vikings again. “I appreciate your concern, but I don’t need protection from Ben, so there will be no more attacking him, all right?”

The looks the three of them gave me were not at all commensurate with a peaceful relationship.

I sighed, suddenly too tired to fight them anymore. “Oh, just go back to Brustwarze and have fun with your huge hordes of women. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Eirik’s gaze slid suspiciously from me to Ben. “You wish to get rid of us. You wish to rut with the Dark One.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes to both. Shoo.”

“Come, my angel of the night,” Finnvid said, scooping up Imogen and marching out of the trailer with her. “I will reacquaint you with my many manly charms.”

Ben looked for a moment like he was going to go after them, but stopped himself in time.

You get bonus points for your restraint.

Good. I deserve them.

I turned to the two remaining Vikings.

“We wish to make plans with you,” Eirik said stubbornly, his arms across his chest. “We do not wish to be sent off because you want to bed-sport with the Dark One. We are not trivial. We are Vikings, sons of Odin, the fiercest of all his warriors!”

“You are very fierce, and I’m truly grateful you want to help. But we will continue to work out what to do tomorrow. All right? Good. Off you go.”

“I will leave you in the care of this one,” Eirik said, breathing somewhat noisily as I shoved both him and Isleif to the door. “But I warn you, Dark One, if any harm comes to the virgin goddess, I will cut out your heart and make you eat it.”

“Oh, for pity’s sake, chill! If anyone cuts out Ben’s heart and feeds it to him, it’ll be me.” Ben looked at me in surprise. I blinked. “And I would never do that, of course, because he would never do anything that would hurt me. Except maybe what he’s thinking now, and I am not at all turned on by the thought of spankings, so you can just drop that idea.”

Eirik considered me for a moment. “I’m told they can be very pleasurable for a woman. I, myself, like to position my hand so that when the blow lands on the arse cheeks, my fingers dip down between the woman’s—”

“Okay, I’m adding spanking to the list of things we don’t talk about,” I interrupted quickly, making shooing motions. “Sheesh! Vikings!”

He left, but not without giving Ben one last look.
