There are so many folks to thank who have helped me on the journey of this book. My family for their love, support, and patience as I squirreled myself away in my office for long hours. My church family, the Crossing, for teaching me so much about what it means to walk with people. The Indiana Horror Writers for their continued support.

My first readers, Trista Robichaud and Sara Larson.

Jerry Gordon, Gerald McCarrell, and Jason Sizemore. They know what they did… and we've sworn to never speak of it again.

And my writing family who have kicked me in the butt along the way to make sure this got done. Brian Keene. Wrath James White. Gary Braunbeck. Lucy Snyder. Rober Fleck. Debbie Kuhn. Steve and Becky Gilberts. A better family one couldn't have.

And Chesya Burke. Where would I be without her? Writing is such a solitary endeavor, so it helps to have a dear friend who calls you regularly to, if not encourage you, then demand that you tell them how great they are (because that in turn should inspire you… I guess).

Thank you, Angry Robot, for the opportunity, and Steve Stone for another kick-ass cover.
