My heart stopped as I walked inside.

It was the last thing on Earth I was expecting to see.

The very last!

For there was Lila, spread-eagled, standing up, in the very cuffs and chains I was in before!

Now, she was totally naked… not even stockings, nothing except a pair of high heels!

I marveled at her long, statuesque legs, now spread and made to stand at attention.

How had he done such a thing!

Had he promised her that I'd get to beat her?

Or had he drugged her…

Or or or…

It didn't really matter to me…

Nothing mattered…

All I could think about was how much I wanted to do her…

How much I wanted to take a whip to her and teach her a good lesson…

A lesson she needed to be taught…

A lesson that would be a payback for what she'd done to me.

I turned to Mel and put my hands on his…

"Can I?"

He grinned.

He was playing with me.

He knew what I wanted to do.

Oh, how he knew…

But he wanted me to say it.

As much for Lila's benefit, or torture, as his and mine.

"Tell me what you want to do," he said, softly.

"Ohhh… I want to whip her… I want to whip her good…"

"All right… you may… go to the wall and choose your whip…"

My mouth was watering at the prospect.

I looked at her with a forceful, stern look on my face.

As I passed her I put my fingers under her chin.

"So," I said softly, "Let's see how well you can take it, baby…"

She stared ahead, not looking at me.

A tough girl!

Well, I'd break her, I told myself… I'd break her in two!

I couldn't wait!

Now, I plucked off a supple, black whip, on the short and stiff side, and examined it.

It was a new feeling for me.

I'd never had a whip in my hands before.

And I liked it!

I liked the way it felt!

Now, I went back to Lila… my Lila, hanging on the cuffs, her legs spread and her arms over her head.

I reached up with the whip and began to tap her under her arms.

It was a place she didn't expect to be touched, and it made her jump.

"What's the matter," I said to her, lightly.

"I… I…"

She wasn't used to that… it was a tender and very delicate part of the female anatomy.

"I'm going to whip you," I said, softly.


"And I'm going to make you crazy… you know that, don't you…"


"Don't bother… it's not going to help…"

I turned and looked at Mel.

He was standing with his hands folded, looking at me.

He nodded solemnly.

Let the games begin!

I went slowly behind her, letting the tip of the whip drag around her body.

And now…

Now, I was behind that lovely flesh of hers.

I could see the soft swell of her hips, and that hot ass…

The one she'd sat on my tits with…

The thighs that had caressed my face.

She'd been merciless, using her body on me and that whip…

Crucifying me!

Well, I was ready to return the favor.

I was going to whip the shit out of her, and see how she liked it!

I wanted her to beg me to stop…

To beg and scream and cry…

Just the way she'd made me…

And she would…

I knew she would…

If only given half the chance!

I reached down and gingerly touched her ass with my fingers, grazing the cheeks.

She couldn't help it.

She loved it.

"Yes, baby… yes…"

Now, just as she was getting used to my fingers stroking her flesh, I reared back, with no warning, and smacked her hard across her buns!


It was incredible, the way she responded!

I couldn't get over it!

She was twisting in her bonds!

I would have thought she'd be able to take it better than this!

I looked at her ass where I'd laid down the smack, and was delighted to see how red it was.

Now, I was encouraged by that to hit her a little harder…

On her bottom!

I reared back once more and let another barrage of blows go, this time one on top of another, until she was heaving and twisting and breaking out in sweats.




I was really giving her the lash now!

And each time I did, she grunted and groaned, loving the way it was feeling… loving the sound of the thrashing…

"Ohhhh… Jesssussss… no… no… mel… make her stop… make her stoppppp…"

But I knew he wouldn't…

I knew that Mel was getting off watching his two beauties do things to each other.

Just as he'd loved the way she'd done me, now he was getting into the way I was doing her.

And he was content to let me have my way. I wanted to make sure that ass of her was really well-done before I left it…

So I continued to smack and work it as best as I could…

Over and over and over…




"Ohhhh… you'll kill me… you'll kill me for sure… you'll… kill… me…"

Her pleas didn't help.

I was making her skin turn blue with pain!

And now, satisfied that her bottom was sufficiently tanned, I turned my attentions toward her legs.

And her thighs.

I wanted to do her as well as I could.

I used the whip first on the front part of her thighs, before working my way in.

I felt as if I were a great creator, working on my masterpiece.

The surge of power that coarsed through me was unbelievable.

I finally realized the power of the whip, and the sheer joy of inflicting pain on another woman!

It was the greatest feeling in the world.

And poor Lila!

She was really in for it now…

She was really going to feel my wrath!

And there was no escape.

For her, there was nothing but compliance…

Sweet, submissive compliance!

Now, I stared at her face, and made her look at me by grabbing her chin with my fingers and forcing her face in my direction.

"How do you like it?"

"Answer me, you little blonde bitch… answer me or I'll make you sorry you were every born!"

"I… I… like it… I like it…" I smiled.

A smile of victory. "I bet you do…"

"Ohh… please… it hurt… it's too much…"

"Too much? Nonsense… I haven't even begun yet."

And with that, I began to criss-cross her thighs… giving her the kind of workout she so desperately needed.

And then…


When I thought I was going to go crazy… when I really couldn't hold back any longer, I began to work up to her tits…

Those huge, lovely tits…

Big and firm and sticking straight out.

They were going to be my piece de resistance. I cupped her first one in my hand, and held it tight.

"Ohhhh… no… no… don't… please…"

"Yes… oh yes… I'm going to give it to you now…"

I began to swat her nipple, as I held on to her tit with my fingers.

The reaction in her was electric!

She couldn't get over it!

Over and over I punished her nipple, watching, fascinated as it got hotter and hotter… redder and redder, and more swollen…

"Oooh… God… ohh… please… ohhhh…"

She was begging me.

That's what I wanted.

But it still wasn't enough.

I wanted to really here her beg me to stop.

"Ohhh… no more… please… no more… don't… no more…"

"Yes… lots more… lots more, you little bitch…"

"Stop… you're killing… me… stop… please…"

And then, I saw her eyes go up inside her head, and her whole body slumped!

I turned and looked at Mel.

He was smiling now, his cock sticking through the opening in his pants.

"I think she's had enough for now," he said gently.

I smiled.


He took the whip from my hands.

"She'll be out for a couple of minutes… you did well… that means I'm going to let you finish her off…"

I wasn't sure what she meant by that.

But I was willing to find out.

I let him take me by the hand into the private bedroom… the room where I'd been tied to the bed and worked over by the both of them.

"Strip," he said to me.

I did.

I didn't hesitate, not even for one second.

I was proud to show him my body… to let him see how gorgeous it really was.

And I could tell he was drinking it in.

"Come here."

I went to him and he put his arms around me.

His mouth found mine and we kissed… a long, hot kiss, with his tongue deep in my mouth, and me sucking on it…

Then, he broke away.

"Here," he said to me. "Put this on."

The dildo!

It was the black dildo… the punisher… the gigantic dildo that had split me in to the last time I was here.

Now, it was going to be my turn.

My eyes widened as I strapped the thing on.

What a weird feeling!

As if I were putting on some kind of cock, and having it become part of my body.

"Can I… can I really fuck her?"

He laughed.

"Of course… that's what it's all about…"

I was so eager now.

He handed me the jar of Vaseline and took me back into the dungeon.

Lila had awakened by now, and was heaving and puffing in her bonds.

As soon as she saw me she shrieked.

"Mel… no… not that… it's too big… it's too big… please…"

Obviously, she'd given up all hope of having me feel any mercy.

But Mel was just as bad.

"It won't be so bad… you'll like it… I promise…" he said to her.


Now he got angry. Or pretended to.

"If you don't stop this complaining, you'll take it in the ass… and I promise you won't like that…"

She stopped!

On a dime!

Just like that!

And I knew she was going to really obey me now.

There was something about the way Mel threatened women that really made them shape up.

I knew that from my own personal experience with him.

Now, I stood in front of her and began to work her over.

"You like my cock," I said softly, as I popped open the jar of Vaseline.


"You better answer me… if you know what's good for you…"

"Yes…" she said, almost inaudibly…


Now, I knew she was staring at my hands as I coated the dildo with the Vaseline.

It was a nice gesture on my part.

Certainly nicer than the way she'd treated me…

And now…

Now I was going to put it in her.

I put my hands on her hips and let the dildo push up against her stomach.

"Smile, darling… you're about to be pleasured…"

She tried to turn her head but I wouldn't let her.

"Look at me… come on… look at me…"

She did… and then I made a move with my hips, and allowed the dildo to start to fall.

All the way…

Until it was on her pussy…

I smiled, cruelly, I'm sure, and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Then, with a single thrust of my hips, I was able to get it up inside of her!

"Ohhhh… God…it's… so big…"

"Yes…" I said, keeping may face right in front of her…

It was a simple thing for me to work that killer inside of her…

All I had to do was to keep moving my hips around… slowly…



But continually pushing… harder and harder… until I was all the way up… until I was up and in her… a good ten inches… with another five to go.

Now, she was gasping…

But she was no longer complaining.

She was loving it!

Of course!

And then…

Then I began to move my hips slowly, back and forth… really working her over…

She was turning her face from side to side and I didn't stop her…

I couldn't…

She was lost in her own sexual reverie, and it was because of me…

It was all because I was fucking her… fucking the shit out of her…

And she was loving it…

I moved in closer and put my arms around her body, to hug her tight as I continued to fuck her…

"It's good… isn't it… so good… isn't it…"


"What am I doing to you…"

"Ffffuckk… ing… me…"

"Yes… darling… fucking you… where?"

"In… my pussy… in my hot… pussy…"

"Oh… yes… I'm going to make you come…"


"I'm going to make you come so good…"


"Yes… baby… yes… come on… come on for me… come on…"


And then, she was coming!

I could tell from the way she was moving her hips… from the way she was motoring them… there was nothing else she could do… there was no way she could stop it…

She had to let me feel it…

She just had to…

And then…

Finally… when she didn't think she could take anymore, I pulled out.

And sank to my knees.

"I'm going to eat your cum," I said, and she sighed again.

I was on my knees in front of her pussy, and staring up into it.

I put my hands on her thighs and gently pushed outward from the inside.

I thought she was going to die!

Now… she was really on fire…

And the more I worked on her the better she liked it.

I had her spread and dripping…


I couldn't wait to get my tongue in there…

All I wanted was to eat it…

To eat it out so good…

And she knew it!

I put my tongue right up between the hot lips of her pussy and began to suck.

Jesus, but she was so responsive.

I could feel every part of her body starting to contract…

She was going to lose it if I didn't hurry…

And come again.

I licked and sucked in a fury…

I could taste wave after wave of her juices coming down on me…

And the more I sucked, the more she wanted…

Until I knew she was going to come again.

And then I increased the action of my lips, taking my tongue and slamming it up against her clitty…

Over and over and over…

She was going crazy with it…

Just crazy…

And her hips were vibrating a million miles a minute…



"I'm going to… I'm… going… I'm going to come… I'm going to come… ohhhhhhh… aaaaaahhh iiieeee ohhhhh…"

She was spending from deep within her womb, the juices coming out hot and thick, pouring into my hungry, eager mouth like honey dripping from a hive.

I licked it all diligently, making sure I got every drop, not stopping until she was completely drained…

And God, how she loved it!

How she loved the way I was making her come…

I didn't quit until I was totally finished with her…

Until I'd taken every drop of her juices.

I stood up and smiled, putting on hand on her shoulder, while she continued to shake with joy.

"I think I'm finished with her," I said triumphantly.

Mel smiled.

He came over to me and led me into the bedroom.

"Let her recover…"

That sounded good to me.

We were in the bedroom now, and Mel was caressing my face.

I think he wanted to fuck me.

He went for the dildo and began to undo it.

I caught his hand and held it.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Taking it off so I can…"

"You'll do no such thing. Strip!"

It was a side of me he'd never seen before.

It was a side of me that I'd never seen before!

And now…

Now he was all for it…

He suddenly was very taken with the way I was dominating him.

And I had something special planned for him.

It was payback time, all the way around.

When he was completely nude, I slipped my fingers around his dick.

"All right, Mel, now get on your knees… now!"

He sank slowly.

I looked down at him, with my hands resting lightly on his shoulders.

"You look good on your knees, Mel… looking up to me… maybe that's where you belong…"

He didn't say anything.

Just as well…

In this position, there wasn't that much for him to say.

He was going to have to please me, he knew that… he was going to have to do me and do me good…

And I warned him, as I opened his mouth and put the dildo between his lips, that if he knew what was good for him, he'd suck all of Lila's juices clean.

God, how he went for it.

It was a real surprise for me how easy it was to get him to suck that dildo.

A surprise and a turn-on.

I was going crazy with it…

Just crazy…

And so was he…

But the best was yet to come.

I had a surprise for Mel… something that he would never… forget…

And neither would I!
