Smoke had to hang around for the hearings—both state and federal government, since the Army had finally gotten involved—but that was all right, his wounds needed the time to heal. He watched as Rusty and Doreen, then Jackson and Susie got married. Since Walt was Jud’s sole living survivor, Walt took possession of the Bar V. He signed over the Box T to Rusty and Doreen and gave the Bar V to Jackson and Susie. Matt stayed on as a hand for Rusty. Walt and Alice were going to build a little place on Bear Lake and retire.

Jackson was having the great mansion torn down on the day Smoke rode out. The couple planned to build a smaller, much more practical ranch house.

Smoke stopped by the trading post for a beer and to say good-bye to Bendel.

He was halfway through his beer when Jaeger and Di Peso pushed open the batwings. Smoke sighed and set the mug down.

“Your time to die, Jensen,” Di Peso told him. “I don’t think so,” Smoke replied, turning and drawing both guns.

Smoke stepped over the bodies and walked to Dagger, swinging into the saddle and pointing Dagger’s head south, toward Arizona and Sally and the kids. Bendel’s voice stopped him. “Smoke!”

He twisted in the saddle.

“If you ever plan a return visit, do me a favor, will you?” Bendel yelled. “What’s that?”

“Please bring a damn shovel!”
