Friday 13 September

Roy Grace, in shorts and a T-shirt, loped up the hill, accompanied by a delighted Humphrey. The Galen myotherapist who Humphrey had been seeing had warned him and Cleo that, with potential arthritis, any long run might be painful for the dog, but Grace was only going a short way and Humphrey seemed in his element.

It was a bright day, with a clear sky, warm sun and a light breeze. He ran a little way along the top of the Downs and then back down, and as he reached the gate to their garden Humphrey gave him a look as if to say, Is that it?

An hour later, showered, dressed and brunched, with the papers spread out between them, Roy and Cleo lounged back on the swing sofa in the garden, while Humphrey snored at their feet and the hens pootled all around.

Finally, reluctantly, he picked up his phone and called Cassian Pewe.

The ACC answered, all charm. ‘Roy, so good of you to call me back. I trust this is not inconvenient?’

Swinging the seat back with his feet, Grace replied, ‘Not at all, sir.’

‘Good. So, last night you were back at our favourite haunt, eh?’

Grace thought for some moments before responding. Then decided to put Pewe on the defensive. ‘Good old Beachy Head, where I saved your life?’

He relished the hesitation in the man’s voice.

‘Exactly,’ he said finally. Another hesitation. ‘But, if I understand correctly, you did not obey my instructions, did you?’

‘You sanctioned the surveillance, sir.’

‘But you accept responsibility, correct?’

‘Correct, sir.’

Correct, Roy. A very good choice of words. Correct me if I’m wrong, but did your actions not result in the death of one person, the serious and possibly life-changing injuries to another and very nearly the loss of a member of your team?’

‘All completely correct, sir,’ Grace responded, unable to hold back the insolence in his voice. ‘But are you ignoring the fact that the first duty of a police officer is to protect and save lives, not solve crime?’

‘And you seriously think that’s what you were doing at Beachy Head last night?’

‘I do, yes, sir.’

‘Well, we’ll see what the IOPC have to say about that and whether they agree, which I very much doubt. I want you in my office at 9 a.m., sharp, Monday morning. I am seriously considering suspending you from your duties, pending investigation. Do I make myself clear?’

‘Enjoy your weekend, sir,’ Grace replied.
