Chapter Twenty-One

“No, Chase, it’s fine. Pick me up from Charity’s studio.” Holding the cell phone to her ear, Natalie bent her head to the side as the makeup artist worked on her eyes. “I’ll see you when you get here.”

She snapped the cell phone shut and watched the transformation in the mirror. Braids of her brown hair had been gathered into a diamond clip at the back of her head. The makeup artist performed a miracle involving tweezers and dark eyeliner. It wasn’t overdone, but it was more than Natalie had every worn. A mask to hide behind on the red carpet.

Charity paced in the background. Her hand curved as if holding an imaginary cigarette. She puffed out each breath. The woman looked as nervous as Natalie felt.

“You remember how to walk?”

“Yes.” Natalie had practiced for the past two days walking and posing in the high-heeled shoes Charity had picked. Her feet and ankles were wrapped in diamonds. Diamonds dripped from her earlobes and a larger diamond fell gently to lie between her breasts over the silk dress. Armed guards seemed like a good idea. Her body’s net worth at the moment far surpassed her retirement goals.

“And the pose? You remember that? Never put both your hands on your hips at the same time. Don’t face directly into the camera. Don’t forget to cock your hip.” Charity’s words shot out of her mouth, not allowing Natalie time to speak.

“Finished,” the makeup artist said, and stepped back as Charity shoved her way in front of the chair. Her critical eyes swept over Natalie’s face.

“None of that,” Charity snapped.

Natalie attempted to control the blush that had tried to surface. Her hands trembled as she reached up to adjust the necklace after the paper was removed from her neck.

“Beautiful.” Charity’s face crumpled into that kind of smile. “Stand up so we can make sure there aren’t wrinkles on the back.”

Natalie straightened, and for a moment was disoriented as she gained a few inches from her heels. Her heart fluttered in time with the butterflies in her stomach.

Charity circled around the back of her and picked at the fabric. She hurried over to a pile of purses and scarves and came back with a small beaded handbag. The lipstick she dropped in it filled the bag.

“This is all you need.”

Natalie nodded and stared at the transformation in the mirror. Someone else stared back at her. The dress made her appear taller and was the richest fabric she’d ever touched. Tall and elegant just wasn’t her, but if it made Chase happy…

She sighed. Who was she kidding? These past weeks had been the most trying of her life and the most wonderful. Seeing her picture in the magazines Rachel read was disconcerting. Next to Chase, she looked like a small, insignificant girl. But she was with him.

Being in his spotlight was the only way to be in his life. She wasn’t sure how much more of the spotlight she could handle. The woman staring back at her in the mirror looked like she could take on this world, but inside Natalie couldn’t help wondering if this was who she was. If maybe life would be better without the constant scrutiny.

When one magazine had done a spread of Chase’s past lovers, she couldn’t help noticing that she was shorter, less blond, less leggy and less everything compared to them. Chase loved her and showed her every night. Her body tightened. But would she be enough? When would he tire of his dalliance with an accountant from the Midwest?

“Chase should be here to pick me up in a few minutes.” Natalie felt the need to reassure Charity and maybe even herself that this was real.

“You’ll do fine if you remember everything I told you. Just remember the way you present yourself reflects on Chase and on me.” Her eyes softened slightly before hardening again. It passed so quickly Natalie wasn’t sure it had actually happened. “I need a smoke.”

Charity breezed out of the room. Natalie almost sat down but then thought of her dress. How was she supposed to not sit all evening? Would she have to stand in the limo Chase was bringing?

Every move had been rehearsed. Chase had gone over how the red carpet would be. How he would do interviews down the line while she stood back with a handler or was shown to her seat. One misstep would be played for a decade on E! in some red-carpet oops show. She wasn’t afraid of a wardrobe malfunction in this dress, but she could easily fall off these heels.

A movement in the mirror caught her eye. Her breath stuck in her throat as Chase stepped into the room. He was positively stunning in his tux. From the devilish glint in his eye to his slightly tousled blond hair, Chase looked every inch a movie star.

His appreciative gaze drifted slowly over her, taking in everything from her hair to her painted toes peeking out from under her hem. Her body flushed where his eyes touched.

He stood utterly still as his gaze returned to hers. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”

She fought the urge to duck her head and stare at the floor. Chase strode across the room and took her hand. “I’d kiss you but I don’t want to smudge your lipstick.” He brought her hand to his lips, and little shivers rippled through her.

“You don’t look half-bad yourself.” Her heart spilled out, making her face pull into a wide grin.

“Shall we?” He led her out the door and past Charity inhaling a cigarette. The limo driver held open the door, and Chase helped her into the back.

After they settled and were on their way to the Kodak Theatre, Natalie’s nerves started to fizzle. She was about to walk down the red carpet with Chase in front of thousands of people with cameras everywhere. Live TV. Her chest tightened, and she struggled to draw in a deep breath. Her hands felt soggy as Chase wove his fingers through hers.

“Are you nervous?” His voice startled her in the darkness of the limo.

“Aren’t you?” She managed to control the shaking that was starting in her hands.

“I used to be, but I never really had stage fright. One of my teachers told me that old adage, think of the audience naked.”

“Oh, God, now I’m going to see everyone naked. I think I’m going to be sick.” Natalie struggled with the controls on the door, frantic to get some air.

Chase leaned across and gently moved her hand to the right button and helped her depress it. She gulped in the cool air that floated in. His hand rubbed her back.

“It will be okay, Natalie. I won’t let you out of my sight. We’ll get through this together.” His tone was reassuring and helped to calm her down a little. “Besides, it’s not like you’ll be the first one to vomit on the red carpet.”

Natalie turned to glare at him.

He held his hands up. “It was a joke, love. Only a joke. You’ll do fine.”

The limo drew to a halt, and Natalie saw the lights through the tinted window. It was now or never. How the heck had she gotten here? Cameras were prepared to take pictures of Chase and, because she was with him, Natalie.

“I love you.” His whispered words and the gentle caress of his lips on her ear sent shivers down her spine.

She turned on the seat to face him and rested her forehead against his. “I love you.” She couldn’t imagine a day without him in her life. This was just another test, another trial by fire that proved she loved him.

This was his life and if she wanted to be part of his life, she had to be part of this, too. She tried to absorb his confidence. He wouldn’t have brought her if he didn’t think she could handle it, right?

Her heart slammed against the cage of her ribs as the door opened, and lights flashed in her eyes. A thousand voices rushed into the limo. Her ears ached from the volume, and her hands tried to move toward her ears, but Chase’s hold on her hand reminded her where she was.

He brushed his lips across her knuckles and preceded her out the door. Standing for a moment, as cameras created a strobe-light effect in the interior of the car, he turned and offered her a hand.

She stared at it. Could she just sit back and ignore his hand? She wouldn’t have to go in front of everyone and make herself available to their ridicule. The butterflies in her stomach threatened to make an escape attempt as she continued to stare at his hand.

Chase leaned in the door. His smile was the one she’d grown to love, the one meant only for her. “Come on, Natalie. What’s the worst that could happen?”

She could probably name a hundred things that could happen, each one worse than the next. The one that came to mind was stepping on her hem with her pointed shoes and falling while tearing off the dress. Not only would she be facedown on the red carpet, but also only in her underwear. The heat rose to her face as she met his eyes. “I could trip?”

He clasped both of her hands and tugged gently. “If you fall, I promise to catch you.”

She allowed him to help her to her feet outside of the limo. She tried her hardest to ignore the flashing and focused on his smiling face. He was worth it. She tamped down the butterflies as he wrapped one of her hands in the crook of his elbow and gently led her away from the safety of the limo.

The red carpet loomed before her. It glowed bright from the many lights. Colorful gowns swished and dark suits blended to create a beautiful picture. Crowds of people milled along the outskirts and pressed in on the flimsy barriers holding them back. The color left Natalie’s face as they passed people she’d only seen on a movie screen. Her fingers clenched into Chase’s flesh. What was she doing here?

“Smile, Natalie.” His warm breath tickled her ear. “Relax, it’s going to be all right.”

She forced a smile as they passed a crowd of people chanting the actors’ names as they passed. Chase stopped and signed a couple of autographs before moving to the line for reporters.

His hand covered hers on his sleeve, and she looked up. “It will be over soon.”

She tried to smile at him, but a fake grin was frozen on her face as the butterflies threatened to burst through her stomach like a scene from a horror movie. His smile softened, and his hand brushed a stray hair from her cheek. His touch energized her. The look in his eyes brought the butterflies under control.

She relaxed her sore cheeks. His hand still over hers, he led her forward again. She barely noticed when Chase nodded at a man who Natalie could only assume was one of the handlers she’d been told about. The one who would rescue her from the reporters and take her to her seat.

When the man returned the nod and turned away, Natalie’s butterflies revolted again. She tried to get Chase’s attention, but he was pulling her forward to the microphones and cameras. Her instinct to grind her heels was overridden by the paralyzing fear that coursed through her. Besides, if she tried to run, she probably would end up in her underwear as part of the carpet.

She could see Chase’s mouth move as he talked to the reporter, but the warning bells ringing in her head blocked out his voice. He’d said she could go with the handlers. He’d said she didn’t have to talk to the reporters. He’d said a lot of things. Did his promises mean nothing to him?

Her heart ached as he looked down at her expectantly. What did he really expect from her? She’d never desired this kind of attention. She wanted to be with Chase. He made her feel things she’d never felt before, but this mass panic in her body was not one of the things she loved.

A flicker of concern went through his eyes, and he turned and told the reporter who designed her dress and mentioned Charity. An eternity went by as she stared helplessly at the red light on the camera. Chase gently tugged her arm to lead her to another line.

She knew the pictures tomorrow would show her with a panicked look on her face. Chase would be humiliated. She already was humiliated. Why had she agreed to this? This wasn’t her. If he really wanted her for who she was, couldn’t he see that?

Instead of getting in the line for the next reporter, Chase led her to a relatively quiet area out of the spotlight. Her shoes sparkled in the lights. Something she didn’t think she’d ever be able to do.

He blocked out the red carpet with his broad shoulders and drew her into his arms. The fuzzy, warm feelings of love chased the specters of fear back into their corner. She leaned into him, drawing from his strength.

Why couldn’t it just be the two of them? Why did the whole country have to be involved in their love affair? He pushed her back slightly. He wanted her to look up, but she was afraid. She couldn’t keep up this act. She wasn’t built for this kind of situation. She had no delusions of what she looked like. She was ordinary, which was fine for everyday life, but someone like Chase needed one of those women, the ones who were extraordinary.


Unable to resist his soft, deep voice, she shifted her gaze up.

“I have to do the interviews. I want you to stay with me. Do you want to stay with me, or do you want to go to your chair?”

She nibbled on her lip. Was this a test? Would she fail if she went to her chair? Would he be disappointed if she went to her seat? Could she stand to go back to the cameras?

“This is a part of who I am.” Chase’s eyes were intense as they gazed down into hers. “It’s not going to go away. I don’t want to do it alone. I want to share this with you. I want to share all of me with you.”

She drew in a deep breath. “I want to be with you, Chase. I just…” She dropped her gaze back to the floor.

He lifted her chin with a finger and dropped a brief kiss against her lips. “Then share this with me, Natalie. Come and be a part of it. Don’t hide in the corner. Trust me. I won’t let you down. I promise.”

Her eyes glittered with unshed tears. No one had ever loved her like Chase did. She wasn’t willing to let that go without giving it a chance. She forced herself to nod. Her reward was a glowing smile from Chase.

His lips brushed over hers. His gaze traced her lips, checking to see if he’d smudged her makeup before he led her back to the line. She’d finally realized what the worst thing that could happen was.

She could lose Chase.

Chase felt like it was the first time he’d taken the stage. His heart hammered in his chest. Adrenaline rushed through his veins. Natalie stood stiffly beside him, but the look of panic was gone.

He’d seen it in her eyes, known she was weighing her options. Knew he was pushing her, but if he didn’t now, what would happen when he was on set and someone showed her a picture of him with his costar? He didn’t want to go to his movies and the award shows alone. He wanted to experience it with Natalie.

He automatically answered the reporter’s questions, gave his dazzling smile and continued on, all the time aware of his little accountant at his side. Her smile wasn’t quite as bad as it had been, but it was definitely forced.

Maybe if he’d reminded her of how much he loved her. Maybe if he’d told her that whatever happened he’d still love her. Maybe if he’d told her how beautiful she was. Maybe she would have relaxed enough.

This was something she could get used to. When they got home tonight, they could share some ice cream and watch the award show and laugh at how nervous she’d been over nothing.

“And what about you, Natalie? How are you enjoying the evening?” The woman reporter put the microphone close to Natalie’s lips.

Chase held his breath and squeezed her hand with his. It was like he was the one on the spot, not her.

“It’s all very lovely.” Natalie’s voice was slightly higher pitched than normal, but at least she’d managed to talk. Her cheeks had a slight flush to them. Chase smiled down at her as she answered the “who are you wearing” question.

Her hand released a little from gouging into his arm, and he led her to the next interview. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “That was great, love.”

She flushed, but didn’t look up at him as they confronted the next reporter.

“And now I’m here with Chase Booker and his girlfriend, Natalie Collins,” Rick Jones said to the camera. He turned and stuck out his microphone. “Chase, your movie Night Blooming has been nominated for seven awards. How do you feel about your chances tonight?”

“I think all the nominees are wonderful across the board. We’re up against some tight competition. It should be an interesting night.” Chase kept Natalie tight against him.

Rick asked Natalie who she was wearing, and Chase watched Natalie relax slightly and answer. As she spoke, he couldn’t help but realize how lucky he was to find her.

He led her away, noticing how her body shook next to his. He’d pushed her enough for the evening. The interviews were over for now. They stopped for a picture before heading into the theater.

The usher escorted them to their seats. Chase took Natalie’s hand in his and brought it to his lips.

“You did wonderfully, Natalie.”

She blushed softly and smiled. “It wasn’t as awful as I thought it would be.”

“No falling or puking. I think that’s a pass.”

Her gaze roamed the crowd. Her expressions captivated him as she recognized actors she’d seen in movies or TV. Chase had already med most of them, either through his parents or during his own career.

“Chase,” Robert said as he and Alexis sat beside them. “Natalie, you look stunning tonight.” Alexis had chosen a daring gown. Obviously she was aiming for a best-dressed nod. Even worst dressed would help get her the attention she craved.

“Good evening, Chase.” Alexis pouted her full lips his way. “I’m so glad you decided not to bring me. Robert is such a fine escort.” She ran her hand over Robert’s arm.

Robert gave Chase a helpless look. Robert typically avoided bringing anyone to shows. He was a confirmed bachelor and rarely dated. Women tried all the time to get him, but he remained cool and aloof.

Natalie’s face tilted his way. Chase knew he was hopelessly lost when it came to Natalie. He’d been trying to break her all week. Clubs, dinner and finally the Oscars. Maybe he was wrong to push her, but he wanted all or nothing. He’d rather lose her now than years down the road when it would be harder to let go.

He followed her gaze to see Shannen Matthews, his costar from If Only, standing beside his chair. Chase rose from his seat.

“Chase, how are you?” Shannen leaned forward and kissed the air beside his cheeks.

“Good, good, and you?”

“Missing London. I swear L.A. gets hotter every year.” Shannen’s blond hair brushed his sleeve as she turned her head and waved at someone.

“It has been a warm year. Natalie is a huge fan of If Only.” Chase glanced over his shoulder at Natalie, but she wasn’t looking at him.

She nodded in Natalie’s direction. “I must find Bill. We’ll catch up at the after party.” She kissed the air again and sauntered farther down the aisle.

Chase sat down as the lights began to dim. Natalie’s hands were clasped on her lap. He reached over and plucked one of them. He folded his fingers in with hers and listened to the opening act.

“Have you worked with Shannen Matthews after If Only?” The tentative whisper tickled his ear.

“Yeah, we’re supposed to do something in the future. Some sort of period romance,” he whispered without taking his eyes off the stage, where they were announcing Actor in a Supporting Role nominees.


He glanced over at her, but her eyes remained riveted on the stage. What had that been all about?

The ceremony continued. Natalie clapped and watched along with the rest of the crowd, but something was off. Something in the way she smiled alerted him that something was wrong. Her fingers restlessly pinched at her satin dress. Her cheeks were stained pink and her lips were drawn tight. Had he done the right thing by bringing her? Was it too soon?

Becca had been a teenager when she left him. Natalie was a grown woman. Her shyness was one of the things he’d fallen in love with. Her reluctance to be brought into the spotlight charmed him. She made him happy, and she was trying so hard.

She’d taken everything he’d thrown at her this week. He’d stopped worrying that today would be the day she’d leave him. He’d begun to hope that they could make this last. That he could make a life with Natalie even though she wasn’t an actress.

Maybe he could make it up to her by skipping the after parties and just going home. They could cuddle up with some chocolate ice cream, and he could show her once more how much he loved her.
