Chapter Four

Jill glared down at her brand-new wedding ring tucked beside her huge diamond. Well-that was one hell of a way to refuse her resignation. If anything, Mike Furie was resourceful.

How the hell he had managed to parlay her quitting her cushy job as his assistant into a totally hot, completely mind-bending marriage of convenience totally escaped her. One minute she was telling him off. The next, she was humping him madly in a hotel room in Tahoe. She had absolutely no memory of leaving Aspen in his jet. There was a fuzzy recollection of visiting the wedding chapel at the Tahoe Hilton. And falling into a California King bed with satin sheets in the honeymoon suite.

The only thing she was damn sure of-she wouldn’t get within a hundred feet of another bottle of champagne as long as she lived. And walking around all day in a slinky designer evening gown was not going to cut it. She showered and paid a visit to a couple of the exclusive designer boutique shops in the hotel lobby, to buy something to wear besides her gown. Not a soul even lifted a brow as she walked into the expensive little boutiques wearing a wrinkled evening gown. Possibly because it utterly screamed wealth.

As she used his unlimited credit to purchase enough clothes to fill two trunks, she wondered what had happened to make him suddenly decide he wanted a wife instead of just a personal assistant. She wasn’t naïve enough to think the man was in love with her. But he was definitely in temporary lust with her, and she could deal with that. For now.

She decided that abusing a man’s credit cards must be like some sort of aphrodisiac to him. Maybe it was his ego that she’d wounded. Maybe he was just getting even with her for telling him he was a major bastard. But then, that was certainly no reason to get married. If all it took to catch a man was to call him a bastard, every woman on earth would be married.

And how on earth was she going to break this sudden news to her family? “Hey, Mom…Dad? Guess what happened last night in Lake Tahoe?” They would never believe this was a real marriage any more than she could believe it. But she’d seen her rather sloppy signature on that marriage certificate, right along with his. Too bad he’d kept it out of her reach, or it would have been history.

He had blatantly admitted his perfidy. He had bluntly told her he had no intention of losing his best employee, even if it meant playing dirty. That had been after the third time he’d jumped her bones, and she’d demanded to know what the hell he was thinking when he’d pulled such a stupid stunt.

She supposed it could be worse. She was finally getting to live some of her wet dreams in person, with a real live man who didn’t melt into smoke when the alarm went off. And to top it all off, this was the man she’d been fantasizing over for the past seven years, and he was as good in bed as she’d always imagined he was-oh, was he ever.

Now all she had to do was figure out how to make it to her birthday party…

* * * * *

Once he’d made certain she wasn’t going to bolt from the hotel, Mike had made some business calls, had the marriage license sent by courier to the County Recorder’s Office so she couldn’t rip it up and say he’d never married her, and then he’d made a call to his office in L.A., telling them that he was on his honeymoon and wouldn’t be back in the office for at least two weeks. He had no intention of letting Jill out of his sight until he was sure she was okay with their new “situation”. He was having her carefully spied upon even now, while she was shopping, not quite trusting her not to cut and run. So far, so good.

He knew her well enough that she wouldn’t renege on a contract. But an impromptu wedding was not quite your usual contract. Females had odd ideas about such things. And then there was her family to deal with. Those six big brothers she had mentioned once or twice, and that college-professor dad and her high-school-teacher mom. Correction-retired high-school-teacher mom. He hadn’t given this much lucid thought before he’d made his instant decision to take things into his own hands. If her brothers didn’t all gang up on him at once, he stood a fair chance of survival.

Of course, he intended to continue paying her a salary even if she was married to him. That would make her think he appreciated her more. She had told him last night just what she thought of his lack of appreciation for such an exemplary employee as she’d been-and damn, she was right about that.

But he hadn’t dared tell her how much he needed her around. How much she did for him. How much he liked being around her. How much he enjoyed her wit and her no-nonsense approach to business. He’d been afraid she might think he was interested in her. Hello? Anybody home in there?

She had never once intimated that she might like to elevate their working relationship to a higher level. And with him, a woman could only expect that it would elevate to a completely sexual level. Love was not a part of the sex equation. He wasn’t the kind of man to fall in love with some beautiful body and face. Love was not in the cards. Only great sex. And not many women could deal with great sex without all the crap that normally was expected to go along with that.

But Jillian Turner was not your everyday flighty, starry-eyed female with an eye out for that picket fence and kids and all that went with it. She could handle a great-sex kind of relationship. And being married would make sure she didn’t feel like he was using her just for sex. Even if he was-sort of-along with the personal assistant relationship.

It was ideal for both of them. She liked sex with him. He liked sex with her. She was all soft, hot woman, yet all business, too. They had been together for more time than most couples stayed married, right? This was just one step higher up, without all the romance and all the love crap. He could deal with this. And he was damn sure she could, as well, once she got used to the idea. Think of all the candy and flowers this would save him. No more having to woo this woman or that one into his bed. His cock grew hard thinking about having Jill at his sexual beck and call. Sweet Jesus, she had fucking blown his mind.

He decided to do the honeymoon thing in Aspen. After the ton of cash he’d dropped on her in one day’s time, he decided that paying forty-five hundred dollars a night for the honeymoon suite was not going to happen. He could get her into bed just as easily in Aspen as he could in Tahoe. At least, now that all the moochers were gone.

Shit. He swore under his breath at himself for never thinking things through properly. He had ordered her to Aspen to get him out of the clutches of Miss Fashion Model Barbie, and had ended up married to her. He recalled looking up and seeing the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on, talking to Jerrod Lane. And then the fist that had hit him in the gut when he’d realized who that sensational creature was. He had expected her to come dressed for his party, but she’d come dressed for seduction. His. Well, maybe not exactly his, per se, but certainly for someone’s. And the sight of Lane putting moves on his personal property had just about worn that bastard’s welcome out with him. He had barely stopped himself from yelling out across the fucking room, for chrissake.

And when he’d gotten a look at the rock on her hand, he had suddenly felt so fucking possessive, it had scared the hell out of him, wondering who the fucking hell had put his dibs on her. And then he’d realized she was doing it up brown, pretending to be his fiancée, and the idea had sort of wound itself into his gut like a hot toddy, giving him some damn gnarly goose bumps, plus one big one in particular that had felt amazingly good pressed into her belly as he’d tricked her into kissing him.

He had never imagined how good she would feel in his arms-in his bed. And the woman could kiss. Oh, how she could kiss. When she’d opened to him he’d almost lost it completely. Her mouth had tasted like hot honey, like horny woman ready for action. He had been so fucking hard, he’d figured she’d likely slap his face and walk out, but she had let him hold her, fondle her, taste her.

God, how he loved the taste of her.

And she had tasted good all over. It had been challenging getting her to wake up enough to make love to her. In fact, he’d licked and sucked on her until she had come alive with passion, rewarding his efforts with the most mind-blowing sex he’d had as far back as he could recall.

He’d undressed her, taking off that irritatingly delicate blue and gold thing, and then her panties and garters and those silky nylons that sparkled like her legs were covered with glitter. The sight of his amazingly businesslike personal assistant gloriously naked, sprawled out across that fucking round bed, her breasts begging for his mouth, and her sweet, hot, mouthwatering pussy gleaming with moisture as she lay there-well, he’d totally lost his mind.

He had stripped and joined her on the bed, and as he’d run his hands over his new toy, he’d been in a dither as to how to get her to wake up and have some fun. But she’d been cuddly and succulent, and when he’d spread her pussy and gone down on her, she’d moaned and wriggled and grabbed his head, and he’d known she was willing.

Oh, how good she tasted, like hot honey butter. And the way she’d whimpered and moved as he had licked, sucked, nibbled, had enflamed him. He’d slid his fingers deep, feeling for her G-spot and finding it, watching her as she came hard again and again from the feel of his hands and tongue. She had completely blown his mind.

And when he’d slid up her naked body to pull her thighs around his hips, she’d clung to him and had taken every rock-hard, hot inch he had to give her. The sounds she made while he was inside her had driven him crazy. The way her body trembled and clenched when she came, clamping him hard and deep inside her ’til he thought he would die of delirium, the way she threaded her long, slim fingers into his hair as he licked and sucked her tight little nipples…

He almost came in his pants thinking about her.

No. He wasn’t going to give her up. Not for a long time. He usually lost interest the minute he had a woman, but Jill wasn’t just any woman. She belonged to him-lock, stock and contract. And he planned to get his money’s worth for every penny she’d spent dolling herself up and seducing him like that.

He glanced at his Rolex and wondered if she would be back at her laptop and working on his next month’s schedule. He had a massive batch of headache-inducing meetings coming up, and he needed her back on the job. But for the life of him, he couldn’t get his mind off her sweet pussy gleaming up at him as he bent to slide his tongue into her and she arched and cried out so deliciously.

Fuck. He had to get his mind back on business.
