I Am an Exit

I found him lying along the interstate, bleeding in the moonlight under the sign for Exit Five. It was bad—real bad. Blood covered everything; from the guard rail and median strip to his frayed blue jeans and crooked birth-control glasses with the cracked lens. They called them birth control glasses because wearing them insured that you’d never get laid. You only got glasses like that in the military and in prison. He didn’t look like a soldier to me.

Far away, barely visible through the woods, an orange fire glowed. A hint of smoke drifted towards us on the breeze.

I knelt down beside him, and he struggled to sit up. His insides glistened, slipping from the wound in his side. Gently, I urged him back to the ground and then placed my hand over the gash, feeling the slick, wet heat beneath my palm. The wind buffeted the Exit Five sign above our heads, and then died.

“Don’t try to sit up,” I told him. “You’re injured.”

He tried to speak. His cracked lips were covered with froth. The words would not come. He closed his eyes.

With my free hand, I reached into the pocket of my coat, and he opened his eyes again, focusing on me. I pulled my hand back out, keeping the other one on the gash in his side.


“Sorry friend. Just me.”

“I was—trying to get home to Robin.”

He coughed, spraying blood and spittle, and I felt his innards move beneath my palm.

“She’s waiting for me.”

I nodded, not understanding but understanding all the same.

He focused on me again. “What happened?”

“You’ve been in an accident.”

“I—I don’t—last thing I remember was the fire.”


He coughed again.

“My legs feel like they’re asleep.”

“Probably because you’ve been lying down,” I lied. “They’re okay.”

They weren’t. One was squashed flat in several places and bent at an angle. A shard of bone protruded from the other.

“D-do you have a cell phone? I want to call Robin.”

“Sorry friend. Wish I did, so we could call 911. But I’m sure someone will come along. Meanwhile, tell me about her.”

“She’s beautiful.” His grimace turned into a smile, and the pain and confusion vanished from his eyes. “She’s waiting for me. Haven’t seen her in five years.”

“Why is that?”

“Been in prison.” He swallowed. “Upstate. Cresson. Just got out this morning. Robbery. I stole a pack of cigarettes. Can you believe that shit? Five years for one lousy pack of smokes.”

I shook my head. I’d been right about the glasses. And the sentence indicated he wasn’t a first time offender. Pennsylvania had a three strikes law, and it sounded as if he qualified.

A mosquito buzzed in my ear, but I ignored it. In the distance, the fire grew brighter.

“We’d been dating before it happened,” he said. “She was pregnant with my son. I—I’ve never held him.”

“They didn’t come visit you?”

“Not enough money. Cresson is a long way from Hanover—almost on the New York border. We didn’t have no car.”

He paused, struggling to sit up again. “My legs are cold.”

“That’s okay,” I said. “The important thing is to keep talking. Tell me more.”

“I—I got out this morning. Couldn’t wait to get home and see her and the kid. Kurt. We named him Kurt, like the singer, you know? The guy from Nirvana? She wrote me letters every single day. I used to call her collect, but Robin still lives with her folks, and it got too expensive. I’ve s-seen pictures of Kurt. Watched him grow up through the mail. I want to hug him. My stomach is cold.”

“It’s a cold night,” I replied, trying to take his mind off of it. He was losing a lot of blood. The smoke was stronger now, heavier. It blanketed the treetops and drifted over the road like fog.

“The State got me a Greyhound ticket from Cresson to Hanover. Rode on that damn bus all day, and I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep. Too excited. There was a McDonalds at one of the stops, and that’s the first time I’ve had a Quarter-Pounder in five years! Couldn’t wait to tell Robin about it.”

His eyes grew dark.

“There was this one fucker on the bus though. Guy from Cresson, just like me. Never saw him before. He was in a different block. He was on his way to Harrisburg. Fucker started the fight, but the bus driver didn’t believe me and threw me off.”


“Yeah!” He broke into a violent fit of coughing, and I thought that would be it, that he would expire. But then it subsided. “Fucker threw me right off the bus. Right here on the road. I had my thumb out to hitch a ride when I saw—I saw the fire!

He sat upright, eyes startled.

“Shit, I r-remember now. There’s a house on fire!”

“Yes,” I soothed him, forcing him back down. “Yes, there is. But there’s nothing you can do about that now. Somebody should be along shortly. What else do you remember?”

His eyes clouded.

“T-the fire—and then—a horn? A loud horn, like on a tractor-trailer, and bright lights.”


“Mister? I don’t feel too good. I don’t think I’m gonna make it. Will you d-do me a f-favor?”

I nodded. His skin felt cold; the warmth was leaving his body.

“Give my love to Robin and K-kurt? Their address is in m-my wallet, along w-with t-t-their phone number.”

“I’d be happy too.”

“I—I s-sure-a-a-appreciate t-that, Mister.”

He smiled, safe in the knowledge that I would give his wife and child his love. Then he turned his head to the fire in the distance. His brow creased.

“I s-sure h-hope the p-people in that h-house are a-alright…”

“They are fine now,” I told him. “There were four of them. Daddy, Mommy, and the kids, a boy and a girl. The Wilts, I believe their name was. Exit Four. I killed them long before I started the fire. So don’t worry yourself. They’ll never feel the flames.”

“W-what?” He tried to sit up again, but I shoved him back down, hard.

“They were Exit Four. You are Exit Five. Hold still.”

I pulled the knife from my jacket and cut his throat. There wasn’t as much blood as I’d expected, most of it already having leaked out while I kept him talking. I wiped the knife in the grass and placed it back in my coat. Then I fished out his wallet and found Robin and Kurt’s address and phone number. I smiled. They lived just off the Interstate, at Exit Twenty-One.

Twenty-One. And this was Five. Sixteen more exits, and I would keep my promise to him.

I walked on into the night, the distant wail of fire sirens following in my wake.

I am an exit.

* * *

Many readers tell me this story is one of their favorites. “I Am An Exit” appeared in my second short story collection, Fear of Gravity, and was reprinted in A Little Silver Book of Streetwise Stories. Both of those collections are now out-of-print, and people who don’t own them and don’t want to pay an exorbitant amount of money for them on eBay keep asking me to reprint it, so here you go.

The tale came in a single, sudden burst. I usually write to music. The night this was written, I was working on the first draft of a novel called Terminal, and listening to Johnny Cash’s “Give My Love To Rose” and Nine Inch Nails’ “Mr. Self Destruct.” When the story idea came, it was the perfect fusion of fatigue, music, coffee and creative energy. The lyrics from both songs kept running around in my head. I thought about Cash’s protagonist dying along the railroad tracks, begging the stranger to give his love to Rose, while in the background, Trent Reznor whispered “I am an exit.” I wrote the first draft in the next half hour, and the second and final drafts the following day.

The story was so well-received that I eventually wrote a sequel to it (which follows).
