SAMPSON AND I drove to Brigadoon, North Carolina. We planned to hike through the woods to where Kate had been found in the Wykagil River.
Ray Bradbury had once written that “living at risk is jumping off a cliff, and building your wings on the way down.” Sampson and I were getting ready to jump.
As we trudged into the foreboding woods, the towering oaks and Carolina pines began to shut out all light. A chorus of cicadas was thick as molasses around us. The air wasn't moving.
I could imagine, I could see, Kate running through these same dark green woods only a few weeks earlier, fighting for her life. I thought of her now, surviving on life-support systems. I could hear the machine's whoosh-click, whoosh-click. Just the thought hurt my heart.
“I don't like it in the deep dark woods,” Sampson confessed as we passed under a thick umbrella of twisted vines and tent-like treetops.
He had on a Cypress Hill T-shirt, his Ray-Ban sunglasses, jeans, work boots “Reminds me of Hansel and Gretel. Melodramatic bullshit, man. Hated that story when I was a little kid.” “You were never a little kid,” I reminded him. “You were six foot when you were eleven, and you already had your cold stare down to a fine art.” “Maybe so, but I hated those Grimm Brothers. Dark side of the German mind, turning out nasty fantasies to warp the minds of little German children. Must have worked, too.” Sampson had me smiling again with his warped theories of our warped world. "You're not afraid going through the D.C. projects at night, but a nice walk in these woods gets you? Nothing can hurt you here.
Pine trees. Muscadine grapevines. Brier brambles. Looks sinister, maybe, but it's harmless."
“Looks sinister. Is sinister. That's my motto.” Sampson was struggling to get his statuesque body through closely bunched saplings and honeysuckle at the edge of the woods. The honeysuckle was actually like a mesh curtain in places. It seemed to grow tangled.
I wondered if Casanova might be watching us. I suspected that he was a very patient watcher. Both he and Will Rudolph were very clever, organized, and careful. They had been doing this for a lot of years and hadn't been caught yet.
“How's your history on the slaves in this area?” I asked Sampson as we walked. I wanted his mind off poisonous snakes and dangling snakelike vines. I needed him concentrating on the killer, or maybe the killers, who might be cohabiting these woods with us.
“I've dabbled with some E.D. Genovese, some Mohamed Auad,” he said. I couldn't tell if he was serious. Sampson is well read for a man of action.
“The Underground Railroad was active in this area. Runaway slaves and whole families heading north were kept safe for days, even weeks, at some of the local farms. They were called stations,” I said. “That's what Dr. Freed's map shows. That's what his book was written about.” “I don't see any farms, Dr. Livingston. Just this muscadine grapevine shit,” Sampson complained and pushed away more branches with his long arms.
"The big tobacco farms used to be west of here. They've been deserted for almost sixty years. Remember I told you that a student from UNC was brutally raped and murdered back in nineteen eighty-one? Her decomposed body was found out here. I think Rudolph, and possibly Casanova, killed her. That's around the time they first met.
"Dr. Freed's map shows the locations of the old Underground Railroad, most of the farms in the area where runaway slaves were hidden. Some of the farms had expanded cellars, even underground living quarters.
The farms themselves are gone now. There's nothing to see from aerial surveillance. The honeysuckle and brambles have grown thick, too. The cellars are still here, though."
“Hmmph. Your handy-dandy map tell us where all the old-time tobacco farms used to be?” “Yup. Got a map. Got a compass. Got my Clock pistol, too,” I said and patted my holster.
“Most important,” Sampson said, “you got me.” “That too. God save the miscreants from the two of us.” Sampson and I walked a long, long way into the hot, damp, buggy afternoon. We managed to find three of the farm sites where tobacco leaf had once flourished; where terrified black men and women, sometimes whole families, had been taken in and hidden in old cellars, as they tried to escape to freedom in the North, to cities like Washington, D.C.
Two of the cellars were located exactly where Dr. Freed said they would be. Antique wood planks and twisted, rusted metal were the only signs left of the original farms. It was as if some angry god had come down and destroyed the scene of the old slave-owning ways.
Around four in the afternoon, Sampson and I arrived at the once-proud-and-successful farm of Jason Snyder and his family.
“How do you know we're here?” Sampson looked around at the small, desolate, and deserted area where I had stopped walking.
"Says so on Dr. Louis Freed's hand-drawn map. Same compass points.
He's a famous historian, so it must be true."
Sampson was right, though. There was nothing to see. Jason Snyder's farm had completely disappeared. Just as Kate had said it would.