After the agreeable dinner to which we had both brought sharpened appetites, dear Marguerite expressed a wish to go to the Italian Opera. She was passionately fond of music, and was a passable performer herself with a small voice that warbled sweetly, if not powerfully. So I took her there. It was a representation of Rossini's ever acceptable and charming Barbiere with Mario, Grisi, and Lablache in the principal parts, and of course most admirably performed.
Dear Marguerite was in ecstasies. She was seldom indulged, and thus it was a real treat to her. That very handsome fellow Mario excited her lust, and she afterwards admitted to me that her cunt throbbed when he was making love to Rosina, and she could have welcomed him there with the greatest avidity. Indeed, in our after encounters in love's soft tournament, I begged her to let her imagination run loose and fancy that I was Mario.
The sweet girl gave way to the idea and fucked me with double energy, and a satisfaction that excited her lust to the utmost, yielding to me also a greatly enhanced pleasure by the very excess of her lubricity, caused by her imaginary enjoyment of the possession of that noble Italian singer. She so much enjoyed the idea of revelling in his possession that she avowed afterwards she did not believe the reality could be equal to what her imagination, aided by the possession of a real prick in full operation, had yielded her. Under this vivid impression, and in her salacious and lascivious delusion, she exerted all the wild lust of her passions to the utmost, and gave me the most exquisite pleasure.
I took advantage also of her great excitement, and plunged my prick as if it were Mario's into her delicious, tight little bottom-hole. We fairly exhausted ourselves in these real encounters with an imaginary person, and at last, after a most exquisite fuck from behind, but in the legitimate channel, we sank to sleep closely united as we were.
This lovely creature, without possessing all the extraordinary contractible power of Louisa, had a loving power of delicious suction which was almost as lasciviously satisfactory. At all events we slept so soundly as to awake in the same position, my prick still completely ensconced in the charming aperture. As one always wakens in the morning with a cockstand, I found my prick already stiff and throbbing within the folds of that delicious cunt.
Dear Marguerite was awakened by the same stimulant, so that without any change of position we ran a charming course of delight, and died away in all the raptures of the final crisis. We then mutually sponged each other, and thus refreshed, we indulged in an exquisite gamahuche, stimulating ourselves the while in every extraneous way, and eagerly swallowing the result, continuing our dalliance until both were again excited to a proper pitch. At dawn's first light we had one more delicious fuck before and a second behind.
After the ecstatic languor of the last was over we turned to each other to prattle love and fondle each other's charms, which ended in another most loving embrace in the lazy position of the sybarite, that is, Marguerite on her back with a leg cast over my side, and myself on my side, with my two thighs clasping her other thigh, her bottom heaved up somewhat towards me, and my prick deliciously ensheathed within her tight little cunt. This left room for my hand to wander over her belly or to frig her charming, excitable clitoris, while my mouth alternately kissed hers or sucked the nipples of the full and beautiful bosom next to me-a superb position for taking it quietly and lengthening out the pleasure to yourself, as well as for enabling you to exhaust the lust of your companion, while holding back your own powers for a final satisfaction of both your lascivious passions.
I thus brought her to that dreamy and languid state of fully-satisfied lust when a woman will open her whole soul to a man who knows how to take advantage of the happy moment to draw out her entire confidential history and the whole mystery of her soul.
I have already told you that I was adept at taking advantage of such a state of mind, and gradually she confided in me the following account of her previous life and initiation into all love's mysteries. I found that she was one of seven daughters; that her own father had first fucked her from an early age; and that she also knew of his having done the same to three of her other sisters. Furthermore she had no reason to doubt but that the others had passed through his hands.
She was the youngest, and when her elder sisters were married, and she was left alone without anyone to keep watch and prevent surprise, her mother had discovered the incestuous intercourse. There was a devil of a row, and likely to have been a public scandal, but it was hushed up, and poor Marguerite was the victim of the reconciliation of Papa and Mamma.
Hence she was sent to the convent, and never allowed to return home at the vacation, but obliged to remain almost alone, and often very miserable, while all her companions were away enjoying the relaxation of the holidays after the long months of monotonous drudgery in the convent.
She had, however, found much comfort from a darling old uncle, who frequently came to Paris and often had her out for some days. He had fucked her, of course, though being an old and worn-out roue he had not much power left, but then he gamahuched her to perfection.
She told me he delighted in her firm fresh, cunt. The moment he got her to his hotel, 'strip' was the word, and both were soon as naked as when they were born.
He invariably lay down on his back with pillows under his head, and always facing a large cheval glass, so that when she knelt astride him with her splendid backside over his face, and settled down on his belly taking his limp prick in her mouth to suck it up to a proper consistency, his eager tongue sought and penetrated: now her delicious cunt; now her no less delicious rosy little bottom-hole; and he feasted on the vision of her glorious buttocks, back and shoulders brought immediately before his eyes in the inclining cheval glass.
He was difficult to excite, and therefore he generally made her discharge at least three times before he was ready to fuck her.
Then, drawing himself from underneath her, and getting in from behind in a kneeling position, with the whole attitude distinctly reflected in the cheval glass before him, he continued to fuck her slowly and deliciously, again making her discharge two or three times before he allowed the grand crisis to overtake him, invariably, like her father, finishing off in the smaller orifice of her bottom, so as to run no risk of getting her in the family way.
She had, of course, made her dear old uncle a confidant of her previous incestuous fucking with her father, and the cause of her not being allowed to go home at holidays. She had laid bare her whole soul to him, for she dearly loved the old man, and had told him not only of her intercourse with Louisa and little Emma and others, but also of her love for two of her masters, the French dancing master and the Italian master; how she had felt both their pricks, and how they had frigged her cunt, but had not yet had the opportunity of actually fucking her.
Her uncle had then enabled her to have them both under the pretence of wishing her to continue her lessons when he was out on business, partly for improvement and partly for occupation when left alone as he told them.
He accordingly paid them for extra lessons, which, in fact, were wholly dedicated to fucking. And as both were handsome and young, and well able to satisfy the wildest lust, she had the most delicious fucking imaginable, because she was really fond of both and had long wished to possess them. Besides, she had always been well gamahuched and partially fucked by her dear old uncle before the hour of the nominal lessons.
When he left them together, her uncle always allowed them to see him leave the hotel, but immediately afterwards he returned, and ascending by a back staircase, he entered another adjoining room, from whence he had managed to make a peep-hole, and as she knew where it best bore upon, she took care he should see everything to the greatest advantage.
Thus she used to get from five to six good fucks out of the vigorous young fellows in the hour and a half of nominal lessons. Then, as soon as her master was sent off, her dear uncle joined her, and deliciously sucked and then fucked her inundated cunt, for by his directions she never even wiped the oozing lips.
By the time he had finished, the hour for her second master approached. So, purifying herself that he might not find out her previous actions, the same routine was followed, with exactly the same results; so that by the time she had exhausted the two athletes, and satisfied the more moderate excitement of her uncle, both before and after each bout with the younger men, she herself was in a delicious state of fully satisfied lust, and then slept tranquilly in her uncle's arms at night.
All of them had invariably followed her father's plan of spending in her bottom-hole, and sometimes entirely fucking her there, except occasionally her old uncle who would spend in her cunt, as he considered himself incapable of getting a child.
She further confessed that she had even occasionally deceived her old uncle by letting a handsome young waiter in the hotel fuck her and that he had introduced a fellow servant, who was very largely provided with a monstrous prick, which used to really hurt her every time he entered, but when once sheathed up to the hilt gave her the most exquisite pleasure. It was so thick as to completely fill up every space, and so long that it really seemed to go up to her very heart.
The former fucker nevertheless managed to find room for his somewhat smaller cock in her bottom, and thus he first had given to her the inexpressible pleasure of the double action at once.
It happened on one occasion that her uncle was called away by a telegram for two nights, leaving her at the hotel. On this occasion she had had both her masters for two hours, each fucking her to the utmost of their powers, and had slept with her two servant lovers each of the nights.
This had been the utmost of lascivious indulgence she had ever had, and she was now looking forward to Tom and me doing as much for her, especially as her dear friend Louisa had fully confided in her, and had told her of other more numerous combinations that had been planned.
All this excited me to the utmost, and her charming account of her various fuckings so naively related was interspersed with several close and delicious encounters until it was time to rise.