Select Bibliography
Tolstoy’s Works
Anna Karenina, trans. George Gibian (London and New York, 1995)
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, trans. Dora O’Brien (Richmond, 2006)
The Cossacks and Other Early Stories, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude (Ware, 2012)
The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories, trans. Nicolas Pasternak Slater (Oxford, 2015)
Divine and Human and Other Stories, trans. Peter Sekirin (London, 2001)
The Gospel in Brief, trans. Isabel Hapgood (London, 2010)
Hadji Murat, trans. Kyril Zinovieff and Jenny Hughes (Richmond, 2015)
Leo Tolstoy: Spiritual Writings (New York, 2006)
Resurrection, trans. Aylmer Maude (Ware, 1999)
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 90 vols (Moscow, 1928–64)
Tolstoy’s Diaries, trans. R. F. Christian (London, 1994)
Tolstoy’s Letters, trans. R. F. Christian, 2 vols (New York, 1978)
Tolstoy’s Political Thought (London, 2012)
Tolstoy’s Short Fiction, trans. Michael Katz (London and New York, 2008)
Tolstoy as Teacher: Leo Tolstoy’s Writings on Education, trans. Christopher Edgar (New York, 2000)
War and Peace, trans. George Gibian (London and New York, 1996)
War and Peace: Original Version, trans. Andrew Bromfield (London, 2007)
Biographical Materials
Bulgakov, Valentin, Last Year of Lev Tolstoy, ed. and trans. Ann Dunnigan (London, 1971)
Bunin, Ivan, The Liberation of Tolstoy, trans. Thomas Gaiton Marullo and Vladimir T. Khmelkov (Evanston, IL, 2001)
Chertkov, V. G., The Last Days of Tolstoy, trans. Nathalie A. Duddington (London, 1922)
Gol’denveĭzer, A. B., Talks with Tolstoy, trans. S. S. Koteliansky and Virginia Woolf (Richmond, 1923)
Gorky’s Tolstoy and Other Reminiscences, trans. Donald Fanger (New Haven, CT, 2008)
Kuzminskaya, Tatiana, Moia zhizn’ doma i v Yasnoi Polyane (Tula, 1973)
Makovitsky, Dushan, ‘U Tolstogo, 1904–1910: Yasnopolianskie zapiski’, Literaturnoe nasledstvo, XC/1–4 (1979)
Sukhotin-Tolstoy, Tatiana, The Tolstoy Home, trans. Alec Brown (London, 1950)
Tolstoy, Alexandra, Tolstoy: A Life of My Father, trans. Elizabeth Reynolds (London, 1953)
Tolstoy, Ilya, Tolstoy: My Father: Reminiscences, trans. Ann Dunnigan (London, 1972)
Tolstoy, Sofia, The Diaries, trans. Cathy Porter (Richmond, 1977)
Tolstaya, Sofia Andreevna, Literary Works (Moscow, 2011)
Tolstoy, Tatiana, Tolstoy Remembered (London, 1977)
Inteview i besedy s L’vom Tolstym (Moscow, 1986)
Perepiska Tolstogo s russkimi pisateliami, ed. S. Rozanova, 2 vols (Moscow, 1978)
Perepiska L. N. Tolstogo s N. N. Strakhovym, 1870–1894 (St Petersburg, 1914)
L. N. Tolstoy i A. A. Tolstaya: Perepiska, 1857–1903 (Moscow, 2011)
Tolstaya, Sofia, Pis’ma L. N. Tolstomu (Moscow and Leningrad, 1936)
–––, Dnevniki, 2 vols (Moscow, 1978)
–––, Moia zhizn’, 2 vols (Moscow, 2011)
Biographical Works
Bartlett, Rosamund, Tolstoy: A Russian Life (London, 2010)
Basinskii, Pavel, Lev Tolstoi: begstvo iz raia (Moscow, 2011)
Briggs, Anthony, Leo Tolstoy (London, 2010)
Maude, Aulmer, The Life of Tolstoy (Ware, 2008)
Nikitina, Nina, Povsednevnaya zhizn’ L’va Tolstogo v Yasnoi Polyane (Moscow, 2007)
Popoff, Alexandra, Tolstoy’s False Disciple: The Untold Story of Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Chertkov (New York, 2014)
Remizov, V. B., Ukhod Tolstogo, kak eto bylo (Moscow, 2017)
Shklovskii, Victor, Lev Tolstoy, trans. Olga Shartse (Moscow, 1988)
Simmons, Ernest J., Leo Tolstoy (London, 1949)
Wilson, A. N., Tolstoy (London, 2012)
Zverev, Aleksei, and Vladimir Tunimanov, Lev Tolstoy (Moscow, 2006)
Secondary Literature
Aleksandrov, Vladimir E., Limits to Interpretation: The Meanings of Anna Karenina (Madison, WI, 2004)
Babaev, E. G., Lev Tolstoĭ i russkaizhurnalistika ego epokhi (Moscow, 1978
Bayley, John, Tolstoy and the Novel (London, 1968)
Berlin, Isaiah, The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History (London, 2014)
Berman, Anna A., Siblings in Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: The Path to Universal Brotherhood (Evanston, IL, 2015)
Blakesley, Rosalind P., Russia and the Arts: The Age of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky (London, 2016)
Bocharov, S. G., Roman L. Tolstogo ‘Voĭna i mir’ (Moscow, 1963)
Christian, R. F., Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’: A Study (Oxford, 1962)
–––, Tolstoy: A Critical Introduction (Cambridge, 1969)
Eikhenbaum, Boris, Tolstoi in the Sixties, trans. Duffield White (Ann Arbor, MI, 1982)
Eikhenbaum, B. M., Raboty o L’ve Tolstom (St Petersburg, 2009)
Feuer, Kathryn B., Tolstoy and the Genesis of ‘War and Peace’ (Ithaca, NY, and London, 1996)
Fodor, Alexander, Tolstoy and the Russians: Reflections on a Relationship (Ann Arbor, MI, 1984)
–––, The Quest for a Non-violent Russia: The Partnership of Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Chertkov (Lanham, MD, and London, 1989)
Fusso, Susan, Editing Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy: Mikhail Katkov and the Great Russian Novel (DeKalb, IL, 2017)
Ginzburg, Lydia, On Psychological Prose, trans. Judson Rosengrant (Princeton, NJ, 1991)
Gustafson, Richard. F., Leo Tolstoy, Resident and Stranger: A Study in Fiction and Theology (Princeton, NJ, 2014)
Knapp, Liza, Anna Karenina and Others: Tolstoy’s Labyrinth of Plots (Madison, WI, 2016)
Knowles, A. V., ed., Leo Tolstoy: The Critical Heritage (London, 1997)
LeBlanc, Ronald. D., Vegetarianism in Russia: The Tolstoy(an) Legacy (Pittsburgh, PA, 2001)
Lukács, George, Studies in European Realism: A Sociological Survey of the Writings of Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Tolstoy, Gorki, and Others (New York, 1964)
McLean, Hugh, In Quest of Tolstoy (Boston, MA, 2008)
McPeak, Rick, and Donna Tussing Orwin, Tolstoy on War: Narrative Art and Historical Truth in ‘War and Peace’ (Ithaca, NY, and London, 2012)
Maiorova, Olga, From the Shadow of Empire: Defining the Russian Nation through Cultural Mythology, 1855–1870 (Madison, WI, 2010)
Mandelker, Amy, Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, the Woman Question, and the Victorian Novel (Columbus, OH, 1993)
Medzhibovskaya, Inessa, Tolstoy and the Religious Culture of His Time: A Biography of a Long Conversion, 1845–1887 (Lanham, MD, 2009)
–––, ed., Tolstoy and His Problems: Views from the Twenty-first Century (De Kalb, IL, 2018)
Møller, Peter Ulf, Postlude to the Kreutzer Sonata: Tolstoy and the Debate on Sexual Morality in Russian Literature in the 1890s (Leiden and New York, 1988)
Morson, Gary Saul, Hidden in Plain View: Narrative and Creative Potentials in ‘War and Peace’ (Stanford, CA, 1987)
Nickell, William, The Death of Tolstoy: Russia on the Eve, Astapovo Station, 1910 (Ithaca, NY, 2010)
Orekhanov, Georgii, Lev Tolstoi ‘Prorok bez chesti’: Khronika. Katastrofy (Moscow, 2016)
Orwin, Donna Tussing, Tolstoy’s Art and Thought, 1847–1880 (Princeton, NJ, 1993)
–––, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy (Cambridge, 2002)
–––, ed., Anniversary Essays on Tolstoy (Cambridge and New York, 2010)
Paperno, Irina, ‘Who, what am I?’: Tolstoy Struggles to Narrate the Self (Ithaca, NY, and London, 2014)
Peace, Richard, Tolstoy’s Three Great Novels: An Analysis (Bristol, 2010)
Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel, Tolstoy on the Couch: Misogyny, Masochism and the Absent Mother (Basingstoke, 1998)
Shklovsky, Viktor, Mater’ial i stil’ v romane L’va Tolstogo ‘Voĭna i Mir’ (The Hague, 1970)
Steiner, George, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky (Harmondsworth, 1967)
Wasiolek, Edward, Critical Essays on Tolstoy (Boston, MA, 1986)
–––, Tolstoy’s Major Fiction (Chicago, IL, and London, 1978)