‘Anarchy and the Imagination’ (as ‘What they don’t teach you at creative writing school’): Daily Telegraph (2014); ‘The Racer’: New Statesman (2013); ‘His Father’s Excrement: Franz Kafka and the Power of the Insect’: Critical Quarterly (2014); ‘The Art of Distraction’: New York Times and The Times (2012); ‘Weekends and Forevers’ (as ‘In praise of adultery’): Guardian (2013); ‘This Door Is Shut’: Red — Waterstones’ Inaugural Anthology (2012); ‘These Mysterious Strangers: The New Story of the Immigrant’ (as ‘The migrant has no face, status or story’): Guardian (2014); ‘We Are the Wide-Eyed Piccaninnies’ (as ‘Knock, Knock, it’s Enoch’) Guardian, (2014).
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