THE AUTHOR IS GRATEFUL TO H. G. Wells for the Morlocks and the Beast Folk; to Henrik Ibsen for the Boyg and a few lines from Peer Gynt; to Lady Mary Wroth (1587?—1651?) for her “Crown of Sonnets Dedicated to Love”; and to Edvard Grieg for the incidental music to Peer Gynt, especially “In the Hall of the Mountain King.” He’s also extremely grateful to Neil Olson, Mimi Mayer, Keith Taylor, John Marks, Gretchen Wahl, Becky McDermott, Martin Lewis, Ross Orr, and Josh Kendall. And it wouldn’t be a proper Author’s Note if he didn’t thank his two cats, Conrad and Hobbes, who carry on the spirit of Charlotte, sprawl across his keyboard, and (lucky for him) keep their opinions to themselves.
