Translated from Georgian by R. K. KIKNADZE and V. S. PUTURIDZE

Research and index by R. K. KIKNADZE


The present is a Russian translation of,,The History of Georgia” by Parsadan Gorgijanidze, outstanding Georgian historian and statesman of the 17th century. Brought up by Rostom, King of Kartli P. Gorgijanidze lived in Iran for forty years, occupying high post at the Shah's court. At the same time he contributed to the establishment of cultural relations between Georgia and Iran, in particular in setting in verse the Georgian version of,,Shah – namah"; he also compiled a Georgian – Persian – Arabic dictionary and translated to the georgian,,The Book of Moslem laws Jami Abbasi” by Baha ad – Din Muhammad Ali.

,,The History of Georgia” by Parsadan Gorgijanidze revived the Georgian historiographic traditions of,,Kartlis Tskhovreba" (History of Georgia). In scholarly literature this work is conventionally divided into four parts (I. A. Javakhishvili).

In the First part the narration proceeds from the beginning up to Queen Tamar's reign (1184); it is compiled on the basis of oral and written sources. The second part represents a record of events up to 14th century. It is founded on corresponding works of the old Georgian historical corpus,,Kartlis Tskhovreba”. The third part covers the period up to 1636; it amply refers to Persian literature. The events in the fourth part are brought up to 1696; It is written mainly by Gorgijanidze as an eye – witness and contemporary, using various written sources in addition to his own impressions.

In the present work the chronological limits of different parts are defined more precisely: not 1636 but the 1650s – 1660s; not 1696 but 1694. Besides, in this book the importance of some parts of the work is differently evaluated. The use of the above – mentioned parts as a source has never been suggested earlier.

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