Slinkin M.M. The Iran-Iraq War, 1980–1988. Fighting in the Sea.

The main theme of the book is а description and analysis of the reasons, progress and peculiarities of the naval warfare operations in the зеа during the Iran-Irag War. In the monography the author tried to conduct an overall investigation of the development and standing condition of the iranian and lraqi naval and air forces at the beginning of the conflict. At the time described the sides based in their naval and air forces development on the states of the different social systems and military blocks. All that had а great influence on the fighting strengh, armament, training system and combat use of the forces at беа. At the beginning of the war combat operations mainly took р1асе on land. Moreover naval and air forces were applied in warfare operations mainly in the nothern part of the Persian Gulf. In the spring of 1984 expansion of the armed conflict at sea, increasing tension of maritime warfare operations and its high threat to international shipping in the region and interests of third countries led to the deployment of their Navies in the Gulf. Third Navies were used to decrease the operational threat to the safety of the strategic communications through the Strate of Hormunz. Much attention in this book is given to some questions concerning military presence and activity of Navies of different countries in the region, their influence on the development of the situation and operational methods of the belligerents.

The book begins with brief introduction and consists of the following chapters and paragraphs.

Chapter I. The historiography of the question.

Chapter ll. Iranian and Iraqi navies and air forces before the begining of the war. Naval activity in the Persian Gulf.

2.1. The Iranian and Iraqi naval developments before the begining of the war.

2.1 1. The lranian navy.

2.1.2. The Iraqi navy.

2.1.3. The correlation of the sides strengh in the Persian Gulf.

2.2. The Iranian and Iraqi air forbes before the begining of the War.

2.2.1. The Iranian air forces.

2.2.2. The Iraqi air forces.

2.3. The U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf.

Chapter III. Armed conflict between Iran and Iraq at зеа.

3.1. First period of the Iiran-Iraq War and warfare operation at sea (September — December of 1980).

3.2. "Forgotten War": second period of armed conflict at sea (1981 — April of 1984).

3.3. "Tanker War": third репой of armed conflict at sea (April of 1984–1988).

3.3.1. The first stage (April of 1984–1986).

3.3.2. The second stage (1986 — August of 1988).

3.4. The belligerents losses and their replacement during the War.

Chapter IV. Foreign naval activity and its influence upon situation in the Persian Gulf.

4.1. Deployment of the foreign naval forces in the Persian Gulf area.

4.2. Combat activity of NATO-states naval forces.

4.2.1. The U.S. war ships convoy duties.

4.2.2. Antimine defence.

4.2.3. Armed clashes between the USA and Iran at sea.

4.3. Influence of NATO-states naval forces activity upon situation in the Persian Gulf and the belligerents operations.





