There, you see, Brother Elpidios, you read that all through with only a handful of wheezes and hardly a splutter. First times are strange, but after you've done something once, the second time is always a lot easier.

What do you mean, that wasn't the reason you had an easier time here? Oh. The other was just fornication and this was talking about real marriage, and so not a sin in the eyes of God? I see. If the difference makes you happy, Brother, far be it from me to argue with you, even though Justinian was doing the same things as before.

Not all the same things? Oh, sucking the fig. Yes, they like that, same as we like it when they play the flute for us. No, when you get right down to it, I don't think there's anything in the Holy Scriptures against it. It's not the sin of Onan, for how can a woman spill her seed out on the ground? She has no seed to spill, now does she? She's just fertile soil where a man's seed can grow. You might even say he's watering that ground, eh?

If you're really so curious, Brother Elpidios, why don't you ask the abbot what he thinks? You're not that curious? Mm, might be just as well. Read some more, why don't you?
