Three Weeks Later
Sean pulled Lucy down the hall and into Kate’s office. He quietly shut the door. Lucy barely suppressed a giggle, then forced herself to eye Sean sternly.
“It’s my belated birthday dinner,” she said, raising her eyebrows in mock indignation. “Don’t you think everyone will notice that we snuck off?”
Sean kissed her. “I don’t care.” He kissed her again, drawing her lips into his, wiping the giggle from her face. She was trying to keep it light; Sean was turning it serious.
“What is it?” She didn’t know why she was nervous. All she could think about was New York, and Sean telling her I love you. She wanted to hear it again, yet the thought of hearing it again terrified her. How could she be so confused? It wasn’t as if she were debating whether to date Sean or not. She couldn’t imagine her life without him, not anymore. She had twenty-five years under her belt without Sean Rogan, but the thought of walking away from him scared her almost as much as his declaration of love.
“You can’t say no.”
“I can’t?”
“Nope, you can’t, and I mean it.”
She smiled, a bit nervous, but she trusted him. “Okay, yes.”
“You don’t know the question.”
“I trust you.”
He smiled slyly and she became even more nervous. “Yes to anything?”
“Sean-just spill it.”
He reached into his pocket and for a split second she thought that he was going to give her a ring. That he was going to ask her to marry him. She wasn’t ready for that, not yet.
He pulled out a tri-fold brochure.
“We’ve been talking about going away practically since we met,” he said. “Now, we’re going. New York didn’t count. I already made reservations for the first week of May-I know, it’s two months away, but I have that job in Texas and I can’t get out of it. Believe me, if I could-”
“Yes what?”
“Sure. May sounds great.”
“You didn’t ask where.”
“I trust you.”
He smiled and drew her into his arms. “I think ‘I trust you’ is your way of saying ‘I love you.’ ” He kissed her.
“Shh. I know you love me.” He kissed her again, then grinned. “Who wouldn’t?”
She smiled. Maybe she did. She certainly didn’t want to be with anyone else. He made her happy. Sean gave her a sense of normalcy that she hadn’t had in seven long years.
And she trusted him.
The door opened. Patrick cleared his throat.
Sean put one arm around Lucy’s shoulders. “What’s up?”
After they’d returned from New York, Patrick had seemed to accept her relationship with Sean, though they hadn’t discussed it.
“I’d like to talk to my sister,” Patrick now said.
Sean didn’t move. Lucy took his hand and said, “Sean.”
He kissed her before walking past Patrick with what might have been called the evil eye.
“Why does he always have to be so stubborn?” Patrick said, shutting the door behind Sean.
Lucy just laughed.
Patrick stepped up and hugged Lucy. “I’m proud of you, sis.”
“Thank you.” She didn’t know where this was coming from. “You okay?”
“Of course,” he said. “I’m just going to spit it out. Sean’s my friend and my partner, but I don’t think he’s good enough for you, and I don’t think I ever will. I wouldn’t pick him for you, because I think you need someone stable and mature.”
Lucy’s heart twisted. “Patrick, don’t-please.”
She didn’t want to have to choose. She didn’t want the pressure of picking her brother or Sean. Patrick was family. But Sean … she wasn’t walking away.
“It’s okay. I guess I didn’t say it right.” Patrick ran both hands through his hair, exasperated. “You care for Sean, and you’re a big girl. It’s not my choice who you date. I’m working through that. I guess I was jealous. I came here to be closer to my sister, and then Sean waltzes in and takes over. It’s his way, I know that, but I don’t want to lose you.”
Lucy smiled and blinked back tears. “You never will. I love you so much, Patrick.” She hugged him tightly. “Thank you.”
“He makes you happy, doesn’t he?”
She nodded. “And he makes me laugh.”
They walked back to the family room, where Lucy’s family and friends were gathered. She was so blessed. With these people in her life, how could she fail? She could-and would-take on the world because she had a foundation that was wonderful and rare.
Sean walked over to her and took her hand. He kissed it. He was nervous, Lucy realized. Even in all his cocky arrogance, he was insecure about his relationships.
She tilted her head up and kissed him. In front of her friends and family. She was uncomfortable with public displays of affection, but the one small kiss said more than any words could.
Noah Armstrong had been standing unobtrusively across the room. Now he walked over and handed Lucy a letter. “Hans wanted to be here to give this to you, but he couldn’t get away.”
It was the same type of envelope as the one that had carried her rejection letter four weeks ago. The day after she’d returned from New York City, she’d appealed the decision of the FBI oral interview panel. She had been granted a second interview in the neighboring jurisdiction. While Lucy was pretty certain that Hans had had something to do with the fast response, he had assured her that the panel was fair and unbiased. That acceptance or rejection would be the panel’s sole decision.
She looked at Noah, pained, not wanting another rejection, not tonight when she was so happy.
He smiled. “Go ahead.”
She opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.
Dear Ms. Lucy Kincaid,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is pleased to inform you that you’ve been accepted into the FBI Academy, having passed all written, oral, and background checks. Please report at 10 a.m. Monday, May 9, for a medical physical, and to your training officer, Special Agent Noah Armstrong in the Washington D.C. Field Office, at 9 a.m. Monday, May 16.
The next opening in the FBI Academy at Quantico commences in August. Provided you pass your physical, you will be required to report on Sunday, August 14, before 2000 hours.
Sean picked her up and swung her around. “I knew it,” he said.
“You had more faith in me than I did.” She looked around, smiling, trying not to cry. “You all did. I won’t let you down.”