Our long and winding journey into the strange and enigmatic world of myriad underground bases, nearly impenetrable installations, undersea realms, and even alleged lunar outposts is now at its close. What can we say about the multitude of worldwide secret sites that have come under our close scrutiny? Clearly, there is a degree of division between what we know as undeniable fact, what we think we know, and what many still might consider the stuff of rumor, theory, hearsay, and unproved, outrageous conspiracy-mongering.
That well-guarded installations such as Fort Detrick, Maryland; Porton Down, England; and Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground do exist is not in any doubt whatsoever. And that they have, for decades, been steeped in matters of profound controversy is also a matter of official record. Biological warfare programs, research into exotic viruses, and suspicious deaths — of people and animals — are all demonstrable and provable.
When it comes to other super-secret sites, trying to unravel fact from fiction, and government-orchestrated disinformation from exaggeration, is somewhat more problematic. Take Nevada’s Area 51, for example: The base is clearly there, and there is probably barely a soul on the planet who has not heard of it. But is it really home to captured alien spacecraft, as the stories Bob Lazar suggest? Or is the UFO angle merely an ingenious ruse promoted and encouraged by officialdom to hide its far more down-to-earth research into novel aircraft designs? The jury, if we are truly honest with ourselves, must still be out.
It’s very much the same with Hangar 18: Enough credible sources — such as U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater and CIA high-ranker Victor Marchetti — have spoken out on the UFO secrets of Wright-Patterson AFB to demonstrate that something weird is afoot at the base, and has been for a very long time. Hell, the quest for the truth about Wright-Pat’s little men nearly put computer-hacker Matthew Bevan behind bars for a significant number of years. But are those little men and their attendant ships from the stars the real thing, or are they only tales designed to keep the UFO faithful far away from advanced military technologies of a specifically human kind? Questions abound. Hard answers, typically, do not.
Then there are the disturbing tales of Dulce, New Mexico, of the secret realms below London’s Underground rail system, and of the undersea, alien kingdom said to exist off the coast of Puerto Rico. These stories collectively suggest that some secret, below-surface installations, known to the respective governments under whose land they exist, specifically operate outside of the control of our leaders. In short, stark terms: our presidents, our prime ministers, and our royal families have catastrophically lost control of what is afoot in the deep, winding tunnels of London, in the vast caves and caverns of New Mexico, and in and around the deep waters of the Caribbean. Maybe that’s the reason for the total secrecy about some such secret places: not that officialdom is clandestinely running the show, but that officialdom has been unceremoniously kicked out, forcibly removed, or outright denied access by the nonhuman entities that have considered the dark abodes to be their personal property from pretty much day one.
As for the idea that a secret base could exist on the moon: well, at first glance it admittedly stretches credibility to the limit — maybe even beyond the limit! At second glance, however, things are somewhat different. We now know that 50 years ago the U.S. Army was quietly looking to construct just such a facility on the lunar surface, via its ambitious Project Horizon plan. Karl Wolfe has disclosed truly astounding data relative to a huge alien installation on the far side of the Moon. And remote-viewer Ingo Swann, whose links to the secret world of government involvement in ESP espionage operations is a matter of official record, has told a fascinating, cloak-and-dagger story about official knowledge of a vast moon-based facility belonging to…well, someone. What we have here is a high degree of smoke. The attendant fire, if we are determined to find it, may possibly be within our very grasp. The vast majority of us do not possess the ability to literally travel to the moon to locate the base and confirm its existence, but securing the testimony of further Karl Wolfes, and more Ingo Swanns may, in the long haul, be the next best thing.
Moving on to the 2012 controversy, there’s no doubt that there has been an undeniable increase in the construction of secure installations in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001. And there is also no doubt that much of this construction is designed to offer protection to the elite of the government, the military, and the intelligence community, in the event of a catastrophic emergency. Whether that emergency is a known one that officialdom has been able to pinpoint and to verify, such as whatever the Mayas predicted would happen in 2012, or if the planning is due to a wholly theoretical future event of disastrous proportions — possibly one instigated by terrorists involving the much-feared dirty-bombs — is unclear. But given that 2012 is looming perilously close, matters should become clear very soon.
In all likelihood, the construction of secret sites, classified installations, and covert government and military facilities will continue at an ever-increasing pace. Xe Services LLC, formerly known as Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide, operates essentially as a private military company that, presently, is the largest of the U.S. State Department’s three private-security contractors, and had a remarkable track record (but for all the wrong reasons) in helping to maintain security in Iraq during the last decade. That hasn’t stopped Xe Services LLC from forging ahead with its own sensitive installations, however. For example, their “United States Training Center,” which takes up 7,000 acres of land in northeastern North Carolina, provides expert training for U.S. military and government personnel. It offers hand-to-hand-combat programs, as well as courses focused upon tactical driving — or, rather, how to get the hell out of a dicey situation when terrorist bullets are slamming into the trunk of your armored car. Given that Xe Services LLC is forging ahead on a massively ambitious scale, the probability is that we will see them operating to a far greater degree both within and without the United States.
It looks as though the general public is trying to get in on the secret base action too. Given the decidedly shaky world stage that exists right now — one that is seemingly overwhelmed by earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, and the specter of 2012—people pretty much all over the globe want to have their own fortified places in which to hide out if the countdown to the end really does begin. Right now, Hardened Structures, a company that operates out of Virginia Beach, is doing a veritable killing in terms of sales of its fortified locales and underground bunkers. Californians are ordering fallout shelters from the company to cope with what they see as a radioactive disaster hitting the United States as a result of the nuclear melt-downs in Japan during early 2011. Others are worried that a coming economic collapse in the United States will provoke a need for the average family to have its very own secret, underground structure in which to hide out when the country teeters, collapses, and ultimately flat-lines beyond recovery. Notably, Hardened Structures’ CEO, Brian Camden, acknowledged in March 2011 that many of the orders his company had received were primarily in relation to “2012, end-of-the-world-as-you-know-it kind of stuff.” He was careful to note, however, that: “We don’t subscribe to any kind of scenario…the only thing we know for sure, is that no one knows what’s going to happen.”[75]
Well, maybe someone knows, even if it’s not Hardened Structures.
In April 2011, extensive digging began at the White House in the vicinity of the famous West Wing. Ostensibly, the media was informed, the work was strictly renovation-based, and focused upon repairing and upgrading sewer systems, water pipes, and electrical systems. Such proclamations, however, were viewed somewhat skeptically by certain elements of the Washington press corps. Although the East Wing of the White House sits atop a hardened bunker designed to survive a nuclear attack on the nation’s capital — it’s called the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) — the idea that the new work on the West Wing was somehow linked to the PEOC, and that elaborate tunneling was being undertaken to expand, strengthen, and deepen the facility, was openly scoffed at by White House officials and spokespersons. Some who followed the story suggested the White House scoffed just a little bit too much.
Whatever the truth behind these very latest developments in the world of secret government bunkers, bases, and installations, I will say this in closing: As our world, our civilization, and our society heads off into Orwellian territory, the likelihood is that you’re going to see a certain pair of words more and more, and just about everywhere you go. They are, of course: Keep Out!