
This book is dedicated to the memory of the officers, noncommissioned officers, and troopers who died on the field of battle with Darkhorse in 1969. May they rest in peace.

WOl James K. Ameigh, aeroscout pilot, 24 June.

PFC William J. Brown, aerorifleman, 17 November.

SGT Allen H. Caldwell, aerorifleman, 17 November.

SP5 James L. Downing, aeroscout gunner, 6 November.

SP4 August F. Hamilton, aerorifleman, 28 July.

SP4 Eric T. Harshberger, aerolift crew chief, 1 November.

PFC Michael H. Lawhon, aerorifleman, 11 August.

SSG James R. Potter, aeroscout gunner, 11 September

1LT Bruce S. Gibson, aeroscout pilot, 11 September

SP4 James A. Slater, aeroscout gunner, 24 June.

WOl Henry J. Vad, aeroscout pilot, 6 November.

SGT James R. Woods, aerorifleman, 11 August.
