"Take off your clothes. I want to see you.” She glanced up at the gladiator kneeling over her. “You, too, buster. Drop the leather."
Apparently it was what they had been waiting to hear. Quicker than she could fathom, all three men dropped their costumes and the little strips of cloth that had served as jock straps. At the sight of three fully extended cocks straining at the bit, it took everything she had not to reach out and grab one.
Again, damn him, Cray appeared to read her mind. “Touching is allowed, My Queen. In fact… anything you desire is yours to command."
Bria didn't hesitate any further. Since BJ was the closest, she closed her fingers around the peach-velvet skin that covered his rigid, unbending member. Slowly she slid her hand up and down its length, staring unabashedly at how the skin seemed to flow over the surface, and how the pulsing veins stood out. Overhead, she heard him hiss at her touch.
"My Queen, you have my permission to suck it if you so desire."
Oh, geeze! As if she needed his permission!
The tiny drop of moisture beading at the tip was too tempting to ignore. Bria licked it, tasting its salty sweetness. She lapped the enormous head as though it was an all-day sucker. Warm, totally intoxicating, and addicting, she tongued around the helmet until a movement at the corner of her eye caught her attention. The other two men were still standing where she'd left them, but both were now slowly stroking themselves in rhythm with her licks. No longer self-conscious, Bria pouted.
"Ohh, poor babies. Feeling left out?"
She gave them no chance to answer. Instead, she released BJ and moved to the other side of the tub. Clutching a quivering cock in each hand, she took turns gently licking and sucking on the tips, moving back and forth to give both men equal attention. Carefully nipping, then running her teeth lightly over their silky, hard warmth. They filled her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat. And beneath her fingers she could sense them trying not to buck in response. Their velvety sacs rolled incredibly soft in her palms. It almost had to be torture for them, she realized. It was Hercules who finally touched her cheek to stop her.
"My Queen. Your machine still awaits.” His voice was hoarse and his breathing ragged. Bria gave him an impish smile.
She got to her feet to allow BJ to dry her off, noting he took special care to rub the soft towel across her genitals. The action was enough to keep her fire banked and the embers inside her pussy ready to burst into flame.
Cray led her to the bed where he helped her lay on top of the satin coverlet, lifting her hair away from her face and head so it wouldn't be pulled as he placed a pillow underneath her neck. Hercules positioned her feet flat on the bed and lifted her knees, spreading her legs far enough apart to allow ample room for the dildo on the fucking machine to manipulate. BJ aimed the pistoning machine at her crotch.
"My Queen."
Cray's soft voice drew her attention away from the black object with its flesh-colored extension now poised a few inches away from her cunt. He had one knee on the covers. One hand held her wrist, and a length of pale green fabric was in his other hand.
"For you to experience the machine's full pleasure, you must be restrained. You have the choice of us holding you down, or being tied to the posts. What is your decision?"
Hercules hurried to reassure her. “Persephone, if at any time you wish to recant your wish to die by orgasm, you need only say the word and we will remove it immediately. Do you understand?"
She nodded, perplexed by the sadness reflected on his face. Hey, it was her death, not his. Besides, these men hardly knew her. Why should they look so downhearted?
"If I want to be tied up, will you still be nearby?"
"Most definitely,” BJ answered.
"And anything I ask you to do, you'll do it?"
Hercules nodded. A lock of dark hair fell across his forehead, and she had to resist the urge to reach up and smooth it back.
Taking a deep breath, Bria let it out in one quick, loud sigh. “Okay. Tie me up."