Monday, 9:46 p.m.

The fires were almost out. The air had turned harsh, as sharp as a blade and filled with dark smoke and ash. Matt Cahill had already made the rounds congratulating and thanking the townspeople. He knew the military and police would be here soon. He had to leave-time was running out. A horse was saddled and ready a few yards away.

“You’d best get going,” Kyle said. “I promise we’ll all keep your presence here a secret.”

“Good,” Matt said quietly. “It’s really better that way.”

“Matt?” Sally said, her voice trembling. Kyle pulled her close. “Thank you.”

Matt smiled in the darkness. Sally and Kyle stood together, which was as it should be. Kyle was a good kid, with plenty of guts. He’d take care of Sally, no doubt about it. Matt walked down the sidewalk. Sheriff Pickens and his teenage children waved from across the street. Suzie was crying. Matt searched for something to say. He knew there were no words. Finally he just tipped his hat.

“Take care.”

“You too,” Sally said.

And with that, Matt Cahill checked to be sure he’d properly fastened his ax, pack, and bedroll to the horse. He mounted up and rode away like someone from another century. Behind him, the weary citizens waved as they watched him leave for good.

Out in the darkness Matt paused. The evening had cleared as if relieved of an evil burden. Bright stars hung like tiny diamonds in the night sky. A chill passed over his body. He turned in the saddle, took one last look at the town of Dry Wells, sparkling there in the shadows like a forlorn jewel. Leather creaked and the horse nickered. In the distance, Matt could see the highway and another long string of flickering lights closing the distance. The approaching emergency vehicles and the National Guard. The town would be safe now.

Once again, Matt wondered if perhaps it had all been meant to happen. He had come back to life for a reason-or many reasons. Perhaps this was one of them.

It was time to move on. Like an old-time cowboy, Matt kneed the horse and turned away towards the safety of the Ruby Mountains. He rode away looking forward to entering the far more familiar tree line and the comfort of the mountains. He felt satisfied in some ways, but also deeply concerned. For Matt Cahill now had a new enemy to worry about.

The university.
