Sunlight, gleaming cars and swarms of bystanders greeted her eyes as she left the Casino de Monte Carlo. A true assault on the senses. To the right, hundreds of people were seated outside the Café de Paris, whiling the day away. The blue Maserati still sat behind the black AC Cobra, a couple of young photographers angling for the best picture of the two together.

Treacle pressed beside them, uncomfortably close. “Point the way, Tweacle.”

Kenzie saw bad choices everywhere. Bad outcomes. But she walked toward the car and sent a glance over at Dahl.

What to do?

The Swede always stepped up and today was no different. Kenzie knew he’d be factoring the crowd of people nearby and all around. Treacle’s goons walked close by, ignoring everything except what their boss wanted — expendable robots. Kenzie imagined all the options flashing through the Swede’s mind, as they were flashing through hers. The training always stood at the forefront of your mind — didn’t matter how many years had passed since you used it for good. She might be a dirty-faced, broken-down, trod-upon angel, but she was still an angel.

In the end, she saw only one outcome. Dahl walked to the blue Maserati, took out the key and used it to remotely open the passenger door. Dahl reached inside and stared at Treacle.

“I give you this, you walk away. Agreed?”

“ ’Course, Tweacle. ’Course we will.”

Kenzie had never disbelieved someone so much in her entire life. She stopped at the passenger door, which was also unlocked.

Dahl lifted the bag with the vase inside, unzipped it and took the Inca relic out in the street. Treacle swallowed hungrily, eyes alight.

“That’s it. We’re good. Now hand it over.”

Dahl allowed the vase to fall from his hand, watched as it fell toward the concrete and Treacle’s expression changed from greed to terror.


Dahl caught the vase on the top of his boot, holding it in place with expert balance. Treacle’s mouth dropped open so that his jaw almost hit the ground.

“For fu… don’t you know what that is? Stop it, Twea… stop it!”

Dahl reached out, caught hold of Treacle’s chin and tilted his face upward. “If you cause trouble. If you try to hurt us or anyone else, I will hunt you down and break you down. Into dust. Do you understand me?”

“Yeah, yeah, Tweacle. Now for fuc—”

Dahl squeezed until the jawbone creaked. “Do you understand?”

A big goon then muscled his way in right next to Dahl. The three men stared hard at each other, unspoken comments flashing between them. Dahl kept his hold on Treacle, then flicked the vase high into the air.


Acting fast, she sprang around the car, eyes on the revolving relic. Dahl threw Treacle into the small space between the front of the Maserati and the back of the AC Cobra, then took hold of the big goon and threw him down there too. Out of sight they fought and struggled.

Kenzie pushed a bodyguard aside, never once taking her eyes off the priceless possession. As it tumbled down toward her outstretched hands she had to slide across the front of the sports car, gliding across the paintwork, to catch the object and then slid down the other side onto two feet.

The vase was intact. Dahl had an arm around the big man’s throat and was bearing down on Treacle, keeping both of them pinned. Cords stood out in his muscles. Kenzie showed the vase to the rest of the goon squad.

“Don’t move.”

Hidden from almost all prying eyes, Dahl smashed the big bodyguard’s face into the Cobra’s stainless steel exhaust, giving him an impression to be proud of, then rolled him underneath the car. He dragged Treacle upright with a grip around the neck. Pain lit the criminal’s eyes. Sweat rolled down his face.

“We’re leaving now,” Dahl whispered venomously. “Don’t forget what I said.”

He jumped into the driver’s side as Kenzie ran around the car and opened the passenger side.

“The vase!” Treacle wailed, and trigger-fingers became clearly itchy.

“I’ll leave it by the curb.” Kenzie pointed to the other side of the square. “Best be quick.”

Dahl gunned the engine, sending the Maserati drifting around the arc directly in front of the casino and then slowing for Kenzie to place the vase in the road. Then they blasted away, heading for another hill and another street lined by designer boutiques.

“Where to?” Kenzie shouted, trying to catch her breath.

“Well, we’re done,” Dahl said, watching the road ahead and the rearview for signs of pursuit. “We have all the information we’re gonna get. I guess it’s time to rejoin the team.”

Kenzie felt a surge of disappointment. She’d never say it aloud, but had enjoyed the last few days with the Swede, working together and building their bond. She’d privately hoped it might last a bit longer.

“You sure? We could try to find another buyer.”

“Peru is clearly the place to go,” Dahl said. “And the team are there already. No doubt taking it easy in the mountains. Playing soccer with the villagers. Dantanion is out there somewhere, and the Gold Room. It’s time to learn about the Inca treasure and seek out this cult. The action’s only just begun, Kenzie.”

Ah, so he was thinking she was worried life might become boring.

“Great,” she said, sitting back. “Good to hear it.”
