
1. James Baldwin, “The Fire Next Time” in Collected Essays of James Baldwin, ed. Toni Morrison (New York: Library of America, 1998), 334-5.

2. Ibid., 334-5.

3. Ibid., 334-5.

4. James Baldwin, “Notes of a Native Son” in Collected Essays of James Baldwin, ed. Toni Morrison (New York: Library of America, 1998), 42.

5. Ibid., 42.

6. James Baldwin, Conversations with James Baldwin, eds. Fred Standley and Louis H. Pratt (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1989), 77–78.

7. Ibid., 199.

8. David Leeming, James Baldwin: A Biography (New York: Knopf, Distributed by Random House, 1994), 3.

9. Benoît Depardieu, James Baldwin (Paris: Belin, 2004), 20–21.

10.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 13.

11. Ibid., p. 68.

14. Ibid., 161.

15. James Campbell, Talking at the Gates: A Life of James Baldwin (New York: Penguin Books, 1991), 10.

16. Ibid., p. 40.

17. Ibid., p. 37.

18. Ibid., p. 38.

19.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 9.

20.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 307.

21. Ibid., 309.

22. Ibid., 307.

23.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 75.

24. Ibid, 64.

25.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 291.

26.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 66.

27. Depardieu, op. cit., p. 17.

28. Leeming, op. cit., 17.

29.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 327.

30. Ibid., p. 14.

31.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 6.

32. Michel Fabre, La Rive noire: les écrivains noirs américains à Paris, 1830–1995 (Marseille: André Dimanche, 1999), 71.

33.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 9.

34. Robert Coles, “James Baldwin Back Home,” New York Times, July 31, 1977.

35. Ibid.

36. James Campbell, Exiled in Paris: Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Samuel Beckett and Others on the Left Bank (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 24.

37. Hazel Rowley, Richard Wright: The Life and Times (New York: Henry Holt, 2003).

38. James Baldwin, “Nobody Knows My Name” in Collected Essays of James Baldwin, ed. Toni Morrison (New York: Library of America, 1998), 259.

39. Leeming, op. cit., 49.

40.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 5.

41. Leeming, op. cit., 52–53.

42. Campbell, Exiled in Paris, op. cit., 24.

43. Benoît Depardieu, op. cit., 28–29 (quotation drawn from “Nobody Knows My Name” and translated into French by Benoît Depardieu in his book. The exact source of Depardieu’s original English citation of Baldwin’s work is unclear).

44.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 11–18.

45. Ibid., p. 20.

46. Amanda Claybaugh, Introduction and Notes to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe (New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003), xxxvi.

47. Notes of a Native Son, op. cit., 12.

48. Depardieu, op. cit., 80.

49. Claybaugh, op. cit., xiv — xv.

50. Ibid., xviii.

51. Notes of a Native Son, op. cit., 16.

52. Ibid., p. 23–24.

53. Claybaugh, op. cit., xxxii.

54.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 19–35.

55. Ibid., 30.

56. Ibid., 27.

57. Ibid., 27.

58. Campbell, Exiled in Paris, op. cit., 31.

59. Collected Essays, op. cit., p. 258.

60. Ibid., p. 260.

61. Langston Hughes, review of Notes of a Native Son, by James Baldwin, New York Times, February 26, 1958.

62. Campbell, Exiled in Paris, op. cit., 29.

63. Camara Laye, L’Enfant noir (Paris: Plon, 1954). New Plon 2006 edition with preface by the author, Alain Mabanckou.

64. Eza Boto, Ville cruelle (Paris: Présence africaine, 1954); Le Pauvre Christ de Bomba (Paris: Présence africaine, 1956).

65. Aimé Césaire, Cahier d’un retour au pays natal (Paris: Présence africaine, 1983).

66. Mongo Beti, “Enfant noir,” Présence Africaine, 1954.

67. Lilyan Kesteloot, Anthologie négro-africaine: panorama critique des prosateurs, poètes et dramaturges noirs du XXe siècle (Vanves: Edicef, 1987).

68. Simon Njami, James Baldwin, ou, Le devoir de violence (Paris: Seghers, 1991).

69. Campbell, Talking at the Gates, op. cit., 71.

70. Dwight A. McBride, “The Parvenu Baldwin and the Other Side of Redemption,” in James Baldwin Now (New York: New York University Press, 1999), 234.

71. Collected Essays, op. cit., p. 594–600.

72. Ibid., p. 597.

73. Ibid., p. 597.

74. James Baldwin, “Freaks and the American Ideal of Manhood,” Playboy, January 1985, reproduced in Collected Essays, op. cit., 814–829.

75. Collected Essays, op. cit., p. 814.

76. Ibid., p. 815.

77. Faggot, a derogatory term for a homosexual man used at the time, which Wright himself would use against Baldwin.

78. Collected Essays, op. cit., p. 821.

79. Ibid., p. 820.

80. Campbell, Exiled in Paris, op. cit., 33.

81. Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice (New York: Delta, 1999), 124. First edition published in 1967 by McGraw Hill, New York.

82. Paul Goodman, “Not Enough of a World to Grow in,” New York Times, June 24, 1962.

83. Depardieu, op. cit., 80.

84. James Baldwin, Another Country (New York: Random House, 2013), p. 22.

85. Ibid., p. 27.

87.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 42.

88. Ibid., 86.

89. Dominic Thomas, Black France: colonialism, immigration, and transnationalism (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007), 10.

90. Ibid., p. 88.

91.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 88.

92. Ibid., p. 150.

93. Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs (Paris: Seuil, 1952), 179.

94.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 342.

95. Leeming, op. cit., 121–122.

96. Campbell, Talking at the Gates, op. cit., 109.

97. Césaire, op. cit., 22–23.

98. Sheldon Binn, review of The Fire Next Time, by James Baldwin, New York Times, January 31, 1963.

99.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 340.

100. Ibid., p. 134–135.

101. Frantz Fanon, Les Damnés de la terre (Paris: Gallimard, “Folio,” 1991), 43.

102.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 346.

103. Ibid., p. 135.

104. Alan Stoskopf, “The Murder of Emmett Till: A Series of Four Lessons,” https://www.facinghistory.org/foreducators/educator-resources/lessons-and-units/emmett-till-series-four-lessons

105. Walter Meserve in The Black American Writer: Vol.II Poetry and Drama, ed. C.W.E. Bigsby (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1969), as reproduced by Chip Lockwood in “Baldwin’s ‘Blues’ remain powerful, 37 years later,” Yale Herald Online, 2001. http://www.yaleherald.com/archive/xxxi/2001.03.30/ae/p21baldwin.html

106.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 49.

107. Ibid., 49.

108. James Baldwin, “Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White,” New York Times, April 9, 1967.

109. Ibid.

110. Ibid.

111. Ibid.

112.“Notes of a Native Son,” op. cit., 50.

113. Ibid., 50.

114. Budd Schulberg, La Forêt interdite: suivi de L’Atelier d’écriture de Watts et de Dialogue en noir et blanc, (Paris: Rivages Poche, 2004), 280–282. Original American title: Wind Across the Everglades.

115. Ibid., p. 281.

116. Ibid., p. 283.

117. Baldwin, “Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White,” op. cit.

118. Ibid.

120. Le Nouvel Observateur, March 25, 2006.

121. Ibid.

122. Dominic Thomas, Black France, op. cit., 10.

123. Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, op. cit., 185–186.

124. Leeming op. cit., 77.

125. Campbell, Talking at the Gates, op. cit., 239.

126. Ibid., p. 240.

127. Ibid., p. 282.

128. Ibid., p. 281.

129. Quincy Troupe, James Baldwin: The Legacy (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989).

130. Campbell, Talking at the Gates, op. cit., 281.

131. Pascal Bruckner, Le Sanglot de l’homme blanc. Tiers-monde, culpabilité, haine de soi (Paris: Seuil, 1983), and, more recently, La Tyrannie de la pénitence: essai sur le masochisme occidental (Paris: Grasset, 2006).

132. Bruckner, preface to his own book, Sanglot de l’homme blanc (Paris: Seuil, “Points,” 2002), iv.

133. Jean-Paul Sartre, preface to Damnés de la terre, by Frantz Fanon (Paris: Gallimard “Folio,” 1991), 42.

134. Ibid., p. 41.

135. Achille Mbembe, in an article entitled “Francophonie et politique du monde,” that appeared on the author’s website (www.alainmabanckou.net), March 24, 2007.

136. Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, op. cit., 186.

137.“The Fire Next Time,” op. cit., 326.

138. Albert Memmi, Portrait du décolonisé arabo-musulman et de quelques autres (Paris: Gallimard, 2004), 141–142.

139. Ibid., p. 142.
