“Done. Downhill from here,” said Telach. “Bug is working perfectly.”

“Yes,” said Rubens. He walked over to the console and picked up the phone.

“Calling the president?”

“No. Ms. Collins, actually.”

* * *

It didn’t surprise Rubens at all that Collins was suspicious when he proposed that the CIA take over the “handling” of the bugging operation.

“Since when does Desk Three turn over any operation it starts?” she asked.

“It’s not a trick, Debra. Desk Three is designed for short operations, not keeping someone under surveillance for weeks or even months at a time. We simply don’t have the personnel to devote to an extended mission. As this one has shown.”

“You’ve done pretty well until now.”

“I appreciate the compliment.”

Collins was silent, but it was obvious what she was thinking: What is he up to?

“I believe you yourself said that we’re not enemies,” Rubens told her. “Your people were supporting the operation overseas anyway.”

“It’s Bing, isn’t it? You figure she’ll hound you until you make a mistake, and you don’t want to take a chance.”

Rubens sighed. He did hate Bing. He suspected Collins did as well. But that wasn’t it. On the contrary, he was sure that Bing would use this against him somehow. It was all grist for the mill.

If there were a way to store the information and occasionally download it or pick it up, like some of the NSA’s other programs, his feeling might have been different. But politics aside, having the CIA take over was the best strategy.

“Desk Three is not designed for long-term missions,” he said. “It’s simply not what we do. You are positioned much better. But if you want—”

“No. No, you’re right.” said Collins. “When do you propose we switch?”

“As soon as you want,” said Rubens. “There are FBI agents standing by in Boston. They can back your people up as easily as they can back up mine. Assuming the president agrees.”

“And Bing.”

“Yes. And Bing.”

“Bill?” she added as he was about to hang up.

“We shouldn’t be enemies.”

“I hope we’re not.”

“I didn’t mean what I said the other day.”


“One hand washing the other.”

“Well, it does, doesn’t it?” said Rubens. “We just can’t make decisions on that basis, can we?”
