Chapter 33

After saying goodbye to Piper, I head upstairs, ready for bed. I’m exhausted from the day spent traveling, and catching up with my parents and Piper. I glance at my phone, wondering if Colt’s going to call soon. I am not going to be so love sick over a boy that I wait up all night. Probably.

I change into my pajamas and bring the phone into the bathroom with me as I brush my teeth. As I’m gargling the mouth wash, my phone rings. It’s a number I don’t recognize, Connecticut area code. I spit the mouthful of blue into the sink and dive for the phone, wiping my mouth on my sleeve.



“Yeah?” My voice comes out squeaky, too high.

“It’s Colt.”

“Um, hi.” It feels incredibly strange to be talking to him on the phone. I have no idea why. At first I have no clue what to say to him, but soon find we settle into easy conversation. He has me laughing in no time telling me about his day spent going for a jog where a bird nearly assaulted him and how empty the school seems, and how even though there’s still some kitchen staff on site, they refuse to cook for him.

I head back into my room and toss my dirty clothes into the corner. I sit down on the edge of my bed, nervous energy dancing around inside me. I resist the urge to pace my room while we talk, and instead lie back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

“I’m going stir crazy here. Can you come back early?” Colt’s asks, his voice sounding even deeper over the phone.

It’s only been one day, so he’s obviously being over-dramatic. I do my best not to swoon at his words. “I’m sure you can survive without me there to entertain you.”

He groans. And in my mind, I imagine that’s the sound he’d make with me pressed close to him, driving him wild with desire. But then I’m brought back to reality. There was probably nothing I could do that he hadn’t already experienced, and done more skillfully than I ever could.

“There’s always Internet porn,” I suggest.

He chuckles. “I’m not a complete animal. God, Taylor. I can control myself.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know.”

“I mean, yeah, I’m a guy. So I have certain…needs. But I need other stimulation too. Like intellect, humor, et cetera.”

I shift on my bed so I’m sitting crossed legged. “Well, I stand corrected. I had no idea there was such depth to Colt Palmer.”

“Well, now you know.”

“So seriously, how is it that you have time to chat late at night with the sheer number of girls you’re likely to be entertaining?” I don’t mention Yes. I don’t have to. I know we’re both remembering my little episode last night.

Bedsprings groan and he lets out a soft sigh. I imagine him getting comfortable on his bed, stretching out so his feet hang off the end. “There’s no one here that interests me.”

“Nice. Thanks for calling then. It’s comforting to know I’m a last resort when you’re lonely.”

“No. That’s not it at all,” his voice gets serious for a moment. “You entertain me.” I hear the smile in his tone.

I entertain him? What does that mean? Like a little sister? I’m quiet for a few seconds trying to decipher all the hidden meanings, all the clues to figure out how Colt really feels about me. I’m not sure why I say what I do next, but in the darkness, with the distance between us, I’m feeling bold. “So I entertain you mentally while the others entertain you physically?”

He chokes on his breath and breaks into a coughing fit. “Would that bother you?” he says, once he’s recovered.

Um, yeah. But I don’t want to be too obvious. “That’s kinda a blow to the self-esteem, don’t you think?”

“Hmm.” He’s quiet while he considers this new information.

Crap. I’ve said too much, sounded too concerned. My feelings for him are someday soon going to ruin whatever chance we’ve had at a friendship. “Listen, Colt, forget I said anything. I don’t even know why I brought this up.”

“It’s okay. I think we should talk about this.”

I wait for him to continue, my stomach tightening in knots. I’m not sure if he’s going to bring up our kiss in the hotel bathroom or the meltdown I had in the hallway after seeing his one-night-stand leaving. God, I’m pathetic.

“We pretended that kiss didn’t happen and I guess I feel like I need to explain why I stopped it.”

Awesome. The last thing I wanted to hear him put to words were: A) That he doesn’t feel that way about me, or B) That he isn’t attracted to me.

He clears his throat again, stalling. I’ve never heard him so unsure before. “It just didn’t feel right – doing that with you.”

I roll my eyes. What a dick. “Gee thanks. I know I don’t have one-tenth the experience that you do, but am I that bad of a kisser?”

He laughs lightly. “That’s not what I said.”

I’m more confused than before, but decide to let it go. Only, of course Colt doesn’t drop it.

“What I meant was that my typical mode of operation is…well, you know, probably not the most respectable, and I didn’t want to ruin what we have or use you like that.”

“Oh.” My stomach drops. I’m too speechless to say anything else. I want to ask him exactly what it is we have, but of course I’m too chicken.

“I have fun with you and didn’t want you to hate me, Taylor. So that’s why I stopped.”

“I could never hate you.” My voice shakes, betraying me. I know I’m completely vulnerable, breakable, and I would be putty in Colt’s hands, regardless if the outcome left me in a heartbroken mess afterwards.

“I’ve always been honest with girls about what I wanted and didn’t want. I was always very clear that I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but that never stopped them from thinking they’d be different, that they would be the one to change my mind.”

I lie back against my pillows and close my eyes, imagining Colt doing the same thing in his bed. “So you were worried that I’d fall for you or something?”

He laughs softly again, his breath coming through scratchy against the speaker. “Sorry, I sound like a dick, don’t I?”

“Little bit.” My voice is tight, mocking.

He laughs again. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“Yeah? How do you plan to do that?”

“Hm.” He considers it, quiet for a second. “Once you’re back, maybe we can do something, just the two of us. I’ll take you out. It’ll be fun.”

“Out?” I question, my voice full of surprise. I sit up in bed, waiting for his answer.

“Yes, out. You haven’t seen much of Connecticut. We’ll go somewhere nice. I’ll make up for my testosterone induced behavior.”

“Like a date?” I question. Oh, God. Dumb question Taylor. Of course it’s not a date. Ugh.

“Yes, like a date.”

Wait, what? “I thought you were seeing Yes.”

“I’m not seeing anyone.”

Hm. I chew my bottom lip. I don’t want to be that girl. Yes was just in his bed– a bed that for all intents and purposes functioned much like a revolving door. “I’ll consider it.”

A hiss escapes through his clenched teeth.

He’s going to have to work for this – for me –and it isn’t something he’s used to. Colt’s never had to chase after anyone. I like the idea that I could be the first, however delusional I might be.

“I’m putting myself out there – asking you to go out with me Taylor, I think you should do more than consider it. Say yes.” His voice is low, commanding.


“Okay?” His voice is higher than before. He sounds happy.

“Yeah. That sounds…pleasant.” Despite my best effort, I giggle. “What the hell have you done with Colt Palmer?”

“People can change, Taylor.” I can tell he’s smirking again. “Taylor,” he breathes softly.

“Yeah?” I’m just as breathless.

“For the record, you’re not a bad kisser.”

My heart pounds against my rib cage, and my face breaks into a smile, but I stay quiet, barely able to breath, let alone speak.

“Taylor?” he says softly, again.


“Speaking of Internet porn, can I use your computer?”

That was the last thing I expected him to say. I should feel disgusted, but instead all my senses are humming. “Why?” I ask, my heart thumping erratically in my chest.

“It’s got a bigger monitor than mine.”

I shake my head. I don’t know if he’s being serious or messing with me, but either way I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to get that visual out of my head. “Sure. Just don’t get any love juice on my keyboard.”

“Will do. Night Taylor.”

“Night Colt.” There’s no way in hell I would be getting any sleep tonight.
