Chapter 6

Jill checked the clock on her desk. It was only five thirty. She still had a long wait until the dinner meeting. Her thoughts went back to the island.

Hal quickly chose his own katahua out of the harem of one of the other males. That was one of the things that amazed Jill in her earlier studies of the tribe. They were very protective of the females. All of the girls were associated with a male. There was no such thing as a single woman here. And, while they were fiercely possessive of their katahuas, they seemed to think of all of the others as merely temporarily held possessions. Newly initiated males were free to pluck any of them out of any harem they chose. Jill knew that Hal new main girl would probably be walking bow legged the next day. She had never known anyone as horny as him.

The days passed quickly. Hal learned how to hunt and fish. Jill learned how to weave and cook the native dishes. They quickly blended into the tribe despite being the only white people on the island.

Nursing was a community activity and each of the adult females was available to any of the children. Being naked made preparation for the task easier, but Jill found it an embarrassing job since she had no milk in her breasts. It was also embarrassing because it was only the older children who selected her breasts. Most of the women in the tribe were stunningly beautiful with large, firm breasts, but the teenagers chose hers. It must be the novelty of having a white woman, she thought. And she knew that they were probably having sexual thoughts as they suckled on her nipples. She knew that she was certainly having sexual thoughts as a result of what they were doing to her.

During the second week of their research, a second male was initiated into manhood. He endured all of the same ordeals that Hal had suffered through. Then, on the morning after his vigil on the point, Jill was selected as the katahua who would complete the initiation by being the first woman he would ever fuck.

She was surprised that she had been chosen. Surely one of the others would know the culture of the tribe better and would be better suited to be this boy's sexual mentor. But she was proud that she had been trusted enough for this sacred ceremony. She took her job very seriously and, throughout the course of the day, coaxed every drop of semen out of him. She looked bedraggled and disheveled as she brought him back to the center of the village at the end of the day. He looked completely exhausted but was grinning from ear to ear.

It was during the third week of their stay that disaster struck. Oceangoing canoes were spotted on the horizon. Another tribe was coming to raid them. The men grabbed their weapons and headed out in small bands to track the canoes and defend the island. Since the only thing of value on the island was the women, the chief stayed in the village to defend them along with another one of the males.

Jill recommended that she be given a bow, a suggestion that greatly amused the chief. There was no way that a female could possibly shoot a bow. But Jill was insistent. She knew how to use one and she argued that it was foolish not to use every weapon possible. Still, she got nowhere with the chief.

Finally, she suggested that she be able to prove it to him. If she was not good enough, then she would give back the bow and wait with the other women. The chief finally relented.

Jill took a few practice shots to acclimate to the new weapon and then she took her first aim. A coconut had been placed on the ground as a target and she easily sank her arrow into it. Her second arrow also hit it squarely. They moved the coconut much farther away and Jill sank three more arrows into it. The chief watched in awe but finally agreed to let her fight.

The canoes divided into three groups as they got closer to the island. Jill learned later that two of the groups that tried to outflank the village were repelled by the tribe. The only one that successfully made it to shore was the one that was attacking the village frontally. Six attackers stepped ashore.

Jill had been placed in the rear and she watched as the chief and the other male from the village defended it valiantly. She saw one of the attackers go down but still they advanced.

All of a sudden, she saw the chief go down. He had taken an arrow in the thigh and was immobilized. She saw three of the attackers advance on the fallen chief. Two of them had their bows at the ready. The third had slung his bow and drawn his knife. It was clear to Jill that they intended to murder the chief.

Adrenalin surged through her veins. She let out a yell and leaped forward with her bow aimed. She easily killed the male with the knife with her first shot. She reached the chief as she was aiming her second shot. The two attackers stopped advancing, though. They had also stopped aiming their bows. They and the two other attackers further back were just staring at her, dumbfounded.

Jill stood over the chief, straddling his body as she crouched, ready to fire again. When the chief tried to get up, she placed her foot on his chest and pushed him back down, protecting him from the four men.

Her chest was heaving from the energy that was coursing through her veins. She yelled at them in Incunu to leave. She moved her bow back and forth from one attacker to another, threateningly. Then, miraculously, they did leave. They hurried back to their canoes and paddled away, leaving two dead behind.

Jill became an instant hero in the tribe. Never before had a female defended the island. She was given a name that she could not interpret. It was only later in the evening, after the wounded chief had fucked his brave katahua, that she figured it out. He drew a little picture in the dirt. It was crude but it was good enough for her to figure out what her new name was. She was Leopard Girl.
