I’m grateful to Lafayette College, which provided me with a yearlong leave from teaching during which I completed an early draft of this book, and where my colleagues have been unfailingly supportive of my work. I began the first chapter while at the MacDowell Colony, and was lucky enough to write later chapters during residencies at Djerassi and the Château de Lavigny — all beautiful places whose nurturing of artists is invaluable. Many friends and family members offered perceptive comments on different drafts, including Joyce Hinnefeld, Don Lee, Ginny Wiehardt, my brother, and my parents. Jenny Boyar contributed helpful research on therapy and acting. Thanks to Liette Chamberland, Yves and Christine Cormier, Ann Devoe, and Diane Robinson for their assistance with French dialogue and Montreal details. My grade two teacher, Grace Tugwell, encouraged my creativity as a child, and I have taken the liberty of borrowing her name (though nothing else) for my characters.

My editor, Gary Fisketjon, has taught me more about writing than I can say. Amy Williams somehow manages to be a wonderful, trusted agent and an even better friend. Lastly, I’d like to thank Stephen Rodrick for reading the book, for making me laugh, and for the future.
