To Jonathon, my husband, who understands that the journey is long, but worth the ride. To Shawn for all those calls about police work and for just being that lifeline call over the last two decades. All mistakes in this book are mine and mine alone; there never seems to be time for him to see all of the book. To Jess, who has taught both Jonathon and me that mischief is both fun and damn near necessary in our lives. To Pilar, my sister of choice, who taught me that it’s never too late to have a happy childhood. To Missy, welcome aboard, a continuity editor at last. To Steven, who helped me with research I didn’t even know I was doing. To Bryan, who managed to inspire and challenge me in unexpected ways. To Mitch, good luck in New York.
I kiss’d thee ere I kill’d thee: no way but this;
Killing myself, to die upon a kiss.
– Speaking to the corpse of Desdemona,
and kissing her, Othello dies