Concord, North Carolina
When the phone rang, Winter was in his bedroom with the door closed, going over his conversation with Reed in his mind.
The sound of Sean's voice filled him with relief. “Sean, is it you?”
“It's me.”
“A lot of people are worried about you,” he told Sean.
“I figured my sudden departure might raise some eyebrows.”
“Are you all right?”
“I'm perfectly fine. After you left, I tired of the company.”
“Do you have money?”
“Why are you running?”
“I'm moving around at the moment to make sure when I stop I'll be out of danger.”
“I was afraid you might have been kidnapped.”
“No, I wasn't kidnapped. I just wanted to let you know that so you wouldn't worry. You can tell your chief marshal I am fine, and even though he lied to me, I forgive him.”
“Lied how?”
“I've been watching the news and I can't help but notice they are playing fast and loose with the facts.”
“You don't know the half of it.”
“It's nice hearing your voice, Massey. I mean that. I'd love to chat, but I have to make a plane.”
“Will you stay in touch?” He suppressed the urge to add please.
“I can't call back for a while.”
“Why not?”
“You're kidding, right? Ever heard of traces? The marshals can't protect me. Look, I'll get in touch from time to time, if you don't mind.”
“I'd like that a lot. You just promise that if you ever need my help, you'll call me?”
“So long, Massey.”
The line went dead. Winter's heart sank, wishing there had been some way to prolong their conversation. He knew he had to help her. He dialed Hank's cell phone.
“You aren't working late again, are you?” Winter asked him.
“Yeah,” Hank answered. “Sun to sun, son.”
“Sean Devlin just called. She wants Shapiro to know she's all right. She said she knows he lied to her, but she forgives him.”
“Lied about what?”
“Didn't say. Can you handle that?”
“I'll tell him. He might want to talk to you. The attorney general has set a press conference for Thursday morning. It won't be a secret after that, and you can get on with your life.”
“Thursday,” Winter said.
“If you need to talk, I'm here. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, Hank. I do. Thanks.”
Winter hung up. He felt sick and, except for once three years before, more helpless than ever.