Augury • Soothsaying, fortune-telling, divination, luck

Repercussion: forgetfulness

Associated mineral: amethyst

Psychometry • Mind reading, hallucination, empathy, intuition

Repercussion: dulling of senses

Associated mineral: azurite

Conjury • Creation, summoning of natural components

Repercussion: loss of equal worth to summoned object

Associated mineral: pyrite

Necromancy • Death/life magic, life force, disease/healing

Repercussion: nausea

Associated mineral: turquoise

Wardship • Shielding, protection, spell-turning

Repercussion: weakening of physical body

Associated mineral: tourmaline

Element • Manipulation of fire, water, earth, or air

Repercussion: fire, chill; water, dryness; earth, vertigo; air, shortness of breath

Associated mineral: clear quartz

Alteration • Shape-shifting, changing, metamorphosis

Repercussion: temporary physical mutation

Associated mineral: opal

Communion • Translation, communication with plants/animals

Repercussion: muteness, tinnitus

Associated mineral: selenite

Hysteria • Manipulation of emotions, pain

Repercussion: physical pain, apathy

Associated mineral: carnelian

Kinetic • Movement, force

Repercussion: stiffness, lack of mobility

Associated mineral: bloodstone

Chaocracy • Manipulation of chaos/order, destruction, restoration

Repercussion: confusion

Associated mineral: obsidian
