“Big science projects-in particular, these immense particle accelerators that involve hundreds of scientists and hundreds of millions of dollars to field an experiment to detect one elusive particle-are the nation’s last payback to the [Manhattan Project] physicists for winning World War Two.”
Off-the-record interview, 1993
White House Science Office
“Using one of the world’s most powerful research tools, scientists at Fermilab have made yet another major contribution to human understanding of the fundamentals of the universe.”
– Secretary of Energy Hazel O’Leary, March 1995, on the discovery of the top quark
“We have much to learn… and more of nature’s best-kept secrets to explore. We look forward to beginning a new era of research with the Tevatron, making the best use of the world’s highest-energy collider.”
Fermilab Director John Peoples
March 1995