MANY individuals deserve thanks for their help with this book and, as always, I ask readers to understand that these experts are not responsible for my errors.
Wayne Bowlby, who worked for many years for San Diego County Child Protective Services, patiently answered my many questions when I first began working on Kidnapped. Conversations with Detective (Ret.) Ike Sabean, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau Missing/Abducted Children, regarding a subplot in Bloodlines led to the questions that began this book.
Additional help with forensic science and police procedural matters came from other members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, especially Detective Elizabeth Smith, Homicide Bureau; Barry A. J. Fisher, Director of LASD Scientific Services Bureau; and David Vidal, Senior Criminalist, LASD Scientific Services Bureau.
Carolyn Rollberg kindly spent time talking to me about the experiences of those who visit prisoners in California, and her openness is deeply appreciated. I received additional help from several members of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, especially Tip Kindel, Training and Regional Public Information Officer.
Forensic anthropologists Paul Sledzik and Marilyn London have once again provided invaluable assistance with those aspects of the book.
Major (Ret.) John F. Mullins took time from his own writing to provide helpful advice and encouragement.
Laura Rathe, Beth Barkley, and other dog handlers on the SAR-DOGS list were generous with their time and expertise.
Dr. Ed Dohring has faithfully provided medical information for every book, and has my thanks for that, for daring to hold conversations that gross out other people in restaurants and, most of all, for his friendship.
S.G., Sandra Cvar, Eileen Dreyer, Jerrilyn Farmer, Tonya Fischer, Julie Herman, Sharan Newman, Timbrely Pearsley, John Pearsley, Jr., Twist Phelan, Christopher Rice, and Gillian Roberts have my thanks for their additional support and help above and beyond the call of friendship and family.
Marysue Rucci, David Rosenthal, and Carolyn Reidy-your patience and support have meant so much, as has the support I’ve received from Micki Nuding and Louise Burke at Pocket Books. Thank you for that and so much more. Thanks also to the sales reps at Simon amp; Schuster, especially Laura Webb, who will probably never know how terrific her timing with encouragement has been. Rebecca Davis, Tara Parsons, Alexis Taines, and all the others who have worked with me these past two years have my sincerest gratitude. Many thanks are due to Philip Spitzer.
Timothy Burke, I want to share the return-address label with you for a long, long time to come.