“A” (Zukofsky), 166, 172
A la recherche du temps perdu (Proust), 202
A-minor Symphony (Mendelssohn), 50
ABC (Silliman), 146, 169, 172
Adam, Helen Douglas, 209
Adam Bede (Eliot), 260
Adamov, Arthur, 4
Addison, Joseph, xiv
Adorno, Theodor, 68, 70, 78
In Search of Wagner, 68
The Jargon of Authenticity, 70
Adventures of Alyx, The (Russ), 116
Agassiz, Louis, 110
“Age of Dream, An” (Johnson), 243n
Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism (Bloom), 196
Ailey, Alvin, 18
“Albany” (Silliman), 146, 169, 170, 172
Aldington, Richard, 147
Portrait of a Genius, But…, 174
Aldiss, Brian W., 278
Report on Probability A, 280
Alien Critic, The, 257, 298
Allen, Donald, 240
Allen, Robert, 261
Allgemeine Oesterreichische Zeitung, 52
Alphabet, The, series (Silliman), 146, 157, 163, 169, 171, 172
Alvarez, A., 185
American Shore, The (Delany), xvi
Amitie du Prince (Perse), 209
“An einen Staatsanwalt” (Wagner), 52
Anabase (Perse), 209
Anathēmata, The (Jones), 166
“And I Am Telling You” (Bennett), 154
Anderson, Laurie, xxx
Angel Fire (Oates), 259
“Angouleme” (Disch), xvii, xxiv
Anouilh, Jean, 14, 80, 315
Anthony and Cleopatra (Barber), 18–21
Antigone (Cocteau), 14
antinomies, 265–274
Grelling’s paradox, 273
Apollo of Bellac, The (Giraudoux), 317
“Apology for Raymond Sebond, An” (Montaigne), xxxv
Appalachian Spring (de Mille), 197n
“Architecture of The Bridge” (Unterecker), 187
Ardrey, Robert, 157
Arendt, Hannah, 71, 93
The Origins of Totalitarianism, 71, 93
Aristotle, 13, 25, 40, Poetics, 13
Armantraut, Rae, 170
“Engines,” 170
Arnold, Matthew, 35–37, 40–42, 64, 78, 79
Culture and Anarchy, 35
“Culture and Its Enemies,” 40, 78
“Dover Beach,” 35
Arp, Hans, 4
Art and Death (Artaud), 13
Art and Illusion (Gombrich), 273
Art and Revolution (Wagner), 3, 16, 48, 63
Artaud, Antonin, x, xxvii — xxx, 1–17, 22, 41, 42, 75, 76, 78–84, 172
Art and Death, 13
Backgammon in the Sky [Tric Trac du ciel], 13, 25
The Cenci, 4, 11, 14, 15
“Centre-Mére et Patron-Minet,” 5
Correspondence with Jacques Rivière, 14, 23, 172
“Cri,” 26, 30, 172
“La Culture Indiene,” 6
Douze Chansons, 25
Heliogabalus, or The Anarchist Crowned, 13
Letters from Rodez, 3
“No More Masterpieces,” 15, 30, 76
“Le Pèse-Nerfs,” 15
“The Return of Artaud, le Mômo,” 4, 5
The Return of Artaud, le Mômo, 13
The Theater and Its Double, 2, 14, 31, 76
To Have Done with the Judgment of God, 10, 12, 31
“Van Gogh, the Man Suicided by Society,” 7–10
A Voyage to the Land of the Tarahumara [The Peyote Dance], 3
Artwork of the Future, The (Wagner), 3, 16, 48
Ashberry, John, 41, 159
Athanasiou, Genica, 14
Athenaeum, 3, 230
“Atlantis” (Crane), 185, 187, 215, 216, 224, 226, 227, 231, 237, 244, 245
Atlantis: Model 1924 (Delany), xvi, xxxv, 244, 245
Auden, W. H., 33, 79, 80, 83, 159, 278
“Caliban to the Audience,” 83
The Sea and the Mirror, 83
W. H. Auden: Collected Poems, 240
Auerbach, Berthold, 67
Auntie Mame (Dennis), 317
Austen, Jane, 38, 260
Authoress of the Odyssey, The (Butler); 164
“Ave Maria” (Crane), 189, 215, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224
“Baby Is Three” (Sturgeon), 257
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 67
Backgammon in the Sky [Tric Trac du Ciel] (Artaud), 13, 25
Bacon, Francis, xiii, xiv
Essays, xiv
Baird, Peggy, 189, 243
“The Last Days of Hart Crane,” 243
Bakhtin, M. M., 82, 84, 107
Bakúnin, Mikhail, 37, 46, 47, 49, 52–55, 57, 60–63, 65, 84
Baldwin, James, 205
Giovanni’s Room, 205
Ballets Africains, Les, 153
Balzac, Honoré de, 13, 37, 74
Banquet Years, The (Shattuck), 37
Barbarossa, Frederick, 54
Barber, Samuel, 18
Anthony and Cleopatra, 18–21
Bare Hills, The (Winters), 199
Barnes, Djuna, 139
Barnett, Lincoln, 310
The Universe and Dr. Einstein, 310
Barrault, Jean-Louis, 4, 11
Barthes, Roland, xv, xviii, xix, xxii, xxiii, xxxvi — xxxviii, 70, 252
A Barthes Reader, xxxvi S/Z, xxii
Barthes Reader, A (Barthes), xxxvi
Bartram, William, 144, 145
Travels, 144
Baudelaire, Charles, 22, 32, 55, 72, 74, 79, 231
Baudrillard, Jean, 91, 111
Bayreuther Blätter, 70, 71
Beat movement, 15
Beatles, the, 74
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de, 75
Becher, Carl, 56
Beck, Julian, 17
Beer, Thomas, 205
Stephen Crane, 205
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 21, 73
Fifth Symphony, 21, 46, 50
Ninth Symphony, 57, 61, 65
Being and Time (Heidegger), 209
Belgrave, Cynthia, 1
Benét, Steven Vincent, 209, 224, John Brown’s Body, 209, 224
Benét, William Rose, 209, 224
Benjamin, Walter, xxviii, 33, 76, 78, 160
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” 76
Bennett, Michael, 154
“And I Am Telling You,” 154
Dreamgirls, 154
Berg, Alban, 17, 80
Bergson, Henri, 103
Berkeley, Bishop, 283
Berlioz, Hector, 32, 65, 73
Bernard, Raymond, 14
Tarakanova, 14
Bernstein, Charles, 159
Berrigan, Ted, 41, 261
Bester, Alfred, 288
The Stars My Destination, 288
Beyond, 315
Beyond This Horizon (Heinlein), 288
Bible, the, 197
Bieberstein, Marschall von, 62
Biographia Literaria (Coleridge), 172
“Birds and Bees (Blues Poem), The” (Jackson), 158
Bishop, Elizabeth, 149
Black Book, The (Mapplethorpe), 153, 154
Black Star Passes, The (Campbell), 313
Blackburn, Paul, 259
Blackmur, R. P., 191–193
Form and Value in Modern Poetry, 192
“Notes on a Text of Hart Crane,” 191–193
Blake, William, 191, 218, 237
“Morning,” 218
Blin, Roger, 4, 11, 12
Bloch, Marc, 41
Bloom, Harold, 196, 197, 198n
Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism, 196
The Visionary Company, 198n
“Blue” (Silliman), 146, 169, 170, 172
Blum, Robert, 56
Bodenheim, 198
Bohannan, Laura, 150
“Shakespeare in the Bush,” 150
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 32
Book, The (Jabès), 157
Book of Questions, The (Jabès), 157
Bosanquet, Gustavus, 151
Bowen, Elizabeth, 189, 226
Brackhage, Stan, 280
Bradlaugh, Charles, 231, 233
Braque, Georges, 4, 11
Braudel, Fernand, 41
Brauers, Ida [“Dora”], 103
Brecht, Bertolt, 14
Threepenny Opera, 14
Bresson, Robert, 280
Breton, André, 4
Bricuth, John, 319
Myth, 319
Bride of Abydos, The (Byron), 38
Bridge, The (Crane), x, xxxiii, xxxiv, 174, 184, 187–189, 191, 192, 201, 209, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221–224, 226–228, 230, 231, 237, 238, 244
Bridges, Robert, 33
Brockhaus, Hermann, 45
“The Broken Tower” (Crane), 198n, 243
Brontë, Charlotte, 34, 39, 260
Brontë, Emily, 184, 260
Brook, Peter, 17
Brown, John, 219, 222, 224
Brown, Rita Mae, 141
Rubyfruit Jungle, 14
Brown, Susan Jenkins, 243
Brown, T. E., 151
Brown, William Slater, 175, 176, 243
Browne, Michael Dennis, 159, 261
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 37, 184, 209, 210
Browning, Robert, 37, 167, 168
Dramatis Personae, 168
The Ring and the Book, 168
Robert Browning, The Poems, 167
Sordello, 167, 168
Brueghel, Pieter, 7
Brunner, Edward, 185, 191
Splendid Failure, 191
Brunner, John, 257, 275
Brunner, Marjorie, 257, 275
Bülow, Baron Hans von, 39
Burrell, Mrs., 59
Burroughs, William S., 166
Naked Lunch, 166
Buscema, John, 278
Butler, Octavia, 116
Wild Seed, 116
Butler, Samuel, 164
The Authoress of the Odyssey, 164
Butterfield, R. W., 185
Byron, Lord, George Gordon, 32, 33, 36, 38, 41, 65, 231
The Bride of Abydos, 38
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 38
The Corsair, A Tale, 38, 39
The Giaour, 38
“C 33” (Crane), 215
Caesar, Irving, 189
“What Do You Do Sunday, Mary,” 189
Cage, The (McIntyre), 258
“Calgary Express, The” (Crane), 222, 223
“Caliban to the Audience” (Auden), 83
Calvino, Italo, 157
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler…, 157
Campbell, John W., 313
The Black Star Passes, 313
Camus, Albert, 4, 149
La Chute, 149
Cane (Toomer), 216, 241
Canin, Ethan, 158
“Canons and Institutions: New Hope for the Disappeared” (Silliman), 171
Cantos, The (Pound), 165–169, 172, 181, 185, 193, 206
“Cape Hatteras” (Crane), 215, 218, 220–222, 224
“Carbon” (Silliman), 163, 169, 170, 172
Carcopino, Jerome, 140
Carlyle, Thomas, 36, 156, 177, 229
The French Revolution, 156
Heroes and Hero-Worship, 177
Carousel (Rogers and Hammerstein), 14
Carroll, Lewis, 160, 161
“Jabberwocky,” 160, 161
Caruso, Enrico, 77
Casarés, Maria, 11
“Case Against Nietzsche, The” (Crane), 188, 237
Case of Wagner, The [Der Fall Wagner] (Nietzsche), 68, 79
Castle of Indolence, The (Thomson [not B.V.]), 228
Cassier, Ernst, 80, 255
Cather, Willa, 139, 203
My Àntonia, 203
Caves of Steel, The (Asimov), 315
Cenci, The (Artaud), 4, 11, 14, 15
“Centre-Mére et Patron-Minet” (Artaud), 5
Ceremonies (Hemphill), 153
Chanel, Coco, 14
“Chaos” (Lowes), 145
Char, René, 4
Charbonnier, Georges, 278
“Charming Maiden, The” (Greenberg), 175
Chereau, Patrice, 16, 43
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron), 38
Chomsky, Noam, xxv
Chopin, Frédéric, 39, 177
“Christobel” (Coleridge) 144
“Church of Dream, The” (Johnson), 243n
Chute, La (Camus), 149
Cicero, 140
City and the Pillar, The (Vidal), 205
City of Dreadful Night, The (Thomson [B.V.]), 227, 228, 230, 236–238
Civilization and its Discontents (Freud), 98
Clarissa (Richardson), 102
Clone, The (Wilhelm and Thomas), 258
Cocteau, Jean, 11, 14, 24, 80
Antigone 14
Orphée, 11, 80
Cogswell, Theodore, 315
“The Wall Around the World,” 315
“Cold Equations, The” (Godwin), 147
Coleridge, Hartley, 144, 145
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 144, 145, 157, 172, 209
Biographia Literaria, 172
“Christobel,” 144
“Fears in Solitude,” 145
“Frost at Midnight,” 145
The Gutch Memorandum Notebook, 144–146
“Kubla Khan,” 145
“Lewti,” 145
“Love,” 145
Lyrical Ballads, 145
“The Nightingale,” 145
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” [“The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in Seven Parts”], 145
“The Wanderings of Cain,” 145
Collected Poems (Lawrence), 259
Collected Poems (Robinson), 208
Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara, The (O’Hara), 240
Collins, Thomas J., 167
Collins, Wilkie, 34
Color Purple, The (Spielberg), 154
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 52
Concept of Mind, The (Ryle), 252
“Conduct” (Greenberg), 187
Conkling, Hilda, 209
Contexts of The Bridge (Giles), 192
Coppola, Francis Ford, 38, 81
Corke, Helen, 73
Correspondence with Jacques Rivière (Artaud), 14, 23, 172
Corsair, A Tale, The (Byron), 38, 39
Counter/Measures (Kennedy), 321
Cowley, Malcolm, 182, 189, 190, 241
Cramer, Kathryn, 147n
Crane, Clarence Arthur, 244
Crane, Donald P., 308
Crane, Hart, x, xi, xvi, xxxiii — xxxv, 163, 174–176, 182–202, 205–246
“Atlantis,” 185, 187, 215, 216, 224, 226, 227, 231, 237, 244, 245
“Ave Maria,” 189, 215, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224
The Bridge, x, xi, xxxiii, xxxiv, 174, 184, 187–189, 191, 192, 201, 209, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221–224, 226–228, 230, 231, 237, 238, 244
“The Broken Tower,” 198n, 243
“C 33,” 215
“The Calgary Express,” 222, 223
“Cape Hatteras,” 215, 218, 220–222, 224
“The Case Against Nietzsche,” 188, 237
“Cutty Sark,” 202, 205, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 224, 226, 231, 245
“The Dance,” 197n, 224
“Emblems of Conduct,” 187, 197n
“For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen,” 207, 220, 239
“General Aims and Theories,” 185, 194
“The Harbor Dawn,” 197, 201, 205, 224, 231
“Heaven and Hell” letter, 241
Key West: An Island Sheaf, 238
“The Mango Tree,” 223
“National Winter Garden,” 224
“1920 Whistles,” 223
“O Caribe Isle!” 239
“Possessions,” 239
“Powhatan’s Daughter,” 218, 219, 226
“Praise for an Urn,” 193, 198n
“Proem” [“To Brooklyn Bridge”], 215, 216, 218, 224, 227, 231, 237, 245
“Quaker Hill,” 218, 224
“Recitative,” 239
“The River,” 223
“Royal Palm,” 240
“Southern Cross,” 224
“This Way Where November…,” 205, 239
“Thou Canst Read Nothing…,” 205, 239
“Three Songs,” 189, 218
“The Tunnel,” 218, 224
“Van Winkle,” 219, 224
“Virginia,” 189, 224
Voyages, 184, 186, 187, 200, 205, 214, 239
“Voyages I,” 239, 246
“Voyages II,” 184, 185
White Buildings, 194, 224, 238
“White Buildings” letter, 239, 241
Crane, Nathalia, 209
The Janitor’s Boy, 209
“Cri” (Artaud), 26, 30
Critical Fable, A (Lowell), 20
Cronenberg, David, 149
Videodrome, 149
Cullen, Countee, 320
Culture and Anarchy (Arnold), 35
“Culture and Its Enemies” (Arnold), 40, 78
“Culture Indiene, La” (Artaud), 6
Cummins, David, 159
Cunningham, George, 119
“Cutty Sark” (Crane), 202, 205, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 224, 226, 231, 245
Daguerre, Louis, 155
Dakyns, H. G., 151
“Dance, The” (Crane), 197n, 224
Dante Alighieri, 27, 54, 157, 167, 191, 233
Darker Side of Genius, The (Katz), 66
Daughter’s Seduction, The (Gallup), 143
Davenport, Guy, 149, 158
Dawn in Erewhon, The, 149
Dawn in Erewhon, The (Davenport), 149
Day, Douglas, 189
Debussy, Claude, 68
Debord, Guy, 229
Society of the Spectacle, The, 229
Delacroix, Eugène, 7
Delmas, Dr., 3
Dembo, L. S., 221
“Demo” (Silliman), 170
Demo to Ink (Silliman), 170, 172
Dennis, Patrick, 319
Auntie Mame, 319
Derrida, Jacques, xi, xiii, xxxiii, 27, 31, 70, 254
Descartes, René, 191
Desjardin, Edouard, 71
Les Lauriers sont coupés, 71
Deutch, Dr., 104
Dhalgren (Delany), xvi, xvii, xxviii, xxxiii, 257
Dial, 174
Diaz, Justino, 19, 20
Dick, Philip K., 280
Dickens, Charles, 34, 36, 64, 260
Dickinson, Emily, 139, 180, 181
differences, 130
Digges, Didley, 211
Dillard, Annie, xiv, xv
Writing Life, The, xiv
Disch, Thomas M., xvii, 155, 169, 261
“Angouleme,” xvii
Neighboring Lives, 155
Dobell, Bertram, 233, 237
Doll’s House, The (Gaiman), 157
Donne, John, 184, 191
Doom of the City, The (Thomson [B. V.]), 233–237
Doors, the, 198n
“Dora” [Ida Brauers], 103
Dos Passos, John, 213
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 37
Doughty, Charles M., 191
Douze Chansons (Artaud), 25
“Dover Beach” (Arnold), 35
Dowson, Ernest, 33, 195–198
“Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae,” 197–198
Drake, Joseph Rodman, 196
“Niagara,” 196
Dramatis Personae (Browning), 168
Dream Master, The (Zelazny), 257
Dreamgirls (Bennett), 154
Dresden uprising, 43, 49–63
Dresdner Anzeiger, 48, 52
Dressed to Kill (DePalma), 102
Drew, Elizabeth, 193, 196
Poetry, 196
Dreyer, Carl, 14
The Passion of Joan of Arc, 14
Dreyfus Affair, the, 40, 68
Duchamp, Marcel, 4
Dumas, Alexandre, 13
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, 195
Duncan, Robert, 166, 172
Passages, 166, 172
The Structure of Rime, 166
Eagleton, Terry, 36, 93
Literary Theory: An Introduction, 36, 93
Edelman, Lee, 191–193
Transmemberment of Song, 192
L’Education Sentimentale (Flaubert), 150
Edward VII, 32
Eichelberger, Ethyl, 1, 17
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 150
Elements (Euclid), 264
Eliot, George, 34, 36, 37, 127, 260
Adam Bede, 260
Eliot, T. S., 15, 32, 72, 76, 82, 166, 168, 174, 189, 191–195, 199, 200, 202, 206, 207–209, 211, 239, 240
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” 193, 206–208
“Tradition and the Individual Talent,” 194
The Waste Land, 72, 82, 166, 174, 193, 201, 206, 208, 228, 230, 239
Ellingham, Lewis, 189
Eluard, Paul, 11
Embedding, The (Watson), 257
“Emblems of Conduct” (Crane), 187, 197n
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 174, 177, 187, 191, 192, 200, 237
Essays, 177
“Plato,” 174, 187
Empire Strikes Back, The (Kershner), 100
Empson, William, 181
Seven Types of Ambiguity, 181
Emsh [Ed Emshwiller], 315
Endymion (Keats), 167
Engels, Friedrich, 52, The Communist Manifesto, 52
“Engines” (Silliman and Armantraut), 170
“Envoi” (Pound), 193
Equinox (Delany), xvi
Essais (Montaigne), xiv, xxxvi
Essays (Bacon), xiv
Essays (Emerson), 177
Euclid, 262
Elements, 264
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin), 164
Evans, Walker, 153
Fakundiny, Lydia, xiii
Faulkner, William, 82
“Fears in Solitude” (Coleridge), 145
Febvre, Lucien, 41
Felman, Shoshana, 254
Female Man, The (Russ), 116
Field of the Other: Alienation, The (Lacan), 105
Fifth Head of Cerberus, The (Wolfe), 258
Fifth Symphony (Beethoven), 21, 46, 50
Finlay, Virgil, 310
Fisher, William Murrell, 163, 175, 176, 178–182, 244, 245
“Fragments of a Broken Lyre,” 176, 244
FitzGerald, Edward, 32
Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám, 32
Fitzgerald, Eleanor, 183
Flaubert, Gustave, 22, 37, 79, 150
L’Education Sentimentale, 159
Flemming, Marjorie, 209
Florio, John, 225, 226
Fodor, Jerry, 297
Food of the Gods, The (Wells), 260
“For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen” (Crane), 207, 220, 239
“Force” (Silliman), 170
Form and Value in Modern Poetry (Blackmur), 192
Forman, Richard, 17
Fornés, María Irene, 17
Foster, Hal, xxxii
Foucault, Michel, xviii, 41, 70, 94, 95, 211
Les Mots et les choses, 94
Foundation, ix
“Fragments of a Broken Lyre” (Fisher), 176, 244
Frank, Waldo, 191, 238, 241, 242, 244
Frazer, Sir James, 191
French Revolution, The (Carlyle), 156
Freud, Sigmund, xvii, xxx, 28, 70, 90, 98, 100, 104, 105, 108, 121, 129, 141, 147
Civilization and its Discontents, 98
The Interpretation of Dreams, 70
Friedrich August II, 45, 50, 51
Frobenius, Leo, 15
From Ritual to Romance (Weston), 72
From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 260
Frost, Robert, 82, 208
New Hampshire, 208
“Frost at Midnight” (Coleridge), 145
Frux, Gregory William, 150
Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis, The (Lacan), 103
Fuss, Diana, 131, 132
Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories, 131
Gachet, Dr., 8
Gaiman, Neil, 157
Doll’s House, The, 157
Galaxy, 314, 315
Gallup, Jane, 142
Daughter’s Seduction, The, 142
Gance, Abel, 14
Napoleon, 14
“Garfield” (Silliman), 170
Garland, Judy, 138
Gass, William, 158
Gautier, Judith, 44, 74
Gay, Peter, 147
Geis, Richard E., 257, 298
Gelderholde, Michel, 14
“General Aims and Theories” (Crane), 185, 194
Genêt, Jean, 11, 16
Geritsky, Madame, 317
“Germany and its Princes” (Wagner), 52
Gernsback, Hugo, 288
Geste d’Asdiwal, La (Lévi-Strauss), 277
Giaour, The (Byron), 38
Gide, Andre, 4, 6, 80, 202
The Immoralist, 141, 202
Oedipe, 80
Gilbert, Stewart, 186
Ulysses: A Study, 186
Giles, Paul, 192
Contexts of The Bridge, 192
Ginsberg, Allen, 15, 239
“Howl,” 15, 239
Giotto, 7
Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin), 205
Giraudoux, Jean, 14, 80, 316, 317
The Apollo of Bellac, 317
Tiger at the Gates, 316
Gladiators at Law (Pohl and Kornbluth), 315
Godwin, Tom, 147
“The Cold Equations,” 147
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 38, 39, 75, 188
Golding, William, 148
Lord of the Flies, 148
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 38, 197
Gordon, Caroline, 190
Gordon, George (Lord Byron), see Byron, Lord, George Gordon
Gordon, Richard, 112
Gordon, Ruth, 158
Götterdämmerung (Wagner), 55, 83, 203, 204
GQ 154
Gray, Andrew, 44, 51
Great God Brown, The (O’Neill), 315
Greenberg, Adolph, 175, 245
Greenberg, Daniel, 175–177, 245
Greenberg, Hannah, 175
Greenberg, Jacob, 175
Greenberg, Morris, 175, 244, 245
Greenberg, Samuel Bernhard, 163, 175–182, 185, 197n, 232, 242, 244, 245
“The Charming Maiden,” 175
“Conduct,” 187
“Life,” 185
“Love,” 185
Poems by Samuel Greenberg, 242
“Serenade in Grey,” 179–181
“Words,” 245
“Greetings from Saxony to the Viennese” (Wagner), 52
Gregor-Dellin, Martin, 48, 63, 66
Griffin, Susan, 115
Grossman, Rachel, 95, 111
Grotowski, Jerzy, 17
Guernica (Picasso), xxviii, 77
Guignard, René, 11
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 216, 217, 241, 242
Gurdjieff’s Teaching (Walker), 242
Gutch, John Matthew, 145
Gutch Memorandum Notebook, The (Coleridge), 144–146
Gutzkow, Karl, 37, 71
H.D., 166, 209
Helen in Egypt, 166
Hacker, Marilyn, 18, 159, 257, 259, 261, 264, 295
Presentation Piece, 295
Hacker-Delany, Iva Alyxander [“my daughter”], 150, 153, 172
Hall, Radclyffe, 141
The Well of Loneliness, 141
Halleck, Fitzgreen, 196
Halprin, George, 176, 177
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 150, 151
Handke, Peter, 17
Hänel, 49, 61
Haraway, Donna, viii, xxviii, xxix, xxxviii, 87, 89–102, 104, 107–118
“Manifesto for Cyborgs,” 87, 89–102, 108–118
“Harbor Dawn, The” (Crane), 197, 201, 205, 224, 231
Hardenberg, Erasmus von, 229
Hardenberg, Friedrich von. See Novalis
Hardy, Thomas, 258
Harp-Weaver and Other Poems, The (Millay), 208
Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text (Yingling), 194, 218
Hart Crane Voyages, The (Voelker), 183
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 25
Twice-Told Tales, 25
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 73
Haye, Harry, 214
Heany, Seamus, 159
Hedges, Miss, 310
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 40, 70, 80
Heidegger, Martin, 150, 209
Being and Time, 209
Heine, Heinrich, 66, 237
Heine, Wilhelm, 59
Heinlein, Robert, xxi, 288, 290
Beyond This Horizon, 288
“The Man Who Sold the Moon,” 310
The Roads Must Roll, 257
Rocketship Galileo, 312, 320
Starship Troopers, 290
Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Novalis), 229, 232, 233
Heisenberg, Werner, 273
Helen in Egypt (H.D.), 166
Heliogabalus, or The Anarchist Crowned (Artaud), 13
Hemphill, Essex, 153, 155
Ceremonies, 153
Herbert, Frank, xix
“Here Comes the Bride” (Wagner), 21
Heroes and Hero-Worship (Carlyle), 177
Hesse, Herman, 151
Heterotopia (Siebers), xxxi
Heubner, Otto, 46, 47, 53, 60, 62, 63, 65, 84
“Hidden” (Silliman), 170
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 181
Histoire de la littérature anglaise (Taine), 36, 37
History’s Mistress (Weideger), 139
Hitchcock, Alfred, 202
Rope, 202
Hitler, Adolph, 40
Hoagland, Edward, xv
Hogg (Delany), xvi
Holden, Harold, and Jack McManis, 180, 181, 185, 242
Holiday, Billie, 77
Holliday, Jennifer, 154
Homer, 164, 165, 316
The Iliad, 165, 313, 316
The Odyssey, 164, 165, 313
Honegger, Arthur, 14
Horace, 198
Horizon, 10
Horton, Philip, 185, 192, 241–243
Hostile Sun, The (Oates), 259
Housman, A. E., 33
Howard, Richard, 159, 260, 295
Howard, Robert E., 166
“Howl” (Ginsberg), 15, 241
Hudgins, Andrew, 159
Hugo, Victor, 32, 37–39, 41, 65, 66, 75, 150
Les Misérables, 43, 150, 168
Hymnen an die Nacht [Hymns to the Night] (Novalis), 229–231
Idylls of the King (Tennyson), 32
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler… (Calvino), 157
Iliad, The (Homer), 165, 313, 316
Immoralist, The (Gide), 141, 202
In Parentheses (Jones), 166
In Search of Wagner (Adorno), 68
In the American Grain (Williams), 189, 226
“In the Room” (Thomson [B.V.]), 228
“Ink” (Silliman), 170
Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories (Fuss), 131
“Insomnia” (Thomson [B.V.]), 228
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud), 70
“Jabberwocky” (Carroll), 160, 161
Jabès, Edmund, 157
The Book, 157
The Book of Questions, 157
Jack the Ripper, 35
Jackson, Isaac, 158
“The Birds and Bees (Blues Poem),” 158
James, Henry, 82
Jameson, Fredric, 112
Janitor’s Boy, The (Nathalia Crane), 209
Jargon of Authenticity, The (Adorno), 70
Jeffers, Robinson, 208
Roan Stallion, Tamar, and Other Poems, 208
Jellinek [revolutionary], 56
Jesus Christ, 32, 57, 186, 230
Jewel-Hinged Jaw, The (Delany), xvi
“Jewry in Music” (Wagner), 3, 48, 57, 67, 72
John Brown’s Body (Benét), 209, 224
John Keats (Lowell), 209
Johnson, Barbara, 254
Johnson, Lionel, 33, 195, 243, 243n
“An Age of Dream,” 243n
“The Church of Dream,” 243n
Johnson, Nunnally, 209
Jones, David, 166
The Anathēmata, 166
In Parentheses, 166
Jones, Ernest, 147
Jordanova, Ludmilla, 139
Sexual Visions, 139
Journal of Albion Moonlight, The (Patchen), 157
Jouvet, Louis, 11
Joyce, James, 32, 72, 80, 82, 162, 164, 186, 187, 191, 208
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 72
Ulysses, 80, 162, 166, 183, 184, 186, 187, 208
Julian, 140
Julian, Isaac, 154, 155
Justinopolitano, Andreas Divus, 164, 165
“Kabnis” (Toomer), 216
Kahn, Otto, 218, 219
Kant, Immanuel, 191
“Karintha” (Toomer), 216
Katz, Jacob, 66, 67
The Darker Side of Genius, 66
Kaufman [painter], 58
Keats, John, 167, 196, 240, 242
Endymion, 167
Keeler, Ruby, 265
Kelly, Grace [Princess of Monaco], 78
Kemp, Amanda, 318
Kennedy, Joe, 321
Counter/Measures, 321
Kenner, Hugh, 193
Kermode, Frank, 259
Ketjak (Silliman), 170, 171
Key West: An Island Sheaf, 238
Khatru, 103
King, Katie, 92
King’s Henchman, The (Millay), 209
Kipling, Rudyard, 33
Kirk, G. S., 255
Klee, Paul, 7
Knapp, Bettina L., 2, 82
Knight, Damon, 320
Knotly, Alice, 151, 261
Kojeve, Alexander, 140
Kraftt-Ebing, Richard von, 35
Kripke, Saul, 160, 161
Kristeva, Julia, 82, 84
Kubert, Joe, 278
“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 145
Kühn, Sophie von, 229, 232
Lacan, Jacques, xvii, xxix, xxx, 70, 94, 103–105, 108, 128, 156
The Field of the Other: Alienation, 105
The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis, 103
Lachaise, Gaston, 175
LaForgue, Jules, 191, 207
Laing, R. D., 10
Lang, Fritz, 14, 102
Liliom, 14
Metropolis, 102
Lange, Dorothy, 153
“Language” (Spicer), 321
Language of Psychoanalysis, The (Laplanche and Pontalis), 108
“Last Days of Hart Crane, The” (Baird), 243
Laube, Heinrich, 45, 72
Lauretis, Teresa de, 130
Laws of Form, The (Spencer-Brown), xxxix, 322
Lauriers sont coupés, Les (Desjardin), 71
Lautréamont, Comte de, 15
Lawrence, D. H., 32, 73, 147, 259
Collected Poems, 259
The Trespasser [The Saga of Siegmund], 73
Lawrence, T. E., 165
Le Guin, Ursula K., xv, xix
Le Roy, Ladurie, Emmanuel, 41
Leach, Edmund, 280
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 219
Lee, Spike, 154
Legends of the Wagner Dramas, The (Weston), 72
Léger, Fernand, 4
Leiber, Fritz, 166
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 272
Lenya, Lotte, 14
Leonardo da Vinci, 217
Mona Lisa, 21
Leopardi, 233, 237
“Letter to a Critic” (Delany), 257
Letters from Rodez (Artaud), 3
Levi, Hermann, 69–71
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 277–280, 321
La Geste d’ Asdiwal, 277
Levine, Philip, 159, 261
Lewis, Thomas S. W., 243
“Lewti” (Coleridge), 145
Liebestod (Wagner), 21
“Life” (Greenberg), 185
Light, James, 243
Liliom (Lang), 14
Lipinski, Joseph, 50
Liszt, Franz, 39, 48
Lit (Silliman), 170
Literary Theory: An Introduction (Eagleton), 36, 93
Little Magazine, The, 257
Liveright, Horace, 241
Loeb, Pierre, 7
Lohengrin (Wagner), 21, 45, 56, 59, 61, 73
London, Jack, 315
“The Shadow and the Flash,” 316
“South of the Slot,” 316
“To Build a Fire,” 316
Lord of the Flies (Golding), 14
Lorde, Audre, xvi, 115
Louis Philippe, 50
“Love” (Coleridge), 145
“Love” (Greenberg), 185
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The” (Eliot), 193, 206–208
Loveman, Samuel, xxxiii, 183, 187, 205, 209–215, 239, 243
Lowell, Amy, 209, 210
A Critical Fable, 209
John Keats, 209
What’s O’Clock, 209
Lowes, John Livingston, 144–146, 209, 209
“Chaos,” 145
The Road to Xanadu, 144
Lowry, Malcolm, 189
Lucas, George, 38, 101, 102
The Empire Strikes Back, 100
Star Wars trilogy, 101
Lucy Church Amiably (Stein), 166
Ludlum, Charles, 17
Ludwig II, 44, 50, 54, 65, 73, 74, 78
Lugosi, Bela, 314
Lüttichau, Baron August von, 65
Lyrical Ballads (Coleridge), 145
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth), 180
Macauley, Robin, 36
Mackerjee, Mrs., 321
MacKinnon, Catherine, 92, 93, 95, 109
Mad Man, The (Delany), xvi
Magee, Bryan, 66
Mahabharata, The (Valmikki), 316
Making of Americans, The (Stein), 166
Malina, Judith, 17
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 278
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 192, 193, 200
“Man in Polyester Suit” (Mapple-thorpe), 153, 154
Man Who Died Twice, The (Robinson), 209
“Man Who Sold the Moon, The” (Heinlein), 310
Mandelstram, Osip, xxxii, 149
“Mango Tree, The” (Crane), 223
Manifest (Silliman), 170
“Manifesto for Cyborgs” (Haraway), 87, 89–102, 108–118
Mann, Thomas, 139, 202
Tod im Vennidig, 202
Manonni, Oscar, 147
Manzoni, Alessandro, 37
Mapplethorpe, Robert, xviii, 153–155
The Black Book, 153, 154
“Man in Polyester Suit,” 153, 154
Marlowe, Christopher, 196, 217
Martin, Robert, 140, 221
Marx, Karl, xxiii, 52, 64, 80, 95
The Communist Manifesto, 52
Master of Ballantrae, The (Stevenson), 13
Matisse, Henri, 7
Maximus Poems (Olson), 166, 167
McCabe, Ed, 18
McCaffrey, Anne, 87, 88, 96, 103, 115
The Ship Who Sang, 87, 103, 115
Mclntyre, Vonda, 116, 258, 298
The Cage, 258
Superluminal, 116
McKuen, Rod, 33
McLuhan, Marshall, 114
McManis, Jack, and Harold Holden, 180, 181, 185, 242
Medea (Seneca), 189
Mein Leben (Wagner), 43–45, 47–54, 60, 64, 67
Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Die (Wagner), 18
Melville, Herman, 139, 140, 185, 186, 191, 205
Moby-Dick, 186
Mendelson, Edward, 240
Mendelssohn, Felix, 50, 67
A-minor Symphony, 50
Mercer, Kobena, 153, 155
Meredith, George, 33, 127
Merwin, W. S., 41
Messenhauer [revolutionary], 56
Metropolis (Lang), 102
Metternich, Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von, 51
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 67
Meynell, Alice, 33
Michaux, Henri, 15
Mill, John Stuart, 36, 41
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 195, 208, 209
The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems, 208
The King’s Henchman, 209
Mille, Agnes de, 197n
Appalachian Spring, 197n
Miller, Henry, 15
Miller, Olive Burpré, 306
Milton, John, 167
Misérables, Les (Hugo), 43
Mitchell, Margaret, 38
Gone with the Wind, 38, 197
Mnemosne, 189
Moby-Dick (Melville), 186
Modigliani, Amadeo, 7
Molière, Jean Baptiste, 75
Molnar, Ferenk, 14
Mona Lisa (Da Vinci), 21
“Monologue” (Novalis), 229
Montaigne, Michel de, xiii, xiv, xvii, xxxv — xxxviii, 225, 226
“An Apology for Raymond Sebond,” xxxvi
Essais, xiv, xxxv
“Of the Cannibals,” 225
Moorcock, Michael, 147, 256, 257
Moore, Marianne, 149
More Than Human (Sturgeon), 321
Morgan, Robert, 261
“Morning” (Blake), 218
Morrison, Jim, 198n
“Riders of the Storm,” 198n
Motion of Light in Water, The (Delany), xv, xxvi, xxxi, 129
Mots et les choses, Les (Foucault), 9
Mouches, Les [The Flies] (Sartre), 80, 317
Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 317
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 75
Muir, Pat, 293
Munson, Gorham, 183, 217, 241, 244
Murray, A. T., 164, 165
Musil, Robert, 140, 205
Young Törless, 141, 205
Musset, Alfred de, 39
My Àntonia (Cather), 203
My Book House (Miller), 308, 313
Myth (Bricuth), 321
Nabokov, Vladimir, 147, 164
Nagle, John, 175
Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 166
Napoleon (Gance), 14
Nation, The, 222
National Enquirer, The, 78
National Reformer, The, 227, 233
“National Winter Garden” (Crane), 224
Natural Theology (Sebond), xxxv
Naumberg, Margaret, 241, 242
Naylor, Charles, 155
Neighboring Lives, 155
Neidecker, Lorine, 159
Neighboring Lives (Disch and Naylor), 155
Nerval, Gérard de, 3
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, 72
New Hampshire (Frost), 208
New Sentence, The (Silliman), 171
New Worlds, 147
New York Daily News, 137
Newman, Ernest, 44
“Niagara” (Drake), 196
Nietzsche, Fredrich Wilhelm, 40–42, 68, 74, 79, 80, 82, 182, 188, 191
The Case of Wagner [Der Fall Wagner], 68, 79
“On Schopenhauer as Teacher,” 188
Thus Spake Zarathustra, 41
“Nightingale, The” (Coleridge), 145
Nilsen, Helge Normann, 188
Nin, Anaïs, 1
“1920 Whistles” (Crane), 223
Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), 57, 61, 65
“No More Masterpieces” (Artaud), 15, 30, 76
“Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae” (Dowson), 197–198
“Notes on a Text of Hart Crane” (Blackmur), 191–193
“Noth, Die” (Wagner), 52
Nouvelle Poesie et un Nouvelle Musique (Isou), 15
La Nouvelle Revue Francaise, 1, 23–26, 30
Novalis [Friedrich von Hardenberg], 229–233, 237, 246
Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 229, 232, 233
Hymnen an die Nacht [Hymns to the Night], 229–231
“Monologue,” 229
“Sensucht nach dem Tode” [“Yearning for Death”], 230
“O Caribe Isle!” (Crane), 239
O’Hara, Frank, 41
The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara, 240
O’Neill, Eugene, 194, 317
The Great God Brown, 317
Mourning Becomes Electra, 317
Oates, Joyce Carol, 259
Angel Fire, 259
The Hostile Sun, 259
“Ode to Joy” (Schiller), 61
Odyssey, The (Homer), 164, 165, 313
Oedipe (Gide), 80
Oehme, Karl, 49
“Of the Cannibals” (Montaigne), 225
Olson, Charles, 166, 264, 307
Maximus Poems, 166, 167
On Modern Poets (Winters), 192
“On Schopenhauer as Teacher” (Nietzsche), 188
One Two Three… Infinity (Gamow), 310
Opera and Drama (Wagner), 3, 16, 48, 71
Opffer, Emil, Jr., 182, 185, 188, 190, 213, 214, 218, 239
Opffer, Emil, Sr., 182, 188
Opffer, Ivan, 182
Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 71, 93
Orphée (Cocteau), 11
Our Bodies, Our Selves, 113
Ouspensky, P. D., 191, 216, 217
Tertium Organum, 217
Pabst, G. W., 14
Threepenny Opera, 14
Paradise (Silliman), 170
Paris Review, The, 25
Parisot, Henri, 3
Parkinson, Thomas, 243
Parsifal (Syberberg), 81
Parsifal (Wagner), 69, 70, 74, 204
“Passage to India” (Whitman), 192, 219, 221
Passages (Duncan), 166, 172
Passion of Joan of Arc, The (Dreyer), 14
Pater, Walter, 254
Paulhan, Jean, 4
Peirce, Charles Saunders, xxii
Perfect Wagnerite, The (Shaw), 43, 54, 68, 203
Perse, St.-John, 209
Amitie du Prince, 209
Anabase, 209
“Le Pèse-Nerfs” (Artaud), 15
Peterson, Robert, 261
Pettigrew, John, 167
Philosophy of Logic, The (Quine), 321, 322
Picabia, Francis, 7
Picasso, Pablo, xxviii, 4, 7, 14, 77
Guernica, xxviii, 77
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 202
Pickard, Tom, 261
“Rape,” 261
Planer, Natalie, 49, 61
Plato, 183, 225, 269
“Plato” (Emerson), 174, 187
Playboy, 109
Plowshare, The, 175, 179, 182, 244
Poe, Edgar Allan, xxix, 25, 40, 195, 196, 218, 231, 237
“The Purloined Letter,” xxix
“The Raven,” 35
Poems by Samuel Greenberg (Greenberg), 242
Poetical Works of James Thomson, The (Thomson [B.V.]), 237
Poetry (Drew), 196
Popper, Karl, 266
Porché, Wladimir, 10–12
Porges, Heinrich, 70, 71
Wagner Rehearsing the Ring, 70, 71
Portrait of a Genius, But… (Aldington), 174
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), 72
“Possessions” (Crane), 239
Pouey, Fernand, 11, 12
Pound, Ezra, 15, 76, 82, 164–169, 181, 185, 189, 191, 193, 195, 199, 206, 209, 240, 243
The Cantos, 165–169, 172, 181, 185, 193, 206
“Envoi,” 193
“Powhatan’s Daughter” (Crane), 218, 219, 226
“Praise for an Urn” (Crane), 193, 198n
“Prayer of Columbus” (Whitman), 219
Presentation Piece (Hacker), 295
Price, Leontyne, 18
Principia Mathematica (Russell), 266
“Proem” [“To Brooklyn Bridge”] (Crane), 215, 216, 218, 224, 227, 231, 237, 245
“Prose Sketch” for Ring cycle (Wagner), 56, 61
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 52
Proust, Marcel, 32, 37, 202, 208
A la recherche du temps perdu, 202
Pryne, J. H., 261
Purdy, James, xvi
“Purloined Letter, The” (Poe), xxix
“Quaker Hill” (Crane), 218, 224
Queneau, Raymond, 11
Quine, Willard Van Orman, xxv, xxxii, 273, 305, 307, 321, 322
The Philosophy of Logic, 321, 322
Raban, Jonathan, 261
The Sociology of the Poem, 261
Racine, Jean, 75
Ramayana, The (Valmikki), 316
Ransom, Mrs., 265
“Rape” (Pickard), 261
Ravel, Maurice, 173
“Raven, The” (Poe), 35
“Recitative” (Crane), 239
Redgrave, Michael, 316
Reich, Wilhelm, 141
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb, 46
Report on Probability A (Aldiss), 280
“Return of Artaud, le Mômo, The” (Artaud), 4, 5
Return of Artaud, le Mômo, The (Artaud), 13
Return to Nevérÿon [series] (Delany), xvi, xvii, xix, xxiv — xxvi
Flight from Nevérÿon, xxvi, xxx, xxxi
Neveryóna, xxviii
Return to Nevérÿon, xxvi
“The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals,” xxvi, xxx
“The Tale of Rumor and Desire,” xxvi
Revue Wagnerienne, La, 71
“Revolution” (Wagner), 53, 63
Rexroth, Kenneth, 259
Das Rheingold (Wagner), 69, 83
“Rhetoric of Sex, the Discourse of Desire, The” (Delany), xxxi
Rich, Adrienne, xvi, 89, 115
Rickett, Dennis, 149, 157
“Ride of the Valkyries, The” (Wagner), 21
“Riders of the Storm” (Morrison), 198n
Ridge, Lola, 198
Riefenstahl, Leni, 14
Rienzi (Wagner), 16, 45
Riffaterre, Michael, 180
The Semiotics of Poetry, 180
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 149
Rimbaud, Arthur, 182, 191
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” [“The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in Seven Parts”] (Coleridge), 145
Ring and the Book, The (Browning), 168
Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner), 21, 22, 40, 42, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 63, 66, 68–70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 83, 203
“River, The,” (Crane), 223
Riviére, Jacques, 1, 23–31, 78, 83, 172
Road to Xanadu, The (Lowes), 144, 209
Roads Must Roll, The (Heinlein), 257
Roan Stallion, Tamar, and Other Poems (Jeffers), 208
Robert Browning, The Poems (Browning), 167
Robinson, Bill, 265
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 208, 209
Collected Poems, 208
The Man Who Died Twice, 209
Tristam, 209
Rōckel, August, 46, 49, 51–54, 58, 62, 65
Rocketship Galileo (Heinlein), 312, 320
Rogers and Hammerstein, 14
Carousel, 14
Rollins, Hyder Edward, 242
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 139
Rope (Hitchcock), 202
Rossini, Gioacchino, 21, 65
William Tell overture, 21
“Royal Palm” (Crane), 240
Rozzen, Paul, 147
Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám (FitzGerald), 32
Rubyfruit Jungle (Brown), 141
Rudolph, Archduke, 73
Russ, Joanna, xxxii, 90, 116, 130, 147–149, 158, 298
The Adventures of Alyx, 116
The Female Man, 116
“Toward an Aesthetic of Science Fiction,” 253
We Who Are About To…, xxxii, 91, 147–149
Russell, Bertrand, 265, 266, 274n, 297
Principia Mathematica, 266
“Ruth” (Wordsworth), 145
Ryle, Gilbert, 254, 262, 263
The Concept of Mind, 254
S/Z (Barthes), xxii
Saillet, Maurice, 6
Saint Joan (Shaw), 80
Salt, Henry S., 189, 232
Sand, George, 32, 33, 35, 37–39, 41, 65–74
Sandoval, Chela, 92
Sappho, 184, 205
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 4, 80, 317
Les Mouches [The Flies], 80, 317
Schaefer, William David, 232
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 61
“Ode to Joy,” 61
Schlegel, Friedrich, 230
Schoenberg, Arnold, 17, 80
Scholes, Robert, 80
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 188
Schorske, Carl, 41
Schroder-Devrient, Wilhelmine, 1, 59
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 101
Scott, Sir Walter, 39, 165
Sea and the Mirror, The (Auden), 83
“Sea Surface Full of Clouds” (Stevens), 209
Seasons, The (Thomson [B.V.]), 196, 228
Sebond, Raymond, xxxv
Natural Theology, xxxv
Semiotics of Poetry, The (Riffaterre), 180
Semmig, on Wagner’s “flaming talk,” 47
Semper, Gottfried, 58
Seneca, 189
Medea, 189
“Sensucht nach dem Tode” [“Yearning for Death”] (Novalis), 230
“Serenade in Grey” (Greenberg), 179–181
Seven Types of Ambiguity (Empson), 181
“Seventh Street” (Toomer), 216
Sexual Visions (Jordanova), 139
“Shadow and the Flash, The” (London), 316
“Shadows” (Delany), 160
Shakespeare, William, 35, 75, 139, 144, 150, 184, 205, 224, 226
Hamlet, 150, 151
The Tempest, 224
“Shakespeare in the Bush” (Bohannan), 150
Shattuck, Roger, 37
The Banquet Years, 37
Shaw, George Bernard, 43, 54, 103, 203, 204
The Perfect Wagnerite, 43, 54, 68, 203
Saint Joan, 80
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 13, 228, 237
Sherwin, Judith Johnson, 261
Ship Who Sang, The (McCaffrey), 87, 103, 115
Siebers, Tobin, xxxi
Heterotopia, xxxi
Siegfried (Wagner), 69
Siegfrieds Tod (Wagner), 56, 57
“Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane…, The” (Winters), 192, 199
Silliman, Ron, xxxv, 146, 157, 159, 163, 169–172, 210
ABC, 146, 169, 172
“Albany,” 146, 169, 170, 172
The Alphabet series, 146, 157, 163, 169, 171, 172
“Blue,” 146, 169, 170, 172
“Canons and Institutions: New Hope for the Disappeared,” 171
“Carbon,” 163, 169, 170, 172
“Demo,” 170
Demo to Ink, 170, 172
“Engines,” 170
“Force,” 170
“Garfield,” 170
“Hidden,” 170
“Ink,” 170
Ketjak, 170, 171
Lit, 170
Manifest, 170
The New Sentence, 171
Paradise, 170
Tjanting, 170
What, 170
Simon, John Oliver, 261n
Simon, Marc, 238, 240, 243, 244
Sims, John, 256
Smith, Jeff, 103
Socialist Review, The, 89, 91
Society of the Spectacle, The (Debord), 229
Sociology of the Poem, The (Raban), 261
Sofoulis, Zoë, 95
Soloman, Carl, 15
Sontag, Susan, xxxvi, xxxvii, 16
Sordello (Browning), 167, 168
“South of the Slot” (London), 316
“Southern Cross” (Crane), 224
Specimen Days (Whitman), 220
Spencer-Brown, G., xxxixn, 265, 273, 322
The Laws of Form, xxxixn, 322
Spengler, Oswald, 95, 97, 110
Spenser, Edmund, 167
Sperling, Vikki, 263
Spicer, Jack, 27, 189, 321
“Language,” 321
Spielberg, Steven, 38, 154
The Color Purple, 154
Splendid Failure (Brunner), 191
Stalin, Joseph, 40
Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 16
Star Wars trilogy (Lucas), 101
Starboard Wine (Delany), xvi
Starship Troopers (Heinlein), 290
Stars My Destination, The (Bester), 288
Steele, Richard, xiv
Stein, Gertrude, 166, 206
Lucy Church Amiably, 166
The Making of Americans, 166
Steiner, K. Leslie, xvi
Stendhal, 13, 280
Stephen Crane (Beer), 205
Sterne, Lawrence, 161
Tristram Shandy, 161
Stevens, Wallace, 82, 199, 209
“Sea Surface Full of Clouds,” 209
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 13
The Master of Ballantrae, 13
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 37
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 37
Strachey, 189, 226
Strachey, Dorothy, 139
Straits of Messina, The (Delany), xvi
Structure of Rime, The (Duncan), 166
Sturgeon, Theodore, 257, 261
“Baby Is Three,” 257
More Than Human, 321
Summer and Smoke (Williams), 197n
“Sunday at Hampstead” (Thomson [B.V.]), 228
Superluminal (Mclntyre), 116
Swift, Jonathan, 162
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 32, 33
Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen, 81
Parsifal, 81
Symonds, John Addington, 151, 152
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 36, 37, 81, 252
Histoire de la littérature anglaise, 36, 37
Tannhäuser (Wagner), 1, 45
Tarahumara Indians, 14
Tarakanova (Bernard), 14
Tate, Allen, 187, 190, 191, 199, 242
Tate, James, xi
Taylor, Deems, 209
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 224
Tennent, Emma, 257
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 32, 36, 157
Idylls of the King, 32
Terminator, The (Cameron), 101, 103
Tertium Organum (Ouspensky), 217
Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Hardy), 102
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 34, 36, 39, 260
Theater and Its Double, The (Artaud), 2, 14, 31, 76
Thévenin, Paule, 11–13, 78
Things to Come (Menzies), 146
“This Way Where November…” (Crane), 205, 239
Thomas, Dylan, 189
Thompson, Francis, 33
Thomson, James [B.V.], 189, 195, 227, 228, 231–238, 259
The City of Dreadful Night, 227, 228, 230, 236–238
The Doom of the City, 233–237
“In the Room,” 228
“Insomnia,” 228
The Poetical Works of James Thomson, 237
“Sunday at Hampstead,” 228
“Waddah and Om-El-Bonain,” 228
Thomson, James [not B.V.], 196
The Castle of Indolence, 228
The Seasons, 196, 228
“Thou Canst Read Nothing…” (Crane), 205, 239
“Three Songs” (Crane), 189, 218
Threepenny Opera (Pabst), 14
Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 41
Tichatschek, Joseph Aloys, 58
Tiger at the Gates (Giraudoux), 316
Tjanting (Silliman), 170
“To Build a Fire” (London), 316
To Have Done with the Judgment of God (Artaud), 10, 12, 31
“To One Shortly to Die” (Whitman), 220
Tod im Vennidig (Mann), 202
Tom Jones (Fielding), 202, 218
Toomer, Jean, 216, 217, 239–242, 244
Cane, 216, 241
“Kabnis,” 216
“Seventh Street,”216
“Towards an Aesthetic of Science Fiction” (Russ), 253
Tractatus (Wittgenstein), 265
“Tradition and the Individual Talent” (Eliot), 194
Transition, 153
Transmemberment of Song (Edelman), 192
Travels (Bartram), 144
Trespasser, The [The Saga of Siegmund] (Lawrence), 73
Tric Trac du Ciel [Backgammon in the Sky] (Artaud), 13, 25
Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 16, 21, 22, 44, 68, 80, 204
Tristam (Robinson), 209
Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 161
Triton [Trouble on Triton] (Delany), xvii, xxiv, xxxi
“Tunnel, The” (Crane), 218, 224
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [20,000 lieuesn sous la mer] (Verne), 150, 168, 260
Twice-Told Tales (Hawthorne), 25
Tyler, Stephen, xxiii
Tzara, Tristan, 4
Uccello, Paolo, 29, 30
Ullian, J. S., 273
Ulysses (Joyce), 80, 162, 166, 183, 184, 186, 187, 208
Ulysses: A Study (Gilbert), 186
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 37
Underwood, Wilbur, 242
Universe and Dr. Einstein, The (Barnett), 310
Unterecker, John, 187, 190, 192, 212, 238, 241–243
“The Architecture of The Bridge,” 187
Voyager, 238, 243
Valéry, Paul, 146, 217
Van Duyn, Mona, 15
van Gogh, Theo, 7
van Gogh, Vincent, 7–10
Wheatfield with Crows, 8
“Van Gogh, the Man Suicided by Society” (Artaud), 7–10
van Vogt, A. E., 266, 269
“Van Winkle” (Crane), 219, 224
Vaugh, Henry, 191
Venus de Milo, the, 21, 255
Verdi, Giuseppi, 34
Verne, Jules, 150, 260
From the Earth to the Moon, 260
20,000 lieues sous la mer, 150, 168, 260
Vidal, Gore, 205
The City and the Pillar, 205
Videodrome (Cronenberg), 149
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 191, 222
20,0000 lieues sous la mer [20,000] Leagues Under the Sea] (Verne), 150, 168, 260
“Virginia” (Crane), 189, 224
Visionary Company, The (Bloom), 198n
Voelker, Hunce, 183
The Hart Crane Voyages, 183
Vogt, Gertrude E, 190, 243
Volksblätter, Die, 46, 51, 52, 56, 58, 60
Vollmann, William T., 166
You Bright and Risen Angels, 166
Vonnegut, Kurt, 147
A Voyage to the Land of the Tarahumara [The Peyote Dance] (Artaud), 3
Voyager (Unterecker), 238, 243
Voyages (Crane), 184, 186, 187, 200, 205, 214, 239
“Voyages I,” 239, 246
“Voyages II,” 184, 185
W. H. Auden: Collected Poems (Auden), 240
“Waddah and Om-El-Bonain” (Thomson [B.V.]), 228
Wagner, Cosima, 3, 39, 43, 70
Wagner, Joanna, 1
Wagner, Klara, 61
Wagner, Minna Planer, 48, 57, 61
Wagner, Richard, x, xxvi — xxx, 1–3, 16–23, 31–34, 37, 39–76, 78–84, 103, 203, 204
“An einen Staatsanwalt,” 52
Art and Revolution, 3, 16, 48, 63
The Artwork of the Future, 3, 16, 48
“Germany and its Princes,” 52
Götterdämmerung, 55, 83, 203, 204
“Greetings from Saxony to the Viennese,” 52
“Here Comes the Bride,” 21
“Jewry in Music,” 3, 48, 57, 67, 72
Liebestod, 21
Lohengrin, 21, 45, 56, 59, 61, 73
Mein Leben, 43–45, 47–54, 60, 64, 67
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, 18
“Die Noth,” 52
Opera and Drama, 3, 16, 48, 71
Parsifal, 69, 70, 74, 204
“Prose Sketch” for Ring cycle, 56, 61
“Revolution,” 53, 63
Das Rheingold, 69, 83
“The Ride of the Valkyries,” 21
Rienzi, 16, 45
Der Ring des Nibelungen, 21, 22, 40, 42, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 63, 66, 68–70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 83, 203
Siegfried, 69
Siegfrieds Tod, 56, 57
Tannhäuser, 1, 45
Tristan und Isolde, 16, 21, 22, 44, 68, 80, 204
Die Walküre, 16, 21, 203, 204
“The Wibelungs: World History as Revealed in Saga,” 54
Wagner Rehearsing the Ring (Porges), 70, 71
Walker, Kenneth, 242
Gurdjieff’s Teaching, 242
Walküre, Die (Wagner), 16, 21, 203, 204
Walser, Robert, 151
“Wanderer, The” (Williams), 189
“Wanderings of Cain, The” (Coleridge), 145
Warren, David, 297
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 72, 82, 166, 174, 193, 201, 206, 208, 228, 230, 233, 239
We Who Are About To… (Russ), xxxii, 91, 147–149
Weber, Brom, 192, 238–243
Webern, Anton von, 17, 80
Weideger, Paula, 139
History’s Mistress, 139
Weiner, Norbert, 89
Well of Loneliness, The (Hall), 141
Weller, Mathilda, 231–233
Wells, H. G., 146, 260
The Food of the Gods, 260
Things to Come, 146
Wesendonk, Mathilde von, 44
Weston, Jessie L., 72
From Ritual to Romance, 72
The Legends of the Wagner Dramas, 72
Whalen, Philip, 259
What (Silliman), 170
“What Do You Do Sunday, Mary” (Caesar), 189
What Entropy Means to Me (Effinger), 258
What’s O’Clock (Lowell), 209
Wheatfield with Crows (van Gogh), 8
Wheelright, John Brooks, 198
White, E. B., xvii
White, Edmund, xvi
White, Louise, 103
White Buildings (Crane), 194, 224, 238
Whitman, Walt, 15, 139, 191–193, 205, 218–222, 224, 237, 259
Leaves of Grass, 219
“Passage to India,” 192, 219, 221
“Prayer of Columbus,” 219
Specimen Days, 220
“To One Shortly to Die,” 220
“Wibelungs: World History as Revealed in Saga, The” (Wagner), 54
Wild Seed (Butler), 116
Wilde, Oscar, 33, 139, 182, 202, 215
The Picture of Dorian Gray, 202
Wilhelm, August, 230
William Tell overture (Rossini), 21
Williams, Oscar, 238
Williams, Tennessee, 197n
Summer and Smoke, 197n
Williams, William Carlos, 189, 191, 209, 226
In the American Grain, 189, 226
“The Wanderer,” 189
Wilson, Edmund, 209
Wilson, Robert, 17
Winters, Yvor, 191–193, 198–201, 216, 217, 223, 241–243
The Bare Hills, 199
On Modern Poets, 192
“The Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane…,” 192, 199
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, xvii, xxv, 263, 282, 319
Tractatus, 265
Witton-Doris, John, 257
Woman: A Historical, Gynecological and Anthropological Compendium (Ploss), 139
Woolf, F. A., 164
Woolf, Virginia, 32
Woolsey, John M., 186
“Words” (Greenberg), 245
Wordsworth, William, 35, 145, 180, 181
Lyrical Ballads, 180
“Ruth,” 145
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (Benjamin), 76
World of Trouble, A (Toomey), 258
Writing Life, The (Dillard), xiv
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn, 90
Yeats, William Butler, 27, 32, 199
Yingling, Thomas, 194, 195, 198, 199, 202, 210, 218
Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text, 194, 218
You Bright and Risen Angels (Vollmann), 166
Young Törless (Musil), 141, 205
Zeffirelli, Franco, 18
Zukofsky, Louis, 166, 167
“A,” 166, 167