About the Authors

David Wood is the author of the popular action-adventure series, The Dane Maddock Adventures, as well as several stand-alone works and two series for young adults. Under his David Debord pen name he is the author of the Absent Gods fantasy series. When not writing, he co-hosts the Authorcast podcast. David and his family live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visit him online at www.davidwoodweb.com.

Edward G. Talbot is the pen name for two authors. Ed Parrot lives in Massachusetts and has long been fascinated with turning ideas into written words. Jason Derrig lives in Maine and likes to tell stories, especially about conspiracies. The two authors have collaborated to create a brand of thriller that keeps the stakes high while not taking itself too seriously.

In addition to Liberty, their work includes the conspiracy thriller novelsNew World Orders and 2012: The Fifth World. Their most recent books are the terrorism thriller short novels Alive from New York and Alive From America. Click here for a sample of Alive from New York.

Visit Edward G. Talbot on the web at www.edwardgtalbot.com
