San Marino, California

Amber had unlocked her car in the parking lot and reached for the handle.

A hand shot out from behind her, stopping the driver’s door from opening. Amber whirled around, her skin prickled as she recognized the man with a steel-vise grip on her door.

“Eric! What’re you doing here? You’re not supposed to contact me!”

“I only want you to listen to what I have to say. I need to talk, Amber.”

“No! There’s a court order! Let go of my door!”

“Baby, please.”

“Have you been following me?”

He didn’t answer.

“Eric, let go of my door!”

He continued holding it.

Amber cast glances to the street, then the building, hoping someone, anyone, would come by. He was six foot two to her five foot three and he weighed about two hundred thirty pounds. His biceps bulged as he moved closer. She caught her breath.

“The judge extended the restraining order and fined you for not showing up in court,” she said. “Didn’t your lawyer tell you?”

“I know.”

“Then just leave me alone and we can let this go.”

“We’ve got too many judges and lawyers between us.”

“Don’t do this, don’t make things worse.”

“You’re still my wife.”

His big hand clamped Amber’s shoulder and he backed her against her car. Her heart was thundering. She couldn’t escape, couldn’t get into her purse for her phone.

“Eric, let me go or I swear to God I’ll scream.”

“Calm down, please. I need to talk to you without lawyers. That’s all.”

“No, we have to move on with our separate lives.”

“No, no, baby, don’t give up on us.” Eyes brimming, he’d softened his tone, presenting the tender side of him she’d once loved. “Baby, I know I’ve got problems. I hurt you, I know, I’m so goddammed sorry.”

“Stop it, Eric.”

“No, just listen. I don’t expect you to forgive me. That’s not what I’m asking. I’m begging you to stop the divorce. Come back to me. Give me another chance. Let’s start over. I’ve got a new job with my brother in Sacramento and I’m getting help. We can make it better than it was before.”

Fighting tears, Amber shook her head slowly.

“Baby, I promise, I give you my sacred vow I’ll change.”

She kept shaking her head.

“Please, baby,” Eric sniffled. “Please.”



“Eric, I’ve heard this before. What we had is gone. I can’t be with you.”

“What are you saying?”

“We can never, ever go back.”

All the blood drained from his face.

His voice dropped to a whisper.

“But without you, I’ve got nothing, Amber.” His grip on her shoulder tightened. “I’ve got nothing left in this world to lose.”

“You have to let me go.”

“I can’t.”

Amber struggled to break free, thinking she could run into the office building or down the street, or into traffic. Eric’s eyes narrowed until something inside them snapped. He seized her shoulders and shook her with such force her head whiplashed.

“Do you think I’m going to let this happen? You want me to beat some fucking sense into you?”

“No! Please, you’re hurting me.”

“Let her go!”

They both turned to Claire, who was standing in the parking lot a few feet away. She had one hand deep inside her shoulder bag. The other gripped the strap, braced for action.

“Who the fuck are you?” Eric maintained his hold on Amber.

Claire did not identify herself.

“This is none of your fucking business,” Eric said. “So fuck off, bitch.”

“It is my business,” Claire said. “I’ve alerted police that you’re in violation of a protection order. They’re on their way. Take your hands off of her and step away.”

Eric turned back to Amber, his breath tearing in and out of his lungs.

“She’s your fucking shrink, isn’t she? She’s the one putting ideas in your head, turning you against me, getting between man and wife!” Eric pulled Amber forward, then crushed her hard against the car. “I’m going to give her the same goddamned medicine!”

As he pulled Amber forward to slam her a second time, something hissed and a liquid stream splashed into his eyes. He doubled over screaming and cupping his hands to his face.

“Oh, you fucking, whoring goddamned bitch! You are fucking dead!”

Claire stood over him, gripping her can of pepper spray, ready to douse Eric again. Amber got into her car, locked the door and sobbed as they heard the sound of an approaching siren.

Eric sat on the pavement, writhing.

“Fuck! My eyes are burning! Fuck!”

A marked patrol car, its lights flashing and siren yelping to silence, braked in the parking lot and two uniformed officers with the San Marino Police Department took control.

Moments later, an ambulance arrived. Paramedics checked on Amber.

It was over in minutes.

The police officers handcuffed Eric and placed him in the backseat of their car. One of the officers dealt with Eric, checking his ID and processing it with the dispatcher. The second officer, D. Freeman, according to her name tag, spoke with Claire then Amber, taking initial statements while paramedics examined Amber and Eric.

“He’ll go before a judge for violation of his protection order,” Freeman said. “Most likely he’ll be charged. He’ll get jail time, but will likely be out in days.”

“Under the circumstances, I think we have to get Amber into a women’s shelter,” Claire said. “We also suspect he’s been stalking her and may have illegally entered her residence. We need you to check her home.”

“Okay, once we process him, we’ll meet you there.”

The paramedics said Amber had suffered some neck strain and might feel some swelling and tenderness later. If it became painful, she should go to a hospital, they advised while making a summary report.

“Are you comfortable with everything, Amber?” Claire asked. “Want us to call anyone?”

After tearful nods Amber said, “I’ll call my girlfriend.”

Officer Freemen finished noting their concerns then returned to the car. Claire and Amber could see Eric seething in the backseat. As it rolled away, he turned to them and his tearstained, inflamed gaze found Claire’s, telegraphing a raw, savage hate for her.

She did not flinch.
