Principal Figures Mentioned in the Book

HAIG ACTERIAN, theatre producer, active Iron Guard member, husband of Marietta Sadova.

FELIX ADERCA, Jewish novelist and friend of Sebastian's.

SICĂ ALEXANDRESCU, theatre producer.

MADELEINE ANDRONESCU, friend of Sebastian's.

ION ANTONESCU, general, fascist dictator of Romania, 1940–1944.

MlHAl ANTONESCU, minister of justice, later minister of foreign affairs and deputy prime minister in the Antonescu government.

CONSTANTIN ARGETOIANU, politician, prime minister September-November 1939.

ALEXANDRU AVERESCU, general, prime minister March 1926-June 1927.

BABA, nickname of Sebastian's grandmother.


JULES BASDEVANT, French diplomat.


JOSÉ BEREŞTEANU, manager of the Comoedia theatre.

ANTOINE BIBESCU, prince, close friend of Sebastian's.


DORINA BLANK, daughter of Aristide Blank, friend of Sebastian's.


GEO BOGZA, writer and journalist.

GEORGE BRĂTIANU, leader of the right-wing faction of the Liberal party.


LENI CALER, actress and friend of Sebastian's.


CAROL II, King of Romania 1927–1940.

DEMETRU CEACĂRU, Jewish journalist.

RADU CIOCULESCU, literary critic and brother of Şerban Cioculescu.

ŞERBAN CIOCULESCU, literary critic and brother of Radu Cioculescu.

ALEXANDRU ClORĂNESCU, literary historian.

GINA COCEA, wife of the novelist N. D. Cocea (also Gina Manolescu-Strunga, also Gina Ionescu).

TANTZI COCEA, actress.

CORNELIU ZELEA CODREANU, leader of the Iron Guard.

PETRU COMARNESCU, art critic, friend of Sebastian's.

IOAN COMŞA, friend and law colleague of Sebastian's.

N. M. CONDIESCU, general, novelist, president of the Romanian Writers' Association.

LENA CONSTANTE, artist, friend of Sebastian's.

NICUŞOR CONSTANTINESCU, theatre director, playwright.

NICHIFOR CRAINIC, extreme right journalist, author of a xenophobic and racist National Christian fundamentalist theory.

NICOLAE CREVEDIA, extreme right anti-Semitic journalist.

JENI CRUŢESCU, friend of Sebastian's.

A. C. CUZA, one of the main "theorists" of Romanian anti-Semitism, leader with Octavian Goga of the heavily anti-Semitic Goga-Cuza government.

GH. CUZA, son of A. C. Cuza, member of the Goga-Cuza government.

ARMAND CĂLINESCU, prime minister 1937–1939, coordinator of the repression against the Iron Guard.

GEORGE CĂLINESCU, literary critic.

TITU DEVECHI, journalist and close friend of Sebastian's.

VICTOR EFTIMIU, playwright.

SANDU ELIAD, theatre producer.

MIRCEA ELIADE, novelist, historian of religions, ardent supporter of the Iron Guard, friend of Sebastian's.

MIHAI EMINESCU, nineteenth-century poet considered the creator of the modern Romanian language, a strong anti-Semite.

GEORGE ENESCU, famous Romanian composer.

ŞTEFAN ENESCU, Sebastian's friend (pen name Ştefan Mincu).

WILHELM FILDERMAN, leader of the Romanian Jewish Community.


SCARLAT FRODA, theatre director and literary commentator.

GRIGORE GAFENCU, politician and diplomat.

MARIA GHIOLU, friend of Sebastian's and wife of Stavri Ghiolu.

ION GIGURTU, foreign minister, prime minister July-September 1940.


OCTAVIAN GOGA, prime minister December 1937-February 1938, leader with A. C. Cuza of the Goga-Cuza government.

MIRON GRINDEA, journalist.


SOLOMON (CHARLES) GRUBER, lawyer and personal secretary to Wilhelm Filderman.

CAROL GRÜNBERG, friend of Sebastian's.

EMIL GULIAN, poet and Sebastian's friend.

RADU DEMETRESCU GYR, poet and fanatical follower of the Iron Guard.

BOGDAN PETRICEICU HAŞDEU, nineteenth-century writer, strongly anti- Semitic.

POLDY (PIERRE) HECHTER, Sebastian's elder brother, lived in France during the war.

RICHARD (RICCI) HILLARD, journalist, friend of Sebastian's.

EUGEN IONESCU, playwright, Sebastian's friend.

GHIŢĂ IONESCU, political scientist, friend of Sebastian's.

NAE IONESCU, Iron Guard main ideologist, professor of philosophy at the University of Bucharest, early mentor of Sebastian.

JACQUES LASSAIGNE, French art critic.

IONEL LAZARONEANU, lawyer with literary inclinations.

RADU LECCA, commissar for Jewish affairs in the Antonescu government.

ANGELA LEREANU, secretary at Sasa Roman's office.

VASILE V. LONGHIN, judge from Brăila.

EUGEN LOVTNESCU, literary critic.

NINA MAREŞ, wife of Mircea Eliade.

VASILE MARIN, Iron Guard ideologist.

ISTRATE MICESCU, lawyer, minister of justice in the Goga-Cuza government.

ION I. MOŢA, leader of the Iron Guard.

FRANKLIN GUNTHER MOTT, head of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Bucharest.


GHEORGHE NENISOR, diplomat and Sebastian's friend.

MARYSE NENISOR, wife of Gheorghe Nenişor and Sebastian's friend.

CONSTANTIN D. NICOLESCU, general, former minister of national defense.

IACOB NIEMIROWER, chief rabbi of the Federation of Romanian Jewish Communities until 1939.

CONSTANTIN (DINU) NOICA, journalist, philosopher, strong supporter of the Iron Guard.

VICTOR OCNEANU, publisher.

OCTAV ONICESCU, mathematician.

GEORGE OPRESCU, art critic.

ANDREI OŢETEA, historian.

PETRE PANDREA, left-wing journalist.

LUCREŢIU PĂTRĂŞCANU (wartime name ANDREI), Communist leader.


CAMIL PETRESCU, novelist, friend of Sebastian's.

CONSTANTIN PETROVICESCU, general, pro-Iron Guard minister of the interior.


DIONISlE PIPPIDI, historian.

MIHAI POLIHRONIADE, Iron Guard journalist and theorist.

STELIAN POPESCU, lawyer and politician, director and owner of the newspaper Universul.

LILLY POPOVICI, actress and Sebastian's friend.

DRAGOŞ PROTOPOPESCU, right-wing journalist.

GHEORGHE RACOVEANU, Iron Guard journalist.

MIHAI RALEA, minister of labor March 1938-July 1940.


LIVRIU REBREANU, novelist, director of the National Theatre under the Antonescu administration.

ZOE RICCI, actress.

ALEXANDRU RIOSANU, head of Siguranta (the secret police) September 1940-June 1941.

NICULAE ROSU, Iron Guard journalist and ideologist.

SAŞA (SACHA) ROMAN, lawyer, in whose office Sebastian worked as a clerk.

ALEXANDRU ROSETTI, director of the Royal Foundations, Sebastian's close friend and benefactor.

MARIETTA SADOVA, actress, fanatical supporter of the Iron Guard, wife of Haig Acterian.


ION SĂN-GIORGIU, extreme right journalist and playwright.

"BENU" ANDREI SEBASTIAN, the writer's younger brother.

CELLA SENI, the writer CELLA SERGHI, wife of Alfio Seni.

W. SIEGFRIED, stage designer.

SOARE Z. SOARE, theatre producer.

ŢOŢA SOIU, actress, wife of Ion Iancovescu.

THEODOR SOLACOLU, translator and poet.

ZAHARIA STANCU, journalist.

MIHAI STELESCU, Iron Guard leader.

LEOPOLD (POLDY) STERN, lawyer and writer, friend of Sebastian's.

VLADIMIR STRELNU, literary critic.

D. I. SUCHIANU, movie critic and journalist.

ALEXANDRU ŞAFRAN, wartime chief rabbi of the Jewish Communities in Romania.

PAMFIL ŞEICARU, journalist, owner of the Curentul newspaper.


GHEORGHE TĂTĂRESCU, politician, prime minister January 1934-December 1937, November 1939-July 1940.

AL. CRISTIAN TELL, Iron Guard journalist.

IONEL TEODOREANU, writer and poet.

PĂSTOREL TEODOREANU, poet and writer.

TUDOR TEODORESCU-BRANIŞTE, journalist and writer.


DEM. THEODORESCU, writer and journalist.

ALICE THEODORIAN, friend of Sebastian's.

VASILE TIMUŞ, theatre manager.

NICOLAE TITULESCU, minister of foreign affairs October 1932-January 1935.

VIOREL TRIFA, president of the students' organization of the Iron Guard.

SANDU TUDOR, journalist at Credinţa.

PETRE ŢUŢEA, philosopher, ardent follower of the Iron Guard.

AL. VAIDA-VOEVOD, a leader of the National Peasant party, leader of the anti- Semitic Vlad Tepeş League.

CONSTANTIN VISOlANU, diplomat and politician, close friend of Sebastian's.

TUDOR VIANU, literary critic.

VICTOR P. VOJEN, extreme right pro-Nazi journalist.

PAUL ZARIFOPOL, novelist, literary critic.

HERBERT ("BELU") ZILBER, Communist publicist and friend of Sebastian's.

A. L. ZISSU, leader of the Zionist movement in Romania.

EUGEN ZWIEDENEK, under Ion Antonescu head of the government agency in charge of the Aryanization of Jewish properties.
