2.27 P.M.

Julie Neville regarded her reflection in the full-length mirror then sighed heavily and turned towards the small suitcase on the bed behind her.

She took out a clean T-shirt and slipped it on, tucking it into her jeans, then she pulled on a pair of white socks and stepped into her Reeboks, one foot perched on the end of the bed as she fastened the laces.

She hadn't had much time to gather clothes from the remains of the house after the explosion. There hadn't been much left to gather. A handful of things for herself and Lisa. That had been it.


She could hear sounds of movement from the bedroom across the landing of the safe house where her daughter still played happily, oblivious it seemed to what had already happened and what might still occur.

Julie crossed to the front window of the house and looked out.

The Astra with its solitary uniformed occupant was still parked across the street, the policeman slumped down in the driving seat, head tilted back.

She wondered if he was sleeping.

Julie fastened the zip around the small suitcase and felt its weight.

All she had was in that one small bag.

All that and Lisa.

She crossed to the other room, directly opposite, and stood for a second, gazing down at her daughter who was chattering quietly to one of her dolls.

If the little girl saw her she said nothing and, after a moment, Julie turned and stepped back onto the landing, peering over the banister down into the hall.

'Lucy,' she called, her voice reverberating in the narrow confines of the stairwell.

WPC Robertson appeared at the bottom of the steps and smiled up at her.

'Kettle's just boiled,' said the policewoman.

'Could you come up for a minute?' Julie asked, trying to control the quiver in her voice.

'Are you all right?'

Julie nodded and stepped back, watching as the policewoman began climbing the stairs.

The steps creaked protestingly as she reached the top.

'Is anything wrong, Julie?' the policewoman asked, wondering why the other woman's expression had suddenly hardened.

Julie grabbed for the small suitcase, gripping the handle, swinging it with as much power as she could muster.

It struck the policewoman in the face, split her bottom lip and knocked her off balance.

She clutched at empty air for a second then toppled backwards, trying to break her fall, flailing arms smacking against the wall and balustrade.

Julie stood watching as the WPC tumbled over and over down the stairs, each step bringing a renewed grunt of pain from her.

As she reached the bottom her head cracked savagely against the floor.

She tried to rise, blood streaming from her mouth but, with a despairing groan, she fell on to her back, eyes closed.

Julie dashed into the other bedroom.

'Come on, darling,' she said urgently, gathering up her daughter's dolls, unzipping the case and shoving them in.

'What are you doing, Mum?' Lisa protested.

'We've got to go, quickly. Come on.' There was desperation in Julie's voice now.

'But, Mum-'

Julie yanked the little girl upright, gripping her arm tightly.

'Come on,' she said, barely able to prevent herself shouting.

As she pushed the last of the dolls into the case she noticed that there were specks of blood on the material.

The two of them emerged on to the landing, Julie practically dragging her daughter.

At the bottom of the stairs, WPC Lucy Robertson still lay unconscious, blood running from the wound in her lip. A ribbon of crimson was also flowing from one nostril.

Lisa gaped at the immobile form as they passed, almost tripping over the outstretched legs.

Julie headed through into the kitchen and unlocked the back door.

At the rear of the house there was a small garden, surrounded on three sides by a high wooden fence. Julie headed for the gate at the end.

She tugged at the latch.

It was locked.

'Stay here,' she told Lisa and bolted back inside the house.

There had to be a key somewhere.

She glanced at the figure of the policewoman and then scuttled across to her, sliding her hands into the pockets of Lucy's skirt.


She tried the blouse which was also flecked with blood.

There were two keys inside one of the breast pockets.

Julie took them both and hurried back outside, pushing first one then the other into the lock which secured the gate.

The second turned easily.

She pulled open the gate and peered out.

There was a path leading along the back of the houses. It looked clear.

As she pushed the gate shut behind her, from inside the house Julie heard the phone ringing.

'Come on, darling,' she said, looking down at Lisa.

'Where are we going, Mum?'

'Away. Just away.'

They began walking.

Waterloo was only a couple of streets away.


Inside the house the phone continued to ring.
