''We've got the minimum containment field up. Prepare to release antimatter into Reactor A,'' Captain Drago said, as Kris entered the bridge. Silently, she slipped into a high-gee station that was in the usual place for weapons. Careful not to jiggle any elbows, she left the station cold and inert.

''Captain, we've got a steep drop in power from the station,'' Sulwan suddenly announced. ''Containment is weakening.''

''Hold the antimatter,'' the captain ordered.

Kris snapped her commlink and raised the station chief. ''This is Princess Kristine. We were promised power. We are at a critical stage. Who cut it? They are criminals and enemies of the state. Do I need to talk to General Boyng?''

''No. No, ma'am, I swear it's just a glitch. We got a lot of ships making demands we aren't anywhere close to rated for it.''

''Get us power,'' Kris demanded.

''Yes, ma'am,'' and the man was off-screen.

''Should I rely on our own auxiliary power?'' Drago asked. ''I wanted to save it to jump-start our second reactor. Get us out of here faster.''

''Keep auxiliary ready to use antimatter, but see if we can get a start using station power the next time it comes up.''

''Station power coming up to specs,'' Sulwan announced.

''Engineering ready to bleed antimatter into the reactor.''

''Everything is ready,'' Nelly said in her normal voice.

''No questions?'' Kris asked.

''I think we will rewrite the procedures on how to do this,'' Nelly said. ''Nothing our boffins and I couldn't handle. But I'd hate to see anyone do it without all we have here.''

''Nelly, we need to work on a firing solution when this is done.''

''I figured we would. First things first. We have plasma. The containment is holding. We have enough plasma to start our own power generation. Yes!'' The computer's cheer was echoed by several on the bridge and over the commlink.

''We have fusion,'' Captain Drago announced. ''We are growing the plasma core. Thank God we are taking electricity directly from the core. Give me another five minutes, and I'll be ready to jump-start Reactor B. Sortie in fifteen minutes, Princess.''

''What do you mean you're drawing power directly from the core?'' Captain Krätz asked as he escorted his ensign onto the bridge. The colonel behind him had heard the question; he said nothing but seemed to want to look at everything at once.

''Something we can't talk about,'' one captain said to the other. ''However, we do have plasma and should be under way in fifteen minutes.'' Drago tapped his commlink. ''Set getting-under way details, minimum.'' Throughout the ship, came the noise of hands moving to stations.

''I understand we are going into another battle,'' announced Professor mFumbo, following Vicky's team onto the bridge.

''You want to get off?'' Kris asked.

''If I wanted off this tub, I would have left before these mad scientists jump-started the reactor. No, I'm not leaving, but do we really have to be confined to bed?''

''Afraid so,'' Drago cut in. ''Unless you like the idea of standing around at three times your own weight, maybe more, I'd suggest you get in bed. A nice soft one.''

mFumbo scowled. ''Could we at least see what's going on?''

''Won't be much to see, but I'll send you the picture,'' Drago said, and ordered his quartermaster to get the scientists off his neck. With quick efficiency, the Wasp prepared to get under way. Today, some things were different. Kris's station came up as a fire-control post. Vicky's high-gee station next to hers had all the readouts of Kris's. Just none of the active controls.

Captain Krätz settled into a high-gee couch next to Captain Drago's station. The State Security colonel was parked at the rear of the bridge, where he could see everything and touch nothing. He had two Marines behind him and Gunny in front.

Jack took position closer to Kris, where he could keep an eye on all of the strangers aboard. With a glint in his eye, he looked ready for anything.

Exactly thirty minutes from when Captain Drago said he could get the Wasp under way in a half hour, the pier tie-downs began to rattle backward, and the Wasp smartly backed away from the dock.

''Nelly, start an intercept clock,'' Kris ordered. A clock before her began to count down. The initial display was 3 HR 24 MIN 24.242 SEC, but it quickly changed.
