'I figured this was where you could be found,' he said advancing smooth on Edith. She had raised a hand to her eyes as though to lift the scarf but she let her arm drop and faced him when he spoke, blind as any statue.
'Yes?' she said. 'What is it?'
'Won't you play Mr Raunce?' Miss Evelyn asked.
'Playin' eh?' he remarked to Albert.
'It's Thursday isn't it?' Edith enquired sharp. 'That's his half day off or always was. What's up?'
'Nothin',' he replied, 'only I just wondered how you might be. getting along.'
'Is that all?' was her comment. At which Albert spoke for himself.
'We was havin' a game of blind man's buff,' he said.
'So I perceive Albert,' the butler remarked.
'Oh do come on do,' one of the little girls pleaded but Edith chose this moment to take that scarf off her eyes.
'You surely didn't pass through all that old part alone?' she asked.
'And why not?'
'Oh Charley I never could not in a month of Sundays. Not on my own.'
'Is that so?'
'You are pleasant I must say aren't you?' she said.
"Thanking you,' Raunce answered.
'Oh please come on Mr Raunce please,' the child entreated. 'Edith'11 give you up her turn.'
'I'm past the age and that's a fact Miss Evelyn,' Raunce said almost nasty. 'For the matter of that I chucked this blind man's buff before I'd lived as many years as my lad here. In my time if we had nothing better to do than lark about on a half day we got on with our work.'
'Here,' Edith said, 'just a minute.' She led him aside. 'What's up Charley?'
'Nothing's up. What makes you ask?'
'You act so strange. Whatever's the matter then?
'Oh honey,' he suddenly said low and urgent, 'I never seem to see you these days.'
'That's not a reason,' she objected. 'You know I've got to look after them with Miss Swift sick as she is.'
'Yes,' he said. There's always something or other in the way each time.'
'How's your neck dear?' she asked as she strolled away. She gradually led him nearer and nearer the door he had come in by.
'Oh it's bad,' he said. 'It hurts so Edith.'
'Well you shouldn't stand about in a damp place like here,' she replied. 'For land's sake I don't know how you managed those passages alone. They give me the creeps. And what's become of Badger with the peacock?'
'I gave that dog the slip. All the brains he's got is in his jaw. Once he's dropped anything 'e's lost that dog is. I put it away where they'll find it in the outside larder.'
She slapped a hand across her mouth. 'You hung it in the outside larder?'
He smiled for the first time. 'That's right,' he said.
'Lord,' she remarked, 'what'll old Mother Welch say when Jane or Mary tells 'er?' She began to giggle.
'Don't call 'er cook she don't like it,' Raunce replied broadly smiling.
'Now look you mustn't stay here Charley with that neck of yours. You get back out of this damp. I'll see if I can't manage to slip down after tea.'
'O. K. ducks. Give us a kiss.'
'Don't be daft,' she said, 'what in front of all of them?'
'O. K. then,' he ended, 'I'll be seeing you.' And he shut that door soft although the hinges shrieked and groaned. Then he came in once more, stared at the mechanism. 'Wants a drop of oil that does,' he remarked, winked and was gone again. As he walked off into grey dust-sheeted twilight he said two or three times to himself, 'How she has come on. You'd never know it was the same girlie,' he repeated.
'At last,' Miss Moira called out back in the Gallery, 'I thought we'd never get rid of him. Kneel Edith,' she said pulling that scarf out of Edith's pocket.
Once Edith was blinded the little girls let out piercing shrieks and dodged as in laughter she moved her arms as though swimming towards them. Their cries reverberated round the Gallery. Miss Evelyn hopped on one leg pressing her snub nose upwards with the palm of a hand. When Edith came near, Miss Moira would turn and slip by Edith's blind wrists looking round over a shoulder ready to dodge again after Miss Evelyn had ducked under. But Albert stood like a statue and must have hoped he would be found. As he was. Yet when her fingers knew him which they did at once she murmured 'I don't want you,' and to shrieks from the others of 'You'll never catch us,' this immemorial game went on before witnesses in bronze in marble and plaster, echoed up and down over and over again.
Back in his room Raunce unlocked the drawer in which he kept the red and black notebooks. He verified that they were there. Then he drew pencil and paper towards him, laboriously made out the date and the address then settled down to write to his mother.
'Dear Mother,' he began, 7 hope you are well. I am. There has been nothing fresh here. Mrs Tennant has gone to England to stay. While she is over she hopes to see Mr Jack who is on leave just at present. Mrs Jack has also gone to be with them. So we are on our own here now and will be for a bit I expect.
'Mother I am very worried over this bombing for you. Don't wait until he comes to get your Anderson shelter fixed. Get it done now Mother dear and it will be something off my mind.
'I often wish I was with you dear but you know the way I'm placed. Once I should leave this country then I'm in their power over there. There's the Labour Exchange with the Army waiting. It's hard to know what to do best.
'Mother what would you say to your coming here. Who knows but there might be a change in my situation one of these days. You've often said it was time I settled down. But not a word to anyone dear, there's nothing said yet. But I've my eye on a nice little place in the park what the married butler before Mr Eldon had. Think of it will you Mother. And mind not a word not even to my sister Bell.
'Well I must close now. But I certainly am worried about you with all this bombing. Tell her, that's Bell I mean, to be sure and look after you all right. Your loving son Charley.'
Then he inked it in. And he wrote the address with his pencil and then inked that. Finally he slipped in the Money Order. After he had stamped the envelope he laid his head down on his arms and dropped off to sleep at once.
When a few days later as she lay in bed Miss Swift was paid a call by Miss Burch she was able to cut short the thanks having expressed what was necessary on the first of two visits of sympathy Miss Burch had already paid. But on the subject of her symptoms she left nothing out.
'I wonder you don't ask Doctor Connolly to put his rule over you,' Miss Burch remarked at last.
'Poor nanny,' Miss Swift exclaimed. 'That man?' she added as if injured.
"There's not another within reaching distance only the native doctors and we won't speak about them. Now they've taken their petrol away that is.'
'You'd never expect me to see him, Miss Burch, after what we witnessed every one of us with Mr Eldon. Why it was no more than a crime if I'm to put a name to it.'
'Mr Eldon he died of a broken heart Miss Swift. There was a lot he told nobody.'
'I'm sure I trembled for him as he lay there Miss Burch but then you see I knew. What training I've had was the best even if I've never served with a hospital. I could tell you things. There was a place I was in, I had him from a baby. The doctors gave him up, gave him up dear and they had two in from Harley Street. It was simple enough really. There he was such a good little chap. Lancelot his name was, his mother was Lady Mercy Swinley. Well one night when they were all gone I was watching for I never left his side, day and night I watched him yes, so I leant forward and looked into his little face and I could see he was going before my very eyes. It was all or nothing Miss Burch. So I took him up and I shook him. Yes and I slapped hard. My heart was in my mouth but he gave a kind of convulsive heave of his whole body and brought it all up. I'd known all along there was something stuck in his gullet but there they wouldn't listen. He brought it up. It was black as pitch. Then after I'd changed his bed things he fell into such a sweet sleep. Something made me do it there you are. But I shook so afterwards I dropped the cup when I poured myself a cup of tea. That hospital nurse couldn't fathom it once she came back. But I knew better.'
'Well,' said Miss Burch. 'But wasn't that the lady I read about the other day, the mother I mean?'
'Yes,' the nanny answered, 'times are hard for a number of them now, there's big changes under way. I shouldn't wonder if things were never the same say what you will. But don't mistake me. I wouldn't put myself above a doctor. Though we can all bear witness about Mr Eldon how that poor man lay calling on a name and Doctor Connolly no more than paid him a call every so often, when we all know what we had under our very eyes with him growing weaker each day that passed, I don't say but someone might have taken matters into their own hands. And I'm sure they could have made free with my medicine cupboard and welcome.'
'You'll excuse me,' Agatha gently said, 'but that's a topic I can't mention.'
'Why certainly,' Miss Swift said bright. 'You don't want to take notice. The truth is,' she said frank, 'I'm an old woman and I'm growing simple.'
'Now Miss Swift…'
'Thank you," the nanny interrupted rather breathless, 'and perhaps it's understandable. After all there's not a woman after a life spent with her charges but doesn't get an eye for illness. It may start as no more than a snivel when you put 'em to bed and then before you've time to adjust yourself you're right in the middle of it, day and night nurses under your feet with oxygen bottles and all that flummery. Prevention is better than cure I say. And there's many a one I've saved when those others in stiff cuffs had their backs turned.'
'I dare hazard it's no different to what I am with a floor,' Miss Burch said conversationally. 'Take a good polished parquet, now, that they've let go. With my experience I can tell at a glance, tell at a glance,' she said.
'There you are,' the nanny exclaimed and lay back grey about the lips. She was wrapped round in the huge crocheted shawl Miss Burch had lent her on the first visit.
'And there's some won't learn their lesson,' Agatha went on. 'Take Raunce. There's a man gone forty, been in good places all his life but his silver's a disgrace. I know of houses, houses I've worked in mind, where he could never have lasted seven days.'
'I won't have Arthur in my nursery.'
'Mrs Welch won't let him enter her kitchen. But then you've both of you a place you can call your own. Not like me with no more than a door opening into the sink and a bit of a cupboard in all this mansion. Now there's one woman been very different lately. Hardly the same at all. Mrs Welch.'
'Time was I wouldn't even venture into her scullery,' the nanny said, 'but since her little Albert's been over there's a noticeable change. He's a sweet child if he may be a bit of a monkey.'
'I suspicion whether it's all the child Miss Swift.'
'I've seen so many,' Miss Swift said, 'oh dear such a number I've looked after and not one but has a soft spot in their hearts for old nanny.'
'I shouldn't wonder if it wasn't the gin again,' Miss Burch said grim.
'Oh dear oh no I wouldn't wish to listen. Why fancy. Oh no I'm an old woman. I've seen things you'd never believe but I wouldn't wish to hear such a thing.'
'It's true for all that,' Miss Burch announced with what seemed to be satisfaction.
'There now I've forgotten every bit of it poor nanny,' Miss Swift replied. 'I don't know I'm sure but you gave me quite a shock with what you just said. But there, I've forgotten all about it. Bless me yes.'
There's things I wish I could forget,' Agatha said in a far-off voice.
Miss Swift squirmed in bed.
'Take Raunce,' Miss Burch began, then stopped.
'You think I should be told?" the nanny asked.
'You'd never guess what he's been up to now,' Miss Burch went on adamant.
•I'm not strong, leastways that's how I've felt lately, weak,' the nanny muttered.
'He's took that peacock little Albert killed, which Mrs Welch hid away, and he's hung it in the outside larder. Swarming with maggots over our meat. How do you like that Miss Swift? It's wicked or worse it is.'
'Little Albert killed?' the nanny cried with a sort of wail.
'No. One of the peacocks crossed 'is path so he up and killed the thing. That's a flea bite, there's plenty more of the creatures. But from what I can make out Mrs Welch must have took umbrage. And who is there to say she was mistaken if she thought her life in peril even with that mad Irishman with his ear to every keyhole? So she put it back of a piece of cheese cloth away in her kitchen. Then she thought she'd dispose of the thing after, one way or another, but the carcass turned up again in such a fashion as Raunce could get hold of it. Crawling with maggots all over which is what my girl Kate tells me. Can you imagine the like Miss Swift? Infecting all our food.'
'Oh dear,' the nanny said come over limp. 'Arthur. I see yes, Arthur.'
'But that's a trifle,' Miss Burch continued placid yet firm, her eyes on her knitting. 'Now I went into the Red Library after dinner to see to the fire. Mrs Tennant will have fires lit to keep the rooms right for the pictures. And d'you know what I found. Why Edith and that man, the impudence, sat back in the armchairs they'd drawn to the fender. As if they owned the Castle.'
'Oh dear,' Miss Swift moaned.
' "Why whatever's this," I said,' Miss Burch went on. ' "It's my neck," he answered me. "Your cheek my man," I said and then Edith she did have the grace to get up on her two feet after that. But he went on sitting there. "What's it to you?" he asked though I could see he was ashamed for both of them. "Just this," I said so he couldn't be in doubt upon it. "There's right and wrong," I says, "and there's no two ways about which this is," I said.'
'His neck?' Miss Swift asked faint. 'You never can tell. Oh dear perhaps if I could have a glance.'
'He's kept his neck wrapped up the last two weeks,' Miss Burch announced, 'he makes out the glands are enlarged. But it's his whole head has swelled.'
'They can be dangerous swollen glands can,' the nanny said firmer.
'Well if you ask me things will go from bad to worse if Mrs Tennant won't come home soon. And I love that girl of mine Edith, I love that child Miss Swift.'
'She's a good girl Miss Burch. The children will do anything for her.'
'There it is Miss Swift, she's had her eyes on him a long time and wishing's not likely to make things different. But I'm afraid for her with that man. He's up to no good,' Miss Burch pronounced and then paused.
The nanny did not seem anxious for more. She merely repeated once again, 'She's a good girl Edith is.'
'I've never had a better,' Miss Burch began afresh. There, I'll go so far as that, never a better under me,' she said. 'In this great rambling place we have a week's cleaning to do each day. But you can depend on her. And that's something can't be said of the other, Kate. Sometimes I even wish with that one I'd been given an Irish girl to train up instead.'
'No Roman Catholics thank you,' Miss Swift said sharp.
'Yes,' Miss Burch agreed, 'we don't want those fat priests about confessin' people or taking snuff.' She stared from her knitting at Miss Swift for a moment. 'Are you feeling quite well?' she asked.
'Me?' the nanny said in a quavering voice. Thank you I'm sure. Poor nanny…' she began as if about to continue but Agatha broke in, Then that's all right. But I'm sorry for the girls nowadays,' she announced. 'It puts me in mind of the South Africa war. They see the men going out to get killed and it makes them restless. I remember how it was with me at the time. Then they look at us old women and they say to themselves they don't wish to end up like us. I was the same at their age. It's only after they've lived a few years longer that they'll come to realize there's worse than sleeping alone in your own bed, with a fresh joint down in the larder for dinner every day.'
'And a pension at the end, not just the old age,' Miss Swift put in quite bright once more. 'It was a weight off poor old nanny's mind I can tell you when they asked nanny to come back to Miss Violet after she'd done for her from a baby. To take on her own child's sweet babies the little angels.'
'Ah Mrs Jack,' Miss Burch announced in a voice of doom.
Miss Swift looked askance. She hurriedly went on, 'And two of the best behaved little girls as ever I've had in my charge,' she said, 'so loving with their pretty little ways the Iambs. There's but one thing I could wish which is that there were more children round about for them to play with. You know Miss Burch it's not right at the age they are and with their position in life to have none but themselves. I was right glad when Mrs Jack told me about this Albert.' She paused for breath.
'Ah Mrs Jack,' Miss Burch put in as though sorrowing.
The nanny set off again, more breathless still. 'Of course it's the times,' she said. 'Now even after the last war they would never have entertained it, the very idea. Why a boy like Albert, the cook's own nephew, dear me no. Never in your life. But it's come about. It's the shortage. Having no petrol,' she ended and lay back, blue about the lips.
'What was revealed came as a great shock to me,' Miss Burch said and paused to pick up a dropped stitch. The nanny rested herself with closed eyes. There was a silence. 'A great shock,' Miss Burch repeated getting up speed once more with her knitting. Miss Swift did not utter.
'They can do what they like after all,' Miss Burch went on, 'there's little or nothing we can say will make any difference when all's told. Yet I've got to consider my girls. It's not so much the example. Enough goes on in any farm yard. But there's the upset to a girl of Edith's age coming from a good home. I'm afraid for her.'
'She's a strong girl,' Miss Swift said faint, 'I can tell.'
'That's as may be,' Miss Burch replied, 'but going to call the lady and then to turn round after drawing those curtains to find the Captain Davenport in her bed as well why…' Miss Burch said and pursed her lips. There was no response so she looked up full at Miss Swift. This woman was lying back eyes closed or rather screwed shut in a wild look of alarm.
There,' Agatha added and returned to her knitting, 'I never meant to tell you. It slipped out. These last days I've been afraid it would throw my Edith right off her balance. It's her I mind for.'
They imagine things that's how it is,' the nanny murmured. 'I remember when I was a girl. Always imagining I was till I didn't rightly know."
'I saw him don't worry,' Miss Burch said in a loud voice. 'Why I thought she was going to faint away into my arms when she came out. Of course the moment she told me I went straight in. And there she lay the young lady naked as the day she was born with him just putting his shirt on. It didn't take me long to come away again I can tell you.'
'She was all the time the sweetest child,' the nanny said in a stronger voice. Miss Burch looked at her quickly, saw her face was smooth now, that she seemed peaceful. 'Miss Violet had such lovely golden hair,' Miss Swift went on, 'the only child I knew to keep it always. On her wedding day it was the same, oh dear. What a number of years that is to be sure.'
'So I told Edith, Miss Swift, how she'd best be off out of it. The less said the better I told her. And the next time we were alone I insisted she shouldn't pay attention, that what they did was no concern of ours. But she's took it to heart. I know. There's times I feel desperate.'
'Such a picture in white when she come up the aisle. Dear me it's a strange thing but I feel quite tired. I fancy I'll take a little nap.'
'Are you sure there's nothing you'd like, a cup of tea or something?'
'No thank you Miss Burch all the same.'
Agatha got her knitting together. She cast another glance at Miss Swift who was very blue about the lips.
'You're sure there's nothing now?' she said once more. 'You wouldn't like me to change your hot-water bottle?'
'No I'm quite comfortable,' the nanny answered. 'I just wonder if I won't have a little nap that's all.' So Miss Burch left. As she closed the door she said to herself, 'Well she never thanked me for coming but then I shouldn't have let my tongue run on. But she never took it in even. We're both getting old women,' she repeated aloud as she went along the white linoleum in that corridor and walked to one side over the purple key pattern border.
Miss Burch never told the nanny that her protest to Raunce and Edith had been without effect. Edith it is true had risen to her feet when she left them but Charley had not stirred. And now as Agatha went slowly to her room with a pounding heart, Edith down in the Red Library was back in what used to be Mr Tennant's special easy chair. She hardly seemed comfortable however for she Was protesting, '… and, well, I don't like it.'
'Now ducks,' he said.
'I don't want to set her against me Charley. It's me has to work with her. Not you after all.'
'She's got nothing on us,' he replied, 'no one has.' At that a silence fell between them. Then she let out careless in a low voice, 'Charley I found the ring.'
'What ring?' he asked as though talking of daisy chains.
'Why,' she explained with sudden excitement, 'Mrs T.'s ring she mislaid before she went away. I chanced on it the other afternoon.'
'She's always losin' valuables,' he remarked casual, 'the wonder is she gets them back so often.'
'That's what I mean,' she said.
'I don't get you.'
'Suppose she didn't get this ring back?'
'Well you're goin' to give it her surely? You don't want to hand it over to our Agatha so she claims all the credit. Stand up for yourself love. You found the object. You hand it back and gather the reward though I'm afraid you'll be unlucky there you know.'
'What I was wondering was suppose I never offered the old ring back?'
'Here,' he said, 'easy on. Knock the ring off you mean?'
'Keep it,' she agreed. She seemed overexcited.
'Where is it?' he asked.
'Hid here in the lining,' she replied and got up. She forked the thing out of a tear with her finger. Her hands trembled.
'Let's have a look,' he said. 'You know you want to go steady with suggestions like the one you've just put forward. See,' he said holding the ring on a level with his chin. It winked and glittered at him. He smiled on it. 'Christ,' he said low.
'Well Charley what d'you say?'
'I tell you this won't do,' he answered. Tut'm back where you found'm.'
'Put it back where I found it,' she echoed as though dumbfounded.
'Yes so they can't discover the old loot on you and call that stealing by finding. Go on,' he said, 'I hate to do this but put'm back.'
'An' then what?' she wanted to know and pouted.
'The minute Mrs T. returns you go up to her and say you came by it as you were doing this room out.'
'I thought you'd have a better use for it than that,' she said.
'I don't follow you,' he said extremely cautious.
'What d'you keep writin' in those notebooks then?' she asked.
'I have to make up my accounts I put before Mrs Tennant each month,' he replied in an educated voice.
'Oh yeah?' she said.
'You've got to understand,' he said.
'It'll take a lot of understandin', Charley.'
'Listen I'm not makin' out I can be accurate down to the last cork or that when someone comes to stay they don't forget to put back a pencil they've taken off one of the tables.'
'You're telling me,' she said.
'But there's no place for valuables like this object,' he went on. 'You've got to see that dear. Why you'd gum up the whole works.'
'I can't fathom you,' she said. 'Here's a ring may be worth hundreds. It's been missed. It's lost and you want me to hand it back. There's no sense in a thing like that.'
'What would you do then?'
I'd sell it an' save the money for a rainy day,' and she gave him a look as if to say the sky always rained at weddings.
'You're crazy,' he said.
'I'm crazy am I,' she cried, 'right then I'll act like I was,' and snatching that ring from his fingers she threw it in the fire.
'Now look what you've done,' he said going down on his knees. He fished it out with a pair of tongs. 'That'll need cleanin' that will. You leave me.'
'Leave what to you not very likely,' she said as though beside herself. 'I wouldn't trust you no further than that fender. Give here.' She grabbed the ring back again.
'Ouch it's hot,' she said dropping the thing on the rug. They stood looking down and from the droop of her shoulders it could be assumed that her rage had subsided.
'For land's sake I do feel awful,' she brought out.
'Now honey you don't want to take things so awkward,' he said putting an arm round her shoulders. 'There's nothing to get wrought up over,' he explained. 'I was only goin' to give it a rub so that when you gave it back to Mrs T. she wouldn't notice the difference. And look,' he said, 'you've no sense of proportion. If I make me a few shillings each week fiddlin' the monthly books that don't mean I can go and knock off valuables. That's dangerous that is. Besides what I'm on to is steady, ducks, get me? While I hold down this job I can put by something all the time.'
'What do you put by?' she asked not looking at him. There was a short silence during which she seemed to listen intently.
'Why a bit here and a bit there,' he said.
'And I don't suppose it's worth the small risk there is in it,' she broke out sudden.
'I don't know love but maybe there's two or three hundred a year one way or another all told.'
'Pounds?' she asked making her eyes big.
'Lovely British Bradbury's,' he answered.
'Oh Charley,' she said in admiration, 'so that's what you're on to?'
'And that's a sight less than old Eldon drew. But he was at the receiving end of some very special money.'
'What d'you mean?'
'He'd kept his eyes open. He wasn't so slow. Tell you the truth I never did give him credit till I come upon it the other day. He'd got your Captain weighed up.'
'The Captain?' she asked eyes shining.
'Those were my words.'
'But I mean that's worse than takin' a ring ain't it Charley?'
'Depends how you mean worse,' he replied. 'All I know is it's secure.'
'D'you stand there an' tell me Mr Eldon had come upon them some time? Just as I did? That she sat up in bed with her fronts bobblin' at him like a pair of geese the way she did to me? Is that what you're sayin'?' She was so excited again that she fairly danced before him.
'Oh I don't know,' he replied cautious and as if he was shy.
There she sits up at me…' Edith ran on, eyes sparkling. And he had to listen to the whole thing again, and with embellishments that he had never heard, that even he must have doubted.
Raunce's Albert, Edith, Kate, the little girls and Mrs Welch's lad chose for their picnic a place just off the beach. While those children ran screaming down to where great rollers diminished to fans of milk new from the udder upon pressed sand, Albert laid himself under a hedge all over which red fuchsia bells swung without a note in the wind the sure travelling sea brought with its low heavy swell. He could watch the light blue heave between their donkey Peter's legs and his ears were crowded with the thunder of the ocean.
'Fat lot of use you are,' Kate shouted to him as she began to unstow the panniers on Peter's back.
'Ain't there a glare,' he called.
'For land's sake you're not goin' sick on me surely like Charley did when I brought him out?'
'Don't he look pale?' Kate echoed Edith.
'Never mind let him be,' Edith went on, 'and we'll allow he may light the Primus.' She laughed, probably because it would never start up without a deal of coaxing.
'Did you remember your matches?' Kate yelled. On which he got to his feet to bring out a packet of cigarettes.
'Lawks we've took a man along,' Kate mocked. He offered them round. As he cupped his hands to shield the flame and Edith bent her lovely head he lowered his yellow one over hers. She giggled which blew the match out. 'One thing at a time thank you,' she remarked looking him in the eye from close. He blushed painfully. Then the wind sent her hair over her vast double-surfaced eyes with their two depths. As she watched him thus, he might have felt this was how she could wear herself in bed for him, screened but open, open terribly.
'Come on,' she said, 'snap out of it.'
Then all three huddled round as if over a live bird sat between his palms till their fags were lit. He collapsed back onto the ground.
'You wouldn't be looking up our legs by any chance now would you?' Kate enquired in an educated voice. For answer he rolled over onto his stomach and faced inland, all Ireland flat on a level with his clouded eyes.
'Let him be,' Edith said again. The wind blew a sickle of black hair down the opening of her dress.
'It tickles,' she said giggling, and swung her head back to let that breeze carry the curls off. 'Oh this wind,' she added. And it drove the girls' dresses onto them like statues as they lifted rectangles of white cartridge paper tied in string out of the panniers to lay these where sand joined that moss short grass. Then Edith stopped to gently pull Peter's ears.
'Aw come on,' Kate called to Albert, 'you don't want to go sulking away there. Why I daresay she'd never've minded if you had of 'ad a peep.'
'Now Kate,' Edith repeated, 'why can't you let him alone.'
'I never,' the lad cried turning over to face them, 'honest I never.'
'Well then don't act like you wished you did.'
'Katie,' Edith said and bent down to kiss the donkey's nose. She seemed altogether indifferent. At this moment little Albert interrupted.
'Can I take the shrimpin' net'm. There's 'undreds down there in that pool we're at.'
And so the long afternoon started. Then when they had had cup after cup of tea Albert in lighting Kate another cigarette set fire to a thin curl of her fair hair. She took this in good part, did no more than exclaim at the smell.
'Er peacock didn't half cause a stink,' he told them. The wind had dropped. They no longer had to shout. But the roar of that Atlantic swell was heavy.
'What peacock?' she asked.
'Why the one old Charley put back in the outside larder. Mrs Welch must've bided her time when there was nobody in the pantry so as to slip down and stuff 'im in my boiler.'
'In your boiler?' Edith shrieked. 'Whoever's heard?'
'Didn't you smell it at that?' the lad enquired.
'It's the first I've known,' Kate said.
'He created something alarming Charley did,' his lad continued. 'He said there was enough to give us asthma and 'e went about coughin' for two days.'
'She's up to a lark then,' Edith said seemingly delighted. 'Bless us,' she added, 'look what he's after now,' she exclaimed. All three saw little Albert hopping round and round with a fair-sized crab fastened onto a toe of his sandshoes. The excited shrieks that came back from the children blanketed a screaming from gulls fighting over the waste food which they had thrown away although Raunce's Albert still had some scraps in a paper bag.
'Let 'em,' Kate said and closed her eyes again. 'I've got what I've had to digest yet,' she added. Then just as Edith was about to get up to help that crab fell off. The children began to stone it, driving it blow upon blow into a grave its own shape in the sand. At which Peter put his ears back and snatched the scraps out of Albert's hand, swallowed them bag and all.
'Why you ugly bastard,' Albert said scrambling out of the way.
'Now Albert,' Edith remarked indifferent.
'I thought 'e was asleep,' the boy explained.
'Which is what I would be if you'd only shut down,' Kate said from behind closed eyes. Her eyelids were pink. The sun warm.
As he was about to settle again Edith invited him to use part of the mackintosh on which she was seated adding that he would only spoil his indoor suit. He was dressed in the blue serge double-breasted outfit a livery tailor had made him on Mrs Tennant's instructions.
'You do look a sight,' was her comment, 'got up as you are like you were goin' in Hyde Park.'
He lay down at her side while she sat bolt upright to keep an eye on the children.
'I got a sister over at home,' he said low.
'What's that?' she asked careless. 'I can't hear you with the sea.'
'I got a sister works in an airplane factory,' he began. If she heard him she gave no indication. 'Madge we call her. They's terrible the hours she puts in.'
He lay on his stomach facing inland while Edith watched the ocean.
'I've only her and mum left now,' he went on. 'Dad, 'e died a month or two afore I came here. He worked in a fruiterer's in Albany Place. It was a cancer took 'im.'
When he broke off the heavy Atlantic reverberated in their ears.
'Now Mr Raunce writes to his,' he continued, 'and can't never get a reply. And there's me writes to mine, every week I do since this terrible bombing started but I don't ever seem to receive no answers though every time 'e comes over I'm afeared mum an' sis must've got theirs. To read the papers you wouldn't think there was anything left of the old town.'
'That young Albert,' Edith yelled against the sea, 'I regret we took him along.'
Raunce's Albert looked over his shoulder on the side away from Edith but could not see how his namesake was misbehaving.
'You see with dad gone I feel responsible,' he tried again loud. 'I know I'm only young but I'm earnin' and there's times I consider I ought to be back to look after them. Not that I don't send the best part of me wages each week. I do that of course.'
A silence fell.
'What did you say your sister's name was?' Edith asked.
'Mum had her christened Madge,' the lad replied. He tried a glance at Edith but she was not regarding him. To tell you the truth,' he continued, 'I did wonder what's the right thing? I thought maybe you could advise me?' He looked at her again. This time she was indeed contemplating him though he could not make out the expression in her enormous eyes behind the black yew branch of windblown hair.
He turned away once more. He spoke in what seemed to be bitterness.
'Of course I'm only young I know,' he said.
'Well it's not as if they'd written for you is it?' she announced, on which he turned over and lay on his side to face her. She was looking out to sea again.
'No but then they're like that. Mum always reckoned she'd rather scrub the house out than take a pen. Madge's the same. It's 'ard to know what's for the best,' he ended.
'I should stay put,' she said, speaking impartially. 'You're learnin' a trade after all. If they should ever come for you into the Army you could be an officer's servant. We're all right here.'
'Then you don't reckon there's much in what they say about this invasion? If there's one thing I don't aim at it's being interned by the Jerries.'
'Oh that's all a lot of talk in my opinion,' she answered. 'You don't want to pay no attention. Oh me oh my,' she said, 'but isn't it slow for a picnic. Here,' and at this she leant over him, 'let's see if we can't set old Kate goin'.'
She picked up a stray bit of spent straw which was lying on his other side then lowered all the upper part of her body down onto his, resting her elbow between him and the sleeping girl. Her mouth was open in a soundless laugh so that he could see the wet scarlet roof as she reached over to tickle Kate's sand-coloured eyebrows.
Kate's face twitched. Her arm that was stretched white palm upwards along deep green moss struggled to lift itself as though caught on the surface of a morass. Then still asleep she turned away abrupt till the other cheek showed dented with what she was lain on. She muttered once out loud 'Paddy.'
At this Edith burst into giggles bringing her hand still with its bit of straw up to her mouth as, eyes welling, she looked direct into Albert's below her. He lay quiet and yellow in a simper. This brought her up sharp.
'Can't you even have a joke?' she asked.
'Well you're a pretty pair no mistake,' Kate said and yawned. They found she was sitting to rearrange her tow locks.
'Not so comical as you, you believe me,' Edith answered removing herself from off Albert. He turned over onto his stomach again, facing Ireland.
'What have I done now then?' Kate wanted to know. 'Can't a girl treat herself a nap?'
'Forget it dear,' Edith told her.
'I don't know as I want to forget,' Kate replied. 'It's not nice finding people makin' fun of you when you're asleep.'
'It's only what you brought out love,' Edith sweetly said.
'What was that then?'
'You called a name.'
'Is that all,' Kate announced and blushed, which was unusual with her. 'Why from the fuss you two made lain right in each other's arms you'd imagine it might be something serious.'
'We wasn't,' Albert said sharp, twisting his head towards her. His eyes did not seem to see.
'Oh all right let it pass,' Kate replied. Her blush had gone. 'But you can take it from me what I witnessed was sufficient to make them precious children look twite if they'd noticed.'
'Just let 'im be,' Edith said indifferent.
'There's one thing I won't have,' Kate quoted looking with malice at Edith, 'an' that is the children bein' worried by it the little lambs.'
Edith gave a short laugh.
'Why who said that?' Albert asked.
'Miss Swift.'
'What for?' he enquired.
'And I say she's an old duck stickin' up for them,' Edith interrupted. They don't want to be bothered with what I witnessed, not yet awhiles any old how. They got plenty of time to learn.'
'You mean what you saw when you called Mrs Jack?' the lad said scornful. 'That old tale?'
'E won't believe it yet,' Kate announced as if delighted.
'Call it a tale if you will,' Edith answered. There's many a time I've wished I hadn't been the one. But you ask Agatha Burch if you disbelieve me. Stark naked she sat up in bed as the day she was born.'
'Get out?' Albert politely said.
'Well she's right Miss Swift is,' Edith added above the boy's head. Their mother's everything to them I should hope? Nor you'd never get 'em to believe if you did tell them. Not like you and someone I could mention.'
That's enough,' Kate said violent. 'I've had all I can stomach from…'
'Land's sakes,' Edith called scrambling to her feet, 'will you just look what they're at now all three,' she cried making off at a run down to the ocean.
'Come on,' Kate said, 'give us a kiss when she's not lookin'.'
But he would not, did not even bother to reply. Yet the moment Edith came back he rolled over to ask if she had forgotten she had still to return him that gauntlet glove.
'What glove?' she asked as she sat down once more.
'Why the one you had full of eggs it must be six weeks since.'
'I got one or two things of hers when Mrs T. arrives,' she said.
'How's that Edie?' Kate asked opening her gimlet eyes.
'Oh nothing dear, nothing which is to say that concerns you,' Edith sweetly answered. 'It's only that she will leave things lying idle.'
'Like her ring,' Kate commented shrewd. 'Which was worth more than an old king's ransom I'll be bound.'
'Which ring?' the lad enquired.
'Why Albert I will admit you're chronic,' Edith said. 'You mean to lie there and tell us you never heard of Mrs Tennant's ring that was mislaid.'
'I never heard nothing.'
'No more he would,' Kate announced. "He's simple that's all.'
'Well,' Edith said, 'I made sure you must have. It was only that she's lost another valuable, a ring this time. But I chanced to come upon it the other day.'
'You did?' Kate exclaimed sitting up, 'an' you never told me.'
'Oh I've got it hid away trust little Edith,' Edith announced dully. 'They're never goin' to pin a thing on me they can call stealing by findin'. Once she gets back I'll tell her just where she'll come upon it,' she said.
'An object like that,' was Kate's comment. 'It's hid well away. There's only Miss Moira I've showed to an' she'd never tell. I worship that child,' Edith said.
'There you go again,' Kate exclaimed, 'when she's right under the thumb of Mrs Welch's precious lad. They both are. After what 'e done to that peacock one or two sapphires in a ring would be mincemeat for 'im.'
'So you've seen it,' Edith asked suddenly intense. 'Me?' Kate wanted to be told. 'Not me I never.'
'How do you come to know it was a sapphire ring then?'
'Because I've got eyes in my head, silly. I've seen 'er wear it.'
'Oh if that's all,' Edith pronounced turning away again. 'From the way you talked I thought you must've known.'
'So you 'id the ring away then?' Albert said. 'Well what else could I do, use your sense do. I didn't want to hand that over to Agatha Burch so she could get the credit did I?'
'She'd've told you were the person that came across it.' That's what you think Albert. You talk like one of these Irishmen you're so innocent but then there's more behind what they say than they let on to. If you want to know they're an improvement.'
'Edie,' Kate said in an admiring voice, 'you've changed.'
'Too true I have,' Edith answered, 'but there you are you see. Circumstances alter cases,' she said.
'Over at Clancarty,' Kate began, 'that Captain Davenport strips 'is men naked when their day's work diggin' is done to see they don't take nothing. Paddy says the priest 'as taken the matter up."
'I bet you wishes you was there,' Albert surprisingly remarked.
In reply Kate fetched him a swipe with the back of her hand across his cheek. He scrambled up while she sat on fists clenched, ready to fight and get the better of him. But he walked off and did not say a word. The dejected donkey followed at his heels. Against the everlastingly hurrying ocean with its bright glare from the beginning of the world, he wandered with the donkey drooped to his tracks as if he was a journeying choirboy.
'The sauce,' Kate said.
'E's only a kid,' Edith remarked and lay back along the sand after spreading out 'I love you' for her head. She looked straight up at the sky without wrinkling the skin about her eyes.
'There's times I could go scatty in this old country,' Kate announced calm as though nothing had occurred, 'I could really. Come on let's have one of them talks like we used to. Now what about you for a start? You tell your own girl what it's like to be loved.'
'Kate you are awful.'
'Come on now there's no one to hear with this sea. Your boy friend is in the sulks along of 'is precious donkey. You tell your Kate.'
'Oh him,' Edith said, 'you want to go easy with him. What you let slip when we woke you upset Bert.'
'What d'you mean?'
'Oh I wasn't referring to that name you mentioned.'
'Then what you're gettin' at Edie is my poking fun at you lyin' over 'im to reach me?'
'That's right. You see Kate 'e's touchy. It's calf love.'
'Don't make me laugh,' Kate said scornful. 'Calf love you call that? Why you talk like you was your young lady. We got no time for calf love dear as you call it. We're ordinary workin' folk. 'E'll be going off in a faint next.'
'Just because when I see a mouse caught by its little leg in a wheel and he opens a great mouth at me…'
'Now then,' Kate interrupted, '
'old on. I wasn't gettin' at you. I don't know why we can't be like we used to I'm sure but nowadays we don't seem able ever to do anything but go sarky at one another.'
Edith turned away from her once more. 'O. K. let it pass,' she said.
'But surely you don't intend to permit that lad to go moonin' after you like a drowned duck?'
'Well what d'you want me to do then?' Edith asked her.
'You should've seen 'is face when you was leant over. It was enough to make me bring up my dinner. And you lookin' down into his eyes as though you liked it.'
'If he'd so much as touched me I'd've shown him dear I can tell you,' Edith said. 'I'd've given a lesson he'd remember all his life,' she added.
'Well if you want my advice that's what I'd learn the kid before this day is done.'
'Why,' asked Edith, 'you don't suppose I relish his goin' mushy surely? A child like that? He wants his old mother, that's his trouble. But live an' let live is what I always say.'
'Then don't you keep on about me and you know who,' Kate said.
'O. K. dear. Now let's have a nap,' said Edith.
And in no time both were well away. The children got wet through.
Raunce's Albert crept back followed by the donkey that he could not rid himself of. He sat down by Edith. He never took his eyes off her body.
Edith found out that Agatha had a cup of tea most days with Mrs Welch. So she persuaded Miss Burch to put forward a claim to tea all round after dinner, a privilege not enjoyed by the others since before the war. Everyone was surprised when the cook agreed. But that was not all. Edith feared for Raunce's neck. She said those draughts in the servant's hall might harm him. Now coal was so short it was only a small peat fire she could lay each morning in the butler's room, and she insisted that the grate Raunce had was too narrow for peat. This no doubt could be her excuse to get him to take his cup along with her to one of the living rooms where huge fires were kept stoked all day to condition the old masters.
So it came about next afternoon that Charley and Edith had drawn up deep leather armchairs of purple in the Red Library. A ledge of more purple leather on the fender supported Raunce's heels next his you-and-me in a gold Worcester cup and saucer. Pointed french windows were open onto the lawn about which peacocks stood pat in the dry as though enchanted. A light summer air played in from over massed geraniums, toyed with Edith's curls a trifle. Between the books the walls were covered cool in green silk. But she seemed to have no thought to the draught.
'You ever noticed that little place this side of the East Gate?' he was asking.
'Well I can't say I've looked over it if that's what you're after,' she replied. He hooked a finger into the bandage round his throat as though to ease himself.
'Next time you pass that way you have a look, see.'
'Why Charley?'
'It's empty that's why.'
'It's empty is it?' she echoed dull but with a sharp glance.
'The married butlers used to live there at one time,' he explained. Then he lied. 'Yesterday mornin',' he went on canny, 'Michael stopped me as he came out of the kitchen. You'll never guess what he was onto.'
'Not something for one of his family again?' she enquired.
'That's right,' he said. 'It was only he's goin' to ask Mrs. T. for it when she gets back, that's all. The roof of their pig sty of a hovel 'as gone an' fallen on 'is blessed sister-in-law's head and's crushed a finger of one of their kids.'
'The cheek,' she exclaimed.
'A horrid liar the man is,' Charley commented. 'But it's not the truth that matters. It's what's believed,' he added.
'You think she'll credit such a tale?' Edith wanted to know.
'Now love,' he began then paused. He was dressed in black trousers and a stiff shirt with no jacket, the only colour being in his footman's livery waistcoat of pink and white stripes. He wore no collar on account of his neck. Lying back he squinted into the blushing rose of that huge turf fire as it glowed, his bluer eye azure on which was a crescent rose reflection. 'Love,' he went on toneless, 'what about you an' me getting married? There I've said it.'
'That'll want thinking over Charley,' she replied at once. Her eyes left his face and with what seemed a quadrupling in depth came following his to rest on those rectangles of warmth alive like blood. From this peat light her great eyes became invested with rose incandescence that was soft and soft and soft.
There's none of this love nonsense,' he began again appearing to strain so as not to look at her. 'It's logical dear that's what. You see I thought to get my old mother over out of the bombers.'
'And quite right too,' she answered prompt.
'I'm glad you see it my way,' he took her up. 'Oh honey you don't know what that means.'
'I've always said a wife that can't make a home for her man's mother doesn't merit a place of her own,' she announced gentle.
'Then you don't say no?' he asked glancing her way at last. His white face was shot with green from the lawn.
'I haven't said yes have I?' she countered and looked straight at him, her heart opening about her lips. Seated as she was back to the light he could see only a blinding space for her head framed in dark hair and inhabited by those great eyes on her, fathoms deep.
'No that's right,' he murmured obviously lost.
'I'll need to think over it,' she gently said. Folding hands she returned her gaze into the peat fire.
'She's a good woman,' Raunce began again. 'She worked hard to raise us when dad died. There were six in our family. She had a struggle.'
Edith sat on quiet.
'Now we're scattered all over,' he went on. There's only my sister Bell with the old lady these days. There's her to consider,' he said.
'The one working in the gun factory?' she asked.
'That's right,' he replied. Then he waited.
'Well I don't know as she'd need to come to Ireland,' Edith said at last. 'She's got her job all right? I'd hardly reckon to make the change myself if I was in her position.'
'You have it any way you want,' Raunce explained. 'I thought to just mention her that's all. Mrs Charley Raunce,' he announced in educated accents. There you are eh?' He seemed to be gathering confidence.
She suddenly got up half turned from him.
'I'm not sayin' one way or the other, Charley. Not yet awhile.'
'But it's not no for a start,' he said, also rising.
'No,' she replied. She began to blush. Seeing this he grinned with an absurd look of sweet pain. 'No,' she went on, 'I don't say I couldn't.' And all at once her mood appeared to change. She whirled about and made a dive at the cushion of the chair she had been using.
'What's more I'll wear this old ring for the engagement,' she crowed, 'oh let me it won't only be for a minute.' He approached doltish while she hooked with her finger in the tear. That's funny,' she said. 'Why it can't have,' she murmured. 'But it has," she announced drawing herself up to look him in the face. 'It's gone,' she said.
'What's gone?'
'Mrs Tennant's ring,' she said.
'It can't have,' he objected. 'Give here,' and he took that cushion, ripped the seam open. 'Must've slipped inside that's about the long and short of it,' he said as he worked.
'I don't know about can't have gone,' she said looking intently at him with something in her voice, 'but it's not there that's all.'
He felt round the edges.
'You're right,' he pronounced, 'there's nothing.'
'Yet a ring wouldn't have wings now would it?' she said meaningly.
'Edie,' he said, 'if you think I took that you must consider me worse than the lowest thing which crawls."
'No,' she murmured, 'I don't,' and leant over to give him a light kiss.
'Then you ain't never found nothing, see,' he said putting his arms round her. 'Oh honey…' he began when both heard a car turn towards the Castle over the ha-ha.
'Look sharp,' he brought out as if she had been kissing him. That must be Mrs Tancy,' he said and turned to go. 'Holy smoke,' he added, 'but I can't answer the door dressed as I am.' While Raunce hastened out she went on her knees it might be to make believe she was only in the room to do the fire.
His training probably induced Charley to close the door soft after him and it was not until he had reached his quarters, when he was out of earshot, that he began to yell for Bert. So nobody saw this car drive up but Edith. She noted in it not the lady above referred to but a stranger, a man, a grey homburg hat.
His boy came running in a green baize apron. At that moment the bell rang. The front door,' Raunce said as the indicator chocked, 'I'm wrongly dressed. Put 'er in the Red Library an' don't leave till I come or something might go missing. Not like that,' he almost shouted as Albert made off tied in green, 'let's 'ave that down,' he cried as he twitched at the bow it was knotted with, 'an' where's your jacket?' Raunce got the lad away at last discreetly clad, calling out to him, 'I won't be a minute while I dress.'
So it was Albert received Michael Mathewson at the entrance, who took this man's business card when he asked for Mrs Tennant. The lad held it upsidedown. In consequence he could not read the name or the line in Irish below, underneath which came a translation between brackets which went, 'Irish Regina Assurance.' There was finally a Dublin address in the right-hand corner.
'This way please,' Albert said the way he had been taught. He led the man over the chequered marble floor. Mike Mathewson followed fat and short and bald with blue spats.
'That's to say they're not here,' the boy piped over his shoulder.
'It'th O. K. thon,' Mike lisped.
So it was Albert showed him in where Edith was still on her knees after a proposal of marriage, as if tidying. As Mathewson passed Albert probably remembered twice for he sang out again. 'This way please.'
'Thankth thon,' the man replied. Edith turned away from them and began a fit of giggling.
'Nithe plathe you've got,' he remarked bright in her direction. Albert closed the door gently, stood so it seemed unobserved and ill at ease. He licked a palm of his hand then smarmed his yellow hair.
'The familieth away?' Mr Mathewson enquired picking up the paper-knife with the agate handle.
'Yes sir,' Edith made answer. She looked for a' second time full at him seriously with her raving beauty.
'That'th all right girlie,' he brought out and goggled a trifle. Then he put that paper-knife down. He came near.
'I'll do thomething for you,' he announced soft, 'I'll put you in the. way to make a fool out of Mike. That'th me. There'th my bithneth card he holdth. It'th thith way. We'll maybe have a little bet on thith. I'll wager thixpenth you can never gueth my bithneth.'
On this she rose to her feet, back to the fire. Her eyes were large as she smoothed her dress. He turned round as though to give her time.
'You're in on thith thon,' he called urgent, soft, but the lad made no move.
'It's Mr Raunce you want,' she interrupted.
'That'th all right,' he answered, 'I'm not thelling anything. I gave up thelling when trade got thlack. I'm an enquiry agent,' he brought out sharp, turning to her close.
'What?' she muttered and began to blush.
'Yeth that'th a thurprithe ain't it,' he went on seemingly delighted.
'Now you'd never have guethed ith'nt that right without you'd theen my bithneth card. Mike Mathewthonth the name. Jutht had a tooth out that'th why I thpeak like thith,' he excused then laid a hand genteel across his mouth. He took it away at once to finger the spotted tie. He was now very near indeed. He smelled of acid of violets.
'I come down when they claim a loss,' he brought out sharp, not lisping.
'Oh,' she said faint.
'I reprethent the Inthuranth Company,' he explained again.
At this precise moment out by the dovecote little Albert was with Mrs Jack's little girls. He knelt down while Miss Evelyn and Miss Moira stood dappled by leaf sunshine. The lad himself was shaded by that pierced tower of Pisa inside which a hundred ruby eyes were round.
'You're not ever goin' to bury it Bert?' Miss Evelyn enquired.
'Naw,' he replied picking up half an empty eggshell.
The sisters squatted. Opening his fist he displayed the ring, a small blaze of blue. He scooped it into that eggshell which he then placed with the unbroken end upwards, a pale bell over the jewel, under a tuft of sharp grass.
'You won't leave that out in the open?' Miss Moira asked.
'It's on account of them birds pinch rings,' he answered. 'If Mr Raunce come to find'm then we don't know a thing, the pigeons took'm see.'
'But doves don't steal rings Albert, you mean jackdaws.'
'Don't be so soft,' he said. 'Everyone knows doves will,' he ended.
'You'll lose it,' Miss Evelyn announced wondering.
'Rings don't walk,' he said, 'an' this shell's so them birds won't rout'm out,' he explained. They'd never think to turn an egg that's broken.'
'Well you are clever,' Miss Moira told him and meant it.
'I'm smart don't fear," he said, 'only I didn't ought to let you girls in on this. You'd never keep a secret. So you'll 'ave to take a oath see.'
'An oath?'
'That's right. You're to swear you won't never tell. It'll be special. This is 'ow it goes. While I break a cock's egg over your mouth you say, "My lips is sealed may I drop dead."'
'Cock's eggs?'
'Peacock's softy. I'll fetch me a couple.' As he ran off to that door he had seen Raunce come out of an another occasion he called back as he stumbled with urgency, 'Don't you stir from where you be.' He had picked up countrified expressions when he was evacuated.
'Well it's wicked I know,' Miss Moira said with satisfaction.
'How will you swear so the egg doesn't get in your mouth?' Miss Evelyn asked.
But they waited. In almost no time the lad was back. Then one of the girls objected. She said she wasn't going to stand for having that filthy sticky stuff on her face. The other wanted to know who she considered she was to think she couldn't, when Edith had hundreds of these eggs put away in waterglass against the time she might want them for her skin. And little Albert heard. And then made them both go through with it. They seemed delighted.
Meantime the assessor had been asking questions. Edith did not know so she said. Or she could not tell for certain she was sure. Mike Mathewson was getting nowhere. Albert kept silence. Then Raunce at last arrived, in his dark suit and without the bandage. He came quiet and Mike Mathewson did not hear him. He had to clear his throat to make this man turn round.
'Yes sir?' Charley asked.
'That'th all right my man,' Mike answered. 'Making a few en-quirieth that'th all.'
It might have been Raunce thought Edith looked upset. Not moving from the door he took a line.
'I'm sure Mrs Tennant would not wish for questions asked,' he said.
'Precithely why I wath thent,' Mr Mathewson replied, a green high light following out his nose.
'I'm afraid we can't have this,' Charley said firm. 'Mrs Tennant would never allow it.'
'Is it so?' Mike said grim, not lisping.
'I will have to ask you to leave that's all,' Charley went on and did not call him sir.
'But I have been thent.'
'Who by?'
Then Edith must have forgot herself. She interrupted.
'It's about the ring,' she said in a small voice.
'What ring?' Raunce wanted to know without a sign of any kind.
'Let'th thee,' Mike suggested. 'When Mr Tennant wath alive you uthed to be hith man I take it.'
'No I was not.'
'And you never heard of a ring being gone?' Mike asked in menacing fashion.
'Ow d'you mean?' Raunce enquired in a less educated voice.
'That'th thtrange,' Mathewson said almost genial, 'nobody theemth to know nothing.'
'What's strange about that?' Charley asked and began to squint. 'Come on you tell me. Who might you be for a start?'
'You're the butler?'
'What's that got to do with you? It's you we're talkin' about. Who're you?'
Edith broke in again.
'He's come about the insurance,' she explained and appealed.
'Nobody asked you,' her Charley said sharp but with a soft glance in her direction. 'You don't know nothing,' he added.
'Know nothing?' Mr Mathewson echoed. 'Mark what I'm thaying now. I never inthinuated thith young lady knew anything.' He spoke gently as if to ingratiate.
'In – what?' Charley asked.
'Inferred,' Mike Mathewson explained and now he spoke sharp. 'Don't try and be thmart with me. You'll find it don't work.'
'I wouldn't know what you're referrin' to,' Raunce said a bit daunted.
'The ring,' the assessor replied soft. The thapphire cluthter my company inthured on.'
'Is Mrs Tennant acquainted with you?' Raunce asked.
'She called us in,' the man said very sharp, again without lisping. 'Now is that sufficient?'
'She called you in?' Raunce echoed.
'You do know about the ring then?'
'Know about it? I've 'card Mrs Tennant mislaid one.'
Then why tell me jutht now you never did,' Mike asked him very quiet.
Raunce began to bluster. 'Me?' he cried, 'me tell you that? I never made any such statement and this girl and my lad here's my witnesses. What I very likely said was I didn't know your business an' I say I don't know it now any more than I did at the start. There you are.' He glanced as though for support at Edith. She was gazing at the seat of the armchair. She seemed distracted.
'Will you anthwer a fair quethtion?' Mr Mathewson began again. 'That'th above board ain't it?' he said almost friendly.
'Reply to a question? Well I don't know before you ask me do I?' Raunce replied.
'Then you won't anthwer?'
'I never said that. What are you tryin'? To trap someone?'
'Who mentioned a trap? I'm here to trathe a ring.'
'What's that got to do with me?' Raunce enquired.
'I don't know yet,' Mike replied gentle.
'Well get this then. I don't know nothin' an' I'm not sayin' nothin' without Mrs Tennant gives permission. So now have you got that straight?'
They stared at each other. Edith went down on her knees again. She began to polish the bright steel fire irons with a leather. Catching Charley's eye behind Mike's back she shook her head urgent at him. Albert stood as though transfixed.
'Mithith Tennant thent for me to come over before she got back,' Mr Mathewson began again. This time he appeared to speak to Albert.
'Mrs Tennant's comin' back?' Raunce cried.
'Tho I'm led to underthtand.'
'Then thank God for that,' Raunce said relieved. 'She can clear a whole lot up Mrs Tennant can. But if she don't all I'll say is she can have my notice. Arriving down 'ere to bully the girls, then treatin' me like I was a criminal.'
'Lithten,' Mike began again as if tired. 'A ring'th been mithed. A very valuable thapphire cluthter. My company'th been called on to dithburthe. I've come down to invethtigate. I've driven a hundred mileth. Now do you underthtand?'
'O. K.,' Raunce answered. 'And now you can tell me somethin What's all this to do with me?'
'I'm asking you that's all,' the assessor said with sudden venor Again they stood and stared at one another. Then Raunce Albert spoke.
'I got it,' he confessed.
'You what?' Raunce shouted. Edith jumped to her feet. Raunc swallowed three times and began an, 'I tell you,' when Mike Matl ewson brought him up sharp, fairly hissing.
'I've had about enough d'you hear me? Now then my lad we'i getting placeth. You got it?'
Albert was trembling but he stood his ground.
'Come on then,' Mike continued. 'Nothing to be afraid o Where've you got what?'
The boy was silent in a palsy. There was a sort of lull. Edith wei over and knelt by him, arms by her sides, as though he was vei small and was to tie the scarf over her eyes. Until she turned on th assessor, blushing dark.
'He got an idea he meant an' who may you be to come scarii honest folk that earn a living?' She spoke loud. 'You get off h'ou there's the best place for you. We don't want none of your sort hen frightenin' his wits out of the lad. How should we care about her ol ring? If I was a man I'd show him off the premises,' she said pam ing to Raunce.
'That's an idea,' this man replied. He began to move slowly ove to the assessor who started to say, 'What idea did the young cha have?' Only to break off with a 'now then,' as he moved backwarc to the open french windows away from Charley.
'Plantin' words into people's mouths like it was evidence,' Raunc almost chanted as he advanced. 'When a lad says he got an ide makin' out he got the ring.'
'Well what wath the idea?'
'It's a disgrace that's all,' Charley said, now very close. 'You g‹ on off see?'
'All right I'm on my way,' Mr Mathewson announced. Then h had the last word. 'But get this. We're not paying,' he said and went.
'Wait till 'e's gone,' Raunce warned the others.
And Mike Mathewson drove off quick.
As soon as the car had cleared the ha-ha Raunce rounded on Albert. He was shouting in passion, dead white with a wild squint.
'So you got it,' he yelled, 'you got what? I got it,' he shrieked in falsetto. 'And you can have at that. 'Ere you are then 'and over.' He came at Albert who seemed paralysed. 'Where is it then?' he cried like an epileptic as he shook him. 'Where is it?' Albert's head swung back and forth, his yellow shock of hair flopping. But the lad kept silent.
'That's enough Charley,' Edith said. 'He's never had it.'
'But 'e might 'ave,' Raunce answered desisting. His rages never lasted. '
'E's capable of anything that lad is. Why there was none spoke to 'im. I don't suppose there was one of us in this room remembered 'is presence. An' then what must 'e go an' do. Why bless my soul if 'e doesn't feel the need to sing out 'e's got the miserable object. Holy Moses,' Charley ended, apparently in better humour. 'But that was smart of you love to think that one up. It was you had the idea all right. Now don't start snivellin',' he said to Albert who began to cry in the painful way boys do when they are too old for tears.
'Charley,' she said, 'what did that mean when 'e said his company wouldn't even pay.'
Mr Raunce explained. Albert's sobs grew louder but they paid no attention.
'Then that's awkward Charley. I mean it may come back on Mrs Tennant.'
'Well she's lost so much, girl, I shouldn't wonder if the Insurance Company would never take her on a second time. Once one refuses her I don't suppose she'll get any to insure her jewellery again. That's the way it goes.'
'Yes but look here then that's serious that is Charley.'
'Serious you bet the thing is serious,' he replied. 'But you wait until I get this lad of mine to meself. Just give me two minutes alone with him.'
'Oh him,' she said indifferent, 'don't trouble your mind over him.'
'And why wouldn't I when 'e knows? My God what an afternoon.'
'He never took it,' she told him without so much as a glance at Albert. 'He did what he done for me. He thought that inspector was makin' out I'd had it.'
'He what?'
'He was,' she said. Albert sobbed suddenly unrestrained as though somehow he had come unstoppered. 'You don't understand these things, I do,' she said. Then she bent down. Before Raunce's eyes she kissed the lad's cheek. 'There, thanks kid,' she said. But Albert, not looking, made a move to strike her away without however hitting her.
'Did you see what 'e done then?' Raunce asked low. 'I'll learn 'im.'
'Let him be dearest,' she advised and the boy ran out. Raunce shut the door Albert had left open.
'Well I don't know,' he began, taking her by the shoulders. She looked into his face. 'The dirty tyke,' he said. 'But we got to find it.'
'All right,' she replied, 'an' I'm goin' to start with my Miss Moira. You go off, I'll handle this best alone. And don't you lay hands on that Albert. It's the other I have my suspicions of,' she ended.
When Raunce was gone she went to the window. She called the child.
The little girl came running, stood moist in the sun before Edith.
'Where've you been Miss Moira?' She asked sweet.
'Why out by the dovecote Edith.'
'Look at you then,' Edith scolded gently and squatted down. 'Just see the state you're in. You'll be landin' me in such trouble if you don't take good care when your grandma gets back.'
'Is grandma coming?'
'She is that,' Edith said smiling as she began to clear up the child's glowing face with her own grubby handkerchief.
'Is mummy too?'
'I couldn't say love. Whatever've you been at to get in such a state?'
'I hope mummy doesn't come.'
'Hark at you,' Edith said letting it go.
'I do. 'Cos that Captain Davenport will be over all the time when she does.'
'Hush dear,' Edith said sharp, 'someone'll hear. And you shouldn't mention such a thing even to your own Edith.'
'I don't like him.'
'It's not for us to like or not like. You're too little.'
'Darling Edith why are you looking so excited?'
Edith giggled. 'Am I?' she asked, wiping away at stains on Miss Moira's deep blue skirt.
'You should see yourself.'
'Well I expect I've had a day and a half. But what've you been up to? That's what I want to be told thanks.'
'Edith why are you?'
'Can you keep secrets ducky?' Edith asked in reply.
'A secret oo how lovely,' Miss Moira exclaimed.
'I don't suppose you know how.'
'Oh I promise. Let my lips be sealed,' the child said. May I drop dead she added to herself.
'Well then. Only don't breathe to nobody mind. Your Edith's had a proposal.'
'Oh Edith has Albert at last? And are you going to marry him?'
Edith put the handkerchief away and kissed her.
'There that's better,' she said.
'Do tell,' the child pleaded warm.
'One secret for another,' Edith announced. 'You say what you've been along of.'
'Will you marry him then?'
'Look I've told you my secret. Now you come out with yours. Fair's fair,' Edith said.
'We've been with Albert.'
'That's no secret.'
'It was.'
'What's dark about that then?' Edith wanted to know.
'He's got my grandma's ring. The one she lost.'
'Has he so? And what's he done with it?' Edith enquired casual.
'I don't know,' the little girl lied, on account of dropping dead perhaps.
'Which Albert, yours or mine?' Edith asked soft.
'Mine,' Miss Moira answered. 'Oh I do love him.'
'Are you goin' to be married?'
'Of course.'
'Isn't that lovely,' Edith said. 'But what's he been up to with that ring meantime?' she went on carefully disinterested.
'I don't know, honest I don't,' the child lied once more. And Edith let it go. And the day laden with sunshine, with the noise of bees broke in upon their silence. There was a sharp smell of geraniums.
'Well I must be off now,' Miss Moira said. She ran away stepping high.
'I don't know,' Charley grumbled good natured again at Albert in the pantry as the lad washed his face, 'I don't rightly know what to make of you an' that's a fact. Speakin' out of turn like you did. There's times I ask myself if you'll ever learn.'
'I'm sorry Mr Raunce.'
'That's O. K. my lad,' said Charley unexpectedly mild. To-day of all days I wouldn't wish to have a disagreement with nobody. But you must use your best endeavours. 'Owever hard it may seem to keep mum for 'eaven's sake keep mum. That's your place and in a manner of speakin' it's mine. You've no knowledge of this ring, nor I have, we none of us know. What's more it's no concern of ours. When Mrs T. made a rumpus soon as she first lost it well then it was up to anyone she spoke to to make a search. She's always puttin' things down where she can't find 'em. But after the first upset let sleepin' dogs lie. D'you get me?'
'Yes Mr Raunce.'
'It did your heart credit to speak up when you did, mind. But you'll discover it don't pay to have a heart on most occasions. Anyway not with a man of his stamp. Where did 'e say 'e come from? What's 'is trade card?'
Albert picked up the man's bit of pasteboard and handed it to Charley.
'Not with wet fingers,' Mr Raunce began again. '
'Ow many times do I have to tell you, wipe your hands when you pass anything and clean your teeth before you have to do with a woman. Holy Jesus', he sang out without warning, 'holy Moses,' he corrected himself, 'what's this?'
'What's the matter Mr Raunce?'
'Why the Insurance Company. I knew it all along. See 'ere. "Irish Regfna Assurance." Don't you read that the way I do.'
'No Mr Raunce.'
'Why spell me out those letters. Irish Regina Assurance. I. R. A. boy. So 'e was one of their scouts, must a' been.'
'I. R. A.?'
'Where's my girl?' Raunce asked and dashed out.
A few days passed. Then one morning while they were at their dinner in the servants' hall that telephone began to ring away in the pantry. Albert came back with a message he had written out in block letters.
'Returning Monday, Tennant,' Raunce read aloud into a silence. 'Well thank God for it,' he added, 'and about time if you ask me.'
'I never knew you so keen to start work again,' Agatha remarked malicious.
'That's all right Miss Burch,' he said.
'There's more in this than meets the eye,' she suggested.
'Why I've not said a word,' he began as Edith watched him anxiously and as though disapproving. Then he went on, 'I've not let on about it because I wouldn't have you bothered. We've all of us got our worries with this bombin' over the other side to mention just the one item. So I thought I'll keep it to meself. Your own back's broad enough I said.'
'Thanks I'm sure,' Miss Burch announced, putting a small slice of potato dainty into her mouth. Then she raised a crooked finger as if to scratch under the wig but thought better perhaps for she picked up the fork again.
'There's things occur which you'd never believe,' he went on.
'Now Charley,' Edith said. It was the first time, as Kate's eyes showed, that the girl had called him in public by his Christian name. 'You don't want to bring all that up,' she ended weak.
'Well we're all one family in this place, there's how I see the situation,' he started. Kate began to giggle. But she got no encouragement from Edith. 'We can share,' he continued, still sentimental. 'Now Mrs T. is comin' back she can clear this little matter up. It was something occurred not more than five days ago.'
'No Charley,' Edith interrupted.
'Bless me,' Miss Burch said staring at her, 'if it's known to another it should be known to me I hope.'
'She couldn't help herself,' Raunce put in. 'She was present when 'e called along with my Albert here.'
'Who called?' Miss Burch enquired.
'The I. R. A. man,' Raunce announced as though with an ultimatum.
'Mercy,' Miss Burch exclaimed, 'and are we going to have that old nonsense all over again?'
'Nonsense it may be to you Miss Burch but you'll excuse me, I know different,' he said.
'Then I'd best learn more,' she suggested.
'It was about the ring,' Edith put in.
'That was 'is pretext right enough,' Raunce said, 'that was how he got past Albert here at the door. It was my bandage,' he explained. 'I couldn't answer the bell dressed as I was. So I sent the lad. If it had been me opened the door to him then with my experience I'd've told within a second, like in the twinklin' of an eye,' he said serious.
'Mrs Tennant's ring she mislaid?' Agatha enquired.
'That was no more than the way he chose to put it,' Charley began again when Miss Burch surprisingly broke out as follows.
'Then they'll needs must dig the drains up,' she cried in what seemed to be great agitation, 'I've said so all along now haven't I?'
'Come, come,' Raunce said, 'there's no call to take things that far,' he said and frowned. 'She's always mislayin' possessions.'
Paddy spoke.
'What's 'e say?' Raunce asked.
'He says that weren't no I. R. A. man if 'e came to the front door,' translated Kate. They only use the back entrance those gentry he reckons.'
'Hark at 'im,' Raunce announced.
'Well how d'you know he's mistaken?' Kate wanted to be told.
'Now then,' Raunce said to her. 'We don't want none o' your backchat my gel thank you.'
'You leave my girls out of it,' Miss Burch ordered but in a weak voice as though about to faint.
'I told you,' Edith said to her Charley.
'I don't know,' Charley said, 'there's times I can't fathom any one of you an' that's a fact. What is all this?'
'What is all this?' Miss Burch echoed in a shrill voice. 'You ask me that? When you're telling us we've had a I. R. A. man actually call at the Castle?'
'But I thought you were on about the drains.'
'Oh you men,' Miss Burch replied faint once more, 'you will never understand even the simplest thing.'
'It was only an insurance inspector came about the ring,' Edith explained. 'I don't know where Mr Raunce got it he was from the I-R. A. I'm sure,' she said.
'You mean he said that ring was stolen?' Miss Burch cried, plainly beside herself again.
'Not on your life,' Charley took her up. 'You ladies will always jump at conclusions.'
'Well what was he here for then?' Miss Burch enquired.
'Why to see 'ow much his Insurance Company could do about it,' Raunce replied. But Miss Burch, who seemed really agitated, was not having any.
'You said just now he was an I. R. A. man,' she objected quavering.
'Well maybe he was both,' Raunce said. They've got to live like everyone else when all's said and done.'
'And we never had the drains up,' Miss Burch wailed. 'Oh dear. Now Mrs Tennant's coming back when it will be too late. Only the other day Mrs Welch was tellin' me they should be dug on account of the children. She's nervous for her Albert.'
'The drains?' Edith asked.
'The drains?' Charley echoed. 'You'll pardon me but you don't dig drains again.'
'Well clean them out then, do whatever you do with the things,' Miss Burch answered a trifle sharper. They're unhealthy as they are now if they aren't worse.'
'We're livin' under a shadow these days,' Raunce announced, 'that's the way it is with all of us. There's matters you mightn't take account of in normal times get you down now.'
Kate began to giggle cautious and looked for support to Edith. Edith however appeared grave. So did Albert who was watching her. Then Edith said to Raunce, 'I don't know, I can't seem to take any account of it,' she said.
'Oh you're young,' Miss Burch told her.
'She's gone and hit the nail right on the head Miss Burch has,' Raunce announced agitated in his turn. 'An I. R. A. man now. An inspector from the Insurance Company. Then the drains an' all on top of all tlv. s bombing not to mention the invasion with Jerry set to cross over with drawn swords, it's plenty to get anyone down.'
At this point Albert spoke. His face was dead white.
'Well I'm crossing over the other side to enlist,' he said.
'What?' Edith sighed.
'Oh?' Raunce shouted. 'Enlist? You at your age? Enlist in what will you oblige me?'
'I'm goin' to be a air gunner,' the lad said.
'An air gunner eh?' Raunce chortled but you could tell he was distracted. 'But you aren't of an age boy. Besides that's the most dangerous of all bloody jobs boy. You'll be killed.'
Edith and Kate had gone pale. Miss Burch's eyes filled with tears. They all stared at Albert except Paddy who went on with his food. Edith said, 'But what about your mum Bert?'
'Sis'11 look after her and I'll be home while I'm waiting till I'm old enough. I wish to get me out of here, then go an' fight,' he said. Miss Burch burst into tears.
'Why you poor dear,' Edith murmured going round the table to her.
'Now look what you done,' Raunce said.
'I'm sorry Mr Raunce I never intended…' the lad mumbled.
'You've no thought for others that's the trouble,' Raunce complained his eyes anxious on Agatha, 'speaking up like you did, sayin' this that and the other. But there it's your age.'
'You let me fetch you a nice cup of tea,' Edith was telling Miss Burch who sat bowed with her face in her hands. 'Oh dear oh dear,' Agatha moaned.
'Gawd strewth look what you done,' Raunce said once more at which Albert got to his feet, moved over to the door. He stood for a moment before he went out.
'I'm sorry Miss Burch I'm sure. I'm goin' to be a air gunner,' he said white, as though defiant.
When the door was shut Miss Burch looked up between her fingers.
'How old would he be?' she asked.
'My Albert?' Raunce replied. 'Not above sixteen I'll be bound.'
'He's eighteen,' Edith said.
'Eighteen?' Raunce cried. 'Why you've only to look at 'im. No girl, I've got it somewhere in my desk, the letter 'e come with I mean, he can't be a day more than I just said.'
'He's eighteen. That was his birthday the other week,' Edith insisted calmly.
'Oh this war,' Miss Burch wailed, then hid her face again.
'You run and carry her a cup of tea,' Edith asked Kate.
'All right I'll go,' the girl replied unwilling.
But Miss Burch would not stay. She said she had best lie down for a spell. So Edith slipped out to the kitchen to ask Kate to fetch that cup to Agatha's room. When she got back in the hall she found Raunce seated on his own there. Paddy had probably gone back to his peacocks. So she sat down alongside him although this must have seemed rather noticeable, seeing that it was nearly time to start work.
Charley barely glanced at her. 'Eighteen?' he muttered. 'Is he that much? I could've sworn he was two year younger.'
'Well dear,' she said, 'you did put your foot right in it.'
'In what way?' he asked.
I'll say you opened your mouth. That ring's not found yet even if I do fancy I know who's got it.'
'It's you honey,' he explained. 'I was worried over you. Then when I received the wire I thought to myself now everything will come right once Mrs T. gets back. It seemed to loose my tongue,' he said.
'Something loosed it dear. But there's nothing gained by speakin' of that ring until we hold it safe.'
'You never took the ring,' he said reaching over for her hand. 'You found a valuable yes but you put that back right where you came across it. And what else could you do? Tell me? You've no lock up. Of course there's the strongroom back in my quarters. But we can't have that shut all day and the things which are kept in it might as well be laid out on the drive for all the safety they're in of a daytime in this barracks of a hole. So you couldn't count on the old strongroom. Then what did you do? You put it back where for all you could speak to Mrs Tennant had hid the thing in security. In the finish someone or other pinched it from there. That's all.'
'What's on your mind then Charley?'
'Nothing,' he answered not looking at her.
'Oh yes there is. I can tell,' she returned. 'Besides you said just now you was worried over me.'
'Oh honey,' he broke out sudden, 'I do love you so.'
'Of course,' she replied bright.
'Give us a kiss dear please.'
'What here?' she asked. 'Where someone will come in any minute?'
'I didn't realize I could love anyone the way I love you. I thought I'd lived too long.'
'You thought you'd lived too long?' and she laughed in her throat.
'I can't property see myself these days,' Raunce went on looking sideways past her at the red eye of a deer's stuffed head. 'Why I'm altogether changed,' he said. 'But look love, no man's younger than his age. There's more'n twenty years between us.'
'I like a man that's a man and not a lad,' she murmured.
'Yes but the years fly fast,' he answered. To think of Albert old enough to enlist.'
'He's upset you your lad has isn't that right?'
'Yes Edie,' Raunce said wondering. 'It did give me a turn I must confess.'
'Why?' she asked grim.
'Well it looks like we're out of it over in Eire as we are or whatever they call this country of savages. D'you get me? I can't seem able to express myself but there you are. Away from it somehow.'
'That's what we want to be surely?'
'Yes dear.'
'I mean you're too old. They'd never take you could they?'
'They'd never take me over here. Not if de Valera keeps 'em out.'
'Well we're not crossin' over to the other side are we?' She looked sharp at him. He seemed dreamy.
'No,' he answered, 'we're not. Not so long as we can find that ring,' he said. 'And keep the house from bein' burned down over our heads. Or Mrs Jack from running off with the Captain so Mrs Tennant goes over for good to England.'
'Why Charley,' she objected soft, 'there's other places.'
'Not without we find that ring,' he said.
'But I thought you was bringing your mother across,' she said and seemed bitter. She was about to go on when Kate stuck her head in at the door.
'Ho,' this girl announced, 'so you're still 'ere. An' what about the work?" she asked Edith. T'm not carryin' on alone let me tell you.'
'I won't be a minute,' Edith answered.
'I know your minutes. I've 'ad some,' Kate remarked.
'And there's the children,' Edith said remembering. They'll want their walk.'
'Then I fancy I'll lay me down on my bed. I feel faint,' Kate suggested in Agatha's voice.
'What?' Raunce asked as though confused. 'And with Mrs Ten-nant returning the day after to-morrow?'
'Oh go drown yourself,' Kate said and slammed the door.
'Holy smoke look what we're coming to,' Raunce muttered under his breath.
But Edith laughed. 'Come on slow coach,' she invited giving him a light kiss on his forehead as she got up. 'Here wait a tick,' he cried as if waking. 'Come to father beautiful,' he called. Only by the time he was on his feet she was gone.
He began to clear away the dinner things for his lad Albert. He surprised himself doing it.
When later that afternoon Edith came into Raunce's room to find him unconscious with his feet on the other chair, he awoke with a start. 'Why me love here I am,' he remarked as if to say you see I don't come out of a good sleep bad-tempered.
'It's me that's worried now all right,' she announced.
'How's that?' he asked.
'They won't tell where they've hid the ring.'
He was wide awake at once.
'You're certain they've got it?'
'I know that for sure,' she answered, 'Miss Moira wouldn't lie to me.'
'You give me just five minutes alone with young Albert.'
'No dear,' she said, 'we don't want more trouble with Mrs Welch.'
'Just five minutes. That's all I need.'
'It won't do dear. If only I had more time. But she'll be back Monday.'
'Mrs Tennant you mean?' he asked. 'Well all I can say is if 'er own grandchildren have took it the little thieves I don't see what she can say to us.'
'Then what were you on about when you came out at dinnertime that if we couldn't discover the ring we'd never get another place in Ireland?'
'Did I say that?'
'You did dear,' she told him. 'An' you went on that they'd clap you in the Army soon as ever you stepped off the boat over in Britain.'
'Look,' he said, 'don't you worry your head. We'll think of a way. Of course it would be best if we found where they've 'id it particularly after the visit we've been paid. That's what I must've intended. It has made things more awkward that man turning up. And then Albert sayin' what 'e did. And now he wants to go and be killed just to get his own back for speaking out of turn I shouldn't wonder.'
'No Charley you don't understand.'
'I don't. That's a fact. I never will I shouldn't be surprised. But I'll say this. You'll live to regret having a kid like that fallen in love over you.'
'He's not,' she lied, it may have been to protect the lad.
'And they say nothing gets past a woman,' Raunce said heavy. 'Why it stands out a mile he is.'
'You're imaginin' Charley,' she said soft.
'Imagining my eye,' he replied. 'But if 'e just wanted to fight for the old country I could agree with the lad.'
She sat up.
'You mean to say you're even considerin' such a step?' she asked.
He answered in a low voice. 'I'm bewitched and bewildered I am really,' he said. 'I don't know what I'm after.'
'Thanks I'm sure,' was her bitter comment.
'Here wait a minute, not so fast,' he exclaimed and leaning forward he got hold of one of her hands on the arm of the other chair. 'Don't get me wrong,' he said. That's dam all to do with you an' me.'
'And your old mother you were so keen to get over?' Edith wanted to know.
'Oh her,' Raunce answered.
There was a miserable pause. Then Edith began again, 'Then what did you intend a week or two back when you made out our place was where we are now and Miss Burch said that about blocking the roads? The time Paddy got the wrong side of you?'
'I expect I had in mind what they told us in the newspapers about stayin' put where you happen to be in an invasion.'
'You don't sound very sure,' she said.
'It's Albert,' he explained. 'My Albert to want to do a thing like that. Why it's almost as if 'e was me own son.'
'I wish he could hear you now after the way you bawl him out.'
'Me?' Raunce said, 'Why I just give him the rough side of my tongue on occasion so that he'll learn a trade,' he said. 'Here give us a kiss,' he added smiling at last.
This time she actually got up in haste and did no less than sit on his knee.
'You don't love me,' she murmured. When he kissed her she kissed him back with such passion, all of her hard as a board, that he flopped back flabbergasted, having caught a glimpse of what was in her waiting for him.
When the other Albert came to the kitchen for his tea that same afternoon he found Mrs Welch asleep with her head on the massive table. Labouring she lifted heavy bloodshot eyes in his direction.
'Well?' she asked.
'I been out,' he answered sly.
'Out where?'
'We was round the back,' he said.
'And who's we?' she wanted to know as she scratched a vast soft thigh. She gave a wide yawn.
'The young leddies,' he replied. He passed a hand over his forehead as if he could tidy his hair with that one gesture and came to sit quiet opposite auntie.
'Not with that Edith?' she enquired sharp.
'Oh no'm.'
'You're positive?' and Mrs Welch leant across. 'For you know what I told you?'
'What was that then?'
'That I weren't to have nothing more to do with 'er ever,' the boy repeated.
'That's right,' Mrs Welch rejoined. She leant back again and left her arms straight out from her bosom resting on closed fists upon the kitchen table. Her dark hair straggled across her face. 'You wouldn't lie to me?' she asked.
'Oh no'm.'
'Because I daren't abandon this kitchen day or night, not till I go to me bed when day is done that is and then I double lock the door. On guard I am,' she announced in a loud voice. 'Because that Edith's no more'n a thief I tell you an' my girls are hand in glove with 'er, I don't need to be told.' She came to a stop and although glaring at him she seemed rather at a loss.
'Yes'm,' he said respectful.
'An' they're in league with the tradesmen, the I. R. A. merchants, the whole lot are,' she went on a bit wild. 'You mark my words,' she finished and closed anguished eyes.
There was a pause. Then he asked a question with such a glance of malice as must have frightened her if she had caught it.
'What's a I. R. A. man auntie?' he enquired.
'Thieves and murderers,' she said half under her breath as though her thoughts were elsewhere.
'Blimey,' he said. If she had looked she would have seen he mocked.
'Makin' out she's too good to have anything to do with us,' Mrs Welch began again. She opened her eyes. 'Sayin' she won't take you along of Miss Moira and Miss Evelyn.' Mrs Welch heaved herself back to the table, propping her head on the palms of her hands. 'The lousy bitch,' she said soft, 'runnin' in double 'arness with that Raunce into the bargain. Oh,' she suddenly yelled, 'if I catch you I'll tan the 'ide right off of you d'you understand?'
Out in the scullery Jane and Mary nodded at one another, at the rise and fall of this thick voice.
'Tan the 'ide off me what for?' the lad asked.
'What for you bastard imp?' she shouted and lumbering while still on her seat she made a slow grab which he easily dodged.
'I ain't done nothing,' he pretended to whine.
'Ah they're in a society with them tradesmen,' she cried out. 'Don't I know it. Why only the other day Jane was got be'ind the monument by one. I made out I never noticed when she told me,' Mrs Welch explained lowering her voice, 'but I marked it well. And I shan't forget,' she added although she seemed short of breath, 'I weren't born yesterday,' she said.
'Can I 'ave my tea'm?' he requested.
'Can you 'ave your tea?' she replied with scorn and made no move. 'Yes,' she went on dark, 'I've watched their thievin'. Raunce an' that Edith. Not to mention Kate with what she gets up to… As I've witnessed times without number from me larder windows. So don't you never 'ave nothin' to do with any one of 'em see. 'Ave you got that straight?' she asked hoarse, glaring right through him. Without waiting for an answer she called out, 'Jane, Master Albert's tea.' She was perfectly serious.
'And may your ladyship's heart be asy on her to get back to the Castle,' Michael said from the driver's seat as obviously excited, grinning in his idiot way, he at once drove off to the stables leaving Mrs Tennant dumped down in front of her own front door surrounded by the luggage.
'Michael,' she called after him to a wisp of blue smoke.
Then she reached for the latch which was a bullock's horn bound in bronze. But these great portals were barred. She gave the ordinary bell a vicious jab.
'What's this Arthur I mean Raunce?' she asked when Charley opened.
'I am very sorry I'm sure Madam. I had no idea the boat would be punctual. I was just putting on my coat to come to look out for you Madam.'
'But why the locked door?' she asked as she entered.
'We had an unwelcome visitor Madam,' he replied, a suitcase already in each hand.
'What do you mean Raunce? Really do try and talk sense. Such a trying journey which it always is now one can't fly and then this.' Charley's Albert came hurrying for the other bags. Mrs Tennant seemed to watch the lad. Raunce had his eye cautious on her.
'Is nobody even going to say good afternoon to me then?' she enquired without warning. 'Raunce I'm sure you don't mean to be unfriendly but when one comes home one does expect a little something. Eldon when he was alive always had a word of welcome.'
'Well all I can say is Madam thank God you are back,' Raunce burst out.
'I suppose that means you've all been at each other's throats again? Very well put those bags of mine down and tell me about it. I might have known,' she added as she went into the Red Library. He followed after.
She sat down where he had rested his heels a day or so before She took off her gloves.
'Have you had much rain here?' she enquired.
'Hardly any at all Madam.'
'I do hope the wells don't run dry then. Now Raunce what is all this?'
'Well Madam we had an unwelcome visitor on the Saturday.' There he stopped short although she could tell from his manner that he had thoroughly prepared what he meant to say.
'So you said a minute ago,' was Mrs Tennant's comment.
'It was about your ring Madam,' he went on taking his time. He gazed at her as though hypnotized.
'Good heavens had he found it?"
'No Madam. To tell you the truth he came to enquire if we had come across the ring.'
'Well has anyone?'
'No Madam, we haven't and that's a fact.'
'It is a shame. It was rather a beautiful one too,' she said. 'And d'you know Raunce I've never had a word of sympathy from any of you? Just a single word would have made all the difference.'
'I'm very sorry Madam. We were all very disturbed when you lost the ring I'm sure.'
'Very well then. Now what has made you so thankful that I'm back?'
'It was not very pleasant Madam. Indeed this individual seemed to take the attitude one of us might have had the ring.'
'You can go now Albert,' Mrs Tennant sang out to the lad through the open door. This doesn't concern you. Just take my bags up for Agatha to unpack do you mind?'
'I regret to inform you Miss Burch is indisposed Madam. And Miss Swift is no better I'm sorry to add,' Raunce told her.
'What's the matter with Agatha then?'
'I couldn't say I'm sure but I don't think she has anything serious Madam.'
'All right then. I don't want to be difficult. I'll unpack for myself. Now you surely aren't going to tell me that an insurance inspector calling to make the usual enquiries has set the household at sixes and sevens?'
'Well this was not exactly a pleasant experience Madam. More like the third degree Madam. And it seemed to throw my boy Albert right off his balance, Madam.'
'Raunce may I say something?'
'Yes Madam.'
'Don't Madam me quite as much as you do. Put in one now and again for politeness but repeating a thing over and over rather seems to take awny from the value,' and she gave him a sweet smile really.
'Very good Madam.'
'Well go on.'
'It seemed as I say to put my lad right off his balance. I was astounded Madam there is no other word. The first thing anyone knew while this individual was making his enquiries was that Albert said he had it.'
'Had what?'
'Well I suppose the ring Madam.'
'Albert has it?' Mrs Tennant echoed brightly. 'Why on earth doesn't he hand over then?'
'Oh no Madam I'm sure he's never even seen the ring. It was only he completely lost his head Madam.'
'Stuff and nonsense Raunce if the boy said he had it and you heard him, very well then he's had it and he's a miserable little thief isn't he?'
'I do assure you Madam Albert could never do such a thing.'
'But you told me yourself he'd said he had it. You heard him.'
'That was the inspector from the insurance people.'
'All right then what on earth did the insurance man say to make Albert go out of his mind? Because this is what you're asking me to believe isn't it, that Albert's had a breakdown or what?'
Raunce answered with what appeared to be reluctance.
'He said the company would not meet the claim I'm sorry to tell Madam.'
'Not meet the claim? Really Raunce this is too detestable. Are you sure?'
'Yes Madam.'
'It's not the money I'm worried about, the thing had memories for me that money couldn't buy. No what I'm thinking is that I shan't get any insurance company to insure me if we don't get this cleared up. Oh how aggravating you all of you are. Why the whole thing's distasteful. Here am I have got to suffer because you can't control your pantry boy. You do see that don't you Raunce? Then tell me this. What on earth would you advise me to do now?'
'Well Madam if I may say so Albert is a good lad. In fact I can't believe he can know the least thing. If you would give me another few days Madam I'm positive I can sift to the bottom of it for you.'
However Mrs Tennant decided that she must see Albert for herself- As Raunce went to fetch the lad she called him back.
'But what are you thanking God for that I'm here if things are in the state they're in?' she asked.
'It's the uncertainty,' he replied straight out and went.
Mrs Tennant did not have a satisfactory little talk with Bert. He readily explained that he had told the assessor he'd got it but he would not admit to her that he had the ring. He just stood there upright and yellow, refusing to answer most of the time. She told him it was despicable to take refuge in silence but this had no effect, any more than it did when she meaningly said she would have to think it over. Indeed he chose that moment to say he wished to give in his notice.
'I won't accept it,' she said at once.
He could not have thought of this for his jaw dropped in a ludicrous look of surprise.
'It wouldn't be fair to you Albert, not with this hanging over you.'
'I want to be a air gunner'm,' he blurted out.
'Stuff and nonsense. Speak to Raunce and ask him to get some sense into you. I'm very displeased. I'm very displeased indeed and I shall have to consider what I'm going to do. Run along at once. You've stolen a ring and now you want to be a hero. Yes that's all. Run along.'
He did not cry as he went to the servants' hall, he shook with rage. He was repeating to himself 'I won't ever speak to one of 'em in this bloody 'ouse not ever again.'
Meantime Raunce had hurried back to his room where Edith was waiting. 'Any sign yet?' he asked urgent. She shook her head. She was biting her nails.
'Why don't you change your mind an' let me 'ave a go at that precious lad?' he appealed. 'Honest Edie dear we've no time. Mrs T.'s just sent for my Albert. There's no tellin' what 'e'll say. He's just a bundle of nerves that kid. Because if we don't find the ring this afternoon we'll be in a proper pickle.'
'I tell you you'll never get anything out of them children by fright. I understand them and you don't.'
'That's all fine and dandy,' Raunce answered, 'but there's nothing come of your method these last two days and now I warn you it's desperate dear,' he appealed. 'Lord but I do wish you'd never found the object.'
'What lies on your mind so Charley?' she asked. 'You're that nervous you've got me upset. You tell me this then you tell me the other till I'm all confused.'
'Look this is the way I see the situation,' he explained. 'I must've been crazy not to tumble it in the first place. The minute Mrs Welch's Albert goes to cash in on that ring an' they ask the kid where he got a valuable like it, all 'e'll say is that 'e found what you'd hid away. He'll drag you in see?'
'But listen,' she objected, 'the young ladies'd never allow him.'
'Allow him?' Raunce echoed intense, 'but how could they prevent it? There's one thing about evacuees,' he said. 'No matter what the homes are they've come from they're like fiends straight up from hell honey after they've been a month or more down in the country districts. And comin' as 'e does from that woman's sister before 'e even left London, – well what else can you expect? There's only one language those little merchants understand an' that's a kind of morse spelt out with a belt on their backsides.'
'No Charley,' she appealed looking up at him round-eyed from where she sat in his chair, 'you leave me my own way till nightfall at any rate. Because I know Miss Evelyn and Miss Moira like I've read them in a book. If they get frighted then there's nothing in this world will make them say a word.' Came a knock on the door. 'This is it.' And Miss Moira entered.
'Oh hullo Mr Raunce,' the child said, standing as though uncertain.
'Hullo Miss Moira,' he said very loud.
'Are you come about our secret?' Edith asked. The little girl nodded. 'Then you can tell in front of Mr Raunce, he's in it along with us,' she explained. But Miss Moira stood hands behind her back, shifting from one foot to the other, and looked from Raunce to Edith then back again.
'Tell Edith,' the maid gently persuaded.
'I got it,' Miss Moira piped at last.
'You got what darlin'?' Edith asked through Raunce's heavy breathing.
'Why your wedding present of course,' the child replied. 'Just what you said you wanted. But from me, not from Evelyn or Albert. It's my special present,' she explained.
'Oh isn't that kind,' Edith exclaimed softly. 'When can I see it?'
'Here,' the child said. And she whipped out another of Mrs Ten-nant's rings heavy with uncut rubies worth perhaps two hundred pounds.
'Christ,' Raunce muttered half under his breath. Edith let the thing drop through her fingers and began to cry. Her crying was genuine, even became noisy.
'Now Miss Moira if I was you I'd run along,' Raunce began, stepping awkwardly up to Edith. But Edith clutched his arm in such a grip he took it for a warning. Then she held her arms out blind to the child who ran into them.
'Why darling Edith don't cry,' she said, 'darling don't, darling.'
'It's Albert,' Edith wailed, 'Albert and me'd set our hearts on the blue one.'
'Then why ever didn't you say?' Miss Moira asked with her lips at Edith's ear. 'I won't be a minute.'
'You'll take this one back,' Edith said beginning to recover. 'You won't let your grandma know it's been missed.'
Miss Moira grabbed the ruby ring. 'Of course not,' she said.
'She's about this minute, Miss Moira. You'll never let her catch sight of you?' Raunce asked. Edith clutched his arm again so that he kept silent.
'You do fuss so,' the child pouted. 'Goodbye for now.'
'And you'll let me have my blue one?' Edith begged. 'We've made our minds up to have that, honest we have dear.'
'Don't be so terribly impatient,' Miss Moira replied reproving. 'I told you I won't be a minute. And it's a great lot to do for anyone even if it is a wedding present,' she added as though bitter, and then was gone.
'Oh my Christ,' Raunce uttered, 'did you ever know the like?'
'Hush dear don't swear everything'll come right in a jiffy,' Edith answered as she began to dry her face. 'But where did the child come across those rubies?'
'Where else but in Mrs T.'s room,' Raunce answered gloomy. 'Even when she goes over to London they lie there open in a drawer. Will that child bring the blue one d'you suppose?'
'It's all right now don't worry,' Edith said.
'I hope,' he said. 'An' so that's what you told Miss Moira,' he went on. 'You're deep you are. Which Albert is it you're goin' to be wife to? Mine or Mrs Welch's?'
'Don't be silly it was yours I told her of course.'
'I don't get that,' he pointed out. 'I mean I don't see the reason.'
'I had to so she could understand. I've been obliged to do a lot I didn't like.'
'Women are deep,' he said. He bent down and kissed her. She put her arms slack about his neck. She did not kiss him. He straightened up.
'And now where are we?' he asked beginning to pace up and down. 'Before we're much older we'll be caught with all her bloody jewellery in this room red 'anded.'
'Be quiet,' Edith said. 'Ring or no ring I don't aim for Mrs Ten-nant to find me if she thought to come through this way to the kitchen. But it'll be all right now you'll see. Miss Moira'll fetch the right ring this time. I worship that child,' she added. Raunce halted when he heard this. He looked at her almost in alarm.
After she had done with Charley's Albert Mrs Tennant went straight upstairs, took off her hat, washed her hands, murmured to herself 'better get it over,' came down again and went to the kitchen by a way which did not lead through the pantry.
The cook lumbered to her feet on Mrs Tennant's entry.
'Well mum I do 'ope you had a enjoyable visit and that the young gentleman was in good health as well as in good spirits in spite of this terrible war,' Mrs Welch said.
'You are a dear, Mrs Welch,' Mrs T. replied. 'D'you know you're the first person has greeted me since I got back as though they had ever seen me before, not counting Michael. I don't count him. You can't believe these Irishmen can you?'
Mrs Welch let out a deep, cavernous chuckle. She behaved like an established favourite.
'Gawd save us from 'em, they're foreigners after all,' she announced. 'What's more I won't allow my girls to have nothing to do with 'em,' she announced, beginning to grow mysterious.
'I'm sure you're right,' Mrs Tennant agreed brightly.
'Now it's strange your mentioning that mum but I had an example only the other day,' Mrs Welch went on fast. 'I happened to be stood by the larder windows when I 'ad a terrible stench of drains very sudden. Quite took my breath away. Just like those Irish I said to myself as I stood there, never to clean a thing out.'
'You don't imagine…?' Mrs Tennant began to ask. She sat down on a kitchen chair.
'A terrible stench of drains,' Mrs Welch repeated. 'And me that had thought we were goin' to have them all up while you was away with Mrs Jack.'
'The drains?' Mrs Tennant echoed.
'That's what was said,' Mrs Welch insisted.
'Who said? I never gave orders.'
'No mum I'd be the last to say you did seein' you knew nothing. Only when that lovely cluster ring you had was lost, an' what a terrible thing to 'appen, there was one or two did mention that takin'
'em up was the only thing.'
'Down the drain?' Mrs Tennant cried. 'How fantastic.'
'Ah I could've told them they'd never get away with that,' Mrs Welch rejoined as though triumphant. Tantastic's the word beggin' your pardon. Down the plumbin' indeed when it was all the time right where I'll be bound it is this moment if it's not already been come upon.'
'No,' Mrs Tennant said guarded, 'there's no trace.'
'Ah there you are,' Mrs Welch replied profound.
'Now Mrs Welch I don't think we shall get anywhere like this,' Mrs Tennant gently expostulated.
'Just as you please mum,' the cook answered calm. 'And what would you fancy for your luncheon?'
'That is to say what I really came for was to ask your advice,' Mrs Tennant countered, looking again to make sure the kitchen door was shut.
'I shouldn't think twice about the stench of drains,' Mrs Welch put in, 'that was likely nothin' really. Probably the way the wind lay or something.'
'I haven't had you with me all these years without getting to know when I'm to take you seriously,' Mrs Tennant replied. 'No it's about Albert.'
'Albert?' Mrs Welch echoed with a set look on her face. "Ave they been on to you about Albert?'
'Well you know he's admitted it.'
'Admitted what I'd like to be told?' cried Mrs Welch.
'Why he did to me only a quarter of an hour ago.'
'What about?' Mrs Welch asked grim.
'Well what we've been discussing, my sapphire cluster ring,' Mrs Tennant answered.
'Your lovely sapphire cluster,' Mrs Welch echoed anguished. 'Why the lyin' lot of… no I won't say it, that would be too good for 'em.'
'D'you think the others have had a part in this then?'
'I don't think. I know mum,' Mrs Welch announced.
'But they would hardly have told him what to say to incriminate himself?'
'Criminal?' Mrs Welch replied, her voice rising. That's just it mum. For this is what those two are, that Raunce and his Edith. I don't say nothin' about their being lain all day in each other's arms, and the best part of the night too very likely though I can't speak to the night time, I must take my rest on guard and watch as I am while it's light outside, lain right in each other's arms,' she resumed, 'the almighty lovers they make out they are but no more than fornicators when all's said and done if you'll excuse the expression, where was I? Yes. "Love" this an' "dear" that, so they go on day and night yet they're no better than a pair of thieves mum, mis-appropriatin' your goods behind your back.'
'Mrs Welch,' Mrs T. protested rising to her feet with a deep look of distaste. 'I won't listen,' she was going on but the cook interrupted.
'I'm sorry mum but you must allow me my say. There's been insinuations made and it's only right I should have the privilege to cast 'em back in the teeth of those that's made it. They're like a pair of squirrels before the winter layin' in a store with your property mum against their marriage if they ever find a parson to be joined in matrimony which I take leave to doubt. And it's not your ring alone. Did you ever look to the cellar mum? Why you hadn't been gone over into England more than a few hours when I chanced to look into that jar where I keep my waterglass. I was just goin' over my stores as I do regular every so often. Believe it or not there was above a quart gone. So I made my enquiry. You'll never credit this'm. It seems that Edith has been makin' away with the peacock's eggs to store them. There you are. But that's child's play. Listen to this.'
'Peacock's eggs? Whatever for?'
'Because they're starvin' over the other side the ordinary common people are begging your pardon mum.'
'Really Mrs Welch,' Mrs Tennant began again peremptory.
'I'm sorry I'm sure,' the cook insisted, 'but a few dozen eggs and a gallon or two of that stuff is child's play. Take the dead peacock. Stuffed 'im in my larder Raunce did all a'crawlin' with maggots over the lovely bit of meat I'd got for their supper. And what for you'll ask? As well you might. Ah you'd never believe their wickedness. It's to set that I. R. A, man Conor against me, that devil everyone's afeared for their life of in this place. And they're in it the two of them over your corn that's fed to the birds, Raunce an' that mad Irishman is. Like it was over the gravel between Raunce again an' Michael. The diabolical plunderers,' she said and paused to take breath, her face a dark purple.
'I'm not going to listen. I shall leave you till you're in a fit state…' Mrs Tennant insisted wearily but Mrs Welch cut her short by shambling forward between her mistress and the door.
'Yet when they grow bold to come forward with their lying tales,' she went on, and grew hoarse, 'when they say cruel lies about the innocent, their fingers winkin' with your rings once your back is turned, then the honest shan't stay silent. If I should let myself dwell on what they told you, that my Albert, my sister's own son, so much as set eyes on that ring of yours or anything which belongs to you an' you don't know how to look after, then that's slander and libel, that there is, which is punishable by law.'
'All this is too absurd,' Mrs Tennant said cold. 'What's more I shouldn't be a bit surprised if you hadn't been drinking. I've wondered now for some time. In any case it never was a question of your Albert but of the pantry boy.'
'Gin?' Mrs Welch cried, 'I've not come upon any yet in this benighted island and you'll excuse me mum but I know who was intended, which Albert…'
'Now then,' Mrs Tennant cut her short in a voice that carried. Jane and Mary went crimson outside, began to giggle. 'Out of my way.' Mrs Welch leant back against the dresser. Her face was congested. She was in difficulty with her breathing.
'An' my pots and pans,' she began once more but this time in a mutter.
'We won't say any more about this,' Mrs Tennant went on, 'but if I ever find you like it another time you'll go on the next boat d'you hear me, even if I have to cook for the whole lot of you myself. Good mornin' to you. Oh I forgot what I really came about,' she added turning back. 'Mr Jack's been given embarkation leave now so Mrs Jack is bringing him home by the day boat to-morrow.' And on that she left.
As she came out of that swing door which bounded Mrs Welch's kingdom she found Raunce waiting bent forward in obvious suspense and excitement.
'It's been recovered Madam,' he announced.
'What has Arthur?'
'Why your sapphire ring Madam.'
'Thank you,' she said as though she had not heard. Taking it from him she slipped it on a finger. As she walked away she said half under her breath but loud enough for him to hear, 'And now perhaps you'll tell me what I'm to say to the Insurance Company?'
He was absolutely stunned. His jaw hung open.
'Oh Raunce,' she called over her shoulder. He stood up straight. Perhaps he simply could not make a sound.
'Who found it?' she asked.
He seemed to pull himself together.
'It was Edith,' he answered at random and probably forgot at once whom he had named.
Even then she had the last word. She turned round when she was some way off down the passage.
'Oh Raunce,' she said, 'I'm afraid your luncheon to-day may be burned,' gave a short laugh, then was gone.
Young Mrs Tennant came into the Red Library where her mother-in-law was seated at the desk which had a flat sloping top of rhinoceros hide supported on gold fluted pillars of wood.
'Where's Jack?' she asked.
'Fishing of course dear.'
'I shouldn't have thought there was enough water in the river.'
'Oh Violet,' Mrs Tennant replied, 'that reminds me. Ask tomorrow if I've told Raunce the servants can't have any more baths, so that I shan't forget. Or not more than one a week anyway until we can be sure the wells won't go dry.'
'I will. Was he always as fond of fishing?'
'Always. But tell me Violet. Oughtn't we to do something about him in the evenings? Get someone over I mean. Another man so that he needn't sit over his port alone.'
'But who is there now they've stopped the petrol?' the young woman asked. 'Anyway I'd have thought a girl would have been better.'
'Oh no we don't want anything like that do we? In any case they're all Roman Catholics. No I was thinking of Captain Davenport?'
'Not him,' Mrs Jack answered too quickly.
'Why not Violet? He used to be such a companion of yours?'
'Well I don't think Jack likes him.'
'Oh I shouldn't pay any attention,' Mrs Tennant said vaguely. 'I've so often noticed that if they can talk salmon trout they never go as far as disliking one another. Ring him up.'
'You're sure? I mean I don't want to crowd the house out just when you've got Jack home.'
'Oh really Violet,' her mother-in-law replied. That's perfectly sweet of you but in this great barn of a place with the servants simply eating their heads off it's a breath of fresh air to see someone new. Oh the servants, Violet darling,' Mrs Tennant said in tragic tones. She turned her leather Spanish stool round to face the younger woman.
'Have they been tiresome again?'
'Did I tell you I'd got my ring back?' Mrs Tennant enquired.
'No. How splendid.'
'My dear it was quite fantastic. When I arrived I found all the servants up in arms about it with not a trace of the ring. They were going round in small circles accusing each other.'
'Good lord,' her daughter-in-law remarked looking almost rudely out of the open window on the edge of which she was perched.
'Whether it's never having been educated or whether it's just plain downright stupidity I don't know,' the elder Mrs Tennant went on, 'but there's been the most detestable muddle about my sapphire ring.'
'Your sapphire cluster ring?'
'Yes I lost it just before we crossed over for Jack's leave. You know I told you. I was wearing the thing one day and the next I knew it was gone. I must have taken it off to wash my hands. Anyway suddenly it had disappeared into thin air. Such a lovely one too that Jack's Aunt Emily gave me.'
'You never said,' Mrs Jack complained limp.
'Didn't I darling? Well there it is. And the moment I got inside the house three days ago I found Raunce crossing and uncrossing his fingers obviously most terribly nervous about something. Well I let him get it off his chest and what d'you think? It seems that when the insurance inspector came down after I'd reported the loss the pantry Albert all at once went mad and said he'd got it whatever that means. What would you say?'
'Why I suppose he'd picked the thing up somewhere.'
'My dear that's just what I thought at the time. But not at all. Oh no Raunce took the trouble to explain the boy had never even seen my ring. In the meantime of course the inspector had gone back to Dublin and I received a rather odd letter from them, everything considered, and only this morning to say that in view of the circumstances they could not regard the thing as lost. Well that's quite right because I'm wearing it now. But what I can't and shall never understand is what the boy thought he had or had got, whichever it was. Now d'you think I ought to take all this further?'
'It's so complicated,' Mrs Jack complained.
'Would you advise me to have Raunce in and get to the bottom of things I mean?'
At this question the younger woman suddenly displayed unusual animation. She got up, stood with her back to the light, and began to smooth her skirts.
'Not if I were you,' she said. 'Let sleeping dogs lie.'
This answer probably made Mrs Tennant obstinate. 'But I should at least like to know where it was found,' she cried. 'Why there is Edith. Edith,' she summoned her shrilly, 'come here a moment I want you.'
The girl came modest through the open portals. She did not look at Mrs Jack.
'Where did you find my sapphire ring in the end Edith?'
'Me Madam?' she replied almost sharp, 'I never found your ring Madam.'
'But Raunce told me you did when he gave it back.'
'Not me Madam," Edith said looking at the floor.
'Then who did find it then?'
'I couldn't say Madam.'
'Oh why is there all this mystery Edith? The whole thing's most unsatisfactory.'
The housemaid stayed silent, calm and composed.
'Yes that's all how you can go,' Mrs Tennant said as though exasperated. 'Shut the door will you please?'
When they were alone again Mrs Tennant raised a hand to her ear which she tugged.
'Well there you are Violet. What d'you think?'
'I expect you heard wrong. Perhaps Raunce said someone else.'
'Oh no I'm not deaf yet. I know he named Edith.'
'Darling,' Mrs Jack entreated, 'I'm sure you're not. At all events you've got your ring back haven't you?'
'Yes but I don't like having things hang over me.'
'Hanging over you?'
'When there's something unexplained. Don't you ever feel somehow that you must get whatever it is cleared up? And then I don't think I can afford to keep the insurance going. It comes so frightfully expensive these days. But if I feel that there is someone not quite honest who perhaps was caught out by the servants and made to give the thing back then I do think it would be madness to let the insurance drop. Violet don't you find that everything now is the most frightful dilemma always? But I don't suppose you do. You're so wonderfully calm all the time dear.'
'I'm not if you only knew. But you've got so many worries with everything you have to manage.'
'That's just it. And when you feel there's someone in the house you can't trust matters become almost impossible.'
'Someone you can't trust?' the young woman asked in an agitated voice so that Mrs Tennant looked but could not see her expression, standing as she was against the light.
'Why yes,' Mrs Tennant said, 'because that ring must have been somewhere to have been found.'
'Oh of course.'
'Then Violet you don't really consider I need do any more?'
'Well I don't see why. I'd let sleeping dogs rest,' the young woman repeated.
'Well perhaps you're right. Oh and darling Violet there's this other thing. You know Agatha is ill now so that with Nanny Swift that makes two trays for every meal. As a matter of fact Jane and Mary are being very good and I've been able to ease things for the pantry by telling Raunce to discontinue the fires now it's so much warmer. The pictures won't come to any harm for the weather really is quite hot. At the same time it makes rather a lot for Edith when she has to take the children out. There's all the cleaning still to be done as usual. So I was wondering Violet darling if you could possibly take on the children a bit more after Jack's leave is up but only in the afternoons of course.'
As soon as the children were mentioned the younger woman relaxed, sat down again. There came over her face the expression of a spoiled child.
'Why of course,' she said. 'I was going to anyway.'
'You are a brick Violet. One knows one can always rely on you. Things are really becoming detestable in these big houses. I must have a word with Doctor Connolly. It's all very well I shall tell him his killing off poor Eldon but he must be more careful over Agatha,' and Mrs Tennant tittered at herself. 'We simply can't afford to lose her I shall tell him. Or nanny for that matter, though of course if there was anyone to take her place she would almost be pensionable now.'
'Oh I think she's still very good,' Mrs Jack objected. Miss Swift was her own servant.
'She's excellent Violet, quite excellent. I only meant she was getting older as I am. But that's the dilemma nowadays. Whether to have matters out with the servants and then to see them all give notice, or to carry on anyhow so to speak with the existing staff and have some idea in the back of one's mind that things may change for the better? What would you do?'
'My dear I think you manage wonderfully,' Mrs Jack said in a reassuring voice.
'Well I don't know about that,' Mrs Tennant replied. 'It seems we're living pretty well from hand to mouth when I hardly dare ask anyone over to a meal even for fear one or more of the creatures will give notice. You will remember to ring up that Captain Davenport won't you? But in a way I regard this as my war work, maintaining the place I mean. Because we're practically in enemy country here you know and I do consider it so important from the morale point of view to keep up appearances. This country has been ruined by people who did not live on their estates. It might be different if de Valera had a use for places of the kind. Why he doesn't offer Ireland as a hospital base I can't imagine. Then one could hand over a house like this with an easy conscience. Because after all as I always say there are the children to consider. I look on myself simply as a steward. We could shut Kinalty up to-morrow and go and live in one of the cottages. But if I once did that would your darlings ever be able to live here again? I wonder.'
'Did Jack's stepfather live here much before he died?'
'Edward would never be away from the place when he first rented it,' Mrs Tennant replied. 'But once he bought outright he seemed to tire. Still he was a sick man then and most of the time he stayed in London to be near the doctors.'
'Well anyway I think you are doing a perfectly marvellous job,' Mrs Jack murmured.
'Thank you darling. You are a great comfort. I love this house. It's my life now. If only there wasn't this feeling of distrust hanging over one.'
'Distrust?' Mrs Jack enquired rather sharply again.
'This business about my ring,' her mother-in-law replied. 'What I always say is, if one can't trust the people about you where is one?'
'Oh but I'm sure you can? Of course Edith's very much in love with Raunce, we all know that, which makes her a bit funny and imaginative sometimes. Still I'm sure she's absolutely reliable otherwise.'
'Imaginative my dear?'
'Well you know how it is. She's trying to land Raunce. My God fthat man's a cold fish. I'm glad it isn't me.'
'Let them marry, let them live in sin if they like so long as we keep them but my dear,' the elder Mrs Tennant said, 'what do we know about the servants? Why,' she added, 'there's Jack. Whatever can be the matter to make him leave the river at this hour? Hullo Jack,' she called, 'done any good?' She had moved over to the open window with this man's wife and stuck her rather astounding head with its blue-washed silver hair out into the day as though she were a parrot embarrassed at finding itself not tied to a perch and which had turned its back on the cage. He waved. He came over. He was in grey flannel trousers with an open red-and-white checked shirt. He looked too young for service in a war.
'I ran out of fags,' he explained looking mildly at his wife who smiled faintly indulgent at him.
'Oh Jack,' his mother said, 'we're asking Captain Davenport, do you remember him, over for dinner to-night?'
'Him?' the young man asked. 'Has he got back then?'
'I didn't know he'd been away,' Mrs Tennant said. Her daughter-in-law stayed very quiet.
'Oh we saw quite a lot of him in London this time didn't we Doll,' he remarked casually to his wife.
'Well there's no one else in this desert of a place so you'll simply have to see him again that's all,' Mrs Tennant said sharp but cheerful and all three drifted off on their separate ways without another word.
The evenings were fast lengthening. Charley and Edith slipped out after supper that same day to be with each other on the very seat by the dovecote where Miss Swift that first afternoon of spring had told her charges a fairy story while they watched the birds love-making. These, up in the air in declining light, were all now engaged on a last turn round before going back inside the leaning tower to hood their eyes in feathers.
Edith laid her lovely head on Raunce's nearest shoulder and above them, above the great shadows laid by trees those white birds wheeled in a sky of eggshell blue and pink with a remote sound of applause as, circling, they clapped their stretched, starched wings in flight.
That side of Edith's face open to the reflection of the sky was a deep red.
'She passed my books all right this mornin',' he murmured.
'What books?' she asked low and sleepy.
'Me monthly accounts,' he replied.
'Did she?' Edith sighed content. They fell silent. At some distance peacocks called to one another, shriek upon far shriek.
'That'll mean a bit more put away for when we are together,' he went on and pressed her arm. She settled closer to him.
'You're wonderful,' she said so low he hardly heard.
'I love you,' he answered.
Her left hand came up to lie against his cheek.
'An' did you ask about our little house we're going to have?' she enquired.
'I did that. But Mrs T. couldn't seem to take it in. She said yes and no and went on about Michael being tiresome. But of course I didn't come straight out about it's being for us dear.'
'You wouldn't,' she made comment dreamily.
'Ah you want to move too fast in some things you do. Slow but sure that's me,' and he chuckled. 'I get 'em so they think it's their idea.'
'You're smart!' she murmured in admiration.
'Clever Charley's the name,' he echoed and kissed her forehead. 'You see girl you want to go soft. A bit at a time.'
'What's it worth to you?' she wanted to know, the hand she had against his cheek stiffening up his face. 'This job I mean,' she added.
'Why you know the money I draw dear? I've made no secret.'
'Yes but the extra on the books?'
'Oh maybe two or three quid a week.'
'Here,' she said drawing her face slightly away, 'it was more like five or six pounds when you told me a week or two back.'
'Not on your life,' he said in a louder voice. 'You've got it wrong. I couldn't have.'
'You did,' she insisted.
'All you women are the same,' he announced calm, 'you ask so many questions you get a man tied in knots. Then you never forget but bring it up later. Why it couldn't have been that much dear. Mrs T. would notice. She's not short-sighted let me tell you.'
'You wouldn't hold out on me would you Charley?' Edith asked sweet, but looking at him.
'Come off it,' he murmured and kissed her mouth.
'I don't know but I do love you,' she said when she could.
After a time he rather unexpectedly tried her out with some news, sitting back as though to watch the effect.
'The Captain was at dinner,' he said.
'Captain Davenport? Oh him,' and she laughed.
'What's comical about that?' he enquired. 'I thought you might consider it a trifle strange so soon after you know what.'
She just lay on him without replying.
'A bit thick it looked to me after he'd followed her right over to England,' he went on.
'Captain Davenport?' she repeated. 'You just put that silliness out of your mind.'
'Can you beat it? With all the rumpus you made at the time,' he announced. For answer she turned her face up and kissed him.
'Women are a mystery,' he added. He kissed her avidly.
Some minutes later he spoke once more. 'Was that right what you said about Mr Jack taking liberties?' he asked.
'Wouldn't you like to know,' she replied.
'No girl,' he objected drawing a bit away from her again, 'I got the right to learn now I hope.'
'You don't have to worry your head about him either,' she said.
'I'm the best judge of that,' he muttered.
'Why Charley you're not ever goin' to be jealous of a stuck-up useless card like him surely?'
'You've got such peculiar notions,' he said. 'It'd be hard to tell what you consider is right or wrong.'
'Say that a second time,' she demanded.
'Now sweet'eart,' he said, 'don't go ridin' your high horse.'
'I'm not ridin' nothing.'
'Then what's it all about?' he asked.
'Seems to me you're trying to make out I gave that boy en-s couragement.'
'Yes they do take 'em young for the army,' he replied.
'Were you?' she went on. 'Because I won't stand for it Charley.' But she was only grumbling.:- 'Who me?' he said. 'Not on your life. You wouldn't reply to my question.'
'What girl would?' she enquired sweet. s 'I'd have thought any woman could give a straight answer if she was asked whether a certain individual had offered… well offered…' and he seemed at a loss.
'Offered what?' she murmured obviously amused.
'Well all right then, tried to kiss her?' he ended.
'An' I should never've thought there was a man breathing would be so easy as to expect he'd be told the truth.'
'Oho so that's the old game,' he laughed. 'Keeping me on a string is it, to leave me to picture this that and the other to do with you and him?'
'If you can bring your imagination to such a level you're to be pitied,' she answered tart.
'All I did was to ask,' he objected.
'You're free to picture what you please,' she replied. 'I've got no hold on your old imagination, not yet I haven't.'
'What d'you mean not yet?'
'I mean after we're married,' she whispered, her voice gone husky. 'After we're married I'll see to it that you don't have no imagination. I'll make everything you want of me now so much more than you ever dreamed that you'll be quit imaginin' for the rest of your life.'
'Oh honey,' he said in a sort of cry and kissed her passionately. But a rustling noise interrupted them.
'What's that?' he asked violent.
'Hush dear,' she said, 'it'th only the peacockth.'
And indeed a line of these birds one after the other and hardly visible in this dusk was making tracks back to the stables.
'Whatever brought you to think of that cow son at a time like this,' he asked awkward.
'There'th a lot you'd like to know ithn't there,' she answered.
'Oh give us a kiss do,' he begged.
'If you behave yourthelf,' she said.
After tea one afternoon Edith went up to her room to lie down. She was tired. Agatha and Miss Swift were still confined to bed. The extra work this caused was hard.
She found Kate stretched out already. The rain pattered on ivy round their opened window.
'I'm dead beat I am,' this girl said to Edith who answered, 'Well I don't suppose hard work ever did anyone any harm.'
'But don't it keep pilin' up against you dear all the time,' Kate remarked. Then she added as Edith sat to roll down her stockings. 'There's one thing we still get you can't buy the other side.'
'What's that?'
'Silk stockings,' Kate explained, 'It certainly is a change to hear you have a good word for this place,' Edith said.
Kate let it pass. 'Why don't we have the talks we used to Edie?' she asked.
'Land's sakes I expect it's we're too tired for anything when we do get up in the old room,' Edith answered.
'We used to have some lovely talks Edie.'
'Maybe we've got past talkin'.'
'What d'you mean by that?'
'Well things is different now Kate.'
'If you're referring to the fact that you've an understandin' with Mr Raunce that's no reason to tell me nothing about you, or about him for that matter, is it?'
Edith laughed at this.
'O. K. dear,' she said, 'you win. You go on asking then?'
'You are going to be married Edie?'
'We are that,' Edith said, lying down full length. Both girls looked up at the ceiling, stretched out on their backs airing their feet.
'Well I wish you all I could wish meself,' Kate said in a low voice.
'Thanks love,' Edith replied matter of fact.
'When's it going to be?'
'As soon as I've got me a few pretties together I shouldn't wonder,' Edith answered.
At this a sort of snorting sob came from the other bed. Edith rolled to look, then sat up. 'Why you're crying,' she exclaimed. She came across and sat on the edge of Kate's eiderdown.
'Whatever for? You are silly,' she added gentle. 'Here,' she said, 'look at you right on top of the quilting. Let's get you comfortable.' She began to roll Kate across to one side to get the eiderdown from underneath her. Kate was limp. 'Oh Edie' she wailed and started to cry noisily.
'Hush dear,' Edith murmured, 'someone'll hear.' She began to ease Kate's clothes off.
'Oh Edie,' Kate moaned. Edith stopped to wipe the girl's face which was damp with tears.
There,' Edith said. 'Now don't you pay attention love. They're nothin' but an old lot of muddlers every one.' She covered Kate's greenish body up.
Kate's violent crying passed to hiccups.
'Why,' she asked turning so that she could watch Edith, 'has one of them spoken about me?'
'No not a word.'
'I got the hiccups,' Kate announced, almost started a giggle. She brightened.'
'Cause you'd've known what to tell 'em if they had?'
'Of course I would dear,' Edith was stroking the nape of Kate's neck.
'Oh that's nice love,' this girl said. She blew her nose on the handkerchief Edith had left ready to hand. 'You don't know what a lot of good that's doin'.'
'And so it should,' Edith answered.
'Thanks duck. And now we're like we used to be isn't that right?'
'That's right.'
'I can't make out what came over me,' Kate went on. 'Honest I can't.'
'It's a hard bloody world.'
'Why Edith I never thought to hear you swear of all people, I didn't that.'
'It's the truth Kate just the same.'
'You're right it is,' Kate said. 'Look I've got rid of my 'iccups. That's one good thing. Yes there's times I could bust right out with it all. It gets you down. An' then your tellin' me about you an' Mr Raunce.'
'I thought you said once you'd never give him a Mr.'
'Oh Edie that's different. Now you're to be married I must show my respect.'
'I don't know dear. I'm sure you can call him Charley for all I care.'
'Have it any way you want,' said Kate peaceably. 'An' where will you live? Are you planning to stay in Kinalty?'
'Yes we got our eye on that little place in the demesne.'
'Oh isn't that lovely.'
'And we're thinking of gettin' his mother to come over to be with us so she will be out of the bombin'.'
'Oh isn't that nice,' Kate said and seemed to choke. She began to cry silently again, great tears welling from her shut eyes.
'Why love,' Edith asked, 'is anything the matter?'
'No,' Kate wailed.
'You're sure now?' Edith went on. Then she asked, There's nothing going to happen to you is there?'
'Me?' Kate echoed, suddenly quiet. 'You mean on account of Paddy don't you?'
'Then there is,' Edith said. Her eyes opened wide.
'Why Edie,' Kate replied serious, 'you wouldn't ever believe that surely?'
'That's all right then.'
'Never in your life,' Kate went on. 'So you guessed?'
'It was Albert told my young ladies. That little bastard had it from Mrs Welch. There's no other word to describe the lad.'
'She calls 'im that 'erself so Jane told me. She heard her.'
'Would you believe it?' Edith murmured.
'But Paddy's not what you suppose dear,' Kate said as if she had given Edith's last remark a certain meaning. 'You've no need to bother yourself about that between Paddy an' me. I'm not goin' to have nothing don't worry. No it was everything got me down all of a sudden.'
'You weren't thinkin' of him in such a way then?'
'Well there's not much else to think of is there Edie?'
'Why he's a Roman.'
'That don't make no difference.'
'I don't suppose it should. But these Irish are not like us.'
'Once I get Paddy smartened up you'd never recognize him for one.'
'But what about his speech, Kate?'
'Yes I know that's a problem. It'll be the hardest thing to alter."
'So you are considering him?' Edith asked.
'There's nobody else. A girl gets lonely,' Kate answered beginning to cry once more. 'And I think you're not bein' gracious about it,' she added.
'There dear,' Edith said, 'you're upset.'
'Don't go,' Kate muttered between sobs.
'I'm not goin' love. You quiet yourself. Life's not easy.'
'You're tellin' me,' Kate agreed and pulled herself together to blow her nose. 'Now d'you know what's come about?'
'What's that?' Edith asked as she began to stroke her again.
'He's in a terrible state about them eggs.'
'What eggs?'
'Why the eggs you put away under waterglass in this very room,' Kate answered.
'But that was months ago. However did he come to learn?'
'It was young Albert again who else? I promise I never told 'im Dothin'. I wouldn't do such a thing. And then in addition Mr Raunce went and informed about that peacock Mrs Welch had in the larder. Oh Edie 'e got in such a state. I was frighted.'
'I'll speak of this to Charley,' Edith said grim.
'It's as you like,' Kate replied, 'but 'e worships the birds, there you are love, he fair worships 'em. There's nothing I can do. And what he's just learned has made 'im act so strange. I don't know what to think, honest I don't.'
'Then what does he say he'll do?' Edith enquired.
'Why 'e talks as if 'e was goin' to lock 'em up and never let the things out any more. Can you tell me how Mrs Tennant'll see that?'
'I'd forgotten all about those old eggs,' Edith said. Then she added in a wondering voice, 'I suppose it was me knowin' I had no more use for 'em.'
'What d'you mean no more use? You used to reckon they'd still be good for your skin even if they had been stood in that stuff.'
'Yes,' Edith said, 'it's not that I've no need any more for my face which'll still come in handy I don't doubt. But the fact is now Raunce an' me's come to an understanding I got no time for charms.'
'I shouldn't wonder if he didn't find time for yours even if you shouldn't,' Kate remarked archly.
Edith blushed.
'Look,' Kate cried and seemed far more cheery, 'you're blushin'.'
'It's not that kind you mention,' Edith said. 'I meant like crossing a gipsy's palm with silver at the fair. A charm to make you seem different,' she explained.
'Would they do the same for me d'you suppose?'
'I don't know Kate seein' I've never tried.'
'But if 'e came upon it Edie 'e'd strangle me.'
'Like little Albert did to one of his peacocks?' Edith was smiling.
'You don't know 'im Edie, there's no one could tell what action 'e'd take.'
'Why should he ever learn?' Edith asked.
'There's not much is kept mum in this house love.'
'O. K. then. But it's only the children after all, Kate, as we've found since little Albert came. They'll never discover. I shan't tell.'
'But d'you think it's real what you believed about the things?'
'There's this to it Kate. He loves the birds, you've just said so. If you used their eggs and he was ignorant then it might do something to him.'
'Just imagine me smarming that muck over my face and chest to please. What we girls do have to put up with.'
'Go on,' Edith said, 'that's nothing,' Both began to giggle. Edith put the heel of her hand up to cover her mouth. 'For land's sake,' she cried.
'And when they come at you…' Kate began then stopped. She started laughing helplessly all of a sudden. Edith joined in. Within a minute they were exchanging breathless and indistinct accounts of the antics men get up to, in between shrieks of giggling.
Later that afternoon came over dark with a storm outside. Edith had filled a polished copper jug and was hurrying down the Long Passage to lay the hot water in Mrs Jack's washbasin when she saw something move in an open doorway into the dressing room next door. She stopped dead, raised her free hand to her heart. But it was Raunce.
'You Charley,' she said low when she saw him, 'why I nearly spilled it.'
'Sorry ducks,' he answered, whispering also, 'I was only puttin' out his things.'
'Whatever for?' she asked. 'You don't do that so early do you?'
'Well if you're speaking of the hour I'll wager this hot water you're carryin' will go cold before she comes to use it.'
'There's a cover I put over the jug stupid,' she replied. 'Are you goin' to tell me you didn't know that after all the years you've been here?'
'I don't like to let you out of my sight.'
'Why Charley,' she said warm, 'you don't mean to say you've got him on your mind again?'
'Well it's not right when he might come across you in his own bedroom.'
'Have you ever heard?' she muttered in a delighted voice and went inside Mrs Jack's room. He followed after.
'I don't know,' he said, 'but I gave you a bit of a start. I saw.'
'Oh these jugs,' she began, 'they will tarnish. And when we're shorthanded like we are.'
'You give'm to me in the morning an' I'll rub'm up for you.'
'Not if you set Albert to it I won't.'
'Where did you get that notion?' he enquired. He was looking at her as he usually did nowadays, like a spaniel dog.
'I move around,' she answered.
'No. What I do for you I do for you,' he announced. 'Who'd you take me for?'
'Take you for? You're not so easily mistaken for anyone.'
'Just now,' he explained, 'you thought I was someone else.'
'You do want to know a great deal.' She was smiling. They stood close to each other. Then she reached up to finger a button on his coat. She poked at it as though at a bell. He did not seem to dare touching her.
'I'll have to be on hand each time you come up that's all,' he said.
'But what about your work?'
'Only when it's like now, when there's none of us about dear,' he appealed.
'You are silly,' she replied and gave him a quick kiss.
'But did he ever?' he asked still rigid.
'See here,' she said, 'you may have your Albert to do everything for you but I've not, I'm on my own.' She crossed over to the bed. 'Look,' she said. She took a black silk transparent nightdress out of its embroidered case. 'What d'you say to that Charley?'
He gazed, obviously struck dumb. She held it up in front of her. She put a hand in at the neck so that he could see the veiled skin. He, began to breathe heavy.
'It's wicked that's all,' he announced at last while she watched.
'What?' she echoed. 'Not more than it was with mam'selle surely?'
'Ow d'you mean Edie?'
' "There's many a time I'd give her a long bong jour,"' she quoted.
'I never,' he said and took a step forward.
'That's you men all over,' she went on.
'Her?' he protested. He had gone quite white. 'Why you're crackers. That two pennorth of French sweat rag?'
'Now you're being disgustin' dear.'
'I can't make you out,' he said coming towards her.
'No,' she cried, 'you stop where you are. I'm goin' to punish you. What d'you say if we took this for when we are married? How would I look eh Charley?' And she held that nightdress before her face.
'Punishment eh?' he laughed. If it had been a spell then he seemed to be out of it for the moment. That's all you girls think of. Why holy Moses,' he added as if trying to appear gay, 'that piece of cobweb ain't for us.'
'Don't you reckon I'd look nice in it then?' She lowered the nightdress till he could see she was pouting.
'You'd appear like a bloody tart,' he said, then broadly smiled. She stamped her foot.
'Don't you swear at me of all people Charley. '
'O. K.,' he said.
'Why,' she went on, returning to the charge, 'not above a minute or two ago you were puffin' like a grampus.'
'What's a grampus honey?' he asked and looked a bit daunted. 'Wouldn't you like to know?' she teased him. 'I can't make out why you want all this mystification,' he said. 'Honest you've got me so I'm anyhow.'
'An' so you should be Charley dearest.'
'Oh Edie,' he gasped moving forward. The room had grown immeasurably dark from the storm massed outside. Their two bodies flowed into one as he put his arms about her. The shape they made was crowned with his head, on top of a white sharp curved neck, dominating and cruel over the blur that was her mass of hair through which her lips sucked at him warm and heady.
'Edie,' he muttered breaking away only to drive his face down into hers once more. But he was pressing her back into a bow shape. 'Edie,' he called again.
With a violent shove and twist she pushed him off. As she wiped her mouth on the back of a hand she remarked as though wondering, 'You aren't like this first thing are you?'
This must have been a reference to the fact that when she called him with a cup of tea in the mornings he never kissed her then as he lay in bed. Or he must have understood it as such because, standing as he was like he had been drained of blood, he actually moaned.
'Why,' he said, 'that wouldn't be right.'
'Don't you love me in the early hours then?'
'Sweetheart,' he protested.
'With me carryin' you a cup of tea and all?'
'Well it's usually half cold at that,' he said, seeming to pull himself together.
'Oho,' she cried and began to do her hair with Mrs Jack's comb. 'Then I won't bring no more.'
'I'd been intending to speak to you about that very point,' he began shamefaced. 'I don't know that you should continue with the practice. It might lead to talk,' he said.
'Charley you don't say I'm not to,' she appealed and seemed really hurt. 'Why, don't you like me fetchin' your tea?'
'It's not that dear.'
She turned vast reproachful eyes on him.
'I was kidding myself you would fancy me above any other to open your eyes on first thing,' she repeated softly grumbling.
'It's the rest,' he moaned.
'Just because I'm keeping myself for you on our wedding night you reckon they'd think you're free with me?' she asked as though he had hit her.
'Well that's what would happen isn't it, being as they are?' he enquired.
'Oh Charley,' she went on gentle but reproachful, 'that's cowardly so it is?'
'You know I love you don't you?' he entreated and took hold of her hands. She was limp.
'Well then,' he went on, 'we don't want no chitter chatter do we?'
'You mean no one shouldn't know in case you change your mind about our being married?' she asked. There was laughter now in her voice.
'What's comical in that when you've just spoken a lie?' he demanded.
'All right then I'll not bring your old tea again that's all.' She laid her arms round his neck and gave him a powerful kiss. Putting his hands against her shoulders he pushed her away.
'You said yourself we were on a good thing an' didn't want to lose this place,' he explained.
'I never imagined you could do without me pulling your curtains. So the first you set eyes on every new day should be me.'
'I love you that's why honey,' he said.
'O. K.,' she said, 'but you're to do the explainin' with Mother Burch mind.'
'That's a good girl. Holy smoke,' he exclaimed, 'an' there's my lad forgotten to lay their table I'll be bound. I'll be seeing you,' he said. He fairly stumbled out.
Some days later Mrs Jack unexpectedly entered the Blue Drawing Room to find her mother-in-law in tears beneath a vaulted roof painted to represent the evening sky at dusk. Mrs Tennant immediately turned her face away to hide her state. She was seated forlorn, plumb centre of this chamber, on an antique Gothic imitation of a hammock slung between four black marble columns and cunningly fashioned out of gold wire. But she had not concealed her tears in time. Mrs Jack saw. She went across at once.
'Why you poor thing,' she said rubbing the point of Mrs Ten-nant's shoulder with the palm of a hand.
'I'm sorry to make such a fool of myself Violet,' this older woman said from between gritted teeth and got out a handkerchief.
'I think you've been perfectly wonderful dear,' Mrs Jack suggested.
'Really I don't know how your generation bears it,' Mrs Tennant went on. She blew her nose while Mrs Jack stood ill at ease.
As she rubbed the shoulder of her husband's mother she was surrounded by milking stools, pails, clogs, the cow byre furniture all in gilded wood which was disposed around to create the most celebrated eighteenth-century folly in Eire that had still to be burned down.
'You've been absolutely magnificent Violet,' Mrs T. continued. 'Here he's been gone three days God knows where on active service if he hasn't already sailed. There's been not a whimper out of you once.'
'Don't,' his wife said sharp and gripped that shoulder in such a way as to hurt the older woman.
'No you must let me,' Mrs Tennant began again but calmer as though the pain was what she needed. 'It's so hard for my generation to talk to yours about the things one really feels. I never seem to have the chance to speak up over the great admiration I hold you in my dear.'
'You mustn't.'
Her mother-in-law ignored this though she must have recognized that it had been uttered in anguish. 'I grant you,' she went on, looking straight in front of her, 'your contemporaries have all got this amazing control of yourselves. Never showing I mean. So I just wanted to say once more if I never say it again. Violet dear I think you are perfectly wonderful and Jack's a very lucky man.'
Violet stood as if frozen. Mrs Tennant used her handkerchief.
'There,' Mrs T. said, 'I feel better for that. I'm sorry I've been such an idiot. Oh and Violet could you let go of me. You are hurting rather.'
'Good heavens,' the young woman exclaimed gazing at the impression her nails had made on Mrs Tennant's shirt and with trembling lips.
'It's my fault entirely Violet because I invaded your privacy,' Mrs Tennant said with a positive note of satisfaction in her voice. 'Oh your generation's hard,' she added.
'But he'll be all right you'll see,' Mrs Jack began, then did not seem able to go on while she smoothed the silk where her nails had dug in. 'He'll come back,' she said finally.
'Of course he will,' Mrs Tennant agreed at once, all of a sudden brisk with assurance. But under her breath with an agony of shame the younger woman was repeating I will write to Dermot and say my darling I must never see you again never in my life my darling.
'You must forgive me for just now Violet,' the older woman said not in the least apologetic.
My darling my darling my darling, her daughter-in-law prayed in her heart to the Captain, never ever again.
'I think everything's partly to do with the servants.' Mrs Tennant announced as if drawing a logical conclusion.
'The servants?' Mrs Jack echoed, it might have been from a great distance.
'Well one gets no rest. It's always on one's mind Violet.' She got up. She began to search for dust, smelling her wetted forefinger as though there could be a smell. This last trouble over my cluster ring now. I spoke to Raunce again but it was most unsatisfactory.'
'I shouldn't have,' Mrs Jack murmured a trifle louder.
'I know Violet. But you do see one can't stand things hanging over one? This hateful business round the pantry boy. There's no two ways about it. Either you can trust people or you can't and if you can't then they're distasteful to live with.'
'Yes,' Mrs Jack agreed simply. All at once she seemed to recollect. 'What d'you mean quite?' she asked sharp almost in spite of herself.
'Well he said he had it, he told Raunce so.'
'Had what?' Mrs Jack demanded suddenly frantic.
Mrs Tennant swung round to face her daughter-in-law who did not raise her blue eyes. There was something hard and glittering beyond the stone of age in that other pair below the blue waved tresses. And then Mrs Tennant turned away once more.
'Why my cluster ring Violet,' she said going over to an imitation pint measure also in gilded wood and in which peacock's feathers were arranged. She lifted this off the white marble mantelpiece that was a triumph of sculptured reliefs depicting on small plaques various unlikely animals, even in one instance a snake, sucking milk out of full udders and then she blew at it delicately through pursed lips.
'Besides there's another thing,' Mrs Tennant went on, moving around amongst the historic pieces which made up this fabulous dairy of a drawing room. 'The peacocks,' she said. 'Now yesterday was perfectly dry without a drop of rain yet I couldn't see one of the birds all morning.'
'Perhaps they thought it was going to rain,' Mrs Jack proposed and drifted over to the windows. 'They don't like getting wet.'
'My dear Violet please tell me when does it ever not threaten rain in this climate? No I made enquiries. Like everything else in this house it was quite different. Not the natural explanation at all. Just as I'd feared. Because I had Raunce in and I asked him. Of course he pretended to know nothing as the servants always do,' and at this Mrs Jack winced, 'but I can't stand lies. D'you know what he wanted me to believe?'
'You said he was lying?' Mrs Jack asked faint over her shoulder.
'Well he must have been my dear. Now look at this pitchfork or lamp standard or whatever they call it.' Mrs Tennant was halted before a gold instrument cunningly fixed as so to appear leant against the wall and which had been adapted to take an oil lamp between its prongs. 'The damp has settled on the metal part which is all peeling. In spite of the fire I have kept up on account of the Cuyps. Isn't that provoking? And of course it's a museum piece. Or that's what they say when they come down. They simply exclaim out loud when they see this room.' But her daughter-in-law did not look. 'It's all French you know,' Mrs Tennant continued, 'they say it came from France, which is why I try to impress it on the servants that they really must be careful. There'll be so little left when this war's finished. But Raunce is hopeless. D'you know what he said to me?'
'Well Violet I'd asked him to have a word with O'Conor. You know how extremely difficult that man is. Then it came out,' and Mrs Jack drew her breath sharp, 'or not everything, just a bit probably. You see he said O'Conor had locked the peacocks up in their quarters as he termed it. Now that's very unsatisfactory of course. After all they are my peacocks as I pointed out to Raunce. I have a right to see them I should hope. They're a part of the decoration of the place. But he told me he thought O'Conor was afraid of something or other.'
'How ridiculous,' Mrs Jack exclaimed. She turned to face her mother-in-law with a look which appeared stiff with apprehension. But if Mrs Tennant noticed this she gave no sign.
'Exactly,' she said. 'Frightened of what I'd like to know? I put it to Raunce. But he couldn't or wouldn't say.'
'Which is just like the man,' the younger woman interrupted. 'Always hinting.'
'But that wasn't the lie,' Mrs Tennant said soft. 'When it came it was much more direct than that. You see as I said before I asked him to speak to O'Conor. D'you know what he answered? Sheer impertinence really. He had the cheek to stand where you are now and tell me that it was no use his going to interrogate the lampman, can't you hear him, because he couldn't understand a word he said.'
'I don't quite see,' Mrs Jack put in livelier. 'I can't catch what he says myself.'
'No more can I. That's why I wanted someone else to go. But my dear it's not for us to understand O'Conor,' Mrs Tennant explained as she replaced into its niche a fly-whisk carved out of a block of sandalwood, the handle enamelled with a reddish silver. 'We don't have to live with the servants. Not yet. It's they who condescend to stay with us nowadays. No but you're not telling me that they pass all their huge meals in utter silence. He eats with them you know. Of course Raunce was lying. He understands perfectly what O'Conor says. There's something behind all this Violet. It's detestable.'
'Raunce told you that O'Conor shut the peacocks up? But that's too extraordinary,' Mrs Jack remarked in a confident voice. She was tracing patterns on the window-pane with a purple finger nail.
'I shall get to the bottom of it,' Mrs Tennant announced. For an instant she sent a grim smile at her daughter-in-law's back. 'I shall bide my time though,' she said, then quietly left that chamber the walls of which were hung with blue silk. Mrs Jack swung round but the room was empty.
That night the servants all sat down to supper together. Mrs Welch had asked for and been granted leave to stay in Dublin overnight to consult a doctor. Her Albert had been sent to bed. By this time he was probably running naked on the steeply sloping roofs high up. Mrs Jack now looked after her children who ate with their mother and the grandparent while Miss Swift died inch by inch in the bedroom off the nursery. And because Miss Burch was still indisposed Edith as though by right took this woman's place at table. 'Well what are we waiting for?' she asked quite natural in Agatha's manner.
'Bert's just bringing in the cold joint,' Mary replied. 'Jane's lending a hand. My,' she went on, 'this certainly is nice for us girls to have company. It's a thought we both of us appreciate Mr Raunce to be invited to your supper.'
'You're welcome,' the man replied as he sharpened his carving knife against a fork. He spoke moodily.
'Come on Bert do,' Edith remarked keen to the lad when, followed by Jane carrying vegetables in Worcester dishes, he came struggling under a great weight of best beef. He cast a reproachful look in her direction but made no reply.
'If it wasn't for O'Conor being absent this could be termed a reunion,' Raunce announced pompous. 'With Miss Swift and Miss Burch confined to their quarters as they are by sickness we won't count them. Nor Mrs Welch thanks be with her 'ardening of the kidneys.'
'Charley,' Edith remonstrated.
'Pardon,' he said. He sent her a glance that seemed saturated with despair.
'I'm sure we're very happy to have you with us,' Edith said in Jane's direction. Kate watched. Her gimlet eyes narrowed.
'Because if Paddy turns up I've been charged to speak to him,' Raunce began heavy as he set about carving the joint.
'Well you know right well where he is the sad soul,' Kate replied. 'Locked up with them birds 'e's been the past ten days and only gettin' what I fetch out. Not that I defend it,' she ended.
'We can excuse him. I'd be the very last to question 'is motives,' Raunce answered who without doubt had his own reasons for leaving Paddy alone if only that he cannot have been anxious to implicate Edith in the affair of the eggs. 'Matter of that,' he continued, 'Mrs Tennant's got a lot she wants me to say and not to our friend alone. Oh no,' he said. 'For she's on about her ring still.'
'And how would that be Mr Raunce since she got it back didn't she?' Mary enquired.
'There you are,' he answered with as good reasons perhaps for not pursuing this one either. 'There you are you've said it,' he repeated rather lamely.
'It was only that man who came down upset her,' Edith explained while Albert watched. 'And you can't wonder after all. Setting everyone about the place at sixes and sevens as he did. But all's well that ends well,' she concluded.
'If it has ended,' Raunce remarked. 'A sewer rat like him should never be permitted to harass honest folk. Is that right or isn't it? What'th that you thay. Lithping like a tothpot,' he added in a wild and sudden good humour.
'Charley,' Edith called. She began to go red.
'You should have seen the expression you wore,' he said complacent, 'you should really. When he had the impudence to ask you if you'd theen a thertain thomething. D'you recollect?'
'I certainly don't,' Edith said and pouted.
But Kate took this up. 'You don't thay he thpoke like thith thurely,' she asked letting out a shriek of amusement. All of them started to laugh or giggle except Edith and Raunce's Albert.
'It's a lot of foolishness,' Edith reproved them.
'Foolithneth perhapth,' Raunce said roguish. 'But you're dead right. Whatever it may have been it was uncalled for.'
'Why Charley,' Edith went on, 'you're not going to starve yourself again. You will have your supper to-night surely?'
'No girl,' he answered but with a soft look. Truth is I don't feel equal to it.'
'The spuds are nice. I cooked 'em myself,' Jane explained and the girls all clucked with sympathy at him except Kate who went on with the lisping.
'If he'd 'a lithped at me I'm dead thure I'd 'a lithped back. I couldn't help mythelf.' Mary giggled. 'Oh Kate you don't thay tho,' she cried.
'Holy thmoke but you've got me goin' now,' Raunce laughed.
They all began giggling once more, even Edith. But Albert simpered.
'The whole thing'th too dithtathteful,' Raunce quoted. "Ere I can't get my tongue round it. Dithtasteful,' he tried again. 'No that won't do.' In a moment most of them were attempting this.
'Detethtable,' he shouted out into the hubbub then doubled up with laughter.
'Hush dear they'll hear you,' Edith giggled. 'And what do I care?' he asked. 'Now if you'd said "Huth" I might've barkened. But detethtable's right. It is detestable and distasteful if you like, to have been put through what we've been as if we were criminals,' he said. 'What d'you mean Mr Raunce?' Mary asked. 'Why over this ring she mislaid. Had an investigator sent down and all she did,' he explained. 'Got hold of my lad here then drove 'im half out of his mind with the cunning queries he put till there was Bert sayin' the first thing that came into 'is head. Proper upset you didn't he?' Raunce said to the boy who kept quiet. 'No, but it's wrong,' Raunce told the others, 'it didn't ought to be allowed. Why matters went so far he got 'im talkin' of joining up to get killed. There you are. Not but what we'd all be better off over on the other side.'
'Charley,' Edith called as though he had turned his back on her.
'Upset me too that merchant did. There's been something wrong with my interior from that day to this. I can't seem able to digest my food.'
'You want to take care,' Jane chipped in solicitous. 'Now if I was to put you together a nice bowl of hot broth,' she suggested.
'Thank you,' Raunce replied lordly. Thank you but I'd best give my economy a half holiday. It's me dyspepsia,' he explained. 'Dyth-pepthia,' he added gay on a sudden.
'Don't be disgusting,' Edith reproved him. 'And I'll do all the looking after you need,' she said glancing jealous at Jane.
Kate began to blush deeply.
'Holy Motheth,' Raunce crowed, 'now see what you've been and ' done Edie. You've set our Kate goin'.'
'Things is getting out of hand if you ask me.' Edith remarked. She looked desperate. At that Kate rose, left the room absolutely scarlet.
'Why whatever's the matter with her then?' Mary asked but if Charley was about to reply he never managed it because he was taken by a violent fit of coughing. Edith went to his side. A volley of suggestions was directed at him. Only Albert sat back apart.
'I choked,' he excused himself when he had recovered. 'I don't feel very grand. But you'll agree it's not good enough. It's not right this cross questionin'. Men entering the house without leave and then every sort and kind of question asked. I know she lost a valuable,' he went on, 'but it was not worth that much, couldn't have been, or she would never have gone over to England. ' Then he corrected himself. 'Well I don't know,' he said. 'It's a fact Jack had his week's leave right enough but that's not to say she should permit this individual to come nosing round. Conditions are bad enough as it is with all the buzzes and rumours over the invasion,' and all this time the others listened to Raunce with deference, 'not to mention talk of the I. R. A. Because we're at the mercy of any 'ooligan, German or Irish, situated as we are. With Mrs Tennant away we've no influence none whatever.' He paused to couch, not so violently. 'For two pins I'd throw the place up. And one reason is I got a feelin' I'm not appreciated. My work I mean.'
'I don't suppose she was in a position to help herself,' Edith pointed out reasonably. 'Once she claimed on her insurance it would be a thing the company in Dublin would do in the ordinary run, to send down and investigate.'
'I'm not disputing that,' Raunce countered, 'but what I say is Mrs T. should've been here to receive 'im. We're plain honest folk we are. This is not the first position of trust we've held down. We've come out of our places with a good reference each time or she would never have engaged us. No,' he insisted with authority, 'there's a right and a wrong way to go about matters of this sort. There you are, it's 'ighly dithtrething,' he ended as though, having noticed Edith's expression, he now intended to turn all this off into a joke. If that was his intention it was immediately successful. Like a class at school when given the signal to break up they all with one accord burst out lisping, with the exception of Raunce's Albert. In no time their hilarity had grown until each effort was received with shrieks, Edith's this time amongst the loudest.
Charley began to laugh unrestrained as he held his side which seemed to pain him. Yet he let himself go.
'There'th a tanner in thith for you altho,' he shouted to Edith above the din, quoting her description of Mike Mathewson's proceedings.
'Thankth thon,' she called back. He doubled up again.
'Well thith evening'th a big differenth I mutht thay,' Jane shrieked to Mary. 'Not what we uthually have to look forward to duckth, ith it?' she yelled. At this Kate who had slipped back again began to laugh so much she dribbled. 'Mith Burthen,' she squealed, 'Mitheth Welcheth,' Mary screamed, 'oh Burcheth Welhech,' Raunce echoed and pandemonium reigned. But in his convulsions of laughter Charley was noticeably paler even. For the past fortnight he had been looking very ill. 'Landth thakes Mith Thwift,' howled Edith. By now everyone bar Albert was crying. All wore a look of agony, or as though they were in a close finish to a race over a hundred yards. 'Jethuth,' Raunce moaned.
'Hush dear,' Edith said at once. 'That's not comical dear,' and they began to sober down.
'Moses,' he corrected himself.
'There,' Jane announced between gasps, 'I feel like I'd been emptied.'
'What of duckth?' Kate asked and there blew up another gust of giggling. 'Oh me,' someone remarked weak. 'It's my side,' another said. Then they quietened.
'Well nobody can say we don't have our fun on occasions,' Edith made comment as she dabbed at her great eyes.
'It'd be all right if we was like this every night,' Jane murmured.
'Oh it's not so bad after all.'
'I don't know Edith,' Mary answered. 'You've not got Mrs Welch although I shouldn't mention names.'
'We ain't got her Albert,' Raunce put in.
'It's not him so much,' Jane explained. 'He's well enough conducted indoors in the kitchen,' she said. 'It's Mrs Welch is the matter. Oh I know I shouldn't but she drinks. All the time she drinks. She's only gone in to Dublin to get another crate. She's like the wells, she's runnin' dry. There you are. That's right isn't it Mary or isn't it?'
'It's the honest truth,' Mary said.
'Go on,' Raunce objected, 'but then 'ow does she get the stuff delivered will you oblige me with that? Because I don't need to tell you she's not drawin' a drop out of my cellar. I don't hold with this fiddling like you'll come across in some households.'
'Why,' Jane disclosed in a hushed voice, 'it's the tradesmen. You know she won't 'ave one of us pass the time of day with ' em even. Well you'd never guess what's behind it. I tell you they drop a case of the stuff with the meat and another with the groceries. And the price all included in the monthly books, isn't that so Mary?'
'That's right,' this girl replied.
'The artful old cow,' Raunce exclaimed.
'Charley,' Edith said firm.
'Pardon I'm sure,' he answered gravely, 'but did you ever hear anything to touch this? Fiddlin'
'er monthly books. No. You know that's serious this is.' He was solemn.
'You're tellin' me,' Kate muttered.
'What?' he asked at once and sharp. 'Bless me my gel but you seem to grow more and more sarky every day which passes. What's come over you?'
'Nothin' Mr Raunce.'
'You let her be, Charley,' Edith reproved him. 'She was only agreein'.'
'No offence intended I'm sure,' he assured her. 'But is that what Mrs Welch is up to? Would you believe it?' he enquired of all and sundry in an astounded tone of voice.
'The wickedness there is in this world,' Mary said.
'The wickedness?' he asked gentle but with a sharp look.
'Because that's thievin' that is,' Jane concluded like a little girl put through her catechism.
'You've said it,' Raunce agreed and relaxed. It had plainly been the right answer. 'That's the very word.' Then he quoted Miss Burch with solemnity. 'And the wicked shall flourish even as a green bay tree,' he intoned. Everyone bar Albert seemed to approve.
A few days afterwards Edith entered Charley's room as she was coming on her way from tea in the servants' hall.
'Come on out and feed the peacockth,' she proposed, for Paddy had at last consented to free these birds again. She waved a bag she had filled with scraps.
'Steady,' he replied. 'That's no light matter.'
'Why what's up Charley?'
'Nothing,' he answered.
'I know there is,' she said.
'I'm not right,' he went on. 'I vomited this morning another time.'
'Oh dear that's bad,' she said lightly.
'I shouldn't wonder if you made fun of this as you've done before but I love you so much my stomach's all upset an' there you are.'
'So it should be,' she countered as though determined not to worry.
'Yes but what's to be the end?' he asked low. 'I can't go on the way I am. I'm in bad shape. Honest, dear.'
'You wait till we're married love. I'll take care you're never sick then.'
'Oh the worry of it all,' he broke out.
'Now just you come along with me,' she said. 'Getting out in the air for a while will do you more good than any other thing.'
'I've no time.'
'No time Charley? How's that?'
'I must lay the dinner dear. Now my Albert's left, everything falls back on me you know.'
'But surely you've never forgotten how they're over to Clancarty for dinner with the Captain. Why you've a free evenin'.'
'There I go again,' he said bewildered. 'It had clean slipped my memory. Well perhaps I will at that.'
'That's right Charley,' she coaxed as she took his arm. She laid her body up against his shoulder. 'We'll sit us down by the old dovecote so you can rest. It will do you ever such a lot of good you'll see.'
When they were established there after she had conducted him as though he was an old man and he had sat himself down heavily he remarked, 'It come as a big shock to me my Albert leavin' the way he did.'
'But you knew he'd given in his notice love,' she objected.
'Of course I knew,' he replied querulous, 'but I never thought he meant to go, any more than Mrs Tennant took it that he did. As she told me.'
'I can't say I considered it was other than talk,' she agreed.
'To walk in just like that an' say look my month's up I must be off the way he did. I never guessed that bloodless abortion 'ad the guts,' he said with a return to his old manner.
'You never could abide him could you?' she remarked.
'That dam kid's attitude was what got my goat,' Mr Raunce explained. The high falutin' love he laid claim to, the suffering looks he darted, 'is faintin' snotty ways.'
Edith gave a single deep laugh.
'Yes go on and laugh,' Raunce said.
'No you made yourself awkward with that lad.'
'That's as may be,' he answered and seemed despondent. 'Yet there's only the one method to learn them kids a trade. It's no earthly good kissin'
'em as you did.'
'Me?' she cried. 'I never.'
'You did that and in front of the investigator johnny into the bargain.'
'Oh well,' she said.
'Have it your own way,' he replied. He relapsed into silence.
'What is it dear?' she asked.
'I'm worried,' he answered.
'What's worrying you then?'
'It's not about the old ring any more is it?' she enquired.
'Well Albert's goin' did set 'er mind on it once again. Seems that she'd told him she couldn't accept his notice while he was under suspicion, or so she made out to me. I thought we'd better make an end to that talk. "Look Madam," I said to her, "you can't deny you have the ring back so where's the evidence," I said. She says to me, "But it's what I suspect Raunce, that's where the shoe pinches," or some such phrase. "I can't guarantee it won't happen a second time Madam," I told her, "an* if anything should, then you report it to me Madam an' I'll see you don't have any more trouble. There's things I didn't know then that I know now," I says. "I see Raunce," she said. "Then you don't wish for me to do another thing and I can sleep quiet into the bargain?"
"You silly old cow you can do just that," I said to her only I didn't.'
'Charley that's not very nice,' Edith objected.
'But we've 'ad about enough surely? There's more going on in the world these days than a little crazy bastard of a cook's nephew having the laugh on us. Secreted it right here too didn't he? I shouldn't mind if I never set eyes on these blasted white pigeons again,' he ended.
'Why,' she said, 'your pain you've got's upset you.'
'You're dead right it has,' he replied. 'You don't benefit by your night's rest,' she went on. He appeared to warm to this description of his symptoms. That's exactly it,' he agreed. 'I sometimes just seem to do nothin' but turn over.'
'And d'you always think of me?' she asked taking tighter hold of the arm she had hung on to.
'You bet I do,' he answered. 'More'n you ever realize.' That's right,' she said, 'then you won't come by much harm.'
'I do love you Edie.'
'Do you?'
'D'you know I sometimes wonder if the air in these parts hadn't a lot to do with my stomach,' he began again. 'I couldn't say if it's too weak or too strong but there's something about these sea breezes might be harmful to a delicate constitution. What d'you say?' He was dead serious.
'No that's good for you.'
'Then what d'you reckon can be the matter with me Edie?' It was plain she was not worried. 'D'you think Mrs Welch is slipping a pinch of something in your food?' she asked maliciously, hardly paying attention.
'I wouldn't put that past her,' he replied. 'But she's too set on keepin' young Albert over on this side of the water to start a game like it. Why if I had proof I'd choke the life out of 'er by pokin' a peacock down that great gullet she has.' Edith laughed. 'I would straight,' he assured her in a strong voice. 'And that's a death would be too good for the woman, the diabolical mason.'
'Women can't be masons. They aren't accepted.'
'Can't they,' he retorted. That's all you know then.'
'It takes all sorts to make a world,' she remarked.
'You're telling me,' he said. Holding one of her hands in his he shut his eyes and appeared to want to rest. 'I'd tear the 'eart right out of 'er,' he added in a weak voice.
'I had a look over that little house Charley,' she murmured soft after a moment.
'You what?'
'Where we're goin' to live when we're married,' she explained.
'So you did did you?" he said stirring in his seat.
'Why whatever's the matter now?' she asked. 'You wished me to surely?'
'I shouldn't wonder if my ideas hadn't changed,' he said cautious. 'About where we plan to find a home together,' he added.
'What's come over you Charley?' she enquired. She began at last to show signs of alarm.
'What experience I've had, and I've 'ad some mind, has gone to show that it's no manner of use hanging on in a place where you're not valued,' he said.
'But there are the little extras,' she cried. That two or three quid a week you speak about.'
'Oh well,' he answered, 'it's no more'n can be picked up in any butler's job if you know the ropes. No, what's goin' on over in Britain is what bothers me. The way things are shapin' it wouldn't come as a surprise if places such as this weren't doomed to a natural death so to say.'
'Go on with you,' she replied. 'Why if Mrs Tennant loses all her dough there'll always be those that took it. Don't you tell me there isn't good pickings to be had in service long after our children have said thank you madam for the first bawlin' out over nothing at all that they'll receive.' She was beginning to speak like him.
'That's as may be girl,' he countered, 'but from all accounts there's some lovely money going in munitions.'
'Yes and then once this old war's over it's out on your ear with no work.'
'Yet you've just argued that there'll be jobs in service we can go back to,' he complained.
'Stay in what you know, that's what I always maintain,' Edith announced although she had never before expressed an opinion one way or the other.
'Well you may be right but it's this country gets me down.'
'You're fed up, Charley, on account of your stomach.'
'It's too bloody neutral this country is.'
'Too neutral?' she echoed.
'Well there's danger in being a neutral in this war,' he said, •you've only to read the newspapers to appreciate that.'
'I thought you'd given up listenin' to such talk,' she complained.
'And then my lad going over to give 'imself up, to enlist.'
'What's that to do with you an' me?' she grumbled, 'I'm unsettled. There you are. This has unsettled me Edie.'
'Charley what's the matter? You tell. Nothing serious is it dear?'
'I received a letter this morning.'
'You've had bad news?'
'Not exactly,' he admitted.
'Then who was it from?' she asked.
'My mum wrote me.'
'Your old mother? Well what did she say?'
'She's not comin' over mate, that's what."
'Not coming over?' she repeated in quite a loud voice. 'Why then we can have the little house all to ourselves dearest.'
'If we want to live there in the end,' he said.
'Whatever are you saying?' she cried really disturbed at last.
'I wrote to 'er see,' Raunce explained with some embarrassment, 'and what I said was I'd like to have her out of that awful air raid business. I know he's never been over Peterboro' yet but the way he's going it might be any minute now. I said she could do worse than come here and told 'er what you and I had thought of. It would be a weight off my mind I said and how you would look after 'er better than my sister Bell ever did.'
'Well what did she say?'
'I got the letter here,' he said. 'She writes she reckons that would be cowardly or something.'
'Can I see it?' she requested serious.
'No I won't show it to you,' he answered.
'Then there's matters disobligin' about me in it,' she cried.
'To tell you the truth there's no mention of you at all.'
'Well whoever's heard,' she exclaimed.
'I can't understand that part,' he went on. 'I said as clear as clear We were thinkin' of getting married but it's just as if she'd never bothered to read to the bottom.'
'Well I never,' Edith said cautious.
'It's that bit about being afraid that gets me,' he muttered.
'Afraid to marry me she means?'
'Not on your life. I told you she never mentioned you Edie. No she reckons we're 'iding ourselves away in this neutral country.'
'Here let me read it.'
'No mate I don't want you to get a wrong impression of the old lady, seeing that we're to be man and wife.'
'Your sister's put her up to it,' she said.
'My sister Bell?' he laughed. 'You wait till you meet.'
'You don't love me,' she wailed.
'Oh honey,' he said with a sigh, 'you'll never know how much I do.' But he made no move towards her. She had gone quite white. She chanced a quick look at him, noted that he seemed exhausted.
'Why dearest,' she exclaimed, 'd'you feel all right?'
'It's our plans,' he said. 'We'd just about got everything settled when this comes along.'
'But we could live here without your mother,' she pleaded. 'Oh you don't realize how I'll look after you,' she went on, 'and by this means I'll have twice the time to do it. Because I was never aiming to give up work at the Castle. Mrs Tennant can't get help. She'll be glad to have me over six days a week only the seventh I must keep for our washin'.'
He leant over to kiss her. She allowed it. Then she interrupted him.
'No Charley,' she said, 'we got to discuss this.'
'She's funny that way,' he remarked as though in a dream.
'What are you getting at?' she asked sharp.
'She's obstinate mother is. Always was. I remember when the old man wanted to chuck his job on the railway because 'e'd been made a good offer I can't exactly remember where now but I know if would've meant more money. Well she wouldn't 'ear of it, wouldn't even let it be mentioned twice. They had a rare argument at the time. I was only a kid but I can hear them now. But she got her way. He stayed where 'e was. And I couldn't say that he lost by so doing.'
'Yet she wishes us to throw this place up.'
'Yes Edie, but it's different this time.'
'I'm that bewildered,' she said.
'Now love,' he said in a voice that was weak with exhaustion, 'you're not to worry."
'But we'd laid all our plans,' she objected and seemed to be righting back the tears. Then she gave way. 'Oh our little 'ouse,' she sobbed. She turned to him like a child, and held out her arms. With a quick movement she got onto his knees. She merged into him and • copiously wept.
'There sweet'eart there,' he comforted. She was crying noisily. He appeared to grope for words. 'Don't take on love,' he said. He shifted his legs as though the weight was beginning to tell. 'This would occur just when I'm not quite up to the mark,' he exclaimed. She gave no sign of having heard. There's other places,' he tried to appease her. 'We'll find you a lovely home,' he ended, and fell silent.
'Don't stop,' she sobbed into his ear.
'Why,' he said, 'I love you more than I thought I was capable. I'm surprised at myself, honest I am. If my old mother could see her Charley now she'd never recognize 'im,' he murmured.
She at once got off his knees. She started blowing her nose and cleaning up. He leant forward, gazed awkward into her face. 'I never seen anything like your eyes they're so 'uge not in all my experience,' he announced soft. 'Yet for eighteen months I didn't so much as notice them. Can you explain that?' Then, perhaps to distract her attention, he invited her to witness what he saw, the peacocks that had been attracted. For these most greedy of all birds had collected in twos about and behind the lilac trees, on the scrounge for tit-bits.
'Oh those,' she answered. 'It's wicked the way they spy on you.'
'They've been raised in a good school,' he remarked.
'There,' she said giving her face a last dab. She did not look at him. 'I'm sorry I did that. Well then Charley what's next?'
'You mustn't blame this on my old lady ducks,' he replied. 'She gets pig'eaded at times the way all old people do. But that's not to say she hasn't wounded me because she has and where a man feels it most, right in my pride in myself,' he explained. 'She knows I'm barely an age for this war, yet awhiles anyhow, yet she seems to think I'm not in it all I might be, d'you get me?' Edith stayed silent.
'Oh this pain,' he suddenly groaned. 'It will nag a man.'
'I got some bicarbonate indoors will soon see to that,' she said.
'I was wonderin' if you could just nip over and fetch us some,' he suggested green in the face.
'We haven't finished,' she answered grim. There's a lot I want to get straight first.'
'What's that love?' he asked.
'What are we goin' to do then?' Edith continued. She spoke calm.
Raunce leant forward. In an effort to pull himself together perhaps, he squinted terribly.
'We got to get out of here,' he said.
'Leave this place?' she asked.
'There's nothing else for it sweetheart,' he replied.
'And go to the Agency in Dublin to find us another Charley?'
'No dear. We've just been in to all that. We'd best clear right out.'
'What and go to America somewhere Charley?'
'Not on your life,' he answered. 'It's back to the old country for you an' me my love.'
'And have me took up as I step from off the ship which brought us across by one of those women police waiting on the dockside to put me in the A. T. S.? 'Ave you gone out of your mind then?'
'Steady on Edie where did you get that from? They don't act in such a fashion, not yet they don't.'
'Out of your very lips and not so long since either. You sat at dinner and frightened my Kate out of her mind almost, so she shouldn't go.'
'Why it was only a tale,' he pleaded.
'How d'you know? You said so Charley.'
'You've got no diplomacy love, that's what's the matter. I didn't want you left with all her work or some dirty Irish judy brought in to help who you'd have to go round after all the time. Sure I pitched 'er a tale. Mind you they'll be forced to it in the end before this war's over, when the casualties start an' they get real short of labour. You mark my words we'll all be in uniform then. But just at present there's nothing of the sort I tell you.'
'And you're certain this ain't just your idea to get rid of me?' she asked tearfully once more.
He put an arm round her shoulders.
'Ere,' he said, 'what's up all of a sudden? It's not like you to have nightmares or see shadows followin' you round.'
'I'm that bewildered,' she explained again, settling her cheek against his.
'Now don't you fret,' he comforted. 'You leave all the brain work to your old man. Lucky Charley they call him,' he said in a threadbare return to his usual manner. 'We want to get out of this country and when once we've made up our minds we want to get out fast.'
'Elope?' she cried delighted all of a sudden. 'Elope,' he agreed grave.
She gave him a big kiss. 'Why Charley,' she said, seemingly more and more delighted, 'that's romantic.'
'It's what we're going to do whatever the name you give it,' he replied.
'But don't you see that's a wonderful thing to do,' she went on. 'Maybe so,' he said soft into her ear, 'but it's what we're doing.'
'Oh I can love you for this,' she murmured. 'There I've said it now haven't I? You were always on at me to say. But go on.'
'That's all,' he announced. 'Only once I get hold of Michael we'd best get away out to-morrow.'
'Wait a minute,' she cried in a disappointed voice. 'And how about our month's notice?'
'We shan't hand it in mate that's all. We'll flit.'
'Oh but Charley that would be wrong,' she said in a low voice. 'Right or wrong it's what we'll do. We could get Kate to come along if you was to feel awkward.'
'Awkward?' she asked. 'How d'you mean?'
'Well,' he replied shyly. 'We can't get married before we've put the banns up a full three weeks on the other side. I was just askin' myself if you'd feel it was right our travelling without we were man and wife.'
She laughed. 'D'you reckon I can't protect myself from you after all this time?' she enquired gentle.
'I know you can right enough,' he replied, 'but I couldn't tell the way you'd see it.' She did not answer this. She said, 'Kate would never come with us, not now.'
'How's that Edie?'
'On account of her Paddy.'
'Go on with that for a tale.'
'I thought you knew dear,' she said.
'Well I did in a manner of speaking but not to place any reliance on it.'
'It's true right enough. She says he needs 'er.'
'Then all I can say is that's disgusting, downright disgusting.'
'Dithtrething and dithtathteful?' she asked.
'No mate it's no joking matter. Why a big, grown girl like her an' that ape out of a Zoo.'
'There's the way things are Charley.'
'But how did this come about?'
'She was lonely,' Edith explained, 'an' she watched us.'
'Ere,' he said, 'don't go layin' Paddy at my door. Why it's unnatural.'
'Well she's made her bed an' she needs must lie on it.'
'All the more reason then for us to get quick out of here,' was his comment.
'And not say goodbye to a soul?' she now asked in an excited voice.
'Not to anyone,' he replied narrowly watching her.
'Oh I couldn't,' she cried as though all at once she had despaired. 'I must tell Miss Evelyn and Miss Moira.'
'That's been the cause of half the trouble in this place. Once they get hold of something it's taken right out of control.'
'But it wouldn't be right. Why they're innocent.'
'Ow d'you mean innocent?' he enquired. There's a lot we could lay to their door.'
'They're not grown up,' she explained. They've got their lives to live yet. They mightn't understand if I was to go off without a word.'
'They'll forget soon enough dearest,' he said.
'No Charley,' she insisted and appeared distressed, 'you don't know. It would be wicked that's all. D'you mean to say we've not got to say one word?'
'That's right mate.'
'But what about Miss Burch? How will she take it? Can you tell me? Or Miss Swift who's trusted me with the young ladies?'
He put his arms about her. He held her close.
'Look my own love,' he said, 'it's like this. Once we let it get about that we're goin' then they'll all of them begin to talk. Mrs Tennant will pay a call on Mrs Welch who will send for old Agatha out of her bed. Miss Swift'11 'ave 'ysterics an' the Captain will receive a phone call from Mrs Jack to stop you an' me on the boat. Michael will be threatened with the sack. They'll even tell the garage in Kinalty they mustn't hire to us.' He could feel her trembling.