‘Tell me what the fuck you’re doing,’ said Baader. ‘Just tell me.’
‘What I’m doing?’ The response of the guilty. Anselm turned his head to the window.
Baader looked down, tapped the edge of his desk with both sets of knuckles.
‘I talked to O’Malley,’ he said. ‘Don’t mess around with me, John. The boy’s dead because of this. Paul’s dead.’
Through the trees, Anselm could see a glass tourist boat going by, not so much a boat as a coach on water, light glinting on it.
How to tell this story to Baader? To anyone?
He tried. It took a while. Baader listened, head on hand, eyes closed.
When he’d finished, Anselm said, ‘That’s it. I’ll take it to the grave. Sending Stefan.’
He felt relief. He had spoken of the weight on his heart.
There was a long silence. Baader didn’t move, he didn’t open his eyes, he could have died during the telling of the story.
‘Say the word and I’m gone,’ said Anselm. ‘You are fully entitled.’
Baader opened his eyes, blinked several times. ‘I should say it. But what if he’d been on O’Malley’s business? He’d still be dead. And you’ll be dead if you go on with this. I think you’re fucking around with stuff you can’t begin to understand. Leave it alone. It’s got nothing to do with you.’
‘It goes back to Beirut. That’s got something to do with me.’
Baader shook his head. ‘You can’t bring back the dead. You can’t change anything. Be grateful you’re alive.’
‘I’m grateful,’ said Anselm. ‘I’m grateful.’
‘Go away,’ said Baader. ‘You worry me. Go away.’
Anselm was leaving, he stopped when Baader said, ‘If they killed Kaskis for what he knew, you’re alive because you knew fuck all. Then. Now you might just know something. Something you don’t even know you know.’
‘I’ll reflect on that,’ said Anselm.
‘So composed. So fucking composed.’
Anselm stopped, didn’t turn, the desire to be punished fully risen in him. ‘Sack me,’ he said. ‘Why don’t you sack me?’
Nothing. He turned. Baader was looking out of the window and the view gave him no peace. He had tramlines down his forehead, deep between the eyebrows. Anselm had never noticed them.
‘Being sacked is too good for you,’ said Baader. ‘Sack yourself. Stand on your pride and your honour and your fucking dignity.’
Anselm went to his office. I’m like a small dog, he thought, only bark and snarl. The logs were waiting. He was grateful that he had something to do, working out how much to charge people he did not know for spying on other people for reasons he did not want to know.
FROM THE carpark, Caroline rang Craig, Zampatti, the architects who employed Jess Thomas. She explained to the receptionist and was put through to a woman called Sandra Fox.
‘I’m an old friend of Jess Thomas’s, but I’ve been away, I’ve lost touch. I found her work address in the book but she’s not there and the someone told me she did a lot of work for you and…’ ‘She lives there,’ said Fox. ‘Battersea. In that last little pocket of… well, if she’s not there, I really can’t help. The people who could are in Nepal, climbing, I gather you have to, it’s all uphill in Nepal. So that’s not much use.’
‘Who are they, the people in Nepal?’
‘Mark and Natalie. They’re the Craig and the Zampatti, the principals here. Look, leave your number, I’ll ask around. Umm.’
A wait.
‘There is someone you might try called David Nunn. They came to our Christmas party together. An item, I thought, more than just good friends. You could try him. He’s with Musgrove amp; Wolters, I can give you a number, it’s here somewhere…’ Caroline left her number and rang Musgrove amp; Wolters. David Nunn was in Singapore. It took almost an hour to reach him, late afternoon there.
Too late to stop lying.
‘Mr Nunn, Detective Sergeant Moody, Battersea police. I’m hoping you might be able to help me locate someone called Jessica Thomas. I understand you know her well.’
‘What’s happened?’ He was alarmed.
‘Possibly nothing. There was some sort of disturbance at her place the other night and she hasn’t been seen since earlier that evening. We’d like to be certain she’s unharmed.’
‘Well, I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for a while, not since January or February.’
‘Close family?’
‘She doesn’t have any.’
‘Anne Cerchi, she’s a good friend.’
‘Do you have an address?’
‘Not a number, no, it’s in Ladbroke Grove.’
The old address.
‘We’ve tried her. Anyone else?’
‘Umm, she’s friends with Natalie Zampatti. Natalie and Mark Craig. They’re architects, the firm’s…’ ‘I know the firm.’
‘Right. She goes back a long way with Natalie, with the family, I think.’
‘They can’t be contacted. They’re in Nepal.’
‘Anywhere she might go? She might want to get away from everything?’ ‘Not that I know of, no.’
She said her thanks and sat for a long time with her eyes closed, slumped, an ache in her shoulders, in the back of her neck. Then, a man and a woman walked by, the woman laughed, a shrill birdlike sound.
What else to do, to try? Help me, McClatchie, she thought, wherever you are, help me.