Chapter Twenty-Eight

To: mmk@toscanomail

From: mollymk@tosacanomail

Hello Matty,

Hope the job’s still going well. I’m so sorry that Justin found you from my emails, I’d have warned you if I’d realised he was coming to find you. One day I’ll learn my lesson. It’s hard not to trust my own son.

There’s something else you should know, love. Suzie was in town visiting her mother last week. Seems she’s having that baby real soon, and she was asking where to find you. I didn’t tell her of course, but Justin… I really hope he kept his mouth shut this time.

I’m sure it’ll come to nothing, she’s gone again now back to whatever hellhole she crawled out of.

Stay safe,

Mom xx

To: mollymk@toscanomail

From: mmk@toscanomail

Hi Mom,

It wasn’t your fault that Justin came here, he is what he is. Just don’t wait for him to change, because hand on heart I don’t think it’s ever going to happen.

Thanks for not telling Suzie where I am. She made her choice when she got herself pregnant with Donovan’s child, and I’ve made my choices here in Ibiza.

I’m scared to even say it, but I’m real happy here, mom. The only thing I miss about the States is you.

Love you.

