Lisa woke the next morning determined to ask her brother if she could meet some of his friends, but as it turned out, Lance must have been reading her mind. At breakfast he announced that he was giving a large party that evening.

"I want all my friends to meet you, Sis," he said. "I hope that's okay with you."

"It's a wonderful idea, Lance," Lisa purred. "I can hardly wait."

Of course she had more in mind than getting acquainted with her brother's friends. She had in mind losing her cherry as fast as possible. She felt horny all day, anticipating what was to come. Lisa didn't doubt her ability to get some man into bed. She knew she was attractive. She just hoped she could find a partner who really turned her on.

She put on her sexiest outfit for the party, a sleeveless red jumpsuit that outlined every curve of her body. When she appeared in the living room, Lance gave an admiring whistle.

"Oh-oh, Lisa, you're going to have to beat the men off with a club," Katie said.

"You look fantastic, Sis," Lance said.

He looked pretty fantastic himself in his skintight jeans and his shirt open at the front, showing a heavy silver neck chain and the golden fur that matted his chest. For a moment Lisa forgot he was her brother and looked at him simply as a terrifically attractive man. She was almost sorry that they were related.

Just looking at Lance made her pussy all hot and aroused. She wondered if it was wrong to get the hots for her own twin brother. But why should it be, if she kept the secret to herself? And it wasn't as if they'd known each other all their lives as brother and sister. They'd only just met, and they were really more like strangers. But Lisa buried these thoughts as Katie possessively took Lance's arm and steered him away.

When the party began, Lisa had no shortage of men paying attention to her. There must have been a hundred people there, and many of them were attractive men her own age or a little bit older. She basked in their attention, yet somehow she didn't see a single guy who really turned her on. She had to admit that no one turned her on like her sexy brother.

And that was when she noticed that Lance and Katie were missing. She realized that for about half an hour she hadn't seen them in the living room. Excusing herself from a circle of admirers, Lisa went to hunt for her brother. She couldn't explain just why she did it, except that she felt uncomfortable without Lance around.

When she didn't find him anywhere in the house, she went out the back door and down to the beach. The sun had set, but there was a full moon, and it wasn't long before she spotted two figures walking in the distance. She hurried toward them, but suddenly they disappeared behind a sand dune. She was sure they hadn't seen her.

Stepping up her pace, Lisa soon reached the dune. She crouched behind a neighboring dune and peered around it. There were Lance and Katie stretched out on a blanket and hungrily kissing and pawing each other. Lisa felt such a surge of jealousy that she almost moaned aloud. She fiercely resented Katie for monopolizing her handsome brother.

"Don't you think we ought to get back to the party?" Katie was asking.

"Aw, there's so many people there, nobody'll miss us," Lance said. "Besides, I'm horny. I just gotta get my rocks off before I can go back there."

"But what about Lisa?" Katie said. "We left her all alone with strangers."

"Lisa will make out just fine," Lance said, laughing. "Didn't you see all those guys crowding around her?"

Katie started to protest again, but he silenced her with a lingering tongue-kiss. He went to work on the buttons of her halter, and Lisa quickly saw that Katie wasn't wearing a bra. Lance slipped one big silky tit out of her halter and began squeezing it, and Katie gurgled with lusty excitement, her hand moving to Lance's crotch. She caressed the big hard bulge, then unzipped his fly.

As Katie drew Lance's seven-inch prick out into the moonlight, Lisa stifled a moan of envy. Her brother had such a gorgeous cock, a long thick granite column of blue-veined flesh. Katie fisted his rigid prick and pumped it while Lance fondled her tits. Under his teasing thumbs her dark red nipples went erect and throbbing. Lance abandoned her tits and slid his hands up her skirt.

"Mmmmmm," Katie sighed.

"You're all wet for me, baby," Lance said. "You must be horny, too."

"I'm always horny for you, you sexy bastard," Katie purred. "I just can't get enough."

"Then let's do something about it."

Lisa could see his hands moving under Katie's skirt, and they emerged holding her panties. He tossed the little garment aside and pushed Katie's skirt up to her waist, uncovering her lush black bush, slipping his hand between her legs, he began caressing her naked pussy, and she moaned hoarsely and opened her thighs wider.

"Oooooo, yes, Lance," she sighed. "Play with me. Get me hot."

"That's not gonna take long," he said. "You're pretty damned hot already."

While he massaged the scalding juicy flesh of her cunt, Katie pumped his big hard prick, and bright globs of juice began to ooze from his pisshole. Katie leaned down, stuck out her tongue, and lapped up the salty droplets, savoring them a moment before swallowing. Lisa ached to be in her place, licking her brother's handsome prick and eating his cum.

"Ahhhhh, God, Lance, I can't wait," Katie moaned. "Fuck me now, honey."

Lance grinned and eased her down on her back, and Katie opened her legs lewdly wide, exposing the lush red flesh of her pussy. Lance quickly tugged down his jeans and shorts and knelt between her legs. Lisa watched in hot excitement as her brother plugged the big knobby head of his cock into the steaming little pit of Katie's cunt.

"Uhhhhh, yessss," Katie moaned. "Stick that big ol' cock in my pussy, honey." Lisa felt a burst of molten cream drip from her cunt, and she almost groaned with longing. She wanted more than anything in the world to change places with Katie, to feel Lance's thick steel-stiff cock gliding up her famished cunt. She watched in an agony of envy as his blue-veined cock vanished between the black-furred lips of Katie's cunt.

"Ahhhhhh," Katie moaned. "Yes, baby, give it to me!"

"I'll give it to you," Lance panted. "I'll give you every fuckin' inch!"

Lisa had to get away. Just like last night, the sight of her brother and his girl was driving her out of her mind with lust. She didn't think she could control herself if she went on watching. She had an insane urge to run to them, drag Katie out of the way, and beg her brother to give her his gorgeous big cock deep and hard in her needy cunt. She slipped quietly away and hurried back to the house.

That settled it – the sooner she fucked, the better. She couldn't go on spying on Katie and Lance, then writhing with need for hours afterward. She had to have a man of her own. Entering the living room, she looked around and saw a new arrival, a ruggedly handsome man in his early thirties with thick dark hair and mustache. She strolled over to him with an enticing smile.

"Hello," she said. "I'm Lisa, Lance's sister."

"My name's Tom," he said, looking her over hungrily. "Care to dance, Lisa?"

"No," Lisa said sweetly. "I'd rather fuck."

Tom's mouth dropped open, and he almost spilled his drink. "Did I hear you right?" he said at last.

"Yes, you did," Lisa purred. "Would you like to come to my room?"

"Jesus, would I," Tom said. "Lead the way."

Lisa was quivering with excitement as she and Tom left the room and headed down the hall to her bedroom. He didn't arouse her like Lance did. At least she was going to get rid of her damned virginity. At least she'd get some relief for the burning need in her pussy. She ushered Tom into her room and locked the door behind them.

He was grinning. "I can't believe this," he said. "The most beautiful girl at the party, and you ask me to bed."

"Believe it." Lisa smiled, starting to unzip her jumpsuit.

"Let me do that," Tom said.

She felt lusty and impatient, but she was new at this game, so she let Tom call the shots. He unzipped her suit and let it fall, and Lisa stepped out of it wearing just her panties and bra. Ogling her sleek slender body, Tom quickly helped her out of the lacy little garments. His eyes swept hungrily over her small high-riding tits and little golden bush.

"You're gorgeous," he said, reaching for her.

"Uh-uh," Lisa said. "You have to take your clothes off first."

"As fast as I can," Tom panted. She went to lie on the bed, stretching out on her back and parting her legs slightly to give him a tantalizing glimpse of her moist pink pussy. Tom practically tore his clothes off in his haste to get next to her. He had an exciting body, tall and powerful and hairy. Lisa watched intently as he tugged down his shorts.

His cock emerged stiff as a board, and it was a beauty, about seven inches of exceptionally thick meat. His hairy balls looked as big as baseballs. As he hurried over to the bed, Lisa felt her pussy burning and juicing. She expected him to fuck her right away, but instead he settled beside her and cupped her tits in his big hot hands, gently squeezing and molding the satiny flesh.

"Why'd you pick me?" he asked.

"I don't know," Lisa said. "I was just horny, I guess, and you looked like you could handle it."

"You bet I can," he said. "But you know, it's really weird, you look so much like Lance."

"Let's not talk about Lance," Lisa said.

He looked ready to say more, but she leaned up and kissed him. She didn't want to talk. His big hands felt delicious on her tender tits, and soon her small pink nipples were going rigid and throbbing against his palm. She wriggled her tongue in his mouth, and she felt the big man shudder with lusty excitement. One hand left her tits and slid down to her soft pussy.

"Mmmmmm," Lisa sighed.

Tom snaked one thick finger between the furry lips of her cunt and touched the red-hot little button of her clit. He started frigging her expertly, sliding his fingertip back and forth over her wet clit, and Lisa felt hot surges of pleasure melting her pussy. She moaned, then drenched his finger with a helpless flood of scalding cum juice. Tom felt it and drew back in surprise.

"Jesus, baby," he said, "you really are horny, aren't you?"

"Yes," Lisa said hoarsely. "I'm so horny I could die, Tom. Please, fuck me now. I want to do it right now."

"Sure, honey, whatever you want," he said wonderingly.

Lisa opened her legs wide, bending her knees and exposing her luscious pink slit with its delicate fringe of blonde curls. She didn't feel the least bit shy about showing him her pussy. All she could think about was finally getting a stiff cock in her famished virgin cunt. Tom knelt between her legs. His rigid prick looked enormous.

He wedged the bulbous purple head of his cock into the slick hot hollow of her cunt, and Lisa shivered with excitement. Just a few more seconds and she'd finally know what it was like to fuck. Another helpless flood of hot syrup gushed from her cunt, soaking the head of Tom's prick. He started pushing into her, then stopped abruptly.

"Christ, you're tight," he said. "I've never been in a pussy this small."

"Never mind," Lisa moaned. "Just do it. Stick your cock in me!"

Tom grunted and pushed again, and his massive thick cock wedged about an inch into her tiny virgin cunt. Already Lisa felt like she was taking a baseball bat up her pussy. But she knew it might hurt the first time, and she wasn't going to let that stop her. She was sick of being a virgin, sick of missing out on all the fun.

"More," she whimpered. "Get into me deeper, Tom."

"I'm trying," he panted, "but you're so fuckin' tight."

He caught his breath and shoved again, harder this time, and Lisa stifled a gasp of pain. He was about two inches into her now, snorting and pushing, sweat starting to bead on his forehead. He gave another strong thrust with his rock-hard seven-inch prick, but didn't get any farther. He looked at Lisa in surprise.

"Holy Christ!" he panted. "You're a virgin, aren't you?"

"Yessss," Lisa moaned. "But don't stop, Tom. I want to be fucked so bad."

"Honey, it's gonna hurt," he said. "My cock's way too big for you."

Lisa was running out of patience, her pussy aching with need. "Damnit, Tom, stop being so fucking nice!" she cried. "I brought you in here to bust my cherry, so do it!"

"Okay, baby," he growled. "If that's what you want, here goes."

He drew back, aiming his swollen rigid cock at the tiny mouth of her cunt, then plowed forward with all his strength. The steel-hard head of his cock tore through her cherry and plunged up to her womb. She was suddenly stuffed breathless with bloated throbbing cock. She started to scream with pain, but Tom clapped a hand over her mouth and muffled her cries. "That's what you wanted," he panted. "And now you've got it. You got every inch of my cock. You're not a virgin any more, Lisa."

Lisa nodded, her big blue eyes moist with tears. Tom stayed still, his giant cock shoved to the hilt in her tiny untried pussy, throbbing heavily against her cunt walls.

"Okay," he said hoarsely. "Let's just hold it there till you get used to it. The worst is over now. You just have to start thinking how you love having that good stiff cock in your pussy."

Again Lisa nodded, but she wondered what she really felt. The pain of losing her cherry had been awful, but now that Tom's huge steely prick was crammed all the way into her cunt, stuffing her completely, she began to feel a kind of wicked excitement. It really did feel good, to have that stiff throbbing prick pushed deep into her little fuckhole.

Timidly she moved her juicy cunt up and down the granite spike of his cock. The friction between cock and cunt was delicious. She moaned softly and began to cream around his big pulsating prick. She speeded the movements of her hips, humping at his cock with growing excitement. Tom took his hand off her mouth and grinned down at her.

"Feeling better to you now?" he said.

"Mmmmmm, yessss," Lisa sighed.

"Good," he said, "because it was hell holding still. Now we can really fuck."

He started moving his cock in her, slowly and gently at first, knowing her cunt was still bruised and tender. As he pistoned his thick hard prick in and out of her famished little cunt, Lisa whimpered with excitement and creamed more heavily around his pulsating cock. Her pretty face began to flush with arousal, and her blue eyes glowed lustily.

"Ohhhh, yesss," she moaned. "That feels really good, Tom."

Tom was having trouble keeping himself from coming. He'd been around, but this was unquestionably the most exciting fuck of his life. The girl was so damned beautiful, for one thing, and he'd never fucked a tighter cunt. It had excited the hell out of him to break through her cherry, knowing his prick was the first to stuff that deliciously snug pussy.

He stayed on his knees as he fucked her, enjoying the view. He could watch the lovely blonde girl getting more and more aroused by his cock, her face starting to twist in a pleasure-grimace, her eyes fluttering. He watched her luscious little round tits swell up with arousal, the nipples stiff and erect. He pistoned his cock into her in a slow sensual rhythm and felt the growing flood of her molten cunt juice.

"Mmmmmmm," Lisa whimpered. "Your cock feels so good in me."

Tom watched his thick blue-veined shaft plowing in and out between the swollen pink lips of her cunt. The hairy base of his prick was stained with virgin blood, but it was being quickly washed away by her overflowing cunt juices that gushed around his cock, soaked his balls, and dribbled down the crack of her ass. As her excitement mounted, he fucked into her a little faster and harder.

"Oooooooo!" Lisa squealed. "Yes, Tom, do it to me harder! That feels great!"

The delicious friction grew between her gripping juicy fuckhole and Tom's massively thick cock. She was really starting to like it now that the pain was gone. Each deep lunge of his big hard-on sent a blast of pleasure through her pussy, and she creamed helplessly and clawed the bedspread in her lusty excitement. Now she knew why everybody seemed so obsessed with fucking. It had to be the greatest pleasure around.

"Good for you, baby?" Tom panted. "You like the way I'm fucking you?"

"Ahhhh, God, yes," Lisa moaned. "I love it, Tom. Don't stop!"

She was starting to fuck back at him, jerking her slim hips in time to his strokes, working her juice slick cunt up and down the steely shaft pf his cock. She whined with pleasure, and her hot juice kept coming, boiling around his prick and overflowing onto his balls. Tom figured she was ready for him to go into high gear. He lowered himself onto her, his broad hairy chest pressing her stiff-nippled tits.

"Hang on," he panted. "I'm gonna ride you real good now."

Lisa felt him shove his hands under her churning little ass and grip firmly, holding her in place. He started fucking into her hard and fast, stuffing her greedy little cunt and plowing clear to her womb. The rigid shaft of his cock raked back and forth over her clit, giving her sharp jolts of pleasure. She whined and dug her nails into his sweaty shoulders.

"Uhhhhh, yessss!" she moaned. "Fuck me good and hard, honey! I can take it now!"

Tom's hairy ass knotted and jerked as he rammed his big swollen cock into her with lightning speed. Her cunt was so deliciously tight, juicy and hot that he was dying to come, but it was the girl's first fuck and he wanted her to come away loving it. He gritted his teeth and gave her a steady swift hammering with his long rigid prick.

Lisa threw back her head and gurgled with ecstasy. She remembered the first night she'd watched Lance fucking Katie, how she'd worded he would hurt the girl when he fucked her so fast and hard. Now she knew it was better that way – the harder and faster Tom crammed his cock into her, the more pleasure she felt. She began fucking back at him.

"Give it to me, you big bastard!" she hissed. "Really fuck me!"

Tom pulled out all stops, fucking into her scorching pussy like a pile driver. Their bellies met in loud smacks, and his taut hairy balls slapped her cunt. He was reaming her, stuffing her almost breathless, but Lisa loved every exciting second of it. She met the fierce lunges of his cock with a downward slam of her seething cunt, taking the throbbing meat to her womb.

"Hard enough for you, baby?" Tom panted.

"Shit, yes!" Lisa wailed. "You're fucking me really good, Tom! Ahhhhhh, God, yes, fuck!"

The bedsprings began to creak and groan, and even their fucking got noisy. Tom's thick hard cock made an obscene sucking sound as it reamed the thick pussy juice from her helplessly gushing cunt. Blast after blast of scaring pleasure ripped through her pussy, till she could hardly stand it. Then she felt a delicious explosion deep in her cunt.

"Unnngghhhh, you're doing it to me! I'm coming!" she shrieked. "Ohhhhh, fuck me, Tom! Whhaaahhhh!"

Her slender body shook violently beneath him, and Tom felt her convulsing cunt going tight as a vise around his cock. Her scorching pussy juice drenched his cock, and her squeezing cunt felt hot as fire. No way in the world could he keep from coming now. Her spasming cunt was sucking the juice cum out of his prick.

"Awwwwww, I'm coming!" he bellowed.

Lisa felt the searing flood of his jizz inside her cunt, and the delicious bath triggered her into another howling climax. They fucked at each other like animals, humping, clawing, and wailing. Tom jetted load after load of steaming cum into her sucking little fuckhole as she screamed and came.

"Ahhhhhh! So fucking good!" she moaned.

Tom had given her a tremendous first fuck, and she knew she was hooked on fucking for the rest of her life. There was just one disturbing thing about the whole experience – all the while Tom had been fucking her, Lisa had been thinking about her twin brother, imagining it was Lance who was taking her cherry. She really had to dismiss those incestuous thoughts from her, mind.

But it was Lance she dreamed about that night, and she was thinking of him the moment she woke up.
