♦ Astaire, Lesley, Roddy Martine, and Eric Ellington. Living in the Highlands. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2000.

♦ Bahn, Paul. Archaeology: The Definitive Guide. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2003.

♦ Ellis, Peter Berresford. A Brief History of the Druids. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2002.

♦ Green, Miranda J. The World of the Druids. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1997.

♦ Kennedy, Maev. The History of Archaeology. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2002.

♦ Konstam, Angus and Richard Kean. Historical Atlas of the Celtic World. New York: Checkmark Books, 2001.

♦ Melchior-Bonnet, Sabine. The Mirror, A History. London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2000.

♦ Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh and Christopher Simon Sykes. Great Houses of Scotland. New York: Universe Publishing, 2001.

♦ Pendergrast, Mark. Mirror Mirror: A History of the Human Love Affair with Reflection. New York: Basic Books, 2004.

♦ Renfrew, Colin and Paul Bahn. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2000.

♦ What Life Was Like Among Druids and High Kings. New York: Time Life Books, 1998.
