Washington, D.C.
Thursday, 5:00 P.M.

Hood's office was supernaturally silent when Herbert's phone beeped. His heart had begun to race just moments before, as though he knew the call was coming. Or maybe he was just getting more anxious as the minutes crept by. Even if nothing was happening, Herbert did not like being out of touch.

The intelligence chief jabbed the audio button. Wind screamed from the tiny speaker. It seemed to draw Herbert into the Himalayas. Or maybe he was feeling something else. A sense of exposure. The sound was being sucked from Herbert's armrest to the speakerphone on Hood's desk. The intelligence officer was unaccustomed to working with an audience. He did not like it.

"Go ahead," Herbert shouted.

"Bob, I think something just happened at the missile site," Colonel August informed him.

Herbert fired a glance at Hood's phone. Then he looked at Hood. Herbert wanted his boss to mute the damn thing.

"Mike's ass is on the line," Herbert said through his teeth.

"The damage is already done," Hood said softly as he nodded toward the speakerphone on his desk where the Pakistani ambassador was still on the line. He raised his voice. "Colonel, what's the situation?" Hood asked.

"I'm not certain, sir," August said. "I heard gunfire and shouting. Then there was nothing. I hung on for a few minutes before deciding to call. I thought I could use the downtime to get the codes in case Mike came back on."

"Colonel, was there any indication who might be firing at who?" Herbert asked.

"No," August replied. "Before it started, all I heard was someone shouting for the others to duck and take cover. I assume it was General Rodgers."

"Are you still secure?" Herbert asked.

"Nothing has changed here," August replied.

"All right," Herbert said. "Hold on."

Hood turned to the speakerphone. "Mr. Ambassador, did you hear the colonel's report?"

"Every word," Ambassador Simathna replied. "It does not sound like a happy situation."

"We don't know enough to say what the situation is exactly," Hood pointed out. "I do agree with Colonel August about having the codes ready to give to Mike Rodgers. Perhaps if he can get inside the silo—"

"I cannot agree," Simathna interrupted.

"Why is that, sir?" Hood asked.

"Almost certainly those are Indian troops attacking the general's group," Simathna said.

"How do we know they aren't Pakistani troops protecting the site?" Herbert asked.

"Because the mountain troops that monitor the glacier have remained on our side of the line of control," Simathna informed him. "They were told of your incursion."

" 'Our' incursion," Herbert said. He did not even attempt to conceal his disgust. "There's a Pakistani on the team."

"He is under the command of an American military officer," Simathna reminded him.

"How do we know your mountain troops obeyed their instructions?" Herbert pressed.

"I am telling you they have," Simathna replied.

Hood scowled and dragged the back of his thumb across his throat. He was telling Herbert to kill the discussion he had opened. Herbert would rather kill the ambassador. They were trying to save this man's country from vaporization and he would not do a thing to help Mike Rodgers.

"Mr. Ambassador," Hood said, "we have to assume that General Rodgers and his people will prevail. When they do they'll need to get into the silo as quickly as possible. It would be prudent to give Colonel August the codes."

"Again, I cannot allow that," Simathna replied. "It is unfortunate enough that our enemies may learn of this strategic site. But at least the safeguards are still in place."

"What safeguards?" Hood asked.

"Removing the ice block on top of the silo will trigger a timed explosive within the hatch," the ambassador told him. "Unless the proper code is entered within sixty minutes the bomb will detonate. It will trigger a series of conventional explosions that will destroy the surface area."

"Killing the enemy but leaving the silo intact," Herbert said.

"That is correct," the ambassador told him.

"Mr. Ambassador, we are still facing a nuclear attack on Pakistan," Hood pressed.

"We understand that, which is why we must protect our silos from discovery," Simathna told him.

That remark got Herbert's attention. It got Hood's attention, too, judging from his expression. The ambassador had just revealed that there were other silos, probably in other remote areas. That was not an accident. He had wanted Op-Center to know that, and to know it now.

Herbert knew it would be pointless to ask how many silos there were or where they were located. The question was whether revealing that information to New Delhi would trigger an immediate nuclear strike against the region or whether it would force India to stand down. Probably the latter. If Indian intelligence did not already know about the silos they would not know where to strike. Perhaps that was why Simathna had mentioned it. The information would sound more authentic if it were leaked to New Delhi from a branch of U.S. intelligence.

Of course, as with everything else Simathna told them, Herbert had no way of knowing if this were true. For all they knew, there was only the one silo. And there was no way of knowing if there were even a missile inside. Perhaps it was still in the process of being built.

"Ambassador Simathna, I'm going to ask Colonel August to free up his telephone line now," Hood said. "He'll let us know as soon as he hears from General Rodgers."

Hood looked at Herbert. Herbert nodded and told August to sign off until he had reestablished communication with Rodgers. Then Herbert punched off the telephone and sat back.

"Thank you," Simathna said. "Please try to understand our position."

"I do," Hood insisted.

So did Herbert. He understood that Rodgers and August were risking their lives for people who weren't going to do anything to help. He had been in this business long enough to know that covert operatives were considered expendable. They were at the front line of disposable assets.

Except when you knew them.

When they had names and faces and lives that touched yours every day.

Like Rodgers and August.

Like Striker.

The room was silent again, and still.

Except for the desperate racing of Herbert's heart.
