xxvii, 20, 34–5, 41–9, 52–6,

accent, 85–6; wears dinner

59–61, 66, 69, 73–5, 79,

jacket, 104n; attends Pilates’

117–18, 163, 166–7, 175, 182,

gymnasium, 120;

193–4, 208, 233, 241n, 257–8,

photographed by Jared French,

277–8; with Jim Charlton, xv,

128; photographed on Fire

156–66, 183, 208, 210–11,

Island, 138–9; returns to Los

213–14, 216, 230, 248, 280n;

Angeles (1948), 149–50;

with Jack Hewit, xxix, 92–4,

bicycling, 150n; moves into

98–100, 103; with Bill Harris,

East Rustic Road with Caskey,

4–7, 9–20; with Carter Lodge,

167, 183; hospital visiting, 183,

12n; with Steve Conway,

200, 204–5, 219, 236, 239–40;

32–7, 41–2; with Vernon Old,

psychic sensitivity, 185–7 & n;

45, 50, 92, 106, 193; with

attends Benton Way Group

Auden, 58; friendship with

meeting, 197–8; gives up

Denny Fouts ends, 70; with

smoking, 211–12; resumes

John Cowan, 76; with Ian

smoking, 215n; detained in

Scott–Kilvert, 103–7 & n; with

raid on homosexual club,

Tony Hyndman, 114–15n,

216–17; Fechin portrait of,

145; difficulties with Caskey,

222; hypnotized by LeCron,

179–83, 197, 210, 220, 250n,

230–1; driving, 231; practises

278; considers leaving Caskey,

autosuggestion, 236; attitude to

192–3, 199–200; Caskey breaks

Jews, 262, 266; encounter with

with, 195, 282–3; with Don

psychotic neighbor, 264–5;

Coombs, 218–19, 221, 258,

leaves Los Angeles for Laguna

260–1; with Michael Leopold,

Beach, 273–5; painted by

220–2, 230, 258, 277; with

Sorel, 276; play–acts drowning,

Peter Darms, 242–3, 258, 282;



with Brad Saunders, 258–9;

invited to contribute to

with Lennie Newman, 279–80

Tomorrow magazine, 241–2;

Spiritual ideas and practices: takes

reviewing, 247, 258, 275–6,

up Vedanta, xxvii, xxix;


meditation, xxix; enjoys

Isherwood, Frank Bradshaw (C.I.’s

Vedanta Center ceremonies, 9,

father), viii, 238

14, 59, 81, 179; has doubts over Isherwood, Henry Bradshaw (C.I.’s monastic life, 27–8; consults

uncle): death, 90n

clairvoyants, 39, 51n; finally

Isherwood, Kathleen Bradshaw (M;

moves from Vedanta Center,

C.I.’s mother): C.I. writes on,

45–6; initiation by

viii ; C.I.’s relations with, x ;

Prabhavananda, 78, 209; makes

C.I. visits, 87–9, 185n; death,

japam, 171, 183

87; and ownership of

Travels: in South America with

Wyberslegh, 90n, 111; and

Caskey, xxxiv, 119, 123, 133,

C.I.’s relations with Ian

139, 141; hitchhiking with Bill

Scott–Kilvert, 104n; reaction

Harris, 13; hobo trip with

to C.I.’s sterility operation,

Vernon Old, 13; motor trip

111; and Richard’s jealousy of

with Caskey, 47; in China,

C.I., 144; The Condor and the

61, 82; to Mexico with Caskey,

Cows (British ed.) dedicated to,

78, 79; to England (1947),


80–117; in Portugal (1935–6),

Isherwood, Richard Graham

114n; return to New York

Bradshaw (C.I.’s brother): and

(1947), 117–19; in Berlin,

C.I.’s 1947 visit to Wyberslegh,

133–4n; in Amsterdam, 134n;

87–8, 112; appearance and

to France with Caskey, 141–3;

behavior, 87; meets Felix

in England with Caskey (1948),

Greene, 89; inherits

143–7; returns to New York

Wyberslegh through C.I., 90n,

with Caskey (1948), 149; to

111; and C.I.’s 1948 visit, 144,

New Mexico with Peggy

185n; jealousy of C.I., 144

Kiskadden, 247–54

Ivar Avenue, Hollywood see

Writings: autobiographical

Vedanta Center

memoir, vii ; diaries, vii, ix,

xii, xxiv, xxvi–xxvii, 3;

Jackson, Shirley: The Lottery, 223n,

considers giving up fiction,


ix–x; translates Bhagavad Gita

Jacobs, William, 29, 32

with Swami, 8n, 9, 22; helps

James, Henry: C.I. admires, 52n;

Prabhavananda with translation

“The Author of Baltraffio”,

of Shankara, 72n; makes

52n; The Bostonians, 175n;

typescript of diaries, 72;

“Lady Barberina”, 52n; “The

translates Patanjali aphorisms,

Pupil”, 103n

179, 207, 210, 212, 258, 278;

Japan: surrenders (1945), 45

foreword to Rinser’s Die

Jarrico, Paul, 191

Stärkerer, 192; depiction of self

Jay see de Laval, Jay

in fiction, 200; writes foreword

Jeff (pseud.), 17, 40

to Vividishananda’s A Man of

Jennings, Isa, 123, 130

God, 207; occasional writings,

Jennings, Ollie, 123–4, 133, 138

210n; ideas for stories, 221n;

Job (ballet), 147



John, Augustus, 91

50–1; accompanies C.I. when

Johnson, Celia, 144

made U.S. citizen, 78;

Jones, Jennifer, 154n

friendship with C.I., 81,

Jonson, Ben: The Alchemist, 91

153–4, 208, 230, 281; Kathleen

Journey to a War (C.I.; with Auden),

Isherwood’s idea of, 89; on

22n, 209

C.I.’s Peter Pan qualities, 101;

Judgement Day in Pittsburgh (film),

in New York, 135; disapproves

81, 91

of C.I.’s boyfriends, 154, 283;

Juenger, Ernst: On the Marble Cliffs,

attends Vernon Old’s marriage,


170; disapproves of Ben Bok’s

Julius Caesar (film), 263

marriage, 173; dislikes

Jung, Carl Gustav, xi, xx

Huxley’s Ape and Essence,

Jurado, Arthur, 205

176n; C.I. travels to New

Mexico with, 247–56; idea of

Kahn, Gordon, 25

self, 249n; relations with

Kallman, Chester, 82, 117, 129, 142

Georgia O’Keeffe, 250; C.I.

Kanin, Garson: Remembering Mr.

ceases close relations with,

Maugham, 37n


Katha Upanishad, 9

Kiskadden, William Sherrill (Bill):

Kathleen and Frank (C.I.), viii, x,

C.I. entertains, 50; friendship


with C.I., 81, 153, 230; in

Kaufman, Robert, 237n

New York, 135; C.I. witnesses

Kazan, Elia, 267

operation by, 178; supposed

Keate, Richard (Dick), 65–6

sadism, 179 & n

Kelley, Howard, 17–18, 50, 81,

Kiskadden, William Sherrill, Jr. (Bill


and Peggy’s son; “Bull”), 247,

Kennedy, Arthur, 31n

249, 252, 254–6

Kennedy, Bill, 192, 241–2, 245

Kittredge, Bob and Mary, 248–9,

Kennedy, Helen see Sudhira


Kennedy, (Sir) Ludovic, 272

Knight, Franklin, 7

Kennington, Eric, 94

Kolisch, Dr. Joseph, 23, 63, 272

Keohane, Jack (pseud.), 75

Korean War (1950–53), 240, 243

Kidd, David, 188

Kramer, Stanley, 205

King, Mackenzie, 116

Küsel, Otto, 134n

King-Page, Neville, 115

Kinsey, Alfred: Sexual Behavior in the

Lady from the Land of the Dead, The

Human Male, xv

(C.I.; TV script), ix

Kirstein, Lincoln: meets Caskey,

Laguna Beach: C.I. and Caskey

xvii; hostility to C.I., 69; in

settle in (Monterey Street),

New York, 119, 123, 129–30;


admires Nadelman sculptures,

Lamarr, Hedy, 242

132; art cult, 132–3; admires

Lamkin, Speed: advises C.I. on The

Burns’s The Gallery, 137; visits

World in the Evening,

Fire Island, 138

xxix–xxxii, 281, 283–4;

Kiskadden, Peggy (formerly Bok;

character, xxx, 232, 273, 283;

then Rodakiewicz): Steve

co–adapts C.I.’s Goodbye to

Conway not introduced to, 41;

Berlin for stage (as Sally

C.I. meets, 45; C.I. entertains,

Bowles), xxxi, 265–6, 273, 277,



284; C.I. meets, 232; affair

“Coming to London”

with Bertrand Cambus, 260;

Letter, The (film), 37

cultivates C.I.’s friendship,

Lewis, David, 211

278, 281; accepts C.I.’s

Lewis, Hayden: relations with

withdrawal of Sally Bowles

Caskey, 34, 43; loses civilian

adaptation, 285; admires Alec

job with Navy, 43; and C.I.’s

Beesley, 285; The Easter Egg

relations with Caskey, 45, 48,

Hunt, 283; Tiger in the Garden,

52–3, 119n, 233; C.I. gives


Packard car to, 46n; on Caskey

Lang, Mrs. (Ian Scott–Kilvert’s

and Keohane, 75; relations

mother), 103–6n

with Rodney Owens, 76–7,

Langford, Sam, 95–6, 102

81, 149–50, 153, 167; and C.I.’s

LaPan, Dick, 50, 277

1947 departure for England,

Lathwood, Jo see Masselink, Jo

82; meets C.I. on return from

Laughton, Charles, 45, 195

England (1948), 149; improved

Laval, Jay de see de Laval, Jay

relations with C.I., 150, 153,

Law, Doc, 44n

167, 208, 238; meets Jim

Lawrence, D.H., 253, 255n; St.

Charlton, 163; at Vernon Old’s

Mawr, 254n

wedding, 170; visits C.I. in

Lawrence, Frieda, 253, 254n

Monterey Street house, 274

Lawrence, T.E.: The Mint, 175n;

Libman, Lillian: And Music at the

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 94

Close, 201n

LeCron, Leslie, 230–1, 235–8

Liliencron, Detlev von, 26n

Leddick, David: Naked Men:

Lions and Shadows (C.I.), vii–viii,

Pioneering Male Nudes

98, 103n, 108

1935–1955, 128[n]

Litvak, Anatole, 23

Ledebur, Count Friedrich, 242

Lives of a Bengal Lancer (film), 171n

Lehmann, Beatrix, 110, 111n, 148n

Lodge, Carter: and C.I.’s life at

Lehmann, John: C.I. visits on 1947

Vedanta Center, 7; at Beesleys,

trip to England, 83–4, 95–6,

11–12; entertains C.I., 11;

102, 113; edits New Writing,

disapproves of C.I.’s

100[n]; and Neville King–Page,

lovemaking, 12n; relations

115; on grounding of Queen

with C.I., 12n; at AJC Ranch,

Elizabeth, 116; C.I. and Caskey

21, 220; C.I. visits with Caskey,

stay with in London (1948),

47, 196; C.I. entertains, 50;

143, 148; entertains Gore Vidal

relations with Dick Foote,

and Tennessee Williams, 145,

196n; loathes Starcke, 197n

146[n]; Paul Almond meets,

Logan, Joshua, 225–6

194–5; The Ample Proposition,

London: C.I. visits (1947), 83–6,

83, 85

91–107, 113–16; C.I. visits with

Lehmann, Rosamond, 108, 113 & n

Caskey (1948), 143, 145–8

Leigh, Vivien, 153, 267

Long Beach Veterans Hospital, 236,

Leopold, Michael, 220–2, 230, 258,



Loos, Anita, 27n

Lerman, Leo, 126–7

Los Alamos, New Mexico, 250

Letter from an Unknown Woman

Los Angeles: conference on world

(film), 153

peace (1949), 189–90

“Letter from England, A” see

Los Angeles Times, The : C.I.



interviewed in, 49; quotes C.I.

suicide, 191–2; memorial

on Ethan Frome, 229n

volume, 210n; C.I. writes

Lubbock, Lys see Connolly, Lys

article on, 212, 215

Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 254, 255n

Mann, Thomas: and Stefan Brecht,

Lupino, Ida, 31n

14n; makes no mention of

Lyme Hall, Cheshire (England),

Salka Viertel in letters, 71; C.I.


visits, 77, 179; operation on

Lyndon, Andrew, 126–7, 131–2

lung, 77 & n; letter to Adorno

Lynes, George Platt, 65

on Klaus’s suicide attempt,

155; Caskey photographs, 189;

MacArthur, General Douglas, 273

reads C.I.’s article on Klaus,

Macaulay, (Dame) Rose, 113, 143

215; Dr. Faustus, 77; Letters,

McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 190, 209


McCarthy, Mary: The Oasis, 223n,

Mansfield, Katherine, 68, 282n


March, Fredric, 67

McClendon, Carlos, 59n, 65–6,

Markova, (Dame) Alicia, 147

153, 184, 238

Marple Hall, Cheshire (England),

McCullers, Carson: The Member of

144, 185

the Wedding, 140n; Reflections in

Martinez, José (Pete), 5

a Golden Eye, 140n

Masefield, John: Multitude and

McDowall, Roddy, 17

Solitude, 275n

Mace, John, 81

Masselink, Ben: Jo meets, 44n; and

McGrath, Earle, 28 & [n]

Jim Charlton, 156n; friendship

Maclean, Donald, 100

with C.I., 195, 208, 230,

MacNeice, Louis, 83n

280–1; and Fechin, 222; and

Maddox, Tom (pseud.), 17

Korean War, 240n, 241;

Madge, Charles, 114n

marriage relations, 241n; helps

Magallanes, Nicholas, 50n

clear up C.I.’s apartment, 256;

Maher, Fern, xix, 24n

and C.I.’s break with Caskey,

Mailer, Norman, 228


Malaparte, Curzio: Kaputt, 140n

Masselink, Jo (formerly Lathwood):

Maltz, Albert: The Journey of Simon

meets Ben, 44n; and Jim

McKeever, 191

Charlton, 156n; friendship

Manchester (England), 89

with C.I., 195, 208, 230,

Mangeot, Olive, 91, 107–8, 110

280–1; and Fechin, 222; and

Mangeot, Sylvain, 91

Korean War, 240n; marriage

Mankiewicz, Joseph, 207n

relations, 241n; helps clear up

Mann, Erika, 155, 215

C.I.’s apartment, 256; and

Mann, Katia (Thomas’s wife):

C.I.’s break with Caskey, 282

defends unnamed friend of

Matta Echaurren, Roberto

Klaus, 168; Unwritten Memoirs,

Sebastián, xvi, 124


Matty’s Cell House, New York, 58

Mann, Klaus: friendship with C.I.,

& n

153; recovers after suicide

Maugham, Robin: The Servant,

attempt, 155; relations with


Harold Fairbanks, 155–6; visits

Maugham, William Somerset: denies

friend in jail, 168; co–writes

Larry in The Razor’s Edge

film outline with C.I., 170;

modelled on C.I., 22; in



Hollywood, 37–8; meets

marriage, 66–7; at Chaplins’,

Swami, 38, 40; death, 40n;

234–5; at Sadler’s Wells Ballet

warns C.I. of police watch on

with C.I., 271

Denny Fouts, 40; The Narrow

Monkhouse, Mrs., 89–90

Corner, 223n; The Razor’s Edge,

Monkhouse, Allan, 89, 112

22n, 37 & n, 38 & n; Up at the

Monkhouse, Elizabeth (“Mitty”),

Villa, 28, 35 & n, 36n

90, 112

Mauldin, Bill, 269–70

Monkhouse, John, 89

Mauriber, Saul, 253

Monkhouse, Patrick, 90, 277

Maxine (Bernie Hamilton’s

Monkhouse, Rachel, 90, 112

girlfriend), 200

Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah,

Medley, Robert, 83n, 116

141 & n, 248, 249n, 255

Meeting by the River, A (C.I.; novel

Moore, George, 51n; A Drama in

and TV script), ix–x,

Muslin, 275n

xxv–xxvi, 170

Moraturi, Pancho, 13, 15

Memorial, The (C.I.), 203

Morgan, Frank, 177

Men, The (film), 205, 228, 230

Morris, Phyllis, 81 & n, 214

Menotti, Gian Carlo, 173

Mortimer, Raymond, 143

Merlo, Frank, 208, 267

Mosel, Fritz, 126

Merton, Thomas: The Seven–Storey

Mosley, Sir Oswald, 97

Mountain, 175–6n

Motley, Willard: Knock on Any Door,

Methuen (publishers), 119, 188, 196

xv & n, 140n; prose style,

Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer (MGM),


73n, 150, 168, 173–4, 176–7,

Murphy, Audie, 268–70


Mussolini, Benito, 31

Mexico, 78, 88

My Guru and His Disciple (C.I.),

MGM see Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer

xxiv, xxvii

Minton, John, 143 & n

Miró, Joan, 47

Nadeau, Nicky, 81, 212n, 216

“Mr. Lancaster” (C.I.; section of

Nadelman, Elie, 132

Down There on a Visit ), 278

Naeve, Lowell: A Field of Broken

Mitchison, Naomi: The Blood of the

Stones, 275n

Martyrs, 225n

Naked and the Dead, The (film), 228

Mitford, Nancy: Love in a Cold

Nanny see Avis, Annie

Climate, 223n, 225n

Nantucket, Massachusetts, 125–7

Moffat, Ivan: works on films with

National Council of the Arts,

George Stevens, 66; imitates

Sciences and Professions,

C.I. describing Gregory Peck,


169; reports story of C.I.

Neddermeyer, Heinz: refused entry

misbehaving at Chaplins’,

to England, xi, xxi; relations

199n, 233; at Chaplins’ with

with C.I., xxx, 148; arrest and

Caskey and Natasha, 235; at

imprisonment, 98, 114n; in

Salka Viertel’s to hear Yma

Portugal with C.I., 114n

Sumac perform, 242; sees

Negri, Pola, 234

Sadler’s Wells Ballet with C.I.,

Neumann, Elisabeth (later Viertel),



Moffat, Natasha (née Sorokine):

Newman, Lennie: cooks at Jay de

Caskey corrects, xvi, 235;

Laval’s restaurant, 67, 171, 177;



described, 67; at C.I. party,

Oliver, Maria Rosa, 137

170; relations with Caskey,

O’Neill, Patty (pseud.): marriage to

171, 193, 197, 246; tried in

Vernon Old, 170–1, 181

court with Caskey, 209; visits

Ophuls, Max, 153

C.I. and Caskey, 233, 238; C.I.

Orwell, George: Homage to

has sex with, 279–80

Catalonia, 275n; Nineteen

New Mexico, 247–54

Eighty–four, 225n

New World Writing, 284

Osborne, John: Look Back in Anger,

New Writing (magazine), 100[n]


New York, 117–25, 128–38

Ouspenskaya, Maria, 39

Nin, Anaïs: C.I. meets, 245–6;

Owens, Rodney: relations with

Children of the Albatross, 245

Hayden Lewis, 76–7, 81,

No Way Out (film), 207n

149–50, 153, 167; in business,

Norment, Caroline, xxxi, 121n,

77; friendship with C.I., 81,

125, 239

150, 153, 167, 170, 208, 233,

Novak, Alvin, xviii–xix, 197–8

238; at C.I.’s 1947 departure for

“Nowaks, The” (C.I.; story in

England, 82; meets C.I. on

Goodbye to Berlin ), 100

return, 149; meets Jim

Charlton, 163; Radebaugh’s

Obey, André: Noé, 74[n]

infatuation with, 171; spends

Obin, Philomé, 125

Christmas and New Year

Ocampo, Victoria, 134, 136, 175n

(1950–51) with C.I., 274

O’Casey, Sean: Juno and the Paycock,


Paris, 142

O’Donnell, Lawrence: “Vintage

Pascal, Natalia, 50

Season”, 176n

Pastoral Symphony (film), 84n

O’Hara, John, 82n

Patanjali: How to Know God

O’Keeffe, Georgia, 247, 249–53,

(translated aphorisms), 179,


183, 207, 210, 212, 258, 278

Old, Vernon (pseud.): and C.I.’s

Paton, Alan: Cry, the Beloved

relations with Bill Harris, 6;

Country, 175–6n

and Marcel Rodd, 8; practical

“Paul” (C.I.; section of Down There

jokes on, 10; travels with C.I.,

on a Visit ), 7n, 142

13; excites C.I., 20; C.I. dines

Pearn, Agnes Marie (Inez; Stephen

with, 31; lives in Hollywood

Spender’s first wife), 114n

with C.I., 38; friendship with

Pears, Peter, 92, 95, 106, 144,

C.I., 45, 50, 92 & [n], 106,


153; approves C.I.’s relations

Peck, Gregory, 152, 168–9, 177,

with Caskey, 46; C.I.


entertains, 50; affair with Anita

Pell, Donald (pseud.), 258, 260,

Pitoëff, 50; C.I.’s mythic

268, 271

image of, 60–1, 159; takes C.I.

Perkins, Lynn, 49–50

to snake show, 152n; marriage

Perlin, Bernard (Bernie), 123

to Patty O’Neill, 170–1 & [n],

Philipps, Cristina, 108–9

181; on wishing to serve C.I.,

Philipps, Wogan, 108–10

181; and C.I.’s psychic

Picasso, Pablo: Denny Fouts sells

experience in Sequoia, 185n;

painting, 46n

leaves C.I., 193

Pilates, Joseph, 120 & n



Pitoëff, Anita, 50

48–9, 107, 235

Pitoëff, Ludmilla, 50

Pringle, Aileen, 195

Pits, The (on State Beach), 63–4

Pritchett, (Sir) V.S., 113

Players Restaurant, Hollywood, 39

Proust, Marcel, xx, 21, 26;

Plomer, William, 83 & n, 86, 94n,

Remembrance of Things Past, 21,

101–2, 113, 144

51; “Seascape” (from Within a

Poitier, Sidney, 207n

Budding Grove ), 67

Pole, Rupert, 245–6

Provincetown, Massachusetts, 127

Pollock, Peter, 100

Porter, Cole, 58[n], 69, 153n, 215

Quakers see Friends, Society of

Porter, Katherine Anne, 68–9

Queen Elizabeth (ship), 89, 116, 149

Portugal, 114n

Power, Tyrone, 39n

Radebaugh, Roy (Richard

Prabha (Phoebe Nixon; later

Cromwell), 170–1

Pravrajika Prabhaprana), 209

Rainey, Ford, 207–8, 229

Prabhavananda, Swami: C.I. writes

Rains, Claude, 31n

book on, viii, xxiv, xxvii;

Ramakrishna: C.I.’s biography of,

C.I.’s relations with, ix, 7, 9,

xxii, xxvii; birthday

182, 201n, 278; C.I. introduces

celebrations, 23, 179; C.I.

Caskey to, xvii; and C.I.’s

follows, 186

proposed biography of

Ramakrishna and His Disciples (C.I.),

Ramakrishna, xxii; effect on


C.I., xxix; translates Bhagavad

Random House (publishers), 119,

Gita with C.I., 8n, 9, 22;

188, 196, 276

returns to Vedanta Center, 14;

Rapper, Irving, 31n, 208

lumbago, 18; Time magazine

Rassine, Alexis, 84n, 96, 115, 143,

article on, 22; C.I. talks to

148, 271

about leaving, 27; and C.I.’s

Rattigan, (Sir) Terence: The Winslow

gonorrhea, 36; Maugham

Boy, 102

meets, 38, 40; scorn for

Ravagli, Angelo, 253, 254n

Tyrone Power, 39n; and C.I.’s

Rawlings, Margaret, 113n

leaving Vedanta Center, 45;

Razor’s Edge, The (film), 37, 38n

translates Shankara’s The

Red Badge of Courage, The (film),

Crest–Jewel of Discrimination,


72n; initiates C.I., 78; C.I.

Reed, John, 255n

visits, 81, 183; blesses C.I. on

Reinhardt, Gottfried: and C.I.’s

trip to England, 81; Kathleen

meeting Wolfgang, 28; C.I.

Isherwood’s view of, 89; C.I.

works with on films, 146,

attends birthday lunch, 173;

150–3, 168, 177; C.I. attends

translates Patanjali, 179, 183,

party, 221

207; believes Caskey a bad

Reinhardt, Wolfgang: C.I. dines

influence on C.I., 181; visits

with, 28; C.I. works with,

Trabuco, 191; and Sister’s

34–5, 36n

death, 197; leaves for India,

Reis, Irving, 91[n]

209; undergoes operation, 237, Reis, Meta, 91 & [n]

239; van Druten on, 247;

Renaldo, Tito: friendship with C.I.,

meets Alan Watts, 277

153 & n, 217; meets Swami,

Prater Violet (C.I.), xiii, xxv, xxx, 4,

188; leaves Trabuco, 217



Repton Letters, The (C.I.; ed. George

Santa Barbara, California, 10, 13,

Ramsden), xxxi n


Richardson, (Sir) Ralph, 91

Santa Monica, California, 6, 9,

Richardson, Tony, 150, 175n

13–14, 198

Rickles, Don, 235[n]

Santa Paula (ship), 139

Rimbaud, Arthur: A Season in Hell,

Sarada (Folling), 209


Saroyan, William, 267

Rinser, Luise: Die Stärkeren, 192

Sartre, Jean-Paul, xvi, 66; No Exit,

Rio de Janeiro, 141 & n


Robertson, David, 212

Saunders, Brad: affair with Jay de

Robeson, Paul, 17

Laval, 172, 177; described,

Robinsons department store, 15

172; serves in Korean War,

Robson-Scott, William, 83n, 98

241; relations with C.I., 258–9;

Rod see Owens, Rodney

attachment to Jim Charlton,

Rodd, Marcel, 8


Roder, Hellmut, 126 & n

Savage, Very Revd H.E., Dean of

Roditi, Edouard, xix

Lichfield, 30n

Rodman, Selden, 125

Scheuer, Philip K., 49

Roerick, Bill, 121

Schindler, Mr. and Mrs. (Haverford

Rolfe, Frederick William (Baron

refugees), 121

Corvo), xx

Schlee, George, 130–1

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: death,

Schoenberg, Arnold: Pierrot lunaire,



Rose Garden Apartments,

School of Tragedy, The (C.I.) see

Hollywood, 38

World in the Evening, The

Ross, Alan, 83n

Scobie, W.I., xi n

Ross, Jean, 108, 110

Scott-Kilvert, Derek, 103n

Ross, Lillian, 270–1

Scott-Kilvert, Elizabeth, 106

Roth, Sanford (Sandy), 74

Scott-Kilvert, Ian, 103–7 & n, 113

Rueda, Victor, 212n

Scott Moncrieff, C.K., 66[n]

Rügen Island (Germany), 138

Search, The (film), 149, 174

Russell, John, 38n

Searle, Ronald, 97n

Russia see Soviet Russia

Sequoia National Park, California,

185n, 243

Sachs, David, xix, n197

Shakespeare, William: Othello, 17

Sachs, Maurice: Le Sabbat, 175n

Shankara: The Crest–Jewel of

Sadler’s Wells Ballet, 271

Discrimination, 72n

St. Edmund’s school, Hindhead,

Shaw, George Bernard: Androcles and

Surrey, 57 & n

the Lion, 18

Salka see Viertel, Salka

Shearer, Moira, 271

Sally Bowles (proposed stage

Shepherd, Amos, 212n

adaptation by Lamkin and

Shivananda, Swami, 207

Field), 265–6, 273, 277, 284–5

“Shore, The” (C.I.; earlier

Samuels, Lesser: C.I. works with,

“California Story”), 74

81, 91, 167, 195, 198, 206–7,

Sinatra, Frank, 66

229–30; friendship with C.I.,

Single Man, A (C.I.), xii, xxv–xxvi,


44n, 167n, 217

Sansom, William, 83n

Sintra (Portugal), 114n



Siodmak, Robert, 168, 187n

Stern, Josef Luitpold, 121

Sister Lalita (Carrie Mead Wykoff;

Stern, Tania Kurella, 117–18,

“Sister”), 9, 197, 209

122–3, 137, 176

Sleeping Beauty, The (ballet), 272

Steuermann, Eduard, 264

Sloane, Everett, 205

Steve (studio messenger boy) see

Smedley, Agnes, 209

Conway, Steve

Smith, Dodie see Beesley, Dodie

Stevens, George, 66


Stevenson, Robert Louis, 61, 276;

Snow, Edgar, 195

Weir of Hermiston, 89n

Sorel, Paul (born Paul Dibble), 273,

Stieglitz, Alfred, 251 & n


Stockport, Cheshire (England): C.I.

Sorokine, Natasha see Moffat,

visits (1947), 86–7, 89, 111;


Caskey photographs viaduct at,

South America: C.I. and Caskey


travel in, xxxiv, 119, 123, 133,

Stokowski, Leopold, 254n


Stonewall riot (New York, 1962),

South Pacific (stage musical), 224–6


Soviet Russia: and Los Angeles

Strang, Les (pseud.), 166

conference on world peace,

Strasberg, Lee, 167


Strasberg, Paula, 167, 183–4, 272

Speaight, Robert, 144

Stravinsky, Igor: in C.I.’s circle,

Spender, Humphrey, 138

xvii; likes Caskey, 42; on C.I.’s

Spender, Natasha (Lady; née Litvin),

capacity for friendships, 94;


C.I. lunches and sups with,

Spender, (Sir) Stephen: meets

198, 200–1, 222, 230; C.I.’s

Caskey, xvii; C.I. stays with in

attitude to, 201–3;

London, 91–2; and Tony

avariciousness, 202; visits

Hyndman, 113, 114–15n;

Sequoia with C.I., 243 & n;

marriage (first) to Inez Pearn,

The Flood, 264[n]; The Rake’s

114n; affair with Helmuth

Progress, 202, 243

Roder, 126n; in USA, 134,

Stravinsky, Vera: in C.I.’s circle,

138–9, 168, 194, 195; bisexual

xvii, 198, 200–2, 222, 230; visits

posture, 169–70; depicted in A

Sequoia with C.I., 243

Meeting by the River, 170; asks

Streetcar Named Desire, A (film), 267

C.I. for obituary article on

Streeter, Mitchell (pseud.), 258–9

Dylan Thomas, 233; “The

Sudhira (Helen Kennedy): enlists in

Burning Cactus”, 126n; World

navy, 9; C.I. entertains, 50;

Within World, 275n, 277

attends C.I. in hospital, 62–3

Stafford, Jean, 135, 137

Sumac, Yma, 242

Stagg, Bob, 65, 122n, 123

Sutherland, Graham, 148

Starcke, Walter, 81, 123n, 197n,

Swami see Prabhavananda, Swami


Swanson, Gloria, 216

Starkey, Walter see Starcke, Walter

Sykes, Gerald: The Nice American,

Steffens, Lincoln: Autobiography,



Symonds (Isherwood family lawyer),

Steffens, Pete, 175n


Stern, James, 117–18, 122–3, 137,

Szczesny, Berthold, 133–5 & n,

176 & n




Tallchief, Maria, 50n

Valley Theatre, 74; friendship

Tamara (van Druten’s housekeeper),

with C.I., 81, 208; reports


C.I.’s misbehavior at Chaplins’,

Taos, New Mexico, 253, 255n

199n; drives back from

Tauch, Ed, 123–4, 139

Trabuco with C.I., 207; and

Taxman, Barry, 258, 260–3

C.I.’s sense of guilt, 227; adapts

Taylor, Frank: C.I. meets, 134, 136;

and plays in Ethan Frome, 229;

described, 169; film–making,

attends Yma Sumac

169–70; depicted in The World

performance at Salka Viertel’s,

in the Evening, 170; entertains,

242; attends Sadler’s Wells

195; friendship with C.I., 208,

Ballet with C.I., 271; and

263–4, 281; on Dylan Thomas’s

C.I.’s Anglia car, 276

visit to Chaplin, 233; visits

Trilling, Diana, 48

Hartfords with C.I., 246;

Trotti, Lamarr, 38n

accompanies C.I. to John

Trottiscliffe, Kent (England)), 148

Huston film set, 268

Truman, Harry S., 172, 240

Taylor, Harold, 135, 137

Turville-Petre, Francis, 134n

Taylor, Nan, 134, 136, 169, 195,

Twentieth Century-Fox Film

208, 263

Corporation, 191

Tepoztlán, Mexico, 78

Tyrrell, G.N.M.: Science and Psychical

Than, Joseph, 31n

Phenomena, 51n

Theatre Arts (magazine), 74

Thomas, Dylan: C.I. entertains in

United States of America: C.I.

Los Angeles, 232–3; Portrait of

emigrates to, xi, 72; relaxes

the Artist as a Young Dog,

censorship laws, xii; C.I.’s


increasing commitment to,

Time magazine, 9, 22–3; reviews

xxx–xxxi, 19n; C.I. acquires

Prater Violet, 48–9

citizenship, 77–8, 209; C.I.’s

Titian: “The Man with the Glove”,

homesickness for in England,



Todd, Thelma, 28–9

Up at the Villa (unfinished film),

Tomorrow (magazine), 241, 247,

34–6 & n, 46

258, 276–7

Upward, Christopher, 100–2

Tompkins, Willy (pseud.), 35, 48,

Upward, Edward: and C.I.’s


historical training, xii; literary

Toni (Brian Howard’s lover), 95–6

theories, xii–xiv; Marxism,

Tooker, George, 127–8

xiii–xiv, xxvii; influence on

Totheroh, Dan: Moor Born (play),

C.I.’s prose, xxvii; moral effect

32, 33n

on C.I., xxix–xxx; C.I. meets

Trabuco: Franklin Knight at, 7;

in England, 100–1, 107;

proposed Vedanta monastery at,

marriage, 101; and C.I.’s World

28; official opening, 188, 207;

in the Evening, 190; In the

C.I. visits, 191, 246; van

Thirties, 101; Journey to the

Druten gives money for organ,

Border, xxvii; “Sketch for a


Marxist Interpretation of

Tree, Iris: C.I. sups with, 28;

Literature”, xiii n

Caskey meets, 45–6; as mother

Upward, Hilda, 100–1, 107

of Ivan Moffat, 66; runs High

Upward, Kathy, 100–1



Vacant Room, The (screenplay),

Vedanta Society: acquires Trabuco,


188, 207

Vallentin, Antonina: H.G. Wells –

Vedanta and the West (magazine), 18

Prophet of Our Day, 258, 275n

Vedanta and the Western World

van Druten, John: and C.I.’s life at

(C.I.), 8

Vedanta Center, 7; at Beesleys,

Verlaine, Paul, 182

11; hears of C.I.’s lovemaking

Vidal, Gore: meets Caskey, xv, xvii;

with Bill Harris, 12n; lectures,

C.I. meets in Paris, 142–3; in

18; at AJC Ranch, 21, 214,

England, 145–6; quarrels with

220, 271; friendship with C.I.,

Caskey, 146; The City and the

31, 39, 50, 81, 153, 208; on

Pillar, xv, 140n, 145;

Roosevelt, 31; C.I. entertains,

Palimpsest: A Memoir, 146[n];

50; C.I. sees in New York,

The Season of Comfort, 225n;

123; absent from AJC ranch,

Williwaw, 140n, 225n

196; and Dick Foote, 196n;

Viertel family: in C.I.’s circle, xvii

and Starcke, 197n; Britten and

Viertel, Berthold: and C.I.’s fading

Pears meet, 214; at Trabuco,

interest in Germans, xxx; and

246; beliefs, 247; suffers from

Peter’s account of meeting C.I.

“senile polio”, 272; decides to

in London, 83n; in New York,

adapt C.I.’s Goodbye to Berlin as

119, 123; C.I. meets in

play, 282, 284; I Am a Camera,

London, 148; character, 148;

xxxi–xxxii, 78, 123n, 282; The

marries Elisabeth Neumann,

Mermaids Singing, 123n

148; successful career and later

van Leyden, Ernst and Karen, 81,

death, 149

207, 272

Viertel, Elisabeth see Neumann,

Van Meegeren, Han, 170, 254n


van Petten, Bill, 156n

Viertel, Peter: on The Friendship

Van Trees, Don, 170

bar, 44n; C.I. entertains, 50;

Van Vechten, Carl, 253

“den” in home, 74; in

Vaughan, Keith, 83n, 96, 102, 143

London, 83 & n; The Canyon,

& n; Journal and Drawings, 143n


Vedanta: C.I.’s involvement with,

Viertel, Salka: Steve Conway not

ix, xxvii, xxix, 72

introduced to, 41; C.I.

Vedanta Center (Ivar Avenue,

entertains, 50; C.I. and Caskey

Hollywood): C.I. attempts

occupy garage apartment,

celibacy at, xvii; C.I. leaves, 4,

70–1, 73–4; entertaining and

6–7, 13, 15, 27, 39, 45–6; and

“salon,” 71, 174, 221; and

Marcel Rodd, 8; ceremonies

C.I.’s departure for England

at, 9, 14, 59n, 81, 179;

(1947), 81–2; entertains Garbo,

bathroom facilities, 12; Time

131; C.I.’s friendship with,

magazine article on, 22;

153, 208; and Vernon Old’s

Maugham visits, 40; C.I. first

wedding, 171[n]; and C.I.’s

moves to, 72; Swami’s birthday

attempted reconciliation with

lunch at, 173; C.I. resumes

Chaplin, 199n; meets Mailer

visits to, 181, 277; C.I. gives

with C.I., 228; Yma Sumac

reading at, 239–40

performs at home, 242; The

Vedanta for Modern Man (anthology),

Kindness of Strangers, 71n


Viertel, Tommy, 50



Viertel, Virginia (formerly Schulberg;


Peter’s first wife; “Jigee”), 83

Wiley, Grace, 152n

& n

Williams, Dr., 46, 61

Vivekananda, Swami: puja, 9, 81

Williams, Emlyn, 102, 233

Vividishananda, Swami: A Man of

Williams, Molly, 233

God, 207

Williams, Sophia, 238–9

Williams, Tennessee (Thomas Lanier

Waldeck, Countess (G.R. Waldeck),

Williams): meets Caskey, xvii;

135, 137; Athene Palace

in England, 145–6 & [n]; in

Bucharest, 137 & [n]

Los Angeles, 208, 267;

Waley, Arthur, 143

relations with Frank Merlo,

Walker, Alan, 173

208, 267; The Glass Menagerie,

Wallace, Roger (pseud.), 208–9

208; The Roman Spring of Mrs.

Walter, Bruno, 155

Stone, 275n; A Streetcar Named

Warner Brothers (film corporation):

Desire, 267

C.I. works for, 23–5, 28, 34–5;

Willingham, Calder: End as a Man,

strike, 26–7; C.I. leaves, 27,

xv & n, 176n; Geraldine

46; and film of The Glass

Bradshaw, 275n

Menagerie, 208

Wilson, Edmund: The Wound and

Warner, Jack, 24, 27

the Bow, 51n

Warren, Robert Penn, 195

Windham, Donald, 127; The Dog

Watson, Peter, 179

Star, 275n

Watson–Gandy, Anthony Blethwyn

Winter, Ella, 175n, 242

(Tony), 173 & n, 222n

Winter, Keith, 31n, 39

Watts, Alan, 277–8

Wolfe, Thomas: Of Time and the

Waugh, Evelyn: Brideshead Revisited,

River, 160n

51n; The Loved One, 175n

Woman in White, The (film), 23–4,

We Were Strangers (film), 154n

28–9, 34

Webb, Jack, 205

Wood, Christopher (Chris): and

Webster, David, 146–7

Denny Fouts party, 13; C.I.

Webster, John: The White Devil,

visits, 47, 258; C.I. entertains,


50; friendship with C.I., 81,

Wescott, Glenway, 187

153, 163–4, 208; in New York,

West, Nathanael: Miss Lonelyhearts,

133; visits Fire Island, 138–9;


sees C.I. and Caskey off to

West, Rebecca: The Thinking Reed,

South America, 139; Britten


and Pears visit, 214

Whales, James, 211–12

Woolf, Virginia, 68

White, J. Alan, 101

Woolley, Monty, 58[n]

Whitman, Walt: influence on C.I.,

World in the Evening, The (earlier

xxiii; and travel, 13;

The School of Tragedy ; C.I.): on

homosexual wrestling, 57n, 59,

emigration and pacifism, xiii;

60n; and idea of The American

homosexuality in, xiv–xv; Jim

Boy, 159, 161, 164, 248

Charlton depicted in, xv,

Widmark, Richard, 207n

122n, 159, 174; writing and

Wilde, Oscar: Lady Windermere’s

synopsis, xxv, 121–2 & n, 190,

Fan, 243 & [n]

195, 227, 236–8, 244–5n, 278,

Wilder, Thornton: The Ides of March,

280–1; Lamkin advises C.I. on,



xxix, 281, 283–4; German

(England): C.I. visits (1947),

refugees removed from,

87–8, 90n, 111–12; C.I. revisits

xxx–xxxi, 284; kite incident in,

(1948), 143–4, 147, 185n

11; Hellmut Roder in, 126n;

psychic experience described

Yeats, William Butler: “Parnell’s

in, 164–5; Frank Taylor

Funeral”, 84 & [n]; “Solomon

depicted in, 170; bar-room

and the Witch”, 106 & [n]

ducking scene in, 174; guilt in,

Yogi (Walter Brown), 33

182; C.I.’s depiction of self in,

Yogini (Mrs. Walter Brown), 33

200; names in, 212n; narration

Yorke, Adelaide (“Dig”), 143

problem, 217, 226; Brookses’

Yorke, Henry (“Henry Green”),

house portrayed in, 231;

83n, 143; Back, 140n; Doting,

Caroline Norment character in,

275n; Living, 275n; Loving,

239; Dodie Smith advises C.I.

275n; Nothing, 275n

on, 244–5 & n; sent to

publishers, 284

Zeiler, Dr., 35–6

Worsley, Cuthbert, 115n, 146

Zeininger, Russ, 208, 212n, 220,

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 157, 160–1n,

229, 230, 258


Zinnemann, Fred, 174, 205, 219,

Wright, Teresa, 205, 228

223n, 228, 230

Wyberslegh Hall, Cheshire

Zinnemann, Renée, 219, 230

About the Author

Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) was the author of more than 20 books. His best-known work, Goodbye to Berlin, was developed into the musical Cabaret, which later won eight Academy Awards in the film version starring Liza Minnelli and Joel Gray.

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Books by Christopher Isherwood


All the Conspirators

The Memorial

Mr. Norris Changes Trains

Goodbye to Berlin

Prater Violet

The World in the Evening

Down There on a Visit

A Single Man

A Meeting by the River


Lions and Shadows

Kathleen and Frank

Christopher and His Kind

My Guru and His Disciple

October (with Don Bachardy)


Ramakrishna and His Disciples

PLAYS (with W. H. Auden)

The Dog Beneath the Skin

The Ascent of F6

On the Frontier


Journey to a War (with W. H. Auden)

The Condor and the Cows



Where Joy Resides


Volume One 1939–1960


LOST YEARS. Copyright © 2000 by Don Bachardy. Introduction, editorial apparatus, chronology and glossary copyright © 2000 by Katherine Bucknell. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

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Textual Note


Lost Years January 1, 1945-May 9, 1951

August 26, 1971.











About the Author

Other Books by Christopher Isherwood

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